
cage_raphelHi All16:16
cage_raphelgood evening16:16
cage_raphelhave recently installed Ubu 20.04 andi am unable to connect to my bluetooth headsets16:16
cage_raphelhave installed blueman .. but still having issues16:17
cage_raphelwould much appreciate if someone could guide me here pls.16:17
=== Mir is now known as mirhnaz
mirhnazHi, I have a Raspberry Pi 4. Searched lubuntu.me for an arm version of lubuntu, couldn't find it. Was hoping someone can point me in the right direction.17:04
wastl[m]Install arm version of ubuntu desktop17:20
wastl[m]Then afterwards install lubuntu-desktop17:20
=== Mir is now known as Guest31926
=== Guest31926 is now known as mirhanz
=== mirhanz is now known as mirhnaz
lubot_[telegram] <teward001> or... follow the documentation on the Discourse?17:51
lubot_[telegram] <teward001> Forwarded from kc2bez: Yes, we have instructions here for pi installation: https://discourse.lubuntu.me/t/raspberry-pi-installation/205017:52
tewardoh mirhnaz left nevermind17:53
kc2bez[m]still valid instructions ^17:54
latincanadianhello community17:59
latincanadianim having some issues to enable my laptop wifi driver, am i in the right place to get help on this matter?17:59
kc2bez[m]latincanadian: We can try to help. What version of Lubuntu are you using and what have you tried so far?18:02
latincanadiani was using 18.0 then i did a marathon upgrade until 20.1018:03
latincanadiani was hoping to get the drivers but not18:03
latincanadianthe funny thing is the cd of the 18.0 have the driver , but once i update the computer software the wifi got disabled and no longer functioning18:04
latincanadianim using a network cable now to connect to internet :(18:05
kc2bez[m]Oh fun. If you have a wired connection this might go easy.18:05
latincanadianim reading .18:06
lubot_[telegram] <teward001> can we start by identifying your  network card?  lshw -C netsork18:06
lubot_[telegram] <teward001> oops18:06
lubot_[telegram] <teward001> lshw -C network18:06
lubot_[telegram] <teward001> take that and put it in a pastebin and then share that here.  you can use paste.ubuntu.com18:06
latincanadianlet me go to pastebin18:06
lubot_[telegram] <teward001> that needs run on the command line by the way18:06
latincanadianthere you go https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/kgK2wTjxZj/18:08
lubot_[telegram] <teward001> ok so it's less a driver issue and a "disabled" issue.  Run rfkill list and see what it says?18:09
latincanadianbroadcom INc. :(18:09
lubot_[telegram] <teward001> "UNCLAIMED" would suggest a driver issue, "DISABLED" suggests the wifi is just off on the system either by a key combo or a soft block.18:09
latincanadianrf kill  https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/3bBSzRRZNW/18:10
lubot_[telegram] <teward001> > Hard blocked: yes18:10
lubot_[telegram] <teward001> do you have a switch on your system or function key combo that turns on / off wifi / wireless on your system?18:10
lubot_[telegram] <teward001> if so try pressing that key combo18:11
lubot_[telegram] <teward001> some systems have a physical switch for it18:11
latincanadianim using a acer laptop18:11
latincanadianthe f3 key have the wifi icon18:11
lubot_[telegram] <teward001> might be FN+F5 on your keyboard18:11
lubot_[telegram] <teward001> fn+f3 then18:12
latincanadianFN and F5 messed up my screen lol18:12
latincanadianlet me try with f318:12
lubot_[telegram] <teward001> yeah fn+f5 is the 'general' acer button, but i don't know all the systems. :P18:12
latincanadianyes it work but still hardware wifi disabled18:12
lubot_[telegram] <teward001> so you hit it but it's disabled still?18:13
latincanadianyes still disabled :(18:13
latincanadianthe wifi icon say - Hardware disabled-18:14
lubot_[telegram] <teward001> then lets try and verify the drivers.  sudo apt install firmware-b43-installer linux-firmware then reboot the system.18:14
lubot_[telegram] <teward001> that should attempt to install / reinstall the firmware for the Broadcom cards.18:15
latincanadianalready done :(18:15
lubot_[telegram] <teward001> so still not working then.18:15
latincanadianbefore upgrade to 20.10 i did that several times. then upgrade again and repeated the same routine. and still epic failure18:15
lubot_[telegram] <teward001> check rfkill list again - see if it's still hard blocked or if it's just soft blocked now.18:17
latincanadianhold on18:17
lubot_[telegram] <teward001> yep - sorry to make you verify but sometimes hard block is fixed but soft block is on18:17
latincanadian`still hard blocked18:18
latincanadiani was wondering if i could try using the old drivers from lubuntu 18.018:19
lubot_[telegram] <teward001> the old drivers from 18.04 would be superseded by the newer kernel in the 20.10 system.18:20
latincanadianwell i guess we are facing a bug. because in the old version the wifi works but no longer in next versions18:21
lubot_[telegram] <teward001> here's a question:18:22
lubot_[telegram] <teward001> when you were on 20.04 during your power upgrade session did it work>?18:22
lubot_[telegram] <teward001> rather than latest-and-greatest 20.1018:22
lubot_[telegram] <teward001> if you know.18:22
lubot_[telegram] <teward001> did you test 20.04 before going to 20.10?18:22
lubot_[telegram] <teward001> also sorry ERR:LAG on my network18:22
latincanadianno. only worked on 18.018:22
latincanadianafter i did the first software update-security etc the driver stopped working. it just dissapeared.18:22
latincanadianfor some reason the newer kernels when they overwite the system config, over miss some drivers, like this particular case.18:25
latincanadianteward001 got it?18:30
lubot_[telegram] <teward001> sorry yeah i needed a bathroom break.  It might be a kernel incompatibility, we had that chaos recently with kernels and drivers as @kc2bez knows18:43
kc2bez[m]And they left...18:51
lubot_[telegram] <teward001> bah i can't tell not viewing IRC at the moment18:52
lubot_[telegram] <teward001> :\18:52
teward... now I am18:52

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