
V1Ahow do i modify the GUI/desktop colors00:26
sirriffsalotV1A: system settings > colors :P00:40
sirriffsalotOr on global theme/theme settings, somewhere in those depending on what you're looking to change00:41
V|Ahow can i cutsomize my theme/GUI colors ?15:18
Iamahuman4V|A: you'll find presets in the system settings ... that is on KDE at least, so if you on 20.10 system settings -> Appearance15:45
V|A20.04 i think here and it came with KFC15:46
V|A(xf somthing..) lol15:46
Iamahuman4XFCE? LDXE?15:47
V|Ayea the first sounds good15:48
V|Athe one that came you know i didnt switch anyhting up i just put it on the drive as is15:48
OvenWerk1V|A: https://www.xfce-look.org/browse/cat/ might be a place to start.16:04
OvenWerk1but first look at the themes preinstalled16:04
OvenWerk1settings manager->appearance->style16:05
OvenWerk1settings manager -> window manager -> style->theme16:06
OvenWerk1I find moheli quite good, gives good contrast, focused window is more obvious16:07
OvenWerk1V|A: I just installed https://www.xfce-look.org/p/1231025/16:08
OvenWerk1I like it as it gives clear indication of what is what instead of blending everything together as is common these days16:09
OvenWerk1V|A: do be aware that many of the themes at https://www.xfce-look.org/ are out of date (gtk2 only) but each theme does show when it was last updated16:11
V|Aahhh looks good OvenWerk116:12
V|Aword i used didnt work theme/colors etc16:12
V|Athink i prefer not installing anything additional cause im new16:14
OvenWerk1I can understand that16:14
V|Ai prefer to just alter hexvlalues etc16:14
V|Aor mebe make my own theme in the future, i always did16:14
V|Anever 100% happy with whats out there16:14
V|Abtwm just selected "greybord-dark" in styles and voila almost perfect16:15
OvenWerk1colours in modern themes are not very nice16:15
V|Ai just wnated something neat with dark greyish blueish greenish colours .. that one is dope16:15
sirriffsalotV|A: still hacking away at the themes/colours? :D17:01
V|Awell yes and no sirriffsalot17:05
V|Ahappy sys gui is fixed but i see apps are more individual17:05
V|Awont be a problem for browsers etc17:05
V|Ahexchat fdor example is ugly af prolly can be fixed17:05
V1Ais it possible for me to hide elements7devices from the audio mixer19:31
V1Ai got 2 soundcards basically .. but its showing 2 more additional items that are completely useless for me19:31
Iamahuman4what are the items called V1A?19:36
V1Awell im under "output devices" its a GUI19:39
V1Aso its showing me the actual brand names19:39
V1Alike "Navi 10 HDMI Audio Digi" blah..19:40
Iamahuman4V1A: Oh the HDMIs ... those can run up to 819:40
V1Athen i got starship/matisse audiocontroller anal..19:40
V1Ai dont understan Iamahuman419:40
V1Arun 8 what?19:40
V1Aim trying to get rid of stuff19:41
V1Aits more or less cosmetic19:41
Iamahuman48 is because the maxed out SURROUND sound is 7 channels + subwoofer i.e. < 120 Hz19:41
V1Aits just a hassle to deal with 2 items i dont need19:41
V1Ai have 4 different audio outputs, i use 219:41
V1Aand i dont use hdmi at all19:41
OvenWerk1In which application are you seeing these devices?19:43
* OvenWerk1 agrees HDMI is generally useless for anything other than watching movies...19:44
V1Aheader says "volume control"19:45
V1Alet me see if i can find out19:45
OvenWerk1V1A: if by "audio mixer" you mean pavucontrol (opened from the panel icon) then got to the end tab called configuation and set their profile to "off"19:45
V1Ayeeeea lovely19:46
V1Athxalot OvenWerk119:46
V1Ay didnt i see that19:47
Iamahuman4he's the best :)19:47
V1Aeh ic windows even keep size afterclosing that would bbe excellent. does it remain after reboot?19:47
V1Ajust a general question if uu dont mind19:48
V1Ato my understanding mac/osx is pretty muh linux19:49
V1Aso in theory/with workarounds software intended for mac should run on ubuntu ?19:49
* OvenWerk1 has never run a mac and finds windows audio utilities completly non-understandable from the very few times he has had to look at windows19:50
V1Adang i see now i can just click the arrow and didnt even need to open the mixer app to switch outputs .. loveley19:51
V1Ai see how coming from here makes windows look a bit crippled19:51
Iamahuman4Btw my KlingPad (US 20.10) gives blank screens and a cursor after login, this happens in both "Ubuntu Studio" and "Plasma". I'm thinking that since I have Timeshift daily backups enabled on it, I should go backwards a couple of days20:09
Iamahuman4So I need to find my US 20.10 stick, boot that, install Timeshift from the official PPA, mount the disks and fire up Timeshift and it will know where everything should go20:11
Iamahuman4found it. gonna see if going backwards in time will help the OS20:12
Iamahuman4but if the problem is not in /-partition but in configs this will not fix it, coz the UI does not present reasonable tools to avoid backupping bunch of app caches, but to take the damn settings20:15
Iamahuman4I'm going to restore a 3 days old version of the /-partition. Here goes, and if it is broken stuff in .dotdirectories this will not help20:22
Iamahuman4looks like I'm back in ... yeah desktop opens up20:26
Iamahuman4upgrades & reboot ... just some python3 library stuff in Discover updates20:29
Iamahuman4Another installation saved by Timeshift. It is a cli, but I'm just using the gui. prlly could conf it to grab the relevant .dotdirs from homedir and disregard the massive caches. App can always rebuild its cache, who cares20:31
=== V1A is now known as V|A

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