
stickupkidachilleasa_, https://github.com/juju/python-libjuju/pull/47809:51
achilleasa_stickupkid: did you see the other issue? Do we need to also regenerate the schema on pylibjuju09:59
stickupkidachilleasa_, yeah, every time10:02
stickupkidachilleasa_, it's because you added something, it won't show up, it'll come through as `unknown_fields`10:03
stickupkidachilleasa_, so in theory they could work around by going `unknown_fields['host_name']` and grab it from there10:03
achilleasa_can you piggyback a schema update to your PR since it targets master?10:05
stickupkidah, yeah could do actually10:05
achilleasa_I don't get why the example worked for me then10:06
achilleasa_the hostname + model -> machine -> hostname one10:06
stickupkidachilleasa_, I didn't do it in the same PR, it's a massive change - https://github.com/juju/python-libjuju/pull/47911:10
manadartstickupkid, achilleasa_: Simple one - https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/1276511:27
=== jam1 is now known as j-a-meinel
=== j-a-meinel is now known as jam1
stickupkidmanadart, or achilleasa_ https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/1276613:56

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