
* Mamarok is angry, my vaccine appointement was cancelled :-( because some stupid politician doesn't understand that "we have to investigate" doesn't mean "we have to cancel everybodys appointment and jeopardise more lives"22:15
Mamarokseriously, 15 cases in over 20 Million is not relevant at all as a side effect, it is an even lower incidence than the blod clot cases in the general population22:16
* Mamarok feels like wanting to strnagle somebody22:17
RikMillsOh dear :(22:43
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> (Photo, 1280x1280) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/XKsEaK75/file_42461.jpg23:20
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> It's a puppy to help!23:20

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