[00:07] @Shakendo [I wanna use UT, but my cell provider is CDMA, and even if I get past that hurdle …], Yeah that does suck for us in the USA but its not an easy thing to fix so i feel people in USA soon will have to move to a diff OS [00:09] I ordered a fxtecpro1X will use it on LineageOS till someday UBports foundation can solve that problem then ill switch back [00:09] As the device can use lineage and ubuntu touch [00:11] So for me its leaving temporarily vs forever as eventually other countries will require it also so sure its something they will work on [00:13] You have at least another year on all US networks, except Verizon [00:14] It's not like you need to stop using it today [00:23] Trust me im not im gonna use it right till the end [00:24] But long term it is something that mobile Linux distros will have to solve [00:24] I understand that [00:26] And im willing to jump in and help solve the problem where is a good place to start getting involved [00:55] @UniversalSuperBox [You have at least another year on all US networks, except Verizon], T-Mobile shutdown 3G as of late January and dropped support for the Galaxy Note 4 (as well as other devices that dont support VoLTE from factory ROM) [01:00] 2g is still up [01:00] for now... [01:01] https://www.androidpolice.com/2021/02/05/t-mobile-3g-shutdown-reportedly-delayed-until-2022/ [01:01] @Shakendo [T-Mobile shutdown 3G as of late January and dropped support for the Galaxy Note …], I have just received a Red Pocket Mobile SIM that uses the T-mobile network, I am going to see if I can activate this on a new number and use it for calls on my Volla Phone, so that we can know what is really up via a real world test. Curren [01:01] tly my previously activated T-mobile SIM is working for calls on the Volla using 2G. I use a second SIM that uses the AT&T network in order to get LTE mobile data (but can not use it for calls). [01:02] didn't shutdown yet, they received pressure from businesses using cellular in 'vending machines' and other equipment [01:03] I know some industrial shrink wrap machines have a tablet attached that makes use of cellular to push updates, and do remote diagnostics [01:04] lots of IoT devices out there that still use 3g and with no hope of updating their hardware/firmware. [01:04] [Edit] lots of IoT devices out there that still use 2g/3g and with no hope of updating their hardware/firmware. [01:07] ahh, didnt know it was delayed [02:08] Like I said, only Verizon :) [02:14] @UniversalSuperBox [Like I said, only Verizon :)], Hey Dalton, I have a question for you. I believe at one point on the podcast you said you were using a Sony Xperia X. I just ordered one and assuming I can get the bootloader unlocked is it completely necessary to do the TA backup? [02:22] The TA partition contains Sony's seeeecret drivers for the camera that makes it look really good under Android. [02:22] As soon as you unlock the bootloader, they are erased [02:22] If you think you'll want to go back to stock Android, back it up. [02:22] If not, don't bother. [02:23] oh, there was thing that puts them back [02:26] @UniversalSuperBox [If not, don't bother.], Thank you sir. I have no interest in Android at all. Bought this one to run UT specifically. [02:27] Just hoping it will unlock 🤞 [03:10] @UniversalSuperBox [Like I said, only Verizon :)], well, and Sprint, if you don't have an Android 9 or mainline device; and any of the sub-providers that use CDMA [03:10] verizon has been a problem for a long time anyway, because we break CDMA in ofono on anything that's not android 9 or mainline [03:41] so does halium9 or mainline UT based ports have CDMA again? [03:54] The wifi networking randomly stopped working on my pinephone running ubports (the most recent image for the install tutorial linking to the jenkins artifacts page). Is there some fix for this? [03:54] It was working fine initially. [03:55] All of a sudden it stopped connecting to my WiFi or showing any wifi networks at all in the settings menu. [04:12] that seems to to happen from time to time especially when the phone goes to deep sleep … Have you tried toggling it off and on? … if that won't work, you may need to reboot or execute the command to restart wifi [04:35] (Photo, 489x42) https://irc.ubports.com/U4nhuaxL.png Hi! I cant access vía ssh to my device, of course i follow the guide in documentation, but still got that message [04:39] make sure the public key of the device you are connecting from is correctly appended in `~/.ssh/authorized_keys` [04:39] @Javacookies [that seems to to happen from time to time especially when the phone goes to deep …], Yes. I have rebooted and also toggled networking on and off. [04:39] The WiFi does not work for some reason now regardless of doing these things. [04:40] I’m not sure why this happened or how to fix it. [04:40] It just stopped working during normal use. [04:40] @Javacookies [that seems to to happen from time to time especially when the phone goes to deep …], What command would I run to restart the WiFi? [04:41] @LGeek [], ssh-copy-id [04:41] which channel are you on? that's a long standing issue on the pinephone but in my experience, it happens very rarely now [04:42] @LGeek [], Also update /etc/ssh/sshd to enable password authentication if it hasn’t been enabled already. It might be configured to only allow public keypair authentication by default. [04:43] @Javacookies [which channel are you on? that's a long standing issue on the pinephone but in m …], Not sure. Which channel for my home WiFi network? I already deleted the network configuration but yet no WiFi networks even show up in the WiFi scanner now when WiFi is enabled. [04:45] @Javacookies [make sure the public key of the device you are connecting from is correctly appe …], Thankyou for reply, i deleted that file and make it again with cat command, with new generated key and now it works. [04:45] @dopefish [Also update /etc/ssh/sshd to enable password authentication if it hasn’t been en …], Thanks, it working now [04:47] @dopefish [Not sure. Which channel for my home WiFi network? I already deleted the network …], I mean the update channel on UT … anyway, here are the commands … ```sudo nmcli radio all off … sudo rmmod 8723cs … sudo modprobe 8723cs … sudo nmcli radio all on``` [04:48] also, I have another question. There is a Qr code reader for UT? [04:49] @dopefish [Also update /etc/ssh/sshd to enable password authentication if it hasn’t been en …], I think this isn't necessary and not recommended [04:49] @LGeek [also, I have another question. There is a Qr code reader for UT?], It's called `Tagger` [04:50] Here in Mexico every time I need to visit a store we need to register vía QR (scan a code) due to pandemic situation and i dont want to carry an Android Phone With me just for that [04:51] @Javacookies [It's called Tagger], I just downloaded, but cant autofocus [04:54] @LGeek [Here in Mexico every time I need to visit a store we need to register vía QR (sc …], that's the opposite here, we have a qr code 😅 [04:54] It works if i take the picture with the camera app and load into the app, Thank you again. [04:55] @LGeek [I just downloaded, but cant autofocus], yeah, that's a bit of a problem, it has a few issues and some device-specific ones. It should work in general [04:57] @Javacookies [that's the opposite here, we have a qr code 😅], thats more easy for custumers, I don't know why they implement that bad mechanism here. [05:07] yeah, though ours isn't perfect, most places have different approach and separate systems 😆 [05:10] @Javacookies [yeah, though ours isn't perfect, most places have different approach and separat …], Well, at least here is a unique system managed by the government [05:12] we don't have any system, just a temperature gun and a bottle of alcohol at the door :p [05:23] we have those too and some public places use manual writing of names 🤦‍♂️ which are useless given that people write worse than doctors 😆 [05:43] lol [05:49] @Javacookies [we have those too and some public places use manual writing of names 🤦‍♂️ which …], Not to mention that pen you use to write name is virus hotspot :P [05:50] yeah exactly, it's stupid … my country can really be stupid, 3rd world country problems 😂 [05:51] (Document) https://irc.ubports.com/7Lod7czf.mp4 [05:53] One of worst contract tracing I came across here is someone having register of name and that's it. No address, no contact number anything else [06:02] they care about privacy 😆 [06:23] @bhushanshah [One of worst contract tracing I came across here is someone having register of n …], Here we put our phone number on the system trough the page given via QR code, the problem besides having always an internet connection is they puting a frustrating "i'm not a robot" Captcha and every time we enter a store, we need to select th [06:23] e crosswalks and traffic lights... [06:41] @LGeek [I just downloaded, but cant autofocus], yeah, I experienced that problem on OnePlus One, but Tagger works well on Volla Phone and Meizu Pro 5. What device are you using? [06:42] @Javacookies [yeah exactly, it's stupid … my country can really be stupid, 3rd world country pro …], Don't worry, the USA, which is supposedly "first world" tends to try to do its best to outdo everyone else on stupidity as well. [06:55] @LGeek [I just downloaded, but cant autofocus], take a picture with camera app, import image to tagger [07:13] Is it safe to run apt upgrade? [07:17] @Golden Monk [Is it safe to run apt upgrade?], No, Ubuntu Touch does not use apt (except under special conditions primarily for development) - if you do you will likely break the system. [07:18] @Golden Monk [Is it safe to run apt upgrade?], Updates for applications can be done via the Open Store, and OTA updates for the OS can be done via System Settings "Updates" [07:23] OK thanks [07:46] @jameshjacksonjr [And im willing to jump in and help solve the problem where is a good place to st …], You can PM me, I can explain you the roadblocks and our futile attempts to bypass them so far ^^ [07:55] Is there a fix for internet bug in anbox? … I mean internet does not work in anbox. [08:35] (Photo, 388x690) https://irc.ubports.com/Rmj0yvnj.png [09:35] (Document) https://irc.ubports.com/K7CXrJe7.mp4 [09:35] i remember this gif back in the early hal 9 days [09:52] NeFOURg was added by: NeFOURg [10:15] @Javacookies [yeah exactly, it's stupid … my country can really be stupid, 3rd world country pro …], tbh we're a third world country too :p no pen tho r [10:17] @Javacookies [yeah exactly, it's stupid … my country can really be stupid, 3rd world country pro …], [Edit] tbh we're a third world country too :p no pen tho [10:17] @Golden Monk [Is there a fix for internet bug in anbox? … I mean internet does not work in anbox …], internet should just work [10:18] it is hard to tell why it isn't working without additional info tho [10:20] @LGeek [Thanks, it working now], Np fam enjoy [10:23] @Javacookies [I mean the update channel on UT … anyway, here are the commands … sudo nmcli radio a …], This worked. Thanks very much. [10:29] What is UBports? [10:30] @toA1brain [What is UBports?], Read the group info [10:37] @toA1brain [What is UBports?], dont know if its intentional or not, but your phone number is visible in your profile [10:39] @Shakendo [dont know if its intentional or not, but your phone number is visible in your pr …], it is intentional [12:20] i'll wait for v2 to fix it [12:21] @Anti Wall [i'll wait for v2 to fix it], Hi, did you post this in the wrong group? [13:15] Hi guys [13:15] A friend from the Spanish group can't install UT on Xiaomi lavender. the same error always appears: "core:manual_download: Error cheksum mismatch". … What can it be? [13:16] have they extracted a vendor image from zip file? [13:16] it needs to be extracted first [13:21] You mean download the image from github? [13:21] no, the installer will ask to download vendor image manually for lavender [13:24] OK, should I download to desktop or mobile? [13:26] OK, should the image be downloaded to desktop or mobile? [13:26] desktop [13:26] Ok [13:27] Then unzip the zip file [13:29] Then start the Ubports installer, [13:29] no [13:30] start UBPorts Installer, begin installation for lavender. It will ask you to download a file, download, unzip it, then select in installer [13:32] Ok [13:33] I think I got it, thank you very much....👍 [14:17] @Shakendo [so does halium9 or mainline UT based ports have CDMA again?], yes, halium 9+ and mainline devices are using sailfish ofono [14:55] @NotKit [start UBPorts Installer, begin installation for lavender. It will ask you to dow …], There's already another Xiaomi note 7 with Ut, thanks... [14:55] (Sticker, 511x512) https://irc.ubports.com/NeoQiNv5.webp [14:56] (Sticker, 512x460) https://irc.ubports.com/JGOqOBmG.webp [14:57] Here's your iPhone to dev apps for it [14:57] (Sticker, 512x512) https://irc.ubports.com/Orrztfhz.webp [14:57] @dohbee [yes, halium 9+ and mainline devices are using sailfish ofono], Why? [14:58] to get closer to upstream [15:02] @dohbee [yes, halium 9+ and mainline devices are using sailfish ofono], ooo, intresting. i guess that includes the call block list plugin they had in their ofono repo? [15:02] i don't know [15:03] well i know what i will try and research on my next days off :) [15:04] @DarknessHiddenorg [Why?], then they dont have to do work that was done before :) [15:32] Matt May was added by: Matt May [16:26] Ubuntu Touch OTA-16 is here! Check out our exciting new features in morph-browser, revel in the goodness of fixes to Android 7.1 devices in particular, and experience the sensation that is using Qt 5.12. It's been a lot of work to get here, but here we are. OTA-16 is coming to your Ubuntu Touch device on the `stable` channel thi [16:26] s week. … https://ubports.com/blog/ubport-blogs-news-1/post/ubuntu-touch-ota-16-release-3744 [16:29] @UniversalSuperBox [Ubuntu Touch OTA-16 is here! Check out our exciting new features in morph-browse …], Can you please port Ubuntu touch to MiA1 device. Please, its a damn request.. I don't know how you gonna do it but, Please do it. 🙏 [16:30] Hi Serendipity, thanks for the feedback! Unfortunately, every device is different and needs its own custom image of Ubuntu Touch. You can learn how to make an image at https://docs.ubports.com/en/latest/porting/ [16:30] @UniversalSuperBox [Ubuntu Touch OTA-16 is here! Check out our exciting new features in morph-browse …], [Edit] Can you please port Ubuntu touch to Xiaomi MiA1 device. Please, its a damn request.. I don't know how you gonna do it but, Please do it. 🙏 [16:31] @UniversalSuperBox [Hi Serendipity, thanks for the feedback! Unfortunately, every device is differen …], Thank you [16:36] [Edit] Ubuntu Touch OTA-16 is here! Check out our exciting new features in morph-browser, revel in the goodness of fixes to Android 7.1 devices in particular, and experience the sensation that is using Qt 5.12. It's been a lot of work to get here, but here we are. OTA-16 is coming to your Ubuntu Touch device on the `stable` chan [16:36] nel this week. … https://ubports.com/blog/1/post/ubuntu-touch-ota-16-release-3744 [17:32] @UniversalSuperBox [Ubuntu Touch OTA-16 is here! Check out our exciting new features in morph-browse …], 👍 can't wait to install [17:35] @fredldotme Very exciting to hear your roadmap for GhostCloud. I may have to relook at this app. 👍 [17:35] @Flohack Thanks for all your recent updates to Telegram, awesome stuff folks. [17:39] @UniversalSuperBox [Ubuntu Touch OTA-16 is here! Check out our exciting new features in morph-browse …], Is this update still uses Halium 5 on Nexus 5? [17:40] @XShell [Is this update still uses Halium 5 on Nexus 5?], This update still uses the old ubp-5.1 Android compatibility image [17:40] @XShell [Is this update still uses Halium 5 on Nexus 5?], [Edit] This update still uses the old ubp-5.1 Android compatibility image on the Nexus 5 [17:43] MX4 has been updated! Likewise I will make it happen for my Volla as soon as I boot it for the first time in a few days. [17:45] I'll do M10 when home [17:45] UT on tablets is awesome [18:03] @XShell [Is this update still uses Halium 5 on Nexus 5?], Halium 5 is not used on the older devices. Upgrades for OPO, N5 and FP2 to Halium 7.1 are planned. However, due to the nature of the update migration it was not possible for OTA-16, and we might need another OTA-17 to get updated update software in place to handle the real update l [18:03] ol [18:05] condiction_Adoptee was added by: condiction_Adoptee [18:05] another OTA-17? so OTA-17a and OTA-17b? [18:05] [Edit] another OTA-17? so OTA-17a and OTA-17b? :^3 [18:07] @Fuseteam [another OTA-17? so OTA-17a and OTA-17b? :^3], Sorry so: OTA-17: Release updated recovery so OTA-18 can release the switch to the channel. However, starting with OTA-17 people can switch to devel and test them [18:07] oh cool [18:22] @UniversalSuperBox [Ubuntu Touch OTA-16 is here! Check out our exciting new features in morph-browse …], "he cause was actually an incredibly convoluted web of assumptions between Android's bionic libc and our glibc which couldn't be mediated by Libhybris (and not a single case of stack smashing or segmentation violation)." [18:23] Perhaps that sentence might benefit from editing to clarify that Android's libc is named bionic, and it isn't to be confused by 18.04 LTS aka Bionic Beaver? [18:24] (Photo, 1080x1920) https://irc.ubports.com/udv8E9Oh.png [18:25] (Sticker, 512x512) https://irc.ubports.com/rKLTHZTt.webp [18:25] Work fine [18:27] now i am sure [18:27] you are mixing threads and asyncio [18:30] @Sobour Badarou [you are mixing threads and asyncio], what? are you a human or no? [18:41] @UniversalSuperBox [Ubuntu Touch OTA-16 is here! Check out our exciting new features in morph-browse …], [Edit] "The cause was actually an incredibly convoluted web of assumptions between Android's bionic libc and our glibc which couldn't be mediated by Libhybris (and not a single case of stack smashing or segmentation violation)." [18:41] [Edit] Perhaps that sentence might benefit from editing to clarify that Android's libc is named bionic, and it isn't to be confused with 18.04 LTS aka Bionic Beaver? [18:56] ǀEǀǀLǀǀLǀǀOǀǀNǀ ǀMǀǀUǀǀSǀǀKǀ ǀAǀǀIǀǀRǀǀDǀǀRǀǀOǀǀPǀ ǀBǀǀIǀǀTǀǀCǀǀOǀǀIǀǀNǀ https://cutt.ly/czVeJU5 🚀🚀🚀 === probono9 is now known as probono [19:42] I could select the halium 7.1 channel already on the oneplus one. Tip don't try it, you aren't able to switch back to stable without a reinstall [20:02] kB01guy was added by: kB01guy [20:22] @Fuseteam [found it :^3 https://youtu.be/a0ZuxdwlAsQ?t=2075], My device received its OTA-16! … But it is stated that the OS is (still) based on Ubuntu 16.04 ... … ? [20:22] Yeap [20:23] Trust me, you'll know when we move to focal. Until then, we're rolling 16.04 images :) [20:23] @Tim F [My device received its OTA-16! … But it is stated that the OS is (still) based on …], ota 16 based on ubuntu 16, eh, eh? [20:23] no? kay [20:24] I thought it was the skip to 20.04 already ... [20:24] Not yet [20:24] That's the next thing pros need to do [20:24] still much work for that to happen [20:25] ota 16 was just move to Qt 5.12 [20:25] And noob like me still has to build her kernel sauce [20:27] @Tim F [I thought it was the skip to 20.04 already ...], you'll know when it is xD [20:27] @Tim F [I thought it was the skip to 20.04 already ...], 3 months from now maybe ^^ [20:27] Ok take that as a year /s [20:28] 3 months? that sounds great, make it 6 months [20:28] cuz you will decide to add stuff as you go [20:29] or find something that is better done differently [20:29] @Flohack [3 months from now maybe ^^], ha [20:30] make it a year then we jump to 22.04 :^3 [20:31] I'd help if I had a device to sacrifice xD [20:31] But I need stuff on my m10 [20:32] E4.5 would crash probably [20:32] I said maybe ^^ [20:33] looks for edited label [20:33] There is none 🤔 [20:33] "Flohack" [20:33] r/usernamechecksout [20:34] Ok no Reddit here [20:34] Lol [20:34] muhehehehe [20:47] redavtovo was added by: redavtovo [20:50] What does "OTA" stand for? [20:51] over the air [20:51] Over The Air [20:51] @redavtovo [redavtovo was added by: amyosx], You a partition scheme? /S [21:01] No [21:08] "/s" [21:12] lol [21:48] Thank you to the UBports team and community contributors for the most excellent OTA-16 release!! [21:49] One question: "fixed auto-brightness support on Android 9 devices like the Volla Phone." - on my Volla auto-brightness is not working. Can anyone else confirm this? [21:49] [Edit] One question: "fixed auto-brightness support on Android 9 devices like the Volla Phone." - on my Volla auto-brightness is still not working. Can anyone else confirm this? [22:21] The ux for selecting a update channel is much better with the UI changes in OTA 16. It makes alot more sense. [22:22] @TotalSonic [One question: "fixed auto-brightness support on Android 9 devices like the Volla …], Auto brightness also regressed on the Pixel 3a. I'm looking at it right now. [23:10] (Sticker, 512x512) https://irc.ubports.com/0wLXlk0x.webp [23:12] @TotalSonic [One question: "fixed auto-brightness support on Android 9 devices like the Volla …], i see it i dev [23:13] @mateosalta [i see it i dev], so the fix is in the dev build but not in OTA16? I am on RC channel - 2021-W10 === lejocelyn_ is now known as lejocelyn