
callmepkgood morning01:14
dufluMorning callmepk 01:46
callmepkmorning duflu 01:52
jameshmorning callmepk, duflu 01:59
callmepkmorning jamesh 01:59
seb128goood morning desktopers06:08
dufluHi seb128 06:20
dufluBack in a bit06:35
jibelGood morning06:53
oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers, happy Monday!07:00
ricotzgood morning everyone07:11
dufluMorning jibel, oSoMoN, ricotz 07:13
oSoMoNhey duflu, ricotz 07:16
seb128hey callmepk, duflu, jamesh, oSoMoN, jibel, ricotz 07:36
jameshhi seb128 07:36
jibelSalut seb128 duflu 07:38
jibeland oSoMoN, ricotz and all07:38
oSoMoNsalut seb128, jibel 07:39
oSoMoNhey jamesh 07:39
=== cpaelzer__ is now known as cpaelzer
ricotzhey duflu oSoMoN seb128 jamesh jibel 08:02
didrocksgood morning08:03
ricotzoSoMoN, hi, could you schedule autopkgtests for this libreoffice 7.0.5/groovy build https://launchpad.net/~ricotz/+archive/ubuntu/ppa/+packages?field.name_filter=&field.status_filter=published&field.series_filter=groovy ?08:03
callmepkhi seb128 oSoMoN jibel ricotz didrocks 08:10
didrockshey callmepk 08:11
dufluMorning didrocks 08:16
didrockshey duflu 08:18
jibelHi callmepk didrocks 08:27
didrockssalut jibel 08:27
seb128lut didrocks08:40
didrockssalut seb128 08:44
oSoMoNricotz, done08:53
oSoMoNhey callmepk, didrocks 08:53
didrockssalut oSoMoN 08:54
ricotzoSoMoN, thank you09:00
didrockshey Laney 09:06
seb128hey Laney how are you?09:07
Laneyhey didrocks seb128 09:10
Laneydoing alright09:11
Laneybon weekend over there?09:11
seb128hey marcustomlinson 09:12
seb128Laney, weekend was alright, nights less so, at least it's monday and it's quiet :-)09:12
Laneymoin marcustomlinson 09:14
didrockshey hey marcustomlinson 09:14
RikMillsricotz: thank you for the libreoffice fix. my ISO no longer has jre/jdk on it :)09:23
ricotzRikMills, yw :)09:27
KGB-1gnome-disk-utility tags 2235675 Sebastien Bacher upstream/40_rc * Upstream version 40~rc * https://deb.li/3VMyj09:45
KGB-1gnome-disk-utility upstream/latest fbb9929 Sebastien Bacher * pushed 23 commits * https://deb.li/BZsn09:46
KGB-1gnome-disk-utility pristine-tar cedf768 Sebastien Bacher gnome-disk-utility_40~rc.orig.tar.xz.delta gnome-disk-utility_40~rc.orig.tar.xz.id * pristine-tar data for gnome-disk-utility_40~rc.orig.tar.xz * https://deb.li/3TVr709:46
duflu+1 seb128 09:49
KGB-1gnome-disk-utility signed tags 783dae9 Sebastien Bacher ubuntu/40_rc-1ubuntu1 * gnome-disk-utility Debian release 40~rc-1ubuntu1 * https://deb.li/LVv009:49
KGB-1gnome-disk-utility ubuntu/master 7a586aa Sebastien Bacher * pushed 28 commits (first 5 follow) * https://deb.li/31Ot209:50
KGB-1gnome-disk-utility ubuntu/master b7b99e0 Asier Sarasua Garmendia po/eu.po * Update Basque translation * https://deb.li/iiJMl09:50
KGB-1gnome-disk-utility ubuntu/master e8282e6 Jiri Grönroos po/fi.po * Update Finnish translation * https://deb.li/jOzs09:50
KGB-1gnome-disk-utility ubuntu/master 3f8933e Fran Dieguez po/gl.po * Update Galician translation * https://deb.li/3DcwU09:50
KGB-1gnome-disk-utility ubuntu/master c18417a Fran Dieguez po/gl.po * Update Galician translation * https://deb.li/3iM6i09:50
KGB-1gnome-disk-utility ubuntu/master b6debe2 Christian Kirbach po/de.po * Update German translation * https://deb.li/iQZfh09:50
seb128Laney, one funny fact, working on the KPI friday makes me notice we didn't publish an amd64 hirsute daily issue to current since jan 23th (my version warning didn't catch it because I check the dir there and arm64 are updated)10:14
seb128jibel, ^ do you know what's the issue?10:14
* duflu noticed :)10:15
seb128duflu, you should have mentioned it!10:15
dufluseb128, I assumed it was correct and due to some benign failure10:15
dufluas always10:15
seb128well 'correct', it's an issue10:16
seb128I mean if we have a test issue we should fix the test10:16
seb128if the ISO is borked we should fix the bug10:17
Laneyseb128: heh10:21
LaneyI saw a bug about that this morning, was going to look / ping later10:21
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1918929 in Ubuntu CD Images "duplicate for #1919079 hirsute-desktop-amd64.iso not updated" [Undecided,New]10:21
Laneywould be nicer if a dashboard showed that though10:22
Laneylets get that reviewed soon10:22
seb128Laney, if the ISO KPI lands at least it will be visible there ;-)10:22
seb128I never remember where to find the promotion log though10:23
Laneynext thing is to code a bot to notify the channel about that right10:23
seb128IRC bots aren't in my skills (yet)10:23
Laneyfollow the crumbs10:24
seb128well, I will fix the version warning, that usually makes it visible enough (at least me for since I check that page regularly)10:24
seb128utah.timeout.UTAHTimeout: _provision(None) timed out after 9000 seconds10:26
seb128libvirt: QEMU Driver error : Domain not found: no domain with matching uuid '3d912082-78da-49b5-bf5a-241cb02bbfc9' (utah-108641-hirsute-amd64)10:26
seb128that's another thing I've little clue about, how utah is working :-/10:26
seb128the libvirt error was also in the last successful log so probably not the issue10:27
=== cpaelzer__ is now known as cpaelzer
RikMillsricotz: might be a further issue with the jre/jdk thing. liblibreoffice-java is installed by default in 20.10, so a 20.10 -> 21.04 upgrade installs the jre/jdk as new packages still, as liblibreoffice-java still depends on ure-java in that case.11:56
ricotzRikMills, I see, if liblibreoffice-java is marked as automatically installed then shouldn't this cause liblibreoffice-java to be removed on an upgrade?12:07
RikMillsricotz: it didn't when I tested an upgrade12:16
RikMillsunless you mean auto-purged at the end?12:18
RikMillsI had only looked at the list of new packages to be installed12:20
* RikMills tries a new upgrade12:20
ricotzRikMills, yeah, I guess auto-purge might pick this up12:21
RikMillsricotz: yeah, they got installed but then removed again in the 'remove obsolete packages' step13:03
RikMillsat least with a plain do-release-upgrade13:03
ricotzRikMills, good :), I got a bit worried here13:12
seb128Laney, if you manage to figure out what's the issue with the daily ISO tests I would welcome if you share the details so maybe next time I've a clue where to poke for such cases14:14
Laneyseb128: I don't know, I looked in some of the logs and didn't find any indication, we probably need to wait for jibel 14:21
seb128jibel, we need your help to figure out why utah is timeouting and hirsute daily aren't promoted since january14:22
Laneydid we get removed from the email list for that job at some point?14:22
Laneyused to get notified when it failed14:23
seb128Laney, also thanks for the KPI review. Do you feel strongly that rsync is a better way than hitting the website?14:23
seb128I sort of liked the property that querying the website also ensure the service is working, but I guess you could say the same is true for rsync, just a different entry point14:23
Laneyif you can find out how to do a directory listing on the website then that's fine14:24
LaneyI don't want to have a list of targets in the python file, it should just crawl everything14:25
Laneyrsync seemed like a convenient way to do that to me14:26
jibelseb128, Laney I'll have a look14:27
jibelI'll let you know if I find anything and how I did14:27
seb128jibel, thanks!14:27
seb128Laney, you are concerned that the url scheme might change?14:27
Laneynot really14:28
LaneyI don't want another place to update when we add or remove a product14:28
Laneyso if you can avoid doing that then that's okay14:28
seb128k, fair enough14:28
LaneyI think having a metric failing to be posted is not a great way to detect if cdimage goes down though14:28
Laneyand the metrics project is probably not the right place to detect that14:29
seb128you are right14:29
Laneyalthough it might be possible to get telegraf to link up to some kind of IRC bot14:29
seb128thanks for the replies there14:30
seb128I will iterate on that, but it might take some days14:30
Laneyno worries14:30
Laneyno big rush I don't think14:31
hellsworthgood morning desktopers15:23
marcustomlinsonhi hellsworth15:23
hellsworthhi there marcustomlinson 15:24
oSoMoNhey hellsworth 15:24
hellsworthhey oSoMoN .. i hope you both are well :)15:24
marcustomlinsonyeah alright you?15:24
oSoMoNI'm doing good, spring is here and lots of positive energy with it15:25
hellsworthover the weekend i put an offer on a house and it was accepted.. so i'm extra excited to have a garden this year :)15:25
marcustomlinsonvery nice15:26
hellsworthi'm excited to be a homeowner :)15:26
ricotzhey hellsworth 15:37
hellsworthhey there ricotz 15:41
didrockscongrats hellsworth :)16:11
seb128hey Heather, congrats!16:21
jibelGood morning hellsworth 16:24
hellsworthhey didrocks and jibel !!16:31
hellsworththanks seb128 :)16:31
hellsworthdoes anyone know how to increase the bug control of a user in launchpad? we need to increase the perms of ricotz so that he has control over the LO bugs to be able to change the target series, importance, etc.17:13
marcustomlinsonseb128: ^ can you add rico to the bug triagers group?17:22
marcustomlinsonactually can’t remember the name but I recall there being a LP group?17:23
=== ijohnson is now known as ijohnson|lunch
RikMillshellsworth: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugControl17:26
RikMillsI *think*17:26
hellsworthwonderful thanks i'll take a look at it and see if it's something i can just do for rico17:26
marcustomlinsonyeah that looks correct. I believe you have to apply17:28
hellsworthi don't remember applying..17:28
hellsworth(maybe it came for free by joining the desktop team)17:29
RikMillsyes, you can iherit perms through other teams. sure I never applied17:30
marcustomlinsonmaybe Laney knows?17:30
marcustomlinsonactually jibel is admin on Ubuntu Bug Control. jibel are you able to add ricotz to the group17:31
LaneyRikMills already linked the wiki with the process17:32
hellsworthmaybe we shouldn't circumvent the process though. looks like ricotz just needs to send an email to the bug control team asking nicely17:32
Laneyupload rights also give it17:32
Laneyhttps://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-bugcontrol when logged in should show you which path you are taking17:34
Laneyfor me it is  Iain Lane → Ubuntu Core Development Team → Ubuntu Bug Control 17:34
RikMillsthink I 1st had it through kubuntu-dev, but MOTU trumps that on the page now...17:36
KGB-2glib tags fd791ae Simon McVittie upstream/2.67.6 * Upstream version 2.67.6 * https://deb.li/32ANR18:17
KGB-2glib pristine-tar f6475bf Simon McVittie glib2.0_2.67.6.orig.tar.xz.delta glib2.0_2.67.6.orig.tar.xz.id * pristine-tar data for glib2.0_2.67.6.orig.tar.xz * https://deb.li/qz1D18:18
KGB-2glib pristine-tar 7e41c67 Simon McVittie glib2.0_2.67.5.orig.tar.xz.delta glib2.0_2.67.5.orig.tar.xz.id * Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/pristine-tar' into pristine-tar * https://deb.li/386xz18:18
KGB-2glib upstream/latest b8eed9e Simon McVittie * pushed 51 commits * https://deb.li/H6dl18:18
ricotzmarcustomlinson, hi :)18:51
ricotzmarcustomlinson, would you have time to sponsor SRU packages of libreoffice for focal and groovy?18:52
ricotzhttps://launchpad.net/~libreoffice/+archive/ubuntu/upload2/+packages -- https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libreoffice/+bug/1906684 -- https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libreoffice/+bug/191335318:52
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1906684 in libreoffice (Ubuntu Focal) "[SRU] libreoffice 6.4.7 for Focal" [High,In progress]18:52
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1913353 in libreoffice (Ubuntu Groovy) "[SRU] libreoffice 7.0.5 for groovy" [High,In progress]18:52

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