
cmaloneyHowdy folks16:15
cmaloneyHappy Monday and all that.16:16
greg-gstupid DST monday16:16
cmaloneyproductivity is not really happening today16:16
greg-gkids started a new school recently (2 weeks ago) that starts at 8am. Their previous (and still current, the new one is in addition) school started at 9am. Today was *hard*.16:16
cmaloneyOh noes16:17
jrwrena little over a year ago my kid started school at 7:30. she's liked the sleeping in part of school at home.16:20
greg-g7:30 is just anti-child16:26
jrwrenmiddle school. they ain't childrens, they tweens and teens ;)16:27
jrwrenand yes, still anti-, cuz we as a society don't like them :(16:27
greg-gyup yup16:51

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