[00:58] and a very beautiful one, thx :-) [00:59] Luckily I also have two cats for he morale :) [09:03] Mamarok Sorry to hear about the vaccine, I agree I think the politicians are over reacting. [09:03] @ahoneybun Dude!! that's an adorable puppy [11:57] @ahoneybun can you log in to linode? [16:42] (Photo, 519x800) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/SiSBrWT2/file_42470.jpg [16:42] * RikMills runs and hides [16:43] ha ha [16:43] Love it 😃 [17:41] @RikMills I haven't looked though it looks like it's fixed? [17:43] @ahoneybun, The issue of being able to ssh in is solved for now. I cannot however log in to the web interface. It says there is something unusual about my login, and requires a one-time code sent to the accounts registered email address [17:43] Obviously, that is not my address [17:43] Just linode.com? [17:44] Yep [17:44] ```Your login attempt looks different from usual. To verify that this is you, a code has been sent to the email address associated with your user. If you do not receive an email within 5 minutes, please send us an email at support@linode.com to open a support ticket or click here for other options.``` [17:44] That is what I got [17:44] What email is it going to? [17:45] I don't know. Yours of Phils I thought? [17:45] Looks like mine. [17:46] Can we get a general email account for admin things? [17:46] like admin@kubuntu.org? [17:46] If you try to log in I can help with the code. [17:47] @ahoneybun, It let me straight in this time, so you must have made it happy for now :) [17:48] I wanted to get in to check things to diagnose the ssh issue, which is is now more or less moot. [17:49] Ah alrightly. I wonder if I can set it up to forward the email to you when this happens. [17:50] That might be good. A general kubuntu email would be hard, as that just forwards to a personal one anyway [17:58] If we can't do it just let me know and I'll help when I can. [17:59] @ahoneybun, BTW, what type of dog is that? [18:09] She is a Maltese, yorkie, papillon, pekingese mix. [18:21] Wow! [18:22] No wonder I was struggling to work it out [19:04] sympathy to Mamarok [19:04] @ahoneybun super-cutie pup! [19:04] Thanks! [19:05] how much snow is left where you live, ahoneybun? [19:05] Thomas called me Sun. night and showed me about 2.5 feet there [20:02] I've got our testing week announcement roughed out : https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZDIfV3X3pN0EWwmY_GaE6tCKfWCAmUrQxOm6NR6x3Qo/edit# [20:02] some eyes on that would be cool