[11:00] Howdy folks [11:29] yofel: cannot log in to linode [14:59] yofel: ah, we lost the hostname dns pointing to it. that explains why [15:11] @Santa, all tests passed [17:50] RikMills: ah ok, was just trying to figure out what was going on as I also got a host changed error [17:50] the IP is if you need it. I can still log in [17:52] yofel: thanks for getting back to me. yes, I am slightly embarrassed how long it took me to realise the host dns has expired [17:52] and yes, once I dug up the IP I could log in also [17:53] Jonathan has replaced with dev.kubuntu.kde.org.uk which should work [17:54] Aaron has now managed to get logging in the the management console on linode.com working [17:55] both issues happening at the same time made me quite concerned [17:57] yofel: so apologies for the slightly panicked email ;) [18:13] ah, all good then. ^^ [18:23] yep. thank you again for responding :) [19:18] anything special we need to call out for the testing week announcement? [19:18] https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZDIfV3X3pN0EWwmY_GaE6tCKfWCAmUrQxOm6NR6x3Qo/edit# is the group doc (all the flavors)