=== oer is now known as oerheks === veryloud_ is now known as veryloud [22:45] so on ubuntu (20.10 but also 21.04), under wayland, maximized windows will occasionally appear below the dock and it's kind of annoying [22:46] for example, when waking my laptop from sleep, all maximized windows often get placed behind the dock as if it wasn't there; it's as if gnome's window sizing logic happens before it's aware that there's a dock or something [23:28] mort, if it's occuring on 21.04/hirsute, a bug should be filed as hirsute is currently in bug finding & fix stage ... have you looked for a reported bug on your issue? [23:29] I looked briefly for something, I didn't found anything in launchpad but I don't quite know what to search for [23:31] https://p.mort.coffee/6uX.png shows it in action [23:32] I got that by literally just closing the lid on my laptop and opening it again, both firefox and gnome-terminal was maximized and firefox was in front of the terminal in the window stack [23:32] but I don't think the exact setup is that important [23:32] I would suggest filing a bug on it using hirsute (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs) as now is the time to get issues fixed [23:32] I've seen both firefox and gnome-terminal end up behind the dock [23:33] what component? gnome-shell? ubuntu-desktop? the dock extension? [23:34] if you can achieve it using *live* media it may be better; it can be reported on iso.qa.ubuntu.com and linked to bug report & other testers will also be asked to look for it (ie. confirm it) [23:34] mort, looking.. [23:35] I could probably reproduce it on an installer USB tomorrow or something [23:36] I'd worry less about filing against the wrong package; it'll be changed if incorrect (esp. currently for hirsute), but http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/419/builds/228164/buginstructions implies xorg (even if it's mutter or something else; sorry I'm not knowledgeable enough with gnome's stack to be specific) [23:37] yea that should probably be updated I bet now that wayland is a thing [23:38] I'll just file it against gnome-shell [23:38] & xorg issues are usually xorg-server.. yeah I've seen discussion on changing it in recent days.. gnome-shell should work [23:39] * guiverc thinks vanvugt will see it I bet & correct as necessary === SCHAPiE- is now known as SCHAPiE [23:46] alright, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-shell/+bug/1919394 [23:46] Launchpad bug 1919394 in gnome-shell (Ubuntu) "Maximized windows sometimes end up under the dock on Wayland" [Undecided,New] [23:48] Thank you for taking the time to report & helping make Ubuntu better mort [23:50] :)