
ubuntutestingbot[telegram] <philipz> welcome Doruk. which flavor are you testing?04:44
ruenoakHi all is there another name in Ubuntu for Gnome's Activities Overview? I'm trying to report a bug for it but Activities Overview  doesn't seem to be the correct name. thanks.06:16
guivercruenoak, maybe https://help.ubuntu.com/stable/ubuntu-help/shell-introduction.html.en will be helpful06:24
guivercI'd also not worry that much about a wrong term, if it's gnome-shell or a gnome package I'm sure vanvugt will see & understand it06:25
ruenoakThanks guiverc , I see it's called Activities Overview  on that site as well. I've tryed application-grid and application-overlay  with no luck. Yes I might just try gnome-shell with a description and screenshot.06:30
guivercThank you for taking time to test and report your findings, and help make Ubuntu better ruenoak06:33
ruenoakNot a problem glad to hep where I can06:34

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