=== Nomkid2 is now known as Nomkid | ||
serpentti | heh | 07:44 |
serpentti | anyone online? | 07:44 |
diogenes_ | !anyone | 07:45 |
diogenes_ | !ask | 07:45 |
ubottu | Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 07:45 |
serpentti | have a nice day | 07:47 |
BluesKaj | Howdy folks | 11:58 |
jackdripper | i need help | 12:13 |
jackdripper | anybody here? | 12:13 |
BluesKaj | jackdripper, just tell us your issue | 12:20 |
jackdripper | how do i post screenshot | 12:22 |
jackdripper | here | 12:22 |
jackdripper | https://imgur.com/NRkmyzU what is this clickable blue button used for beside the console icon | 12:24 |
Dragnslcr | If you put your mouse over it, you should get a tooltip that explains it | 12:29 |
Dragnslcr | I have a pin icon in the same place that sets the window to be visible on all desktops, so it might be that | 12:29 |
jackdripper | how do i change desktop? | 12:29 |
jackdripper | i think it is pin option coz when i clikc it the icon get a small dot | 12:30 |
Dragnslcr | I'm not sure what the default keyboard shortcuts are for switching desktops. I have Ctrl-F1 to Ctrl-F4. | 12:31 |
Dragnslcr | You can go to System Settings -> Shortcuts -> Global Shortcuts -> KWin to see what you have (and change them if you want) | 12:32 |
jackdripper | i dint have virtual desktops setup i just set it now | 12:34 |
jackdripper | yeah it is pinning the window acroos all desktops i just checked it :) thanks | 12:34 |
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jackdripper | my vlc player keeps shutting down when i try to open it | 13:32 |
jackdripper | how to fix it | 13:32 |
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IrcsomeBot | Abir_ben_soltane was added by: Abir_ben_soltane | 14:12 |
IrcsomeBot | <Abir_ben_soltane> Hello! I have prob ! Startx under simple user doesn't work 😢 I need X server to run another app ! I tried diff things and I get more prob such as can't open /Dev/tty0 or virtual console | 14:15 |
user|15795 | after updating kubuntu my network card does not work with the new kernel | 16:34 |
user|15795 | does anyone have an idea on how to resolve this ? | 16:37 |
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hooman | hi | 17:35 |
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IrcsomeBot | logic1802 was added by: logic1802 | 20:32 |
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