ubptgbot | <TartanSpartan> Is there somwhere to find a list of UT's ARM64 devices? | 00:19 |
ubptgbot | <TotalSonic> @TartanSpartan [Is there somwhere to find a list of UT's ARM64 devices?], that would be a nice distinction to add to the info at evices.ubuntu-touch.io | 00:25 |
ubptgbot | <TotalSonic> @TartanSpartan [Is there somwhere to find a list of UT's ARM64 devices?], [Edit] that would be a nice distinction to add to the info at devices.ubuntu-touch.io | 00:25 |
ubptgbot | <TartanSpartan> [Edit] Is there somewhere to find a list of UT's ARM64 devices? | 00:28 |
ubptgbot | <Fuseteam> @PiecerEdd [I understand he had to give it a bit of a rough review because y'know lots of th …], As far as i'm concerned that was a good review :p … Much better representive of what is available, now we just need an in depth ubuntu touch review; ideally when the pinephone image is 'daily driver ready' xD | 01:07 |
ubptgbot | <Fuseteam> @TotalSonic [It would be nice to see Anthony / Short Circuit sent a Volla pre-loaded with UT …], Heh this is a valid point xD | 01:08 |
ubptgbot | <mariogrip> lol | 01:10 |
ubptgbot | <Fuseteam> @TotalSonic [I thought this was actually a very good and balanced review, as was his review o …], Agreed and i'm happy to see ut got exposure as 'the best experience so far' xD | 01:11 |
ubptgbot | <mariogrip> lol | 01:12 |
ubptgbot | <RealDanct12> Anthony is my favorite linux user | 01:13 |
ubptgbot | <Fuseteam> @RealDanct12 [Anthony is my favorite linux user], Ikr xD | 01:48 |
ubptgbot | Samuel Picklesimer was added by: Samuel Picklesimer | 01:48 |
ubptgbot | <Samuel Picklesimer> Hey, I wanted to ask, if it isn't too much trouble, what it means if I'm getting a "unable to concept snapd socket: connection refused" error when I try to download UBPorts installer from the Ubuntu software manager store? Thanks | 01:49 |
ubptgbot | <Fuseteam> Uh sounds like a permission error | 01:55 |
ubptgbot | <Fuseteam> Which is weird | 01:55 |
ubptgbot | <Samuel Picklesimer> I am on a University so perhaps it's some strange connection restriction on their part? | 01:55 |
ubptgbot | <Samuel Picklesimer> A VPN would nip that in the bud | 01:56 |
ubptgbot | richard andrés was added by: richard andrés | 01:56 |
ubptgbot | <Fuseteam> The ubuntu software center version of the ubports installer is a snap, perhaps try `sudo snap install ubports-installer`? | 01:57 |
ubptgbot | <Samuel Picklesimer> I'll see | 02:15 |
ubptgbot | <Samuel Picklesimer> Ok I think that worked | 02:16 |
ubptgbot | <Fuseteam> Cool | 02:17 |
ubptgbot | <Samuel Picklesimer> Don't mean to pester but now I have this error and I know I've got USB debugging on the device I'm installing Ubuntu Touch on and everything enabled so I'm wondering if the cable might be going bad or something with this error or if it's something else , it just says "cannot read property 'codename' of null | 02:21 |
ubptgbot | <Samuel Picklesimer> For any additional context I could provide it's a used Nexus 5 | 02:21 |
ubptgbot | <TartanSpartan> Does `adb devices` detect the phone? | 02:52 |
ubptgbot | <Samuel Picklesimer> It does, I've now seen there's a bigger picture here, it still can't connect to the servers, even though I'm not running a proxy | 02:56 |
ubptgbot | <Samuel Picklesimer> Tried to figure out how to set them manually via the terminal but I couldn't find anything at all | 02:56 |
ubptgbot | <Samuel Picklesimer> Not an expert on terminal usage so I apologize if I sound like a rookie | 03:02 |
ubptgbot | <TartanSpartan> I'm only intermediate myself. Hope you manage to figure it out with the help of the community :) | 03:06 |
ubptgbot | <Fuseteam> @Samuel Picklesimer [It does, I've now seen there's a bigger picture here, it still can't connect to …], are doing this on windows perchance? | 03:18 |
ubptgbot | <Fuseteam> nothing against windows for all intends and purposes it should just work™ | 03:19 |
ubptgbot | <Samuel Picklesimer> No, it didn't work on Windows for this exact error which is why I pulled out an old pc and threw Ubuntu on it to try and get around it. | 03:21 |
ubptgbot | <Samuel Picklesimer> So I don't understand it for the life of me | 03:21 |
ubptgbot | <Fuseteam> so this happened on ubuntu? | 03:22 |
ubptgbot | <Fuseteam> welp that's not good | 03:22 |
ubptgbot | <Fuseteam> did you press the report a bug button? | 03:23 |
ubptgbot | <Fuseteam> maybe try an older version of the installer | 03:24 |
ubptgbot | <Samuel Picklesimer> I managed to get it to "just work" on Windows again and I don't know how but cool | 03:35 |
ubptgbot | <Fuseteam> sounds like something flaky, we'll track it down eventually :/ | 03:37 |
ubptgbot | <Samuel Picklesimer> I'm sure it's just a minor thing. | 03:41 |
ubptgbot | <Samuel Picklesimer> Is there any command I have to execute to actually boot into Ubuntu Touch? It's been on the logo startup screen of my Nexus for a good while now | 03:42 |
ubptgbot | <TartanSpartan> @Fuseteam [nothing against windows for all intends and purposes it should just work™], *intents ;) | 03:43 |
ubptgbot | <Fuseteam> @Samuel Picklesimer [Is there any command I have to execute to actually boot into Ubuntu Touch? It's …], it should just boot™ | 03:51 |
ubptgbot | <Fuseteam> @TartanSpartan [*intents ;)], thx :p | 03:51 |
ubptgbot | <Samuel Picklesimer> I didn't install it properly I just realized so I'm redoing it | 03:51 |
ubptgbot | <Fuseteam> ah alright | 03:52 |
ubptgbot | <Samuel Picklesimer> I got it to work | 04:05 |
ubptgbot | <Samuel Picklesimer> Thanks guys | 04:05 |
ubptgbot | <Samuel Picklesimer> I figured I'd let you know because I assume you guys actually run the installer but thanks | 04:06 |
ubptgbot | <Fuseteam> oh that's great 😍 | 04:16 |
ubptgbot | <Mr_K3y> @Paul JL [Thanks! I'm becoming increasingly dissatisfied with my Samsung A20.], Hi, Paul. Were you able to run UT on samsung? | 06:23 |
ubptgbot | <Flohack> @TotalSonic [It would be nice to see Anthony / Short Circuit sent a Volla pre-loaded with UT …], Maybe we can make this happen | 08:28 |
ubptgbot | <SomaSchicksal> and knowing anthony, he may even tamper with it trying other stuff on it too | 08:30 |
ubptgbot | <SomaSchicksal> so it is a win win win situation? | 08:30 |
ubptgbot | pujostylur was added by: pujostylur | 08:32 |
ubptgbot | <pujostylur> Helo | 08:32 |
ubptgbot | <Flohack> @SomaSchicksal [so it is a win win win situation?], Can be yes :) | 08:46 |
ubptgbot | <pujostylur> Hello everybody,i just wanna ask this question,can i install ubuntu touch on china android devices?,(example : advan,lava or each other) | 08:51 |
ubptgbot | <AaronTheGuy> https://devices.ubuntu-touch.io/ is the right place to look for devices that can be flashed with Ubuntu Touch | 09:02 |
ubptgbot | <AaronTheGuy> If you are looking for a device that has it preinstalled ther is Volla https://volla.online/de/ | 09:03 |
ubptgbot | <ImmyChan> @AaronTheGuy [If you are looking for a device that has it preinstalled ther is Volla https://v …], Tbh any device is pretty easy to install it on though | 09:13 |
ubptgbot | <ImmyChan> If you want a Chinese phone that can run Ubuntu Touch I recommend the Xiomai Mi A2 | 09:13 |
ubptgbot | <SomaSchicksal> it is all about the bootloader, if it is locked without a key to open it. that's the hardest condition you can be | 09:16 |
ubptgbot | <ImmyChan> @SomaSchicksal [it is all about the bootloader, if it is locked without a key to open it. that's …], ^ | 09:16 |
ubptgbot | <just_carlod> @ImmyChan [If you want a Chinese phone that can run Ubuntu Touch I recommend the Xiomai Mi …], in Chinese there's Xiaomi 6X | 09:26 |
ubptgbot | <just_carlod> which is a little diffrent | 09:26 |
ubptgbot | <just_carlod> there are problems with installer atm | 09:27 |
ubptgbot | <just_carlod> this device require diffrent kernel image | 09:27 |
ubptgbot | <just_carlod> [Edit] which is a little different | 09:28 |
ubptgbot | <just_carlod> [Edit] this device require different kernel image | 09:28 |
ubptgbot | <just_carlod> @ImmyChan [If you want a Chinese phone that can run Ubuntu Touch I recommend the Xiomai Mi …], [Edit] in China there's Xiaomi 6X | 09:29 |
ubptgbot | <mateosalta> @TotalSonic [I thought this was actually a very good and balanced review, as was his review o …], very nice, this is exactly what needs to be seen. very honest, but not negative. | 09:38 |
ubptgbot | <Stereofont> @Fuseteam [FINALLY https://youtu.be/fCKMxzz9cjs?t=711], 1.39 million subscribers 👀 | 10:09 |
ubptgbot | <Fuseteam> @Stereofont [1.39 million subscribers 👀], exactly xD | 10:12 |
ubptgbot | <Javacookies> it's a child channel of LTT … and Anthony is their guy for Linux 😄 | 10:18 |
ubptgbot | <ImmyChan> Anthony is a legend lol | 10:26 |
ubptgbot | <Oliv4945> Sorry but I might live in a cave, who are you talking about? | 10:35 |
ubptgbot | <klaartje_b> The guy in the video linked above. | 10:38 |
ubptgbot | <Oliv4945> @klaartje_b [The guy in the video linked above.], mmm funny thing I do not had the video on my phone, now I see it on the computer..thanks :) | 10:41 |
ubptgbot | <just_carlod> yeah teleports 😄 | 10:44 |
ubptgbot | <Oliv4945> I am not yet using UBTouch on my phone, I still have to finish the port 😇 | 11:09 |
ubptgbot | <Javacookies> salute to you for porting 👍 … most of us just wait for someone to port 😄 | 11:27 |
ubptgbot | <Fuseteam> @just_carlod [yeah teleports 😄], the video is visible on teleports fwiw | 11:29 |
ubptgbot | <Fuseteam> tis just telegram magic | 11:30 |
ubptgbot | <TheBakerCat> hi everyone, how to install anbox on unsupported device? | 11:30 |
ubptgbot | <Flohack> @TheBakerCat [hi everyone, how to install anbox on unsupported device?], You need a custom kernel with the Anbox patches first | 11:32 |
ubptgbot | <TheBakerCat> @Flohack [You need a custom kernel with the Anbox patches first], okay, what patches and how do I need to apply? maybe there are ready-made patched kernels for santoni? | 11:34 |
ubptgbot | <TheBakerCat> I tried to install the system with a wipe and found out this is what. The mtp works only once, right after the first boot of the newly installed system, after rebooting, the mtp stops working and my laptop does not see the device at all. ADB works only in the recovery ubports, in the system itself it does not work without and with the | 11:53 |
ubptgbot | developer mode (reboots also do not give any result) I tried to install both the release and the release candidate version, but it did not help in any way | 11:53 |
ubptgbot | <TheBakerCat> @TheBakerCat [I tried to install the system with a wipe and found out this is what. The mtp wo …], santoni, windows 10, latest adb and adb drivers from google | 11:53 |
ubptgbot | <Fuseteam> uh did you install it with the ubports installer? | 11:54 |
ubptgbot | <NotKit> @RealDanct12 could you please tell if santoni has anbox-binder already? | 11:54 |
ubptgbot | <TheBakerCat> @Fuseteam [uh did you install it with the ubports installer?], ofc | 11:55 |
ubptgbot | <Fuseteam> @TheBakerCat [ofc], weird iirc it should work | 11:55 |
ubptgbot | <NotKit> https://github.com/ubports-santoni/android_kernel_xiaomi_santoni/blob/halium-7.1/arch/arm64/configs/santoni_defconfig#L4066 | 11:56 |
ubptgbot | <NotKit> seemingly yes | 11:56 |
ubptgbot | <NotKit> so you just need to download Anbox image | 11:56 |
ubptgbot | <djsoyboi> Does ut support split screen feature for pinephone plz @ me if u know | 11:59 |
ubptgbot | <fredldotme> @NotKit [https://github.com/ubports-santoni/android_kernel_xiaomi_santoni/blob/halium-7.1 …], Is there a reason we're not suggesting using the normal binder driver and just enabling the Anbox domains instead of this additional driver? | 12:00 |
ubptgbot | <NotKit> that is 7.x device | 12:01 |
ubptgbot | <fredldotme> Well suzu is is also 7.1 but I get it, doesn't have the kernel option yet | 12:01 |
ubptgbot | <Javacookies> @djsoyboi [Does ut support split screen feature for pinephone plz @ me if u know], no, there's side-stage but it's only enabled in landscape and on devices tagged as tablets … it's not full blown split screen but it's close … you can manually enable it on the pinephone by modifying some codes | 12:04 |
ubptgbot | <djsoyboi> @Javacookies [no, there's side-stage but it's only enabled in landscape and on devices tagged …], Thx | 12:05 |
ubptgbot | <Flohack> @TheBakerCat [okay, what patches and how do I need to apply? maybe there are ready-made patche …], Please move the questions to porting channel. Its too much general channel in here ;) | 12:14 |
ubptgbot | <TheBakerCat> @Flohack [Please move the questions to porting channel. Its too much general channel in he …], Okay, can you give link please? | 12:16 |
ubptgbot | <Fuseteam> t.me/ubports_porting | 12:16 |
ubptgbot | <K31j0> about that microphone feedback loop on lavender I was talking before... | 12:19 |
ubptgbot | <K31j0> It `seems` to be present on LineageOS as well ._. | 12:20 |
ubptgbot | <NotKit> @K31j0 [It seems to be present on LineageOS as well ._.], really? | 12:51 |
ubptgbot | <NotKit> I wonder if the problem could be with LineageOS vendor | 12:51 |
ubptgbot | <NotKit> can you reproduce it without having someone to call? | 12:52 |
ubptgbot | <K31j0> I've seen a weird behaviour after using telegram for some while and perhaps initiating voice message recording, afterwards if I swiped my finger over the microfone shroud I could hear it in the speaker used for calls | 13:59 |
ubptgbot | <K31j0> My callers also say noise cancelling is terrible | 13:59 |
ubptgbot | <TheBakerCat> @TheBakerCat [I tried to install the system with a wipe and found out this is what. The mtp wo …], Btw can this problem be related to a bad vendor? | 14:06 |
ubptgbot | Workbench1951 was added by: Workbench1951 | 15:26 |
ubptgbot | <mateosalta> well awesome, look what marius is playing with! | 16:05 |
ubptgbot | <mateosalta> https://twitter.com/Mariogrip/status/1372342470495854600?s=20 | 16:05 |
ubptgbot | <Flohack> @TheBakerCat [okay, what patches and how do I need to apply? maybe there are ready-made patche …], Look here for a start: https://github.com/Flohack74/android_kernel_huawei_angler/commit/bd9d34e4fd62c1eb285ac693661a8cf5799dc6e1 | 16:05 |
ubptgbot | <NotKit> santoni kernel has that already as we found out later | 16:06 |
ubptgbot | <Flohack> @NotKit [santoni kernel has that already as we found out later], Ok sorry haha | 16:06 |
ubptgbot | <Workbench1951> (Document) https://irc.ubports.com/RNwKqs5k.gif | 16:09 |
ubptgbot | <Javacookies> @mateosalta [well awesome, look what marius is playing with!], Marius always casually tease on twitter...one of the reasons why I check twitter regularly now … I barely use it before 😄 | 16:09 |
ubptgbot | <TheBakerCat> Santoni not supported (yet), but in anbox-tool status Kernel: OK | 16:12 |
ubptgbot | <dohbee> yes you have to download the image manually and then just enable instead of install | 16:13 |
ubptgbot | <TheBakerCat> okay, i try, thx! | 16:13 |
ubptgbot | <TheBakerCat> @dohbee [yes you have to download the image manually and then just enable instead of inst …], I thought I would find information about downloading images myself, but I never found it. Could you tell me what and where do I need to download please? | 16:29 |
ubptgbot | <TheBakerCat> @dohbee [yes you have to download the image manually and then just enable instead of inst …], [Edit] I thought I would find information about downloading images myself, but I never found it. Could you tell me what and where do I need to download please? (yes i'm stupid newbie sorry ) | 16:30 |
ubptgbot | gibcheesepuffs was added by: gibcheesepuffs | 17:19 |
ubptgbot | <Fuseteam> someone hada ascript with the details | 17:21 |
ubptgbot | <Fuseteam> i forgot who and where | 17:21 |
ubptgbot | <Fuseteam> aha! https://t.me/ubports/330485 | 17:24 |
ubptgbot | <Fuseteam> [Edit] aha! https://xray2000.gitlab.io/ | 17:43 |
ubptgbot | <TheBakerCat> @Fuseteam [aha! https://xray2000.gitlab.io/], it works, thx! | 17:55 |
ubptgbot | <TheBakerCat> @Fuseteam [aha! https://xray2000.gitlab.io/], [Edit] it works, thx!!! | 17:55 |
ubptgbot | <TheBakerCat> but why standart aosp apps are doubled? | 17:56 |
ubptgbot | <Fuseteam> pull to refresh | 17:57 |
ubptgbot | <TheBakerCat> oh I forgot, thanks again! | 17:59 |
ubptgbot | <TheBakerCat> it will be fine if the mtp and adb are repaired, but so far it seems so good | 17:59 |
ubptgbot | <giuseppeal> Salve, ho provato in diversi negozi ma senza fortuna. … Di seguito indico i miei dati … nome "Giuseppe Maurilio" cognome "Alongi"; … - luogo e data di nascita "Palermo 19/12/1980"; … - indirizzo di residenza "Viale della Vittoria n.24 - 92019 Sciacca AG); … - indirizzo email "blueyes80m@gmail.com" e numero di cellulare "3804519897" … C | 18:02 |
ubptgbot | arta d'identità nr. AV0506921 rilasciata a Sciacca il 26/11/2014 scadente il 19/12/2024 … Come indirizzo di spedizione se fosse possibile preferirei l'indirizzo di lavoro: … Studio Alongi Professionisti Associati … Viale della Vittoria n.2 … 92019 Sciacca AG | 18:02 |
ubptgbot | <OverPie> hello | 18:07 |
ubptgbot | <OverPie> does anyone tried official lavender build? | 18:07 |
ubptgbot | <E.A> Hi there, … Can anyone help me? … I bought S3 Neo (not neo+), does it work with ubports? … Touch screen working is enough for me 😕 | 18:08 |
ubptgbot | <UniversalSuperBox> Only the neo+ | 18:09 |
ubptgbot | <jayeshsyif> @TotalSonic [<reply to media>], How to get it in India ? | 18:19 |
ubptgbot | <E.A> @UniversalSuperBox [Only the neo+], Thanks 😕 | 18:20 |
ubptgbot | <PhoenixLandPirate> @TotalSonic [<reply to media>], Looks quite snazzy on ya! | 18:26 |
ubptgbot | <giuseppeal> hello | 18:37 |
ubptgbot | TheRealFunar was added by: TheRealFunar | 18:51 |
ubptgbot | <DarknessHiddenorg> @NotKit [so you just need to download Anbox image], On Rolex and land im added anbox-installer scrirtp but some user still don't know how install it :( | 18:58 |
ubptgbot | <Steve Kueffer> @OverPie [does anyone tried official lavender build?], You can ask @ruditimmer , he did install UBports on Redmi Note 7... | 19:06 |
ubptgbot | <TartanSpartan> I'm going to work on adapting uPower Indicator to include the Volla, then possibly the MX4 and M10 too. | 19:18 |
ubptgbot | <Fuseteam> @Steve Kueffer [You can ask @ruditimmer , he did install UBports on Redmi Note 7...], here: https://xray2000.gitlab.io/ | 19:21 |
ubptgbot | <TotalSonic> @jayeshsyif [How to get it in India ?], https://ubports.com/shop | 19:44 |
ubptgbot | <NotKit> @OverPie [does anyone tried official lavender build?], I have it as well | 19:44 |
ubptgbot | <amyosx> @NotKit [I have it as well], how many devices do you own? xD | 19:45 |
ubptgbot | <TotalSonic> @OverPie [does anyone tried official lavender build?], Yes, for the most part it works very well. Issues I had are phone calls echo on receiver's end (but sound fine on UT end), video recording freezes on first frame, and it can take a few swipes to quit apps. If those things could be fixed it would make for a nice daily driver. | 19:47 |
ubptgbot | <NotKit> @amyosx [how many devices do you own? xD], you don't want to know the answer | 19:47 |
ubptgbot | <NotKit> that's what happens when you get too obsessed with porting stuff lol | 19:47 |
ubptgbot | <amyosx> lol | 19:52 |
ubptgbot | <amyosx> port teracube pls | 19:52 |
ubptgbot | <NotKit> start it first | 19:52 |
ubptgbot | <amyosx> i cant even build the kernel lmao | 19:52 |
ubptgbot | <amyosx> trying to build with gcc | 19:55 |
ubptgbot | <amyosx> cause clang didnt work xD | 19:55 |
ubptgbot | <TotalSonic> hmmm - @Flohack - is this something that can eventually be enabled for Teleports? Or is it still missing from TDLib? | 21:14 |
ubptgbot | <TotalSonic> [Edit] hmmm - @Flohack - is this something that can eventually be enabled for Teleports? Or is it still missing from TDLib? https://telegram.org/blog/voice-chats-on-steroids | 21:14 |
ubptgbot | <Flohack> @TotalSonic [hmmm - @Flohack - is this something that can eventually be enabled for Teleport …], Far far away ^^ | 21:15 |
ubptgbot | <TotalSonic> @Flohack [Far far away ^^], I figured. | 21:15 |
ubptgbot | <TotalSonic> @Flohack [Far far away ^^], The recent improvements to TELEports have been very much appreciated though! | 21:34 |
ubptgbot | <Flohack> @TotalSonic [The recent improvements to TELEports have been very much appreciated though!], Yeah but we are moving slow, plus we are bound to the availability of features in tdlib, which needs some weeks to months before it gets published, so official features are always delayed | 21:35 |
ubptgbot | <klaartje_b> I don't think anyone will complain about that. TELEports is just really good. We're happy to have it. | 21:37 |
ubptgbot | <TotalSonic> @Flohack [Yeah but we are moving slow, plus we are bound to the availability of features i …], I understand. I figure the next year is going to be about the move to 20.04, so my expectations are that the other developments need to go to the back burner. But if audio and video chat can ultimately be implemented in TELEports would be a | 21:37 |
ubptgbot | major step up in functionality for UT devices for sure. | 21:37 |
ubptgbot | <Flohack> @TotalSonic [I understand. I figure the next year is going to be about the move to 20.04, so …], Sure. For that there are 2 things to happen, first there would need to be background activity policy introduced for apps since otherwise you cannot be called, and then TELEports would need to be split in 2 parts, a background service and a G | 21:40 |
ubptgbot | UI, and thats really a lot of work. … Not saying that Telegram guys used 3 or 4 libraries with various protocols and algorithms inside to make calling possible and there is little documentation what to do. They even recommended us to copy it from the official clients, but thats also a lot of work | 21:40 |
ubptgbot | <ccarolcc> Fwd from Avi Yemini: Sanjeev Sabhlok quit the Victorian Government after twenty years of public service for refusing to remove social media posts calling Victoria a police state. … WATCH & SHARE his story. … https://youtu.be/XoengjLTeWU | 21:40 |
ubptgbot | <TotalSonic> @ccarolcc [Sanjeev Sabhlok quit the Victorian Government after twenty years of public servi …], Interesting but OFF TOPIC | 21:41 |
ubptgbot | <dohbee> nah no more | 21:41 |
ubptgbot | <dohbee> that person is banned now for posting such off topic conspiracy nonsense multiple times | 21:41 |
ubptgbot | <amyosx> Which? | 21:42 |
ubptgbot | <dohbee> and it being pretty much the only stuff they posted in here | 21:42 |
ubptgbot | <TotalSonic> @Flohack [Sure. For that there are 2 things to happen, first there would need to be backg …], Hopefully with the increased amount of available devices and development around UT more developers will get attracted that can help with this. At least - I can hope. | 21:42 |
ubptgbot | <TotalSonic> @dohbee [and it being pretty much the only stuff they posted in here], yeah, I appreciate that this is a very focused board. Plenty of other places for general chat | 21:43 |
ubptgbot | <dohbee> @TotalSonic [yeah, I appreciate that this is a very focused board. Plenty of other places fo …], the only appropriate place to spread lies and conspiracy theories, is nowhere | 21:44 |
ubptgbot | <TotalSonic> @dohbee [the only appropriate place to spread lies and conspiracy theories, is nowhere], I am fine with people posting what they wish, I just believe that no one should be forced to platform them either. | 21:45 |
=== probono4 is now known as probono | ||
ubptgbot | <TartanSpartan> Fwd from TartanSpartan: I've also witnessed something really bizarre twice now on the Volla. I am trying to call to check I'm enrolled in provincial healthcare. It only ever goes to an automated line with a busy signal... go figure. But when the call hangs up, for a second I'm quite sure I hear the very end of the tone through my la | 22:52 |
ubptgbot | ptop's speakers. And they aren't currently connected by Bluetooth. | 22:52 |
ubptgbot | <TartanSpartan> Fwd from TartanSpartan: At first I wondered if it was a bug whereby the end of the call would go to loudspeaker without the user saying so, but I could have sworn that the sound was further than the phone's loudspeaker. | 22:53 |
ubptgbot | <TartanSpartan> Fwd from TartanSpartan: Am I crazy? How could this be possible? | 22:53 |
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