
=== ahayzen_ is now known as ahayzen
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rastosHi. My server recently got automatic update which brought in "openjdk-lts (11.0.10+9-0ubuntu1~18.04)" (date  20 Jan 2021) and my java client application suddenly failed to connect and it seems to be because "openjdk-lts (11.0.10+9-0ubuntu1~18.04)"  on server does not include https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8256030 (from 2020-11-08 ). How can I check if JDK-8256030 is included in  "openjdk-lts (11.0.10+9-0ubuntu1~18.04)" fr07:26
rastos* ... from  20 Jan 2021?07:27
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xnoxrastos:  it should be in. I think.12:30
xnoxdoko:  ^^^12:44
popeyhave we considered making a badges dot ubuntu dot com? Seems straightforward13:10
xnoxpopey:  we have that in snapstore13:22
xnoxpopey:  not sure we do for classic ubuntu13:22
popeyi know we have it for snaps, I'm asking just for the archive13:22
xnoxpopey:  hm.... that website has support for like suse & ubuntu too.13:25
xnoxi don't like the insecure implementation of it though =)13:25
xnoxpopey:  i wonder if we can just contribute more things to that very same website.13:26
xnoxpopey:  also not sure what would be a nice badge => the one pointing at latest package version in $devel? or in $lts?13:33
popeyxnox that's a good point. I suspect lts13:44
xnoxpopey:  which will never look nice next to "unstable badge"13:58
xnoxi'd rather have a badge that links to packages.ubuntu.com or pad.lv/u/$pkg without version numbers13:58
xnoxpossibly with just the highest version number only listed.13:59
popeywell, the code is open source. so it could be arranged to do that :D14:09
popeyI wish we still had apps. ubuntu . com :(14:09
dokorastos, xnox: just download the source, and have a look. and yes, it's included14:53
ograsil2100, hmm, so i cant really use copy-package for the PPA copy ... not sure why but copy-package always tells me the PPA doesnt exist ... i must be missing something 😞15:30
ograoh, silly me ... i was missing an "/ubuntu" in th ppa url ...15:42
ograsil2100, everything copied to the hirsute-propsed queue ... happy reviewing 😉15:53
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Odd_BlokeWe're writing a cloud-init postinst stanza to fix up some log file permissions and want to set the group to `adm`: can we safely assume that `adm` will exist when postinst runs?21:07
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xnoxOdd_Bloke:  grep adm base-passwd-3.5.49/group.master22:27
xnoxOdd_Bloke:  yes adm group is reserved one, statically allocated in base-passwd and required to be there by debian policy i think.22:27
xnoxOdd_Bloke:  if adm is not there, fallback to root i guess.22:28
cjwatsonxnox,Odd_Bloke: Yes, it's required to be there.  You shouldn't need a fallback.22:49

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