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leumashmhi guys, i have i query, i know if i have want to allow a ftpuser to read write to /var/www/html i need to do this sudo chown ftpuser:ftpuser /var/www/html but what if i have multiple users ftpusera ,b ,c how do i do it? I see online ppl talking about putting ftpusersa,b,c in groups.15:45
oerheksnormally one makes that user member of www-data:ww-data15:46
oerheksor group, ftp-users15:46
leumashmoerheks hmm then how to apply permissions to the /var/www/html ?15:48
oerhekswhen they are member of www-data, correct permissions are applied?15:49
leumashmoerheks any drawbacks for putting users into groups? like after the ftpuserb create the file in /var/www/html he becomes the owner, will it cause problems where ftpuserC cannot delete the file?15:49
oerhekshe does not become owner, the group is.15:50
oerheksdebian page; https://wiki.debian.org/SystemGroups ..15:51
leumashmoerheks chgrp -R <-groupname> <-dirname->15:52
leumashmchmod -R g+rw <-dirname->  ?15:52
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fooI just had a droplet crash and noticed one of my services didn't come up but everything else did. 18.04 here. I don't see a cron job restarting services on reboot... and I don't see things in /etc/init.d - so I'm wondering how I got some of these to start18:00
fooI don't see anything specific in the service18:00
fooI wonder if I did it with update-rc.d18:01
fooCan I list the current status of something with update-rc.d ? /me checks man page18:02
oerhekssystemctl status <name>.service18:03
foooerheks: thank you, I'm trying to find out if A) a service died trying to start up (sad day) or B) it was never configured to start up18:03
fooI have two services here, one started up on reboot one didn't18:04
oerhekswith systemd, you would have a unit file?18:04
sdezielfoo, what do you get from "systemctl is-enabled $service" ?18:04
fooIs there a way with update-rc.d to show if something should have started up on boot? Unless there's another way this started up18:04
foooerheks: yup, I do18:04
foosdeziel: I see the service that's running on bootup is enabled, I see disabled for the service that did not start at boot18:05
sdezielfoo: OK then you can enable it with "systemctl enable $service" and it should start on the next boot/reboot18:06
foosdeziel: thank you.18:06
sdezielfoo: and you can enable and start it in one go: systemctl enable --now $service18:06
RoyKsdeziel: yw?18:47
sdezielRoyK: you're welcome18:47
RoyKsdeziel: danke19:33
sdezielI have a situation where "df -h /" says 15G is used but "du -smc /*" says total is ~7G20:53
sarnolddoes lsof show any 7G deleted files in use? :)20:55
sdezielI'm fishing for a directory that was potentially deleted but for which a process keeps files open in it, any ideas/pointers on how I could find the process still pinning the files under that dir?20:55
sdezielsarnold: I know I'm looking for many files that were under a directory that 'vanished' under us20:56
sdezielso I'm not looking for a big file that'd be deleted but a dir... not sure that's even possible20:56
sdeziellsof isn't installed and I didn't want to install anything on the FS, fearing side effect but I'll do it20:57
sarnoldno ..20:57
sarnoldthere's also /proc/*/fd/20:57
sarnoldand /proc/*/cwd20:57
sarnoldit's also possible your du command is executing in a different filesystem namespace than other processes20:58
sdeziel"lsof | grep $dir" => nothing :/20:59
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sdeziel"readlink /proc/*/cwd | grep $dir" => nothing21:00
sdeziel /proc/[0-9]*/fd/ wasn't better :/21:04
sdezielsarnold: thanks for the help!21:06
sarnoldsdeziel: bummer :(21:07
sdezielit's OK, it was a stage VM ;)21:08
sdezielI would have wanted to understand the discrepancy though21:08
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sarnoldsdeziel: yeah, I don't like not knowing *why* things happen21:15
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