
lubot_[telegram] <cemunal> @HMollerCl i know but not seems nice. is not there a way to apply on user defined font and theme settings to these UIs' ?05:42
lubot_[telegram] <HMollerCl> I haven't found how to change the root seetings (re @cemunal: @HMollerCl i know but not seems nice. is not there a way to apply on user defined font and theme settings to these UIs' ?)13:03
lubot_[telegram] <cemunal> @HMollerCl thanks for reply13:12
JenshaeHmm /list kills this app. Anyway, umm ... I am still using 18.04 because I like the old Lubuntu-desktop. What would happen if I upgrade just my kernel to keep the old desktop? How bad can it get and how quickly?14:42
JohnDoe_71RusJenshae: you can try this kernel https://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/16:06
JohnDoe_71Rusi use 5.8 with 18.0416:07
JenshaeThanks, what are the penalties? In what way will it break in the future?16:07
JohnDoe_71Rusnothing penalties. it just work16:08
JenshaeCheers.  \m/16:09
JohnDoe_71Rusreally looking forward to fixing this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mesa/+bug/191587016:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1915870 in mesa (Ubuntu) "gnome-shell/gnome-session-check-accelerated-gl-helper crashed with SIGSEGV in cso_destroy_context() [r300_dri.so]" [High,Triaged]16:12
JenshaeJohnDoe_71Rus: I find this works really well for me - https://github.com/lutris/docs/blob/master/InstallingDrivers.md17:32
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=== BrianG61UK__ is now known as BrianG61UK
ConfusedBrocolliHello, could someone help with troubleshooting picom?23:23
ConfusedBrocolliI have screen tearing and I previously enabled Compton but I got issues with that23:25
ConfusedBrocolliSo I then tried to install Picom and it seemed to work but when i typr Picomn into the terminal I get a lot of errors23:25
=== cotin is now known as charlie
=== charlie is now known as cotin

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