[02:57] good morning [07:07] Morning! [08:27] good morning [08:28] o/ [08:30] I have a holiday day today [08:30] :) [08:30] so, no supermarket === tds9 is now known as tds [10:00] hola [10:00] does anybody here know, which component makes the LUKS decryption on Ubuntu Desktop look so nice? I mean the UI component? [10:02] IchiseX: don't crosspost [10:02] !patience [10:02] Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/ [10:17] Maik: There might be different people here, right? And who says that somebody who knows and joins the channel in an hour will still see my message? [10:31] IchiseX: most are the same people and crossposting is just not done [10:32] also, read the guidelines [10:34] IchiseX: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines [10:34] enough said [10:42] Maik: I feel already very welcome, especially with attitudes such as yours. Cheers mate. [10:46] IchiseX: this is the discuss channel [10:48] Look guys. I'm not a IRC/Freenode regular. I have a specific question regarding Ubuntu. I check the ubuntu page with the IRC channels. I see two channels, that might be the right ones for my question. I join the channels and ask my question. No need to be so uptight about it from the start. It doesn't hurt to be use a friendly tone. [10:50] IchiseX: Maik just pointed you to crossposting is not adviced, its not meant to be uptight [10:51] you are still welcome and volunteers will help you in #ubuntu when they can/come online [10:51] Yeah, okay, you're right about that. I just didn't like his choice of words. [10:52] lotuspsychje: Is there a channel that fits my question better? [10:53] IchiseX: ubuntu support issues in #ubuntu for discussions and offtopic general chat #ubuntu-discuss & #ubuntu-offtopic [10:53] see also !alis IchiseX to find other channels [10:54] !alis [10:54] Alis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see "/msg Alis help list" or ask in #freenode. Example usage: "/msg Alis list http" [10:55] lotuspsychje: Thanks for the input. I'll be leaving this channel then. Cheers. [10:56] IchiseX: i didn't mean any harm, it's just the way you pick it up. Downside of being on the internet. [18:34] hello, can ubuntu run on chromebooks? [18:37] yes there are many guides online of how to mod it on depending on the model you have [18:37] all you have to do is look it up [18:38] excellent, thank you [18:53] Maik: https://wiki.debian.org/plymouth [18:54] "Plymouth presents a graphic animation (also known as a bootsplash) while the system boots. It provides eye-candy and a more professional presentation for scenarios where the default high-information text output might be undesirable. It also handles boot prompts, such as entering disk encryption passwords." [18:55] Ummmm [18:56] wrong person. the other left