
greenleafdoes anyone know what config is used to build the so-called Mainline kernels? https://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v5.11.7/ 02:37
greenleaf"These kernels are made from unmodified kernel source but using the Ubuntu kernel configuration files."02:37
greenleafI am on Debian. How do I find a copy of the "Ubuntu kernel configuration files"?02:38
sarnoldhmm, looks like the website that served those doesn't have them any more02:41
sarnoldgreenleaf: here's a config from upcoming hirsute release, it's a 5.10 .. https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/dqPSSP6WF7/02:43
sarnoldgreenleaf: the 'usual' ubuntu debs also include the config in /boot/config-* files -- if you want one of those 5.11.7 kernels, the packages probably have the configs nearby02:44
greenleaffound it in /boot. thanks02:48
greenleaf@sarnold, so I found the config, and the module that I am looking to compile. It seems I'm supposed to add a new flag to the config file: CONFIG_SND_SOC_INTEL_SKL_HDA_DSP_GENERIC_MACH03:23
greenleafis that the correct interpretation of https://cateee.net/lkddb/web-lkddb/SND_SOC_INTEL_SKL_HDA_DSP_GENERIC_MACH.html03:24
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