
Inteloi added sudo add-apt-repository ppa:neovim-ppa/stable how do I remoe it?00:09
sarnold       -r, --remove Remove the specified repository00:10
Intelosudo add-apt-repository ppa:neovim-ppa/stable -r00:12
Intelosarnold: ?00:12
Bashing-om!ppa-purge | Intelo As neovim is in the repo00:12
ubottuIntelo As neovim is in the repo: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html00:12
sarnoldIntelo: most programs that take switches to modify their behaviour want those switches before the 'data' arguments00:14
maxFlexGuestI am having trouble finding the appropriate system location to create a custom keyboard layout on Ubuntu (not to modify an existing keyboard layout).00:28
sarnoldmaxFlexGuest: setxkbmap(1) has a -config option that looks like it might let you store it anywhere00:32
InteloWhich folders of a user , if an app is put/installed, automatically are included in $PATH?00:34
quadrathoch2Intelo depends as there are multiple directories (or if it's installed globally or only for the user)00:38
sarnoldIntelo: /etc/skel/.profile provides a default ~/.profile that will add ~/bin and ~/.local/bin to the PATH of whatever shell is using that file00:40
Intelohm ok00:43
=== vlm_ is now known as vlm
gnUserGuys I would like to be able to scroll through my ubuntu desktops by doing Ctrl + alt + scroll wheel. You think this is possible?02:11
sarnoldgnUser: probably; what desktop environment or window manager are you running?02:17
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gnUsersarnold: Gnome Desktop02:23
sarnoldgnUser: here's a gnome extension that's several years old, it might work https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/1438/scroll-workspace/02:27
sarnoldhere's another that looks newer https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/1616/panel-scroll/02:27
rodrigoty23does anybody here use sm player?02:54
Bashing-omrodrigoty23: If someone here did, what would be your real question ?03:02
rodrigoty23does it buffer for you bash?03:02
rodrigoty23while your mid way in the movie?03:03
Bashing-omrodrigoty23: Can not say as I do not use the app. Await and see what others respond with :D03:04
rodrigoty23yup sucks you dont watch movies then03:05
Bashing-omrodrigoty23: Well -= rather do support as to watch movies, But late at night on the couch movies are intertaining :D03:07
rodrigoty23so what you use vlc?03:09
Bashing-omrodrigoty23: KISS - I have no audio on this work station :D03:11
rodrigoty23that has to suck03:12
gnUsersarnold: sorry bro, I had to go deal with an emergency but thanks for sending those extensions04:12
=== busybusybusy is now known as BUSY
aumwith ubuntu 20 root-on-zfs, how do I safely move the entire disk from a dying 256GB SSD to a pair of new 1TB SSDs?05:59
usibrfucwadyxjDEBIAN IS THE BEST05:59
aumI'm currently attempting to dd the whole 256GB disk to one of the new 1TB ones, and hoping to boot off that and expand the partition06:00
rfmaum, if it's zfs you should add the new disks to the zpool mirrot, wait to resilver, remove the dyig one06:16
-usibrfucwadyxj:#ubuntu- IMPORTANT REMINDER: Ubuntu is going end-of-life April 1. To ensure continued security patches and ransomware protection, please make sure you upgrade to Debian by April 1, 2021. Thank you.06:18
rfmaum, once you get the zpool mirror on the big disks, you can figure out how to expand the volumes06:19
rfmAnd for pete's sake can we wait for April to do April Fools?06:21
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imrjdhi folks06:42
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dstryhello imrjd06:53
dstryhow's it going06:54
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jarnosDo latest Ubuntu releases come with some locate variant installed by default?08:11
guivercjarnos, `find` is included (findutils package)08:21
=== tds9 is now known as tds
IchiseXdoes anybody here know, which component makes the LUKS decryption on Ubuntu Desktop look so nice? I mean the UI component?09:47
fennshi I'm upgrading my LTS to 20.04. It's hanging on the command "Installing the chromium snap"09:51
fennsbeen like this for several minutes09:51
fennsany ideas?09:52
fennsoh it's continuing now - thanks anyway :-)09:53
IchiseXfenns: https://www.reddit.com/r/Ubuntu/comments/m5j9ns/i_was_upgrading_to_ubuntu_2004_when_i_got_stuck/09:55
IchiseXmaybe there's some helpful info there,didnt really check09:55
IchiseXdoes anybody here know, which component makes the LUKS decryption on Ubuntu Desktop look so nice? I mean the UI component?09:59
diofantozhi, can i not resize partitions while the partitions are mounted? (and i'm in the OS)10:07
diofantozall guides refer to booting a live cd10:08
=== facetus_malum6 is now known as facetus_malum
abffdiofantoz: no not generally, you need to be able to access the devices themselves and if the system you're using depends on those devices being mounted- then you can't be messing with them10:19
diofantozabff: yea, ok10:20
diofantozthis is the system partition so10:20
abffyeah get yourself a live usb to boot into while working on that10:21
abffI wish you success10:21
silv3r_m00n is it necessary to create the swap partition right next to root partition ? or can it be a few partitions away ?10:53
IchiseXsilv3r_m00n: Are you setting it up for a desktop/notebook?11:03
FooDogsilv3r_m00n: as i understand it, you can choose any order of partitions without hesitation in case you using SSD. If you use HDD, than the first ones partitions will be a little faster than the last ones. And of course, there's no critical need for creating a swap partition, if you setting up operating system for home use11:12
Maiksilv3r_m00n: these days you don't need to create a swap partition anymore, Ubuntu creates a swap file by default11:12
silv3r_m00nMaik: ubuntu has a swap file already ?11:12
silv3r_m00nmeans if it runs out of space on ram it will use the file ?11:12
silv3r_m00nwithout thrashing the system ?11:12
Maiksince 18.0411:13
IchiseXsilv3r_m00n: this might answer some more questions: https://www.maketecheasier.com/need-swap-in-ubuntu/11:13
silv3r_m00nMaik: what is this feature called by the way ?11:13
silv3r_m00nactually this is a laptop that i dont plan to shutdown, it may stay in hibernation or suspend11:13
silv3r_m00nswap is not needed for that as well ?11:13
IchiseXsilv3r_m00n: read the article :) there it talks about hibernation. as far as i understood, you need it for that purpose11:14
aquanauthi how to solve this error?/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lasdf11:17
EriC^aquanaut: are you trying to compile something?11:19
silv3r_m00nthis is a brand new laptop with windows 10 pre-installed, i created extra space on the existing ssd for ubuntu installation, i have created 1 partition to be mounted as root, do i need to create something for the boot loader ? or how does it work ?11:23
EriC^silv3r_m00n: it depends if you're going to be using uefi or legacy11:26
silv3r_m00nthere is an EFI partition of size 105 MB11:26
silv3r_m00nit belongs to windows 10 i guess11:26
silv3r_m00nnow what do i do next11:26
silv3r_m00ni was told that ubuntu beside windows10 is tricky11:26
EriC^silv3r_m00n: ok, i'd create a separate efi partition for ubuntu11:26
silv3r_m00ni create a root partition in the free space area, i should add a new partition of type EFI ?11:27
silv3r_m00nand install bootloader in there ?11:27
EriC^yeah, you want to create a ~300mb partition and set the type to efi and also at the bottom of the screen where it says 'install bootloader to device' you should put /dev/sdX where sdX is the ubuntu hdd (and not sdX1 or 2)11:28
silv3r_m00nin that case, what happens to the windows 10 ? will be able to boot ?11:29
silv3r_m00ni guess the existing EFI partition is from where windows 10 boots11:29
silv3r_m00nthere is only 1 ssd drive, and there is already an EFI partition, if i add 1 more there will be 2 EFI partitions11:29
EriC^silv3r_m00n: yeah, ubuntu will try to set itself first in the uefi boot order, and grub should have windows11:29
silv3r_m00nbut if i put /dev/sdX  and not /dev/sdX1 or /dev/sdX2 how will ubuntu know which EFI drive to choose ?11:30
EriC^if your board has odd implementations, as many do, then you'll get windows once you reboot, and then you'll need to see what can be done11:30
EriC^silv3r_m00n: cause you set the 300mb to efi type11:30
silv3r_m00nthe the existing 105mb efi partition ? what happens to that11:31
EriC^it's not touched11:31
IchiseXsilv3r_m00n: This might help https://www.itzgeek.com/post/how-to-install-ubuntu-20-04-alongside-with-windows-10-in-dual-boot/11:31
silv3r_m00nits like 105mb efi + 200gb windows 10 + 80gb ext4 / + rest blank11:31
EriC^i thought ubuntu is on a separate hdd, it's the same one?11:32
silv3r_m00nEriC^: if its not touched, then how will ubuntu know to use the second EFI and not the first11:32
silv3r_m00nyes same11:32
silv3r_m00nsingle SSD11:32
silv3r_m00nsingle 512gb ssd and windows 10 pre installed11:32
silv3r_m00nnow i create free space to install ubuntu11:32
EriC^ah ok, nevermind the efi for ubuntu then, just create root fs and it will use the windows efi11:32
silv3r_m00nthe windows efi is 105mb, is that sufficient ?11:32
silv3r_m00ni read somewhere it should be about 500mb atleast11:32
EriC^it should be yeah, the ubuntu files are only 5mb here11:33
silv3r_m00nOH GREAT11:33
silv3r_m00nmeans i had to do nothing but click next11:33
silv3r_m00nlet me do that11:33
silv3r_m00nwill be back in a while after installation finishes11:33
krmthi! Is there a way of using git from nautilus?11:34
krmt(with a GUI)11:36
IchiseXkrmt: https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2017/06/simple-nautilus-git-integration11:38
IchiseXand some more https://askubuntu.com/questions/4788/nautilus-git-integration11:38
krmtIchiseX: I had seen those, but they look ansolutely ancient. The second is not available for > 17.0411:41
IchiseXoopsie, sorry then.11:43
IchiseXwhy not use the terminal?11:43
IchiseXi know, that's not the question.11:43
krmtIchiseX: just because .... I am trying to see whether I can run everything from GUI, experiencing ubuntu as would my wife .... I have to say, overall not very happy.11:44
IchiseXhow about a gui version of git?11:45
krmtIchiseX: such as git-cola?11:46
krmtIchiseX: that is actually quite good, but not well integrated into nautilus.11:47
krmtIchiseX: git-gui does not integrate at all.11:47
krmtIchiseX: the nicest I have seen so far is to fire up eclipse and import.11:47
krmtIchiseX: very elegant and fairly simple. Yet, you have to install eclipse which is not that easy.11:48
krmtIchiseX: which other alternative would you suggest?11:51
krmt another question .... does libjack-jackd2-0 do anything useful?11:58
tomreynit provides shared libraries for the JACK Audio Connection Kit12:01
tomreynso other software that's compiled against jack would probably need them12:02
krmttomreyn: I understand .... I thought ubuntu was not using jack though?12:03
tomreynkrmt: it doesn't, not the main flavor, other flavors do, specifically UbuntuStudio12:05
krmttomreyn: this is what I thought .... I would like to rmeove it to be able to sue mycroft.12:07
=== V1A is now known as V|A
BluesKajHi folks12:24
drupolhello all12:24
drupolI'm unable to run apt-get update since a couple of days12:24
drupolI'm looking for help12:24
summonnerchange repos and see if that helps?12:45
BluesKajlooks like you have a ppa that's no longer valid mucking up the works12:47
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=== Guest55508 is now known as knackebrot
silv3r_m00n1hi there14:09
silv3r_m00n1i encrypted my home directory following instructions here, https://blog.sensecodons.com/2019/10/encrypt-your-home-directory-using-luks.html14:09
silv3r_m00n1its working fine, is there anything else i need to do as best practises ?14:09
cbreakmake sure you have backups14:12
silv3r_m00n1backups of data in home ?14:12
silv3r_m00n1doing that too14:13
mfraz74Is there an issue with the ddebs repository key?14:20
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radueguys, i'm trying to set up an mpd server inside lxc (proxmox) and it seems i cannot set pulseaudio to work (no soundcard and x not running), any ideas if it's possible to have a headless mpd server? maybe all i need is get a soundcard and passthrough it to the container? Or is there any other way..?14:41
knstnDoes Ubuntu Live ISO contain a memtest option for UEFI systems?14:49
etronikHi all, how do I make Document Viewer the default app to open PDF files instead of LibreOffice ? TIA14:50
debouncerIs there any difference between installing docker from PPA and installing it with snap?14:51
ducasseknstn: afaik memtest is not available for uefi systems yet, at least not for free15:16
Kobazhaving an issue with a Pantech UML295 USB 4g.  https://dpaste.com/7Y847HEBK15:59
KobazInitially the usb driver recognizes it as a cdrom, it switches modes to ether, and then i briefly get an ip address on enxd05785744e1f and then i get a usb device reset... the device itself works fine, it works on windows/mac without issue16:00
Ravagehttps://allmybrain.com/2020/04/20/pantech-verizon-uml295-usb-cellular-access-on-linux/ looks worth a try16:14
KobazYeah, I found that too16:16
nedRetronik, right click a pdf>properties>Open with16:16
KobazLooks like ubuntu is already handling the mode switch. because it does get into cdc_ether mode16:16
KobazRavage: my issue is that after the mode switch from usb storage to qmi, usb connectivity only lasts about 5 seconds16:17
Kobazusb 3-3: USB disconnect, device number 22    cdc_acm 3-3:1.6: failed to set dtr/rts16:18
KobazRavage: I have connectivity briefly, and then it just suddenly disconnects and reconnects (it does not do this on windows/mac)16:19
nedRdebouncer, i dunno about docker specifically... generally snaps are more of a PITA. Andthe idea of running a docker inside a snap...**shivers16:25
etroniknedR, thanks for your tip, but that's what I do for each which is a pain, I want to make the choice permanent so that on souble-click always assumes sames app16:28
etroniknedR, but your tip help me find a way - thanks! under properties there's a button for file-type that will change setting in a general way16:31
nedRetronik, nice.. i guess it changed.. for me on 18.04 it is in File Properties>Open with16:32
diofantoztried to resize a LUKS encrypted disk in ubuntu ... no go with gparted so i found that partitionmanager might work16:32
diofantozbut no go, it at least lists the disks but no way of resizing16:32
KobazI might wind up bite the bullet and get a TP-LINK TL-MR3020.  Which apparently does work with a Pantech UML29516:33
tomreyndiofantoz: resizing the crypto container is possible, but not simple. once you've backed up, try your luck with the cryptsetup utility in a terminal.16:50
tomreynbe aware that it wont resize any layers it contains, so you'll need to do those seperately, before (when shrinking) or after (when growing) the crypto layer16:51
tomreynKobaz: if you're running into a usb device reset then a different router wont fix that16:53
tomreynKobaz:oh, ignore that, i misunderstood what you're doing.16:54
=== LabMonkey is now known as Mechanismus
Kobaztomreyn: yeah it's a dongle to host the usb 4g modem and spin that off into ethernet17:22
diofantoztomreyn: alright, i read something about that17:44
diofantozbut also that partitionmanager would do17:44
tomreyni'm not sure what "partitionmanager" is17:45
diofantozit's a gui partition app17:45
diofantoz... might as well format the disk and setup again17:45
diofantozmight be easier17:45
diofantozwe'll see, thanks for the input17:46
tomreynbackup, boot from a a compatible live iso, try your luck with this partitioning gui, check whether it seems to have worked. if it didn't, use the live/installer iso to reinstall, then restore backups.17:47
Kobaz /join #gnome18:14
kghI'm having some trouble with DHCP on a freshly installed 20.10, anyone have any experience with this?18:15
oerhekskgh, we need more details18:16
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.18:16
=== halvors1 is now known as halvors
kghthe machine is an hp envy, ip link shows the interface is UP, tcpdump shows bootp/dhcp requests outbound, router link lights and linux both say 1GBps connection18:17
kghI can't easily cut/paste from the machine since it's not reachable18:17
kghI've tried manually assigning an addr, didn't help18:19
kghI've tried xover cable to my laptop, didn't work18:19
meandrainkgh: you can't ping the router ?18:19
kghI've installed 20.10 in bridge mode on a VM on my laptop, and that works18:19
kghno, can't ping the router18:19
kghtpcdump doesn't show any traffic from the router either18:20
meandrainwhat is your laptop ip and subnet ?18:20
kghit's like the MAC isn't working, although as I said the lights and ip link seem happy18:20
oerheksoh a vm18:20
meandrainyou can't cut and paste but you can take pictures and uplod to imgur18:20
kghthe laptop is connected to the same router18:20
oerheksmust be a host network issue then18:21
oerheksbtw with a vm, sure your hoste can paste.18:21
kghno, the vm is the working18:21
kghthe machine is not working18:22
kghjust tell me what you need to see, I can type it out or something - I'm at a loss for where to look18:22
meandrainkgh: do the following:    type ifconfig (take picture), do a ping from machine to the router, then do "arp -na"18:23
meandrainif you can see the router MAC, you have network connectivity with the router18:23
meandrainif you can't see router's mac, is a network issue like bad cable18:24
oerheksthe host is not working? weird18:24
kghit's not a bad cable, I can use this cable on other machines18:24
kghI've already said tcpdump shows no traffic from the router18:24
meandrainso you don't see router's MAC ?18:25
kghifconfig and arp aren't installed but ip link shows link up18:25
kghip neigh is empty18:25
kghI just converted this machine from windows, I am sure all hardware works18:27
oerheksi think you whould fix networking on the host.18:28
oerheksare you running mint, btw?18:29
kghno, Ubuntu 20.1018:29
kghI'm not familiar with some of the new eth naming stuff, but this interface shows as eno1 - there are no traffic statts18:30
kghip link show: 2: eno1: <BROADCAST, MULTICAST, UP, LOWER_UP>> mtu ...  etc18:30
kghall looks normal18:30
kghthe /proc/net/dev stats for eno1 are all 018:31
SlimTimhello, can ubuntu run on  chromebooks?18:32
oerheksSlimTim, see our wiki, i would stick to chome os https://ubuntu.com/tutorials/install-ubuntu-on-chromebook#1-overview18:36
kghso this isn't ringing bells for anyone?  how can ip link have L2 up but then nothing TX/RX on the interface?18:36
meandrainkgh:  might be a routing problem18:37
meandrainhappend to me once but I don't remember exactly what was the issue18:37
kghit's not routing, I can see the kernel sending DCHP requests on tcpdump, those aren't ticking any TX stats on the interface18:37
SlimTimThank you oerheks18:37
kghsorry - dhclient of course, not the kernel18:37
meandraintry to make it to work with manual IP18:38
kghI already did - doesn't help18:38
kghmaybe the NIC driver isn't installed?18:39
kghor it's the wrong one?18:39
meandrainkgh:   https://dpaste.org/rRJU18:40
meandraindon't forget to edit network driver name18:41
kghdoes the filename matter?  I don't know much about netplan - my file is 01-network-manager-all.yaml18:41
kghso create new file or edit that one?18:41
kghalso my renderer is NetworkManager, does that manager?18:42
tomreynif this is a desktop / graphical system, you probably want to keep using network-manager, not move to systemd-networkd, as meandrain's file would18:42
meandrainnetworkmanager sucks18:42
tomreynwell, it works well enough for most18:43
meandraintomreyn: it's faster using command line to configure network18:43
tomreynmeandrain: that's your opinion, not everyone may agree.18:43
tomreynkgh: just to confirm, this is a VM running ubuntu 20.10 on some hp envy model where the host system is unknown, using an unknown type of routing, and unknown physical network interface?18:44
tomreynor is this ubuntu 20.10 running bare emtal on this system?18:44
tomreynif "ip neigh" shows nothing then i guess it's either a driver, a firmware or a hardware issue.18:46
kghshouldn't the 'netplan apply' cause the addr to appear in ip addr?18:46
tomreynwhich network interface is it, vendor and device id, or rather   lspci -knn | grep -EA3 '(Network|Ethernet) controller' | nc termbin.com 999918:46
kghRealtek Semi RTL8111/8168/841118:47
tomreynnetplan apply should apply the configuration that is configured, if it can be applied18:47
kghdriver r816918:47
tomreynthose aren't vendor + device ids18:47
kghyou mean the [10ec:8168] and [103c:2b36]18:48
tomreynalso, what's the output of    cat /proc/{cmdline,version}18:48
kghcan't cut/paste -cmdline is BOOT_IMAGE=/boot/vmlinuz-5.8.0-43-generic root=UUID=<uuid> ro quiet splash vt.handoff=718:50
kghrunning 5.8.0-43-generic from 20.10 - #49~20.04.1-Ubuntu from feb 5 202118:50
tomreynoh, it's offline entirely? no wireless lan?18:50
kghit doesn't have wireless it's an older machine18:51
tomreyndo you have a smartphone you can connect with a wire to usb and tether through?18:51
tomreynsee if you have those oopses in dmesg / journalctl -b   https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=20434318:54
ubottubugzilla.kernel.org bug 204343 in Wireless "r8169: r8169 oops since kernel 5.3-rc1" [High,New]18:54
tomreyn(grep for 'BUG:')18:55
kghthere's no oops, there's an early message from NETDEV abotu transmit queue 0 timing out, and then a bunch of messages saying rtl_rxtx_empty_cond == 018:56
tomreyndoes it say " ------------[ cut here ]------------" above that message?18:58
tomreynis this an onboard NIC?18:58
kghyes, it's the MB NIC18:58
tomreynis the bios current?18:59
kghyes, it says cut here18:59
kghI had a grep when I saw it first18:59
kghso it's an oops18:59
tomreyn"Hardware name:" (below that) says?19:00
tomreynor run   journalctl -b | grep DMI:19:00
kghHP 750-160qe/2B36, BIOS A0.08 08/25/2015, so no, the BIOS is not up to date19:01
tomreyngive that a try then19:01
kghyup, thanks for the help19:01
tomreynkgh there's also https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=209839#c2119:05
ubottubugzilla.kernel.org bug 209839 in Network "r8169 (RTL8125B): "rtl_rxtx_empty_cond == 0 (loop: 42, delay: 100)" and connectivity loss, caused by small fragmented datagrams" [Normal,Reopened]19:05
tomreyni have not checked whether or not that's present in your kernel version19:06
tomreynkgh: so it looks like a NIC firmware / driver bug. bios update *may* help, and the driver patch should. latest entry in the bug report suggests this was merged into linux 5.1119:08
ubottuThe kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds19:08
tomreynhttps://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v5.11.8/ is the latest stable build19:10
oerheksgood spot, bios update19:12
oerheksi was reading about secureboot, no reason not to, sofar.19:12
tomreynA0.13 Rev.A is the latest BIOS for this ROM family19:14
tomreynthis also includes an intel me security update19:17
=== Moyst_ is now known as Moyst
DarHaramWell got banned from #fedora within an hour after registered19:23
jidarlooks like you should get banned from here too19:23
DarHaramThey didn't like courting _shawn for "bosom recommend"19:23
tomreyn!ot | DarHaram19:24
ubottuDarHaram: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!19:24
DarHaramJidar why? Is everything's big tex balloon of protocols and fairness?19:24
DarHaramAmerica is spreading democracy did you see Atlas shrugged?19:25
DarHaramOther mesmerized by big Tex19:25
DarHaramHold you down19:26
DarHaramBeequal with lowlifes19:26
m_I'm having trouble with understanding how Livepatch works. As far as I know it is supposed to somehow upgrade the kernel without rebooting my system. OK, but why does it need me to set up a Ubuntu One account? (And read a lengthy legal note?)19:36
m_In what way does setting up a Ubuntu One account help upgrading the kernel without rebooting my system?19:37
tomreynm_: not. it'S a commercial service offering with a free usage tier. that's why.19:38
tomreyndeveloping and testing live patches takes a lot of effort which is why no one offers them for free.19:39
tomreynexcept, there's a free for non-commercial (IIRC) use tier in canonicals' offering for ubuntu19:40
m_so i have to sign up to obtain the right to use them as long as i declare that i use this non commercially?19:41
tomreyngenerally, if you have questions about commercial Canonical services, it's best to contact them about it, since this channel is mostly community / volunteer run,19:41
=== Ringtailed-Fox is now known as RingtailedFox
ubottuCanonical Livepatch is a service offered by Canonical for 64 bit 14.04 and higher installs that modifies the currently running kernel for updates without the need to restart. More information can be found at https://ubottu.com/y/livepatch and https://www.ubuntu.com/server/livepatch19:42
m_thanks for the links, reading them now19:52
debounceris it possible to upgrade 16.04 ubuntu installer to install 20.04?20:06
debouncermaybe by modifiying some configuration files?20:07
tomreyndebouncer: no, installations use a base system image which is included in the installer iso20:11
tomreynyou could try using the zsync approach, but i doubt it'll save you more than a few megabytes20:13
tomreyndebouncer: i.e.   zsync -i /path/to/your-existing-ubuntu-16.04-desktop-amd64.iso http://releases.ubuntu.com/20.04/ubuntu-
tomreynbut it's probably just a waste of time20:17
mendii have 2 empty hard drives formatted with makentfs, one of them shows up in bios boot order, any idea how? it creeps me up as it should be 100% empty20:23
mendiboth 100% functional20:24
debounceryeah, nevermind20:24
mendicould the firmware somehow be bootkited?20:25
mendibecause i did reinitialize the drive to dos and then to gpt with fdisk20:26
jarredwhats the fastest way to create like 10,000 symlinks20:32
jarred in code, not from a CLI (unless spawning a child process is faster)20:33
tomreynjarred: ask your favourite programming channel, i'd say.20:41
oerheksjarred, what have you found sofar?20:43
kghint i; char path[1024]; for (i = 0; i < 10000; i++) { snprintf(path, sizeof path, "linkname-%d", i); link(OLDPATH, path); }20:45
jarredis there a way to use something like io_uring to batch the system calls into one (and is that faster)?20:46
kghI am not an expert but I doubt it, you're not doing file IO you're asking the kernel to create inodes20:47
oerheksfor i in {1..10000};  ln -s /dev/urandom /dev/random;  done20:47
=== Scotty_Trees2 is now known as Scotty_Trees
kgh@oerheks that will spawn 10000 separate processes, will be much slower than syscall20:48
jarredkgh: okay i'll keep digging but will just use a for loop if i can't find a faster way20:52
kghsorry - I should have pointed you to https://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man2/symlink.2.html20:55
kghlink(2) is for hard links20:56
kghI guess I should also comment that something like io_uring won't make it faster (even if you could use it for symlink(2) which it doesn't seem you can)20:59
kghio_uring makes it async (non blocking) which is only useful if you want your program to do other work while the kernel is handling your IO request20:59
=== BrianG61UK is now known as BrianG61UK_
=== BrianG61UK__ is now known as BrianG61UK
Newb101can anyone recommend an open source matrix client for ubuntu21:18
oerheksmaybe there is a snap?21:20
oerheksnot all irc channels allow matrix as a bridge, so i have no clue if there is a legit client https://snapcraft.io/search?q=matrix21:22
Newb101fair enough21:22
MaikNewb101: Element f.k.a. Riot21:49
MaikNewb101: https://element.io/get-started21:53
isapgswellmy keyboard appeared as pointer,  and my razer mouse appeared as keyboard; both xinput21:56
isapgswellRazer Razer Abyssus Essential           id=15[slave  keyboard (3)]21:56
V|Ayoure doing well isapgswell thats next level shit *thumbsup*21:56
oerheksnice, how did you do that?21:56
isapgswelloerheks i do nothing21:57
oerheksdo you use a 104 button mouse now?21:57
isapgswelloerheks how to i check?21:57
V|AxD  i just cant take this21:57
isapgswellGaming KB  Gaming KB  Consumer Control  id=18[slave  pointer  (2)]21:58
V|Ai dont know ubuntu or linux but are they on the same USB hub ?21:58
isapgswelldo you mean xhci?21:59
V|Adirectly connected too the mainboard USB interface ?21:59
isapgswellyes, external mouse and keyboard21:59
isapgswellnotebook motherboard21:59
V|Ahavve you tried unplugging/switching ?21:59
isapgswelli have a macbook air and no problem22:00
isapgswellxinput show correct22:00
V|Ai come from windows i dont know much abbout how linux handles pnp devices or drivers .. shit jsut works for me mostly :>22:00
isapgswellfor me is it working, but some input lag22:00
isapgswellit is working, althought input lag22:01
V|Ai suggest somehow making the host forget the previously installed/connected devices the ntrying again. im just assuming there is a way to do so ...22:01
isapgswellit appears only when using external keyboard and mouse22:03
isapgswellusb both22:03
raffaem2I activated auto login22:04
raffaem2so it doesn't ask for password at login22:04
raffaem2now lock screen doesn't work22:04
raffaem2Super+L does nothing22:04
raffaem2how can I restore lock screen?22:04
tomreynyour ubuntu release, graphical desktop?22:05
tomreyn!enter | raffaem222:05
ubotturaffaem2: Please try and keep as much of your info as possible on ONE line - easier to follow for everyone.22:05
raffaem2I activated auto login, so it doesn't ask for password at login. Now lock screen doesn't work. Super+L does nothing. How can I restore lock screen? Ubuntu 20.10, GNOME 3.38, LInux 5.822:06
=== NAPSTAR is now known as NA-
raffaem2tomreyn: provided above22:07
tomreynand you use gdm3 as a login manager?22:07
Newb101@maik, is element open source22:08
Newb101 Apache-2.0 License22:10
Newb101by the looks of it22:10
raffaem2<tomreyn "and you use gdm3 as a login mana"> I don't know. How can I check this?22:10
tomreynraffaem2: it's the default login daemon. if you've installed default ubuntu and not replaced it then you'r eusing it.22:10
raffaem2<tomreyn "raffaem2: it's the default login"> I installed Kubuntu, but I have replaced KDE with GNOME22:11
raffaem2(if you see <...> sorry, it's the Element client I am using and I forget to don't quote)22:12
tomreynhmm, this may be the source of the problem, what does this output?  echo $GDMSESSION22:12
raffaem2tomreyn: "ubuntu"22:12
tomreynand   echo $XAUTHORITY22:13
raffaem2tomreyn: "/run/user/1000/gdm/Xauthority"22:14
tomreynhmm that looks good22:15
tomreynraffaem2: how about if you try to initiate locking through the menu?22:16
tomreynthe top right power icon22:16
raffaem2tomreyn: there is no lock button. Only susped, restart, power off and log out22:17
tomreyncan you share a screenshot on imgur.com?22:18
tomreynactually not needed this seems to be default on 20.10, at least on the live iso i just tried.22:22
raffaem2tomreyn: https://imgur.com/a/lXmovKd22:24
tomreynraffaem2: you can checkl screen lock settings in settings -> privacy -> screen lock22:28
tomreynalso make sure that the   ubuntu-desktop    package is installed22:28
tomreynhmm, for some reason, super-l is also not doing anything on this 20.10 VM i'm testing with22:31
tomreynraffaem2: so it might be just a bug in 20.10. i searched for one, but can't find it22:34
tomreyni searched a matching bug report, that is22:34
raffaem2tomreyn: settings -> privacy -> screen lock shows the settings of the screen lock correctly22:39
=== Napsterbater_ is now known as Napsterbater

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