
IrcsomeBotmurdock86 was added by: murdock8601:51
IrcsomeBot<murdock86> A3ja01:51
IrcsomeBot<murdock86> A35401:52
IrcsomeBotTacoRaptor was added by: TacoRaptor03:02
IrcsomeBot<TacoRaptor> Hey :) real quick question.. does Kubuntu 20.04.2 LTS come with nvidia drivers? I have a 2080, and the last time I installed a Linux OS without them I had to swap out for an AMD card just to get it running, which I no longer have.03:03
IrcsomeBot<murdock86> @TacoRaptor, You can boot on live cd and see if it has any graphical issues. … Also read this if you encounter any. … https://askubuntu.com/questions/1042057/nvidia-drivers-problem-on-kubuntu-18-0403:16
IrcsomeBot<TacoRaptor> Fair point. And thanks!03:17
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quackserI want to use kubuntu for a web server system.  What to do?04:50
quackseri mean... install apache? or is it already? etc04:51
IrcsomeBotAwwwmiir was added by: Awwwmiir07:30
IrcsomeBot<Abir_ben_soltane> @murdock86, i installed the latest nvidia driver yet i still have a problem with xserver and I think it's because of this driver !I have two graphical cards : gtx and amd  . any idea how to make it work?10:40
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nicozhi all12:01
anushHi, my laptop screen flashes every 4 or 5 seconds. My laptop screen resolution is 1920x1080 and supports 120hz and 48hz refresh rate. Currently, I'm dealing with it using xrandr to set the refresh rate to 48hz and then back to 120hz. xrandr -s 1920x1080 -r 48 && xrandr -s 1920x1080 -r 12012:28
anushMy laptop has 2 gpus - gtx 1650 and Amd vega 812:29
anushThe amd gpu is the default one and I've set the Nvidia x-server settings to "NVIDIA - On demand"12:30
diogenes_anush, does it happen on nvidia?12:31
anushyes sometimes on nvidia and I cant solve it using xrandr when I use nvidia as default gpu12:32
anushthe screen flashing starts happening after logging in. On the login screen, it doesn't happen.12:35
anushOperating System: Kubuntu 20.0412:37
anushKDE Plasma Version: 5.18.512:37
anushKDE Frameworks Version: 5.68.012:37
anushQt Version: 5.12.812:37
anushKernel Version: 5.4.0-67-generic12:37
anushOS Type: 64-bit12:37
diogenes_change the compositor from opengl to xrender.12:38
jackdrippershortcut for kcalc is not working why?12:44
jackdripperi tried giving it keyboard shortcuts , media shortcuts but it wont open up12:45
BluesKajHi folks12:51
BluesKaj!ask | jackdripper12:53
ubottujackdripper: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience12:53
jackdrippershortcut for kcalc is not working why? i tried giving it keyboard shortcuts , media shortcuts but it wont open up :) help me solve  it thanks in advance12:54
anushdiogenes_ just like you said, I set rendering background in compositor to xrenderer and restarted, but it didn't work. the screen flashing still exists :(13:06
anushthere's a similar question on stackexchange : https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/559506/kubuntu-19-10-screen-flickers-after-waking-up-from-suspend-mode13:09
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jackdripperkrita closes unexpectedly how to fix it?13:49
Maikjackdripper: search the logs for crash reports, then search for bug reports on the matter14:03
jackdripperit happens after i close the application every time14:05
Maiki don't know, then again, search for bug reports on that matter14:08
tomreynhehe jackdripper is a funny nickname. you could also run krita from a terminal window , so you could see what it prints there before it crashes14:13
jackdripper@tomreyn i have done it14:17
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jackdripperi want to use paste bin to post it here but it wont lemme login damn14:18
tomreynno need to login to paste14:18
jackdripperrunning it using sudo seems to not produce the crash error14:20
tomreynrunning things as root is not a universal solution14:39
tomreynit can definitely make things worse14:39
IrcsomeBotLevente was added by: Levente17:48
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