
=== Napsterbater_ is now known as Napsterbater
=== Napsterbater is now known as Guest27815
=== Napsterbater_ is now known as Napsterbater
=== Napsterbater_ is now known as Napsterbater
=== Napsterbater_ is now known as Napsterbater
=== Napsterbater is now known as Guest69209
=== Napsterbater_ is now known as Napsterbater
=== Napsterbater is now known as Guest79440
=== Napsterbater_ is now known as Napsterbater
=== Napsterbater_ is now known as Napsterbater
supremekaiHey guys, I have a VPS in VULTR with Ubuntu 20.04 and 2GB of RAM. What would be the best size of the swap memory? I've seen this table here and seems that 1GB of RAM and 2GB of RAM both use 1GB of swap: https://prnt.sc/10rko1112:06
tomreynsupremekai: yes, 1 gb should be fine. or even none, if you want to prevent it from running slow and prefer it killing processes instead.15:05
supremekaitomreyn, I already created a swapfile of 4GB15:05
supremekaiI changed the swappiness and vfs cache options to 10 and 50 respectively15:05
tomreynoh, it's been some hours, i didnt realize15:05
supremekaino prob, thnks for the help tomreyn !15:06
tomreyndo you actually manage the kernel there?15:06
supremekaiDo u think 4G is too much?15:06
supremekaiHow come tomreyn ? In what sense?15:06
tomreyndoes    cat /proc/version    suggest you're running the kernel which is installed at /boot/ ?15:06
supremekairoot@vultr:/home/MONI_WEB_19-03-2021_9cc8f1ec23d9-master/automatic# cat /proc/version15:07
supremekaiLinux version 5.4.0-67-generic (buildd@lcy01-amd64-025) (gcc version 9.3.0 (Ubuntu 9.3.0-17ubuntu1~20.04)) #75-Ubuntu SMP Fri Feb 19 18:03:38 UTC 202115:07
tomreynsome VPSs don't use full virtualization but just paravirtualization which a shared kernel15:07
tomreynthat's probably you managing the whole thening then, good.15:07
supremekaiI posted the cat /proc/version above15:08
supremekaiif I got no answer from such command means I am not managing the kernel?15:08
tomreynif you're going to fill 4 GB RAM by swapping trhen you're definitely making this system do too much15:08
supremekaiSo, should I change it to 1GB?15:09
supremekaiI don't get this table: https://prnt.sc/10rko1115:09
supremekaiCan't I allocate 2GB of ram for a 2GB VPS?15:09
tomreynyou'd get output for    cat /proc/version    either way, but if it was paravirtualization you'd likely see some other details on the kernel. often those are centos / rhel kernels.15:10
supremekaiIs there any kind of threshold of increase of minimum swapfile size?15:10
supremekaiohh ok15:10
tomreyngenerally, you should never place a workload on a server which will, on average, make it need to allocate more RAM than it has physically available.15:11
tomreyni.e. the system should not swap out due to memory pressure regularly15:11
tomreynyou may want to allow it to do so temporarily during load spikes, that's what swap is for15:12
tomreynswap is also, to a much lesser degree, to store on disk some data that's not accessed much and would otherwise block ram.15:12
tomreynthe kernel does both of this automatically15:13
MIFis it possable to get back a folder I removed?16:46
=== halvors1 is now known as halvors
tomreynMIF: maybe with photorec, but it's a matter of luck, less and less likely the more your system writes to the file system.18:11
MIFtomreyn: I tried that and just had to re put up the bot18:17
tomreynMIF: i do not understand what you mean by "re put up the bot"18:19
MIFit was a bot that I removed18:20
MIFout of gzip, bzip2 and XZ what will compess more?18:50
tomreyn^ answered i #ubuntu - pleas edon't cross post19:21
tomreyn^ answered in #ubuntu - please don't cross post19:21
MIFok, thank you tomreyn19:28
ivo_cavalcantehi all,23:43
ivo_cavalcantedoes the server installer provides full customization of package selection on auto installer,23:44
ivo_cavalcanteor there's a set of packages that will always be installed, no matter what auto install says?23:45

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