RoadRunner | can't log into my Xub 20.04 desktop, help? | 00:08 |
jehutydegression | Can you provide any details? | 00:15 |
RoadRunner | not sure what else to say, everything worked fine since I installed it almost a year ago, but since a few days ago canoot login; type in the pswd the comp doesn't say it is incorrect the login box disapeears, the screen is redawn and then the log in box reappers again | 00:18 |
RoadRunner | *redrawn *reappears... | 00:23 |
RoadRunner | hope this is enough clues for a coarse of action | 00:25 |
guiverc | RoadRunner, if insufficient space exists in $HOME (your user directory), GUI work files won't be able to be created & a GUI login will fail, and you'll get logged out (ie. login loop). Your text login will still work, so you can explore if you're out of disk space & correct there if that's a problem (ie using `df` or disk free) | 01:05 |
RoadRunner | guiverc: indeed, I was out of space on my (separate) home partition. But after this, I logged in without issues from my older 16.04 backup partition and liberated about 3GB of space (out of 15 total on my Home partition); restarted (warm reboot), and still could not loggin into the 20.04 partition. Should I try a cold reboot or something more? | 01:13 |
guiverc | you don't need anything like GB of free space.. but if that's your issue; once resolved a GUI login should proceed normally (next attempt). Next likely cause would be a change made in last session where it worked; can you think of any? | 01:15 |
RoadRunner | so how much free space must be available not to end up in a login loop? df says my home use is at 82%; my sda5 (which I believe is my 16.04 install) is at 83% but sda7 (which I believe is my 20.04 install) isn't listed at all. The only thing out of the ordinary, was my booting into an older Win XP partition. After that the login issue started. | 01:29 |
RoadRunner | guiverc: GParted shows sda7 with only 478MB of free space. Is that too little? | 01:33 |
guiverc | the key area is $HOME or /home/$USER .. I'm unsure how much space is actually required, but I'd expect a login to work with 478MB available | 01:34 |
RoadRunner | can you see a login into Win to be a potential problem (hasn't been one before...)? | 01:36 |
guiverc | I don't know how Win relates, I assumed you were asking about Xubuntu; what release are you using? | 01:38 |
RoadRunner | guiverc: you must have missed my earlier post, I will repeat it: df says my home use is at 82%; my sda5 (which I believe is my 16.04 install) is at 83% but sda7 (which I believe is my 20.04 install) isn't listed at all. The only thing out of the ordinary, was my booting into an older Win XP partition. After that the login issue started. | 01:39 |
guiverc | the % requires me to know the size to be meaningful; Xubuntu 16.04 LTS is EOL as being a flavor; it came with 3 years of support only. logging into XP won't impact anything | 01:41 |
guiverc | only the partitions currently in use (you can login to text terminal & look at what is mounted, or /etc/fstab for the file-system table to see). Only the currently mounted $HOME matters at gui login. | 01:42 |
RoadRunner | guiverc: sda8 (home): 15GB total - 3.4GB unused; sda5: 20.5GB total - 4.4GB unused; sda7: 12GB total - 478MB unused | 01:54 |
RoadRunner | currently working from sda5 | 01:54 |
guiverc | you've tagged sda8 as /home; 3.4gb is plenty. I originally mentioned a text login, ie. ctrl+alt+F4 or equiv. to switch to text & login & explore for issues | 01:57 |
RoadRunner | I haven't tried a cold reboot after I liberated space on home. Maybe that's the next easiest thing to try? | 01:57 |
guiverc | no reboot is needed; if it's a space issue, once resolved (via text session), switching back to gui (ctrl+alt+F1) will have the gui login work. | 01:59 |
RoadRunner | ok, will have to quit this to find out. Thank's for the help but I have a feeling I'll be back... :) | 02:06 |
ironhoof | in 20.04 whats te best way to set home to a second drive? I already ahve it formatted with swap partition | 06:21 |
ironhoof | have* | 06:21 |
diogenes_ | ironhoof, /etc/fstab | 06:22 |
ironhoof | ok, what do I add? the uuid from sda2? | 06:23 |
diogenes_ | UUID=1297d3c7-35c6-44b0-b694-4f2c797b1fae /home ext4 defaults,noatime 0 2 | 06:24 |
diogenes_ | change your uuid | 06:24 |
ironhoof | ok, let me try that | 06:24 |
ironhoof | added, let me reboot | 06:26 |
ironhoof | hmm, cant tell if it worked, cant mount the drive, and cant check in groupds advanced is blocked off | 06:30 |
ironhoof | groups | 06:30 |
diogenes_ | findmnt /home | 06:30 |
ironhoof | just back to prompt | 06:31 |
diogenes_ | which means it didn't work. | 06:32 |
ironhoof | nods, yea what I figured. | 06:32 |
ironhoof | UUID=13b07172-ab78-44f8-be00-be994439d908 /home ext4 defaults,noatime 0 2 | 06:32 |
diogenes_ | try update-initramfs -u | 06:34 |
ironhoof | I: Set the RESUME variable to override this. | 06:35 |
ironhoof | important? | 06:36 |
diogenes_ | ignore | 06:36 |
ironhoof | ok reboot | 06:36 |
ironhoof | wow didnt get very far that disabled the restart and shutdown | 06:38 |
ironhoof | hm | 06:38 |
ironhoof | not too worried can always reinstall if things go wayward | 06:39 |
diogenes_ | is that drive even etx4? | 06:39 |
ironhoof | checks gparted and disks again | 06:39 |
ironhoof | 483 GB Ext4 | 06:40 |
ironhoof | 17 GB swap part | 06:40 |
ironhoof | Ext4 (version 1.0) — Not Mounted | 06:42 |
diogenes_ | you need to copy your user folder onto the drive. | 06:44 |
ironhoof | with or without home itself | 06:45 |
ironhoof | i copied it with home | 06:45 |
ironhoof | so its media/drive/home/user | 06:45 |
diogenes_ | ironhoof, here is a more detailed guide: | 06:47 |
ironhoof | peeks | 06:50 |
ironhoof | I'll get it did the swap, thanks for the help | 06:50 |
PeGaSuS | I was wondering if there's any way to have a visual notification or something like that, system wide, when NumLock key is activated/deactivated | 09:46 |
PeGaSuS | I don't seem to be able to find anything just for the numlock key and that works on the login screen also | 10:08 |
diogenes_ | PeGaSuS, numlockx on | 10:10 |
PeGaSuS | I've read about it, but that enables numlock by default on boot, right? I mean, I want numlock disabled by default but I'd like a visual notification when I press the numlock key | 10:18 |
PeGaSuS | although that visual notification must be for all users and also display the notification on the login screen | 10:19 |
=== sorinello1 is now known as sorinello | ||
xu-help38w | How can I turn off crash/error reporting in xubuntu 20.04 | 14:48 |
RoadRunner | Can't do gui login into my Xub 20.04 desktop. df is showing my xub 20.04 partition 100% used (home partition 82% used). How to id what filled the xub partition and clean it up? | 17:57 |
tomreyn | RoadRunner: how large is / ? | 18:00 |
RoadRunner | xub 20.04 is on sda7 which is 12.3 GB | 18:01 |
tomreyn | hmm that's not really enough for a desktop system nowadays | 18:02 |
tomreyn | maybe you have lvm? sudo vgs | 18:02 |
RoadRunner | no lvm | 18:02 |
RoadRunner | just ext4 | 18:03 |
tomreyn | you can regain some space with sudo apt clean | 18:03 |
tomreyn | some more by clearing older files / directrories in /var/tmp | 18:04 |
tomreyn | yet more by deleting kernels and initrds you no longer need out of /boot/ | 18:04 |
RoadRunner | how to tell which kernels and initrds are no longer needed (I thought only three older kernel ver's are suppose to be kept now)? | 18:06 |
tomreyn | yet more by deleting software packages you don't need ( apt-mark showmanual for a list of what's installed) | 18:06 |
tomreyn | the current and the latest two are kept now, fo all tracking packages you have installed (for both the original release kernel version + HWE version if you have both tracking packages) | 18:08 |
tomreyn | cat /proc/version hints on what's running | 18:08 |
tomreyn | journalctl --rotate may save yet more space | 18:09 |
tomreyn | (but you'll loose older system logs this way) | 18:09 |
RoadRunner | I'll try those; any more or is that pretty much the full list? | 18:10 |
tomreyn | there is probably more i can't think of right now. | 18:11 |
tomreyn | once you regained some space, you can install ncdu and browse directories (run it with sudo) to get a better idea of what consumes how much space. don't delete what you don't know, though | 18:12 |
RoadRunner | my current partition worked without issues for close to a year now. What could have changed to cause this now (I haven't installed anything new)? | 18:13 |
tomreyn | that's really hard to tell. i would have guessed on software installations indeed | 18:16 |
RoadRunner | ok, what size partition would you recommend for a desktop system now? | 18:17 |
RoadRunner | for xub 20 and for a current debian? | 18:17 |
tomreyn | 20 is usually safe. but it really depends on what you'll install | 18:18 |
RoadRunner | 20 for xub 20 or for Debian? | 18:19 |
RoadRunner | or both given not a ton of other soft... | 18:21 |
tomreyn | this channel is about xubuntu, so xubuntu | 18:22 |
jjbuggle | my screen sleep times are not being respected. It seems to be stuck at around 7 minutes of inactivity, even though I have it set to 2 hours | 18:24 |
RoadRunner | tomreyn: Thank you. I also, tried to increase the partition size (I have unpartitioned space) but GParted failed saying I need newer e2fsck (my ver is 1.42.13). Is there a way of getting a newer version without compiling? | 18:25 |
tomreyn | RoadRunner: use gparted from an ubuntu installer/live system which is the same version as the one you have installed. | 18:26 |
tomreyn | *xubuntu | 18:27 |
RoadRunner | ahhh, I was running my Gparted from my older 16.04 partition... I see the light!!! Thank you again :) | 18:29 |
tomreyn | :) | 18:30 |
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