[11:23] I have a very small hole for you URL http://v.ht/CM5ZwT [13:05] Hi Juju [13:06] Can I get openstack bundle with HA configuration? I see only base bundle available [13:06] Can someone help me on this [13:21] Can I get openstack bundle with HA configuration? I see only base bundle available [13:57] viswa, i do not believe there is an official HA bundle [13:58] pmatulis1 yes I don't see that and Googled myself for it; Unfortunately no. [13:59] No document from Juju openstack on what needs to be considered for high availability in terms of services and releationship defined. [17:39] Hi All, how to delete all the apps inside the model without destroying the model itself [17:59] viswa: juju doesn't have a built-in command for that. However you can probably use something like this to do the trick: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/ZWsbVyhxcc/