
R13oseHow do I get the battery indicator to come back on one of the panels?01:56
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IrcsomeBotPedro was added by: Pedro11:12
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R13oseHow do I get the battery indicator to come back on one of the panels?12:01
BluesKajHi folks12:29
skramerR13ose: Right click on the panel > Edit Control Panel > Add Mini Program. Then you could add the applets you want...12:41
R13oseThank You that worked now.12:44
yossarianukhi - will 20.04 be getting Plasma 5.18.7 in the normal repos (no PPA ,etc) ?15:08
IrcsomeBotdavidpaucar was added by: davidpaucar15:10
yossarianuki.e release date of 5.18.7 is 30th March, just wondering if that version will make its way to 20.04 ?15:11
BluesKajyossarianuk, it should already be available for 20.04 LTS  https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2020/01/kde-plasma-5-18-lts-features15:17
xnat834-MDoes anyone else have a problem with the internet not working after creating a WireGuard tunnel?15:21
xnat834-MI suppose it might have something to do with this part I found on the Arch wiki: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/WireGuard#Broken_DNS_resolution15:22
xnat834-MBut I have no clue.15:22
xnat834-MThe WireGuard configuration itself seems to work, the connections I use for the internet also seem to work, but I suspect something gets overwritten once I turn on WireGuard.15:23
xnat834-MI'm on Kubuntu 20.04.15:23
yossarianukBluesKaj: my understanding is that 20.04 has 5.18 LTS - but 5.18.7 isn't out yet (doing a dpkg -l | grep 5.18 - looks like most 20.04 packages are 5.18.4/5.18.5) - just wondering if the fixes bought into 5.18.7 will be included in 20.0415:35
yossarianukthe schedule is -> https://community.kde.org/Schedules/Plasma_515:36
RikMillsyossarianuk: yes, shipping that is anticipated15:36
yossarianukRikMills: cool, thanks - and just to confirm thats in the normal standard repos ( not having to add a ppa or backports, etc) ?15:36
RikMillsit will go in a ppa 1st, for a short time. then as a SRU to the main archive15:37
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IrcsomeBot<davidpaucar> Hi, I installed 20.04 dual boot, but on first restart Internet isnt works pls help with this15:48
IrcsomeBot<davidpaucar> Im using ethernet connection15:48
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skramerCould anybody tell me where to change the background of  SDDM lock screen manually? I changed the image in systemsettings, but it remains standard "Breeze" :(15:52
skramerStill I know that I got working in the past...15:53
yossarianukRikMills: cheers !15:56
tecnologiasy esto como funciona18:47
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user|26823I have created a partition, but where do I see the folder? g20:07
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