[03:17] Olá === rafael is now known as Guest1392 [03:18] hi! === xeno_ is now known as Guest20126 === daniel is now known as Guest67242 [07:40] Hi ! is that correct command for LXQT update on lubuntu ? "sudo apt upgrade lxqt" ? [07:42] I want to update existing lxqt version from 0.14 (fossa default) to 0.16 latest , I dont want to have 2 versions [07:51] milosh: i think that's not how you upgrade to a new version of LXQt and isn't possible. Unless there's a PPA you need to add. [07:52] which i think there isn't [07:52] milosh: You would need to move to a new release to get a newer version of LXQt. [07:53] very interesting .. [07:53] ok how to change folder white background at least [07:53] 20.10 has 0.15 and when 21.04 is released in April it will have 0.16 [07:53] ubuntu isn't a rolling release ;) [07:53] maybe you can help in that , not dark theme is ok for me but white folder bg kills my eyes [07:54] so it will update in 5 years ha ? ) [07:57] By folder background do you mean the background color of the file manager? [07:57] yes [08:01] in lubuntus config center , appearance , there is QT style called breeze [08:01] but it offers no control over it , it just applies breeze and that's it . I read that it's a bug and they fixed that bug , I thought I need to update [08:02] but now it appears that you can't update ) [08:02] It won't change the background color, you would need to follow something like this https://discourse.lubuntu.me/t/dark-theme-or-dark-mode-for-lubuntu-20-10/1717/2 [08:04] no chance to change file managers BG color  ? [08:04] it takes that damn color from somewhere right ? [08:04] If you follow the video it does change. [08:04] You would need to install kvantum [08:05] Personally I use kvantum and the arc dark theme so everything matches. [08:05] I dont need dark theme at all ... [08:05] I need everything as it is but just little big gray in BG [08:06] it reads that white from somewhere right ? [08:06] The file manager follows the system theme. [08:06] it doesn't matter what it follows , it takes that entry from somewhere [08:07] somewhere in config file there is FFFFFF line for BG color