
EtherManAnyone know if the driver for realtek 8821CE has been enabled out of the box in Hirsute? I know it's not quite released yet, but unless the kernel is downgraded it's at least a kernel that has the driver, but is it enabled currently in the betas?11:13
lotuspsychjeEtherMan: realtek chipsets are always sensitive to kernel versions11:17
lotuspsychjeadviced to test a few different kernels out, to see wich work and wich not11:18
EtherManThat should not be the case with a kernel driver... In this case rtw88 driver, if CONFIG_RTW88_8821CE has been set, as of 5.911:19
lotuspsychjeEtherMan: the kernel devs always have a lot of work with realtek, as there's no magic red button for all chipsets to work out of the box11:21
lotuspsychjehence a lot of existing bugs11:21
EtherManThere is a dkms driver which was terrible... But mainline kernel should hopefully be better11:22
lotuspsychje!info linux-image-generic11:23
ubottulinux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (groovy), package size 2 kB, installed size 18 kB11:23
lotuspsychjeEtherMan: this the version it doesnt work on ^ ?11:23
EtherManThere is no driver for that nic in 5.8. Not without dkms stuff.11:24
EtherManThere's enough issues with it hw wise that bugs are expected... But the question is, will it even be enabled to have a potential to work, or will it just be a reinstall of windows on this thing again?11:24
lotuspsychjeEtherMan: talk to jeremy31 in #ubuntu-discuss he's our wifi wizard, he might know something or a git11:26
EtherManSure, but like... Someone here must be running the daily and can see if the kernel has that option set no?11:27
lotuspsychjesure, you can idle here to see if other volunteers have the same chipset11:28
EtherManYou don't need the same chipset to see if an option is enabled...11:29
lotuspsychjeok, other volunteers that want to test11:31
EtherManNot much to test... 'cat /boot/config-$(uname -r) | grep CONFIG_RTW88' would tell. It will print both if rtw88 is enabled, which I assume since it is in 20.04 and 20.10, as well as if 8821CE is enabled in it.11:40
lotuspsychjeEtherMan: there was bug #1885862 for focal & groovy thats interesting11:43
ubottubug 1885862 in linux-firmware (Ubuntu Focal) "Add in-tree Realtek 8821CE wireless module support" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188586211:43
lotuspsychjemaybe you could talk to the #ubuntu-kernel guys about this11:44
EtherManIt's still in progress and won't  be relevant in a while anyway. As the options I'm considering is a reinstall of windows now, or waiting for hirsute and installing that. And it's pretty much decided by if the module will be there in hirsute or not.11:48
guivercEtherMan, you can download the daily ISO & give it a try (https://ubuntu.com/tutorials/try-ubuntu-before-you-install)  if you file your testing on the iso.qa.ubuntu.com & file bugs, there is a far higher chance it'll get fixed now, before 21.04 is released11:53
guivercalso hirsute is now using 5.11 kernel11:53
lotuspsychjetnx guiverc seems like ubottu is behind again11:54
EtherMan2gig on a 10gig monthly budget right now is a bit too much for me. Unfortunately not at home for almost a month so11:55
EtherManSo I'd really like to not have to take that just to check a config :/11:55
guivercif you have an existing ISO, a zsync of whatever you have and the Ubuntu ISO could mean you start at 45-85% complete11:57
EtherManI don't. Don't have the storage with me to keep isos around just because. Ultraslim so total drive is 32gig11:58
oerheks /clear14:37
MikeRLGood news. If this https://github.com/micheleg/dash-to-dock/commit/b23b948d1a221043100911a6f7c0706fd46e17cc can be cherry picked into Ubuntu's version of dash to dock, the shell update breakage will go away.20:18
MikeRLAt least I think that's the right commit. I cloned from master and the overview is no longer a mess when searching after pressing the Windows key.20:19

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