
=== mfo_ is now known as mfo
bdmurrayLaney: I tested most of the packages in this MP https://code.launchpad.net/~ginggs/autopkgtest-cloud/+git/autopkgtest-cloud/+merge/399840 and they do pass. Do you mind if I merge it?16:04
bdmurrayoops, wrong channel16:04
rafaeldtinocoo/ ?19:09
rafaeldtinocono meeting today ?19:11
rbasakWe need one more to be quorate. That might not be necessary.19:13
rbasakBut we have no applicants for today's meeting?19:13
ddstreetno, be we should discuss/schedule amurray's application19:15
ddstreetand follow up on ricotz application, if there is any news on that19:15
rbasakBoth are on me :-/19:16
ddstreeti updated the agenda and rotated the chairing list, teward is next on the chairing list, but seems he's not around19:16
rbasakricotz's application is resolved now, based on devel-permissions@ posts. I need to follow up and adjust ACLs.19:17
ddstreetack, if there's no news for those, guess we can skip the actual mtg19:17
* rbasak disappears for the evening19:18
ddstreetbye all o/19:18
rafaeldtinocotku both!19:51
tewardddstreet: didn't think we needed a meeting, sorry.  no new items, ricotz app is handled on the ML20:40
tewardddstreet: that's my bad though - had some chaos today at FT job (ALL THE SHIT on fire)20:40
tewardblah that bad language slipped sorry20:40

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