
rbasakivo_cavalcante: AIUI there's a minimal set that will always be installed.00:06
rbasakYou can add more packages, but you want to remove any (not really recommended) then you can add a command to do that I guess.00:07
ivo_cavalcanteyes, I too believe this is the behavior00:08
rbasakSee "late-commands" in https://ubuntu.com/server/docs/install/autoinstall-reference00:08
ivo_cavalcantewas wondering if I could have a more generic installer, in order to leave the "specialization" of the device to later config manager tools00:09
ivo_cavalcantecould have a single installer to desktops, bare metal servers, whatever00:09
rbasakcloud-init supports hand-off to puppet and chef00:10
ivo_cavalcantefor desktops, I'll probably have to remove the 'ubuntu-server' package tha comes pre-installed00:10
rbasakThe server installer isn't designed for desktops, though I suppose you can hack that in00:10
ivo_cavalcanteI know, but support is kinda old, as per doc00:10
ivo_cavalcantePuppet 4, I believe00:10
ivo_cavalcantewe're using 700:11
rbasakcloud-init will also hand off to an arbitrary command, so you can do you what you like :)00:11
rbasakHowever any tool is going to have to start at some Ubuntu baseline, which is what the server installer gives you.00:11
ivo_cavalcanteproblem is that desktop installer con't be automated, can it?00:11
rbasakThere's a new desktop installer in the works, but I'm guessing automation won't be in its immediate roadmap00:12
rbasakWhat problem are you trying to solve here?00:12
ivo_cavalcantemostly, I would need the user just to input something about network conf, since we've different confs in different places00:12
ivo_cavalcanteand the rest would go by itself00:12
rbasakYou're trying to use the server installer to make an automated desktop installer?00:13
ivo_cavalcantewell, this is the problem: I want to have a installer with minimal input (basically network, as I said) and that could handle the job to more specalized tools, once a minimal system is installed00:14
ivo_cavalcanteboth desktop and server00:14
ivo_cavalcanteif possible00:14
rbasakYou can certainly hack something together00:14
ivo_cavalcantejust need something to install base packages00:14
rbasakBut I'm not sure it's a good idea to use the server installer to install a desktop00:14
oerheksrbasak, +1. the mini iso comes in mind ..00:15
ivo_cavalcanteweel, it wouldn't install neither a desktop nor a server00:15
ivo_cavalcantejust basic packages00:15
rbasakYou'll end up with something subtly different from what the desktop installer does, and so might end up with weird issues down the line00:15
ivo_cavalcantespecalizantion comes after00:15
rbasakMaybe just hack what you want with debootstrap directly?00:15
ivo_cavalcantedidn't look into it00:16
ivo_cavalcantewant to use newer tools, if possible00:16
rbasakThe desktop installer does fancy stuff like detecting when hardware needs proprietary drivers and sorting those out, etc.00:16
ivo_cavalcanteI know cloud-init, using it to ceate another image, different use case00:16
ivo_cavalcanteour Puppet detect these and install drivers apropriatelly00:17
ivo_cavalcantebut I'd like your input on this00:18
ivo_cavalcantemaybe I'm not following a good path...00:18
rbasakMaybe the server installer automation and requesting ubuntu-desktop^ as a package will give you a desktop approximation00:18
rbasakBut like I say I don't know what issues might result from that.00:18
ivo_cavalcantelet'me try a different question:00:19
rbasakAny path you follow here is unsupported. I think you need to be prepared to find issues and plan to deal with them when they arise whichever way you go.00:19
ivo_cavalcanteautoinstaller support custom input questions?00:19
rbasakI don't think it does.00:19
rbasakYou can arrange for existing questions to automatically use the default, or prompt, IIRC.00:19
ivo_cavalcanteI was almost sure that'd be the case00:20
rbasakYou could patch the installer I suppose.00:20
ivo_cavalcantewe don't have enough manpower to support this00:21
ivo_cavalcanteI know there are hacks I could do, but want to have it as pristine as possible00:21
ivo_cavalcantebut you were very helpful, thanks00:21
rbasakWhat you're asking for doesn't (AFAIK) exist. So getting what you want requires manpower already.00:22
rbasakSorry I can't give you an easy answer!00:22
ivo_cavalcanteyes, was hoping it did exist00:22
rbasakI could be wrong FWIW.00:22
ivo_cavalcantenp, not a typical scenario00:22
rbasakI'm answering to the best of my knowledge.00:22
ivo_cavalcanteoerheks: the mini ISO has some kind of install interface?00:24
ivo_cavalcanteor is just a plain ISO ?00:24
oerheksminimal iso is atext based installer, not suitable for UEFI sofar i know..00:29
oerheksalso, this post might be a help with preseeding / cubic https://www.pugetsystems.com/labs/hpc/Note-Auto-Install-Ubuntu-with-Custom-Preseed-ISO-1654/00:29
sigvI have an internal domain that I use -- example.com -- configured from /etc/hostname.09:05
sigvWhen using Azure, DHCP gives you an additional DNS suffix. To quote MS Docs: "When you are using your own name resolution solution, this [DNS] suffix is not supplied to VMs because it interferes with other DNS architectures (like domain-joined scenarios). Instead, Azure provides a non-functioning placeholder (reddog.microsoft.com)."09:05
sigvAll is well generally, but systemd-resolved seems to pick up both domain names as usable suffixes.09:06
sigvSo if you look up `abc` then that expands to both `abc.example.com.` and `abc.reddog.microsoft.com.` after that. I would like to tell systemd-resolved to ignore the DHCP suffix.09:06
sigvAny pointers how I would configure that to the best practices? Can't seem to wrap my head around Domains= in the configuration there, and that might not even be the right direction.09:07
RoyKsigv: it's generally a good idea not to use existing domains as your own test domains ;)10:19
RoyKsigv: better use myfinedomain.local or something similar. .local is meant for that10:19
sigvRoyK: oh it's not that - we do have a real domain in a real TLD, I just used example.com as an example there. Sorry for not clarifying that.11:25
sigvThe question still stands of how to remove the DHCP DNS suffix/domain from systemd-resolved.11:25
sigvRoyK: To expand on the domain name usage: The servers register their IP addresses linked with hostnames in the internal Active Directory DNS, and our split DNS structure is set up fine where internal infrastructure gets all the results and public DNS servers provide a minimal set of domains (split DNS setup basically).11:28
sigvRoyK: The concern is still appreciated and it's true that nobody should be using domain names they do not own! I did a migration from the previous sysadmin/operator away from such a domain actually, and that was a fun experience together with Windows machines, but that's a different story entirely. :)11:29
sigvnetplan's DHCP overrides' use-domains looks promising, will try poking into that direction.16:12
shubjerocoreycb: Will OpenStack Victoria be built for 18.04?20:21
shubjeroOr is Ussuri the end of the road for 18.04?20:21
coreycbshubjero: ussuri is the last release of openstack backported to 18.0420:27
shubjerocoreycb: ok, looks like I have a big project for 2021 ahead of me!20:28
coreycbshubjero: heh20:28

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