[00:15] ok yep [00:47] |W: GPG error: http://ddebs.ubuntu.com focal Release: The following signatures were invalid: EXPKEYSIG C8CAB6595FDFF622 Ubuntu Debug Symbol Archive Automatic Signing Key (2016) [00:47] |E: The repository 'http://ddebs.ubuntu.com focal Release' is not signed. [00:47] anyone know why this has stopped? [01:17] Hello it appears that a package on the repos is problematic [01:18] It's libboost-log1.71-dev, for instance https://github.com/boostorg/log/issues/104 [01:19] p0a: feel free to report a bug [01:19] Alright thank you === zbenjamin_ is now known as zbenjamin [02:58] Hi all. After a reboot I am unable to restart the mariadb server. I've never had a problem with it before. I haven't made any changes to it since upgrading my OS to 20.04. [02:59] Usually the server starts on boot. This time, after a reboot I noticed the server wasn't running. Trying to start it manually gets me the message: "Failed to restart mariadb.service: Unit mariadb.service is masked." [02:59] [03:01] /var/log/mysql/error.log is empty [03:03] bobdobbs: try 'systemctl unmask mariadb.service' [03:03] ok [03:04] can you start it now? [03:04] ducasse: hmm... that might be working. Prompt hasn't returned yet. [03:04] oh wait... [03:04] it should at least throw an error [03:05] So I typed in that command, and prompt returned quickly without output. Then did 'service mariadb restart' and the prompt hung for a bit. Then returned: "Job for mariadb.service failed because the control process exited with error code. See "systemctl status mariadb.service" and "journalctl -xe" for details." [03:06] I'll take the advice from the messages and check the outputs of those commands [03:06] ok, what does the status one say? [03:07] add -l and --no-pager to read it more easily [03:07] ducasse: will let you know shortly. Hastebin.com has frozen my browser. [03:07] pastebin to the rescue [03:08] https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/FmH6PBhtXT/ [03:09] I'm taking the advice from that output, and stopping and then starting 'mysql' using the service command. [03:10] nope, got to check journalctl or the mariadb log, that just says it failed [03:10] huh - same issue though. 'service mysql start' returns "Job for mariadb.service failed because the control process exited with error code. ee "systemctl status mariadb.service" and "journalctl -xe" for details." [03:10] are all filesystems etc mounted correctly? [03:10] bobdobbs: it's not telling you to start and stop mysql, that is just the description written into the .service file for mariadb [03:10] ah, pok [03:11] *ok [03:11] bobdobbs: journalctl -u mariadb --since "1 hour ago" [03:11] that might tell you more. But also mariadb.log if it exists [03:12] leftyfb: s://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/2TTbVxFJ6w/ [03:12] well now that's pretty useless [03:13] output of "journalctl -xe": https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/PJPnKzSY9t/ [03:14] bobdobbs: as you can see, your lircd isn't happy and is spamming your log (unrelated to mariadb) [03:15] ok. I was googling to figure out with lircd is. Good to know it's unrelated, I guess. [03:15] you don't know what lircd is? [03:15] heh. no. [03:15] I don't think I'm using any infared thingies [03:16] bobdobbs: it's for infrared remote control [03:16] bobdobbs: is this a raspberry pi? [03:16] kewl. I'll deactivate lircd sometime [03:16] no. this is my desktop work computer [03:16] bobdobbs: you should deactivate lircd first since it's spamming the logs and obviously isn't happy === semeion is now known as mnemonic [03:17] will do [03:18] k, I think I figured that bit out at least. 'systemctl disable lircd.service' returns with "Removed /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/lircd.service." [03:19] bobdobbs: sudo systemctl stop lircd # to stop the service from spamming now while you are troubleshooting [03:19] leftyfb: k [03:20] k, so now that that's sorted... sitrep is that mariadb server will not start, and I can't find logs that will tell me why. [03:21] bobdobbs: maybe try #mariadb [03:22] leftyfb: I'll log in there and lurk for a bit. But I think that the core issue is an OS one. ie, finding a debugging path. This might be OS-specific. [03:24] bobdobbs: step #1 is figure out the problem. The OS way is to look at the journal logs. It looks like mariadb sucks at logging there so the next step is to get info from mariadb by other mariadb-specific means ... hence /join #mariadb [03:34] leftyfb: fair === sauvin_ is now known as Lemniscate [05:12] When I boot my computer it drops me to a GRUB2 prompt. I can manually enter the "set root=","linux /boot/...","initrd /boot/...","boot" commands and load up linux. How do I fix it so that Grub actually shows the boot options instead of the prompt on startup? [05:13] Should "sudo grub-install /dev/..." be enough? === PowerTower_121 is now known as PowerTower_120 [06:51] How can I downgrade my kernel from 5.8 to 5.4? [07:05] Hey all... I updated from 18.04 to 20.04 Server and I previoulsy had mysql and freradius working perfectly. Now I get a freeradius error "Failed to find 'Auth-Type EAP' section" Any help is appreciated. I'm searching the blogs but no solution. Freeradius 3.0.20 [07:35] Anyone home? [07:36] !ask | moonfmdesire [07:36] moonfmdesire: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience [07:37] !discuss | moonfmdesire [07:37] moonfmdesire: Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks! [07:37] Maik, Do you dualboot? [07:37] no [07:37] Does anyone here dualboot? [07:38] moonfmdesire: yes [07:38] just describe your issue and wait [07:38] ThinkT510, I have dualbooted for years, but something has changed. [07:38] Maybe a new partition is needed [07:39] An additional /boot partition, perhaps? [07:39] you haven't described the issue you are having... [07:39] No dualboot [07:39] After install, Windows is the only option [07:40] win10? [07:40] Used to be after partitioning / /swap, and /home, I was good [07:40] yeah, 10 is the only one supported... [07:40] and you installed ubuntu after 10/ [07:41] ThinkT510, yeah [07:41] Is a /boot partition required now? [07:41] a separate /boot partition is not required no [07:41] uefi? [07:41] hrm [07:42] ThinkT510, I can do whatever [07:42] sorry, I meant is your computer using uefi or just bios? [07:42] bios [07:43] should i change this? [07:43] so you don't have a separate efi partition then? [07:44] I have 'Legacy' [07:44] they are usually around 500mb and typically fat32 [07:44] how many harddrives do you have? [07:44] I have one nvme and will add theothers after [07:45] and windows and ubuntu are on the same nvme? [07:45] yes... [07:45] it would be strange for you to be using an nvme and not be using uefi [07:46] anyway, check if secureboot is enabled [07:46] i disable secureboot [07:47] another think you'll certainly want to check is the shutdown settings of win10. by default it hibernates rather than shuts down [07:47] ...? [07:47] also you'll want to disable any fastboot settings in the bios [07:47] disabled [07:48] Typically, 'sleep mode' does not show BIOS settings... [07:49] you'll need to boot into win10 and check how it shuts down in win10 settings, you won't find that in the bios [07:49] What about dualbooting? [07:49] Windows 10 can shutdown just fine [07:49] I have some space on my NVME partition and will reinstall ubuntu [07:50] are you sure it is shutting down? by default it doesn't actually shut down [07:50] ThinkT510, Even if you make it shut down? [07:50] best to check to make sure, might explain why it boots directly into windows [07:50] You click the Windows icon, and then power, and then 'shut down' [07:50] ...? [07:51] the shutdown option defaults to hibernate (because microsoft assumes you only use windows) [07:51] yes, you need to change it [07:51] So when I boot and see my mobo logo...that is part of hibernation/ [07:51] ? [07:52] it doesn't hurt to check, at least then you can rule it out [07:52] it you refuse to check you might end up going around in circles [07:52] ThinkT510, It is not in sleep mode. [07:52] ThinkT510, We can rule that out, [07:52] thanks. === Alina-malina_ is now known as Alina-malina [07:53] Anywho, I guess will reinstall. [07:54] I should do so in UEFI mode, you advise, not legacy? [07:55] before you reinstall it might be worth checking if you can switch from legacy to uefi and see if it boots [07:55] It can boot [07:56] Okay, so no additional /boot partition is required, then. [07:56] so you switched from legacy to uefi and it now boots into grub so you can select win10 or ubuntu? [07:56] No, it just boots into Windows [07:56] I want dual boot [07:56] . [07:57] then try switching [07:57] Computers? [07:57] Or buy a Mac? [07:57] bios settings from legacy to uefi [07:57] I did, still only gives me Windows as an option. [07:58] But Linux is sitting there. [07:58] So am reinstalling. [07:58] Maybe second time is a charm. [07:58] Usually, I do /, /swap, and /home [07:59] Thought maybe something new and needed a /boot /, /swap, and /home [07:59] by default ubuntu uses a swap file so a swap partition is not really needed [07:59] you beat me to it :) [07:59] Well, I have 32g of ram [08:00] I do manual partition [08:01] I've always manually partitioned too [08:01] only mountpoint really needed is / [08:02] during the manual partitioning step you also should have a dropdown box selecting where grub goes, make sure that is to the root of your nvme and not to a particular partition's root [08:03] partition type is gpt [08:03] good [08:28] hi everybody! I have a thinkpad X1 Yoga Carbon. After the upgrade to 20.04.2 the stylus on screen do not work anymore. Actually, whilst the wacom divers are installed, if you go into settings, it shows no wacom tables and no stylus. [08:30] Hi all. I accidently nuked the directory /var/run/php. I think I was mostly using it to store socket files, for allowing apache to talk to php-fpm. [08:31] how do I recreate the socket files? [08:32] bobdobbs, this might work: sudo dpkg-reconfigure php-fpm [08:32] bobdobbs, or if the package it not still downloaded: sudo apt reinstall php-fpm [08:33] rory: hai [08:33] bobdobbs, this won't destroy your config files btw. [08:34] So the specific php-fpm version is php7.4-fpm. If I do 'dpkg-reconfigure php7.4-fpm' I get "php7.4-fpm is broken or not fully installed" [08:34] If I do 'dpkg-reconfigure php-fpm' I get pretty much the same response [08:35] I think I'd have to specify the version, because I believe this machine has php7.2-fpm installed as well [08:35] if you deleted the whole directory you might be able to just recreate it: sudo mkdir /var/run/php && sudo chown www-data: /var/run/php [08:35] It definitely has 7.4 running though. [08:35] and then php would recreate its socket file next run [08:35] the problem is probably deleting the socket file for a running PHP [08:36] ah, ok. I've already made the directory. I just assumed that the php-fpm process would create the socket itself when needed. But I haven't checked perms [08:36] yeah that's assuming it was running as www-data, I think that's default for everything on Ubuntu [08:37] I think www-data is just for apache [08:38] well yeah - on ubuntu by default anyway [08:40] ok, so I rejigged the directory ownership and restarted php7.4-fpm. But I'm still getting the same result. The socket isn't popping into existence [08:40] sockets weird me out [08:40] Like, supposedly "a socket is just a kind of file in *nix". But you can't seem to just create them. [08:40] if you can, it's hard to find out how [08:43] there's some info about unix sockets in 'man unix 7' [08:46] overclucker: that's a pretty substantial man page. [08:46] hi everybody! I have a thinkpad X1 Yoga Carbon. After the upgrade to 20.04.2 the stylus on screen do not work anymore. Actually, whilst the wacom drivers are installed, if you go into settings, it shows no wacom tables and no stylus. [08:46] yeah, there's source examples too... [08:46] overclucker: Skimming it, I can see that there's some example code for creating sock files using C code. Is that the only way to do it? [08:47] well, you could use the create socket snippet and exit if you wanted to [08:48] but there's there's no telling if php could even access those files, since it cant create sockets anyways [08:50] you might want to double check ownership and write permissions again [08:52] well, /var/run/php is owned by www-data [08:52] I'll google for the right permissions [08:52] hi [09:07] hi dada513 [09:10] overclucker: Still stuck. I've tried to set the perms to /var/run/php as 777 [09:11] but even that doesn't help php-fpm create the sockets it needs [09:19] is my irc bouncer working [09:19] i think yes! [09:19] do you see any error messages in the logs about those sockets? [09:19] geirha: who, me? [09:20] bobdobbs: yes [09:20] The php logs just tell me that apache is unable to connect to the socket. That's all. [09:21] typical message: "[Mon Mar 22 22:07:53.211807 2021] [proxy:error] [pid 3214] (2)No such file or directory: AH02454: FCGI: attempt to connect to Unix domain socket /var/run/php/wp1.sock ( failed" [09:21] [09:21] The only thing I can think of at this point is to uninstall and re-install php7.4-fpm [09:24] have you restarted the php-fpm service? [09:25] My computer is becoming unusable due to tracker-miner-fs hogging the CPU multiple times per hour, during which I can't move the mouse or type anything for a few seconds. [09:25] overclucker: yeah. I've observed in the past that new socket defined by config files get created by php-fpm as it starts. [09:26] overclucker: I think I'm good now. I purged and then re-installed php7.4-fpm [09:26] drastic, I know. But it seems to have worked [09:26] every single one of my missing .sock files seems to be restored [09:26] purge is my step 2 for anything [09:27] purge is my default step for heresy [09:27] https://memegenerator.net/instance/59190076/warhammer-40k-purge-the-heretic [09:27] restart then purge and reinstall are my top 2 fixes (unless you have important configs) [09:28] apt-get needs a 'violent purge' option: https://www.pinterest.nz/pin/304274518549754363/ [09:29] prefferably with ascii animations [09:29] Yes [09:31] hi [09:31] what is that mean? [09:31] ME: Progress Phase State : (null) [09:32] window close [09:34] Fudge what? [09:39] isapgswell, is this the output of intelmetool? [09:39] slidercrank yes, partial output [10:00] hi everybody! I have a thinkpad X1 Yoga Carbon. After the upgrade to 20.04.2 the stylus on screen do not work anymore. Actually, whilst the wacom drivers are installed, if you go into settings, it shows no wacom tables and no stylus. [10:00] xsetwacom --list devices shows the devices [10:00] xinput shows the devices [10:05] What would be a performant remote access software for ubuntu? I need to access my main pc from my laptop [10:05] I also wanna do some light gaming remotely. Nothing much, 30fps 720p minecraft [10:22] dada513, what have you tried to make it fast? what have you tried in terms of remote access? any particular encoding method for the screen updates? [10:27] summonner: I tried VNC and RDP vnc is slow rdp is ok but glitchy [10:27] are there any other protocols? [10:29] there are 4 or 5 different encoding methods and each of those can be tuned for your system [10:29] minecraft, right? [10:31] you can reduce your vnc to 64 colors (rgb2222) and perhaps encoding to Hexile [11:11] Anyone know if the driver for realtek 8821CE has been enabled out of the box in Hirsute? I know it's not quite released yet, but unless the kernel is downgraded it's at least a kernel that has the driver, but is it enabled currently in the betas? [11:12] did you try SSH? [11:12] it's a great remote access protocol [11:12] and it supports X Forwarding too, if you enable it [11:13] EtherMan: 21.04 isn't supported here, best to ask in #ubuntu+1 [11:13] Ah sorry [11:13] np [11:13] Beta will be out April 1st by the way [11:15] Well true but there's dailies already so :) [11:15] hope it'll support my Ryzen 5800X better [11:16] current ubuntu seems to struggle recognizing ECC correctly [11:32] I installed a new (technically old enough to be nouveau supported) video card, and suddenly my Ubuntu installation forgot how to connect to the network (ethernet). Screen redraws are slow enough I think it is in VESA mode. have dracut (suspected culprit) and rocm installed. Confirmed hardware works with Knoppix live DVD. [11:34] Network card was renamed from eth0 to enp3s0. [11:40] phillipsjk: does dmesg say anything about a framebuffer/nouveau conflict? Just a wild guess from (unreliable) memory [11:41] Personally I've avoided nouveau for a while now, but I guess there are various cases to be made for using it instead of Nvidia's binary blob [11:42] (E.g. a moral case and a security case) [11:43] I enabled LAN cable checking in th BIOS and it says it can not detect the network cable. I DID do an internet speed test under knoppix. [11:43] I've never heard of that before [11:43] The link is either up or it is not, right? So this is on top of that and can detect if a cable is connected, whether or not the cable is attached to anything? [11:44] I can disable the check: only enabled it fro troubleshooting. [11:44] Tbh I don't know dracut/rocm and haven't googled either yet [11:44] Doing so now [11:45] It was working for months. [11:45] Interesting stuff [11:46] My /boot partuion was too small. [11:46] The lan cable detection feature some ethernet cards have is bassically time domain reflectometry. [11:49] Well, is that supposed to work with a cable only connected to one NIC? I mean, a friend built an actual hw loopback device for me once, but you'd think that requires an electrical connection [11:49] The cable itself shouldn't have a loop [11:49] your /boot was too small, so you decided instead of using the builtin tools to make your initrd smaller you'd rather switch to a completely unsupported tool instead ? [11:49] iric [11:50] hi [11:50] phillipsjk: that said, I'm not sure what the question is about that: your network connection isn't working either? Or do you supect GFX/NIC interference? [11:51] I was suspecting I burned something out before testing with Knoppix. [12:02] I do get an AGP warning that my BIOS does not leave a memory hole, but I was not able to find an IOMMU option in the BIOS to enable it.. [12:03] That was present with the previouas video card as well [12:06] hello [12:07] hi [12:07] wsup [12:07] yall [12:07] who uses irssi [12:08] bruh [12:08] I do [12:08] damn, i killed the usb [12:08] doesn't show in ubuntu / windows after formatting with rufus [12:09] what's bruh? [12:09] irssii seemed powerful years ago when I used it last, but nowadasy I use a GUI client via ZNC [12:10] Ther is also and ACPI warning Io rang B00-B08 conflicts with op regions B00-b0F abd b00-b2f (board-specific ACPI drivers suggested) That warning was also present previously. [12:11] If I'm on Windows I just use Thunderbird... But on Linux its irssi.. [12:11] thunderbird for IRC? :O [12:12] I'm all about intergration mayn...lol If i'm already using email, then why not [12:12] integrate everything into a web browser like everyone else... :P [12:12] found it [12:12] :Z [12:13] Looks like the VESA nouveau swtich happens around 14 seconds into the boot procewss. (I re-ran dracut: I think that is what changed --had also pulled AMD card for testing)). [12:13] Who uses webmail? >_> [12:14] * phillipsjk may replace LAN cable for shits and giggles [12:20] hi [12:20] wsup [12:29] Hi folks [12:41] good afternoon everyone! kubuntu 20.04.2 user here. i love the kde [12:42] !networking [12:45] Dell troubshooting guide failed at this step: "If lights are not seen. Or are affected by moving the cable, and the cable has already been ruled out. Contact your local support for further help with resolving this issue." [12:49] Is there a tool that was supposed to rpelace ifconfig? [12:49] phillipsjk, ip [12:50] ip add [12:59] Habbie BluesKaj "ip link set enp3s0 up" "dhcleint" got me internet access. but network manager still has no clue (even tried manually selecting the interface). [12:59] *dhclient [13:04] phillipsjk, try ,sudo systemctl enable NetworkManager.service [13:05] Will be around 30 minutes [13:07] Hi. I use Ubuntu but not the default Gnome interface. I'm using spectrwm. So Gnome tools are not as easy to access. [13:07] e.g. I select wi-fi networks using `nmtui`. [13:07] Or change brightness with xrandr and some aliases. [13:08] Is there something nice like `nmtui`, or if not, what's the command-line stuff I need to know to connect to bluetooth devices such as headphones? [13:09] (I might have even disabled bluetooth in the past to conserve battery...) [13:11] on `sudo rfkill list` it appears as soft blocked but not hard blocked. [13:13] hi, can I somehow have 2 gcc instances installed on my machine? I'm developing a legacy code and it requires legacy gcc :( [13:13] I need gcc 7.5 [13:17] you can you just have to find the repository it is in [13:18] apt-cache show gcc-7 gives a quite promising result, most probably it's in the default stock ubuntu repo === pakxo_ is now known as pakxo [13:19] can I just apt install gcc-7 or do I need additional packages for it to work? [13:19] there may be some dependacies that wont be installed by apt [13:19] imi, you might try installing 'build-essential'. That used to work to install it all [13:19] at least thats what ive read from googling this [13:20] th0r: I have build-essential, it has gcc-9 as a dependency [13:20] ok I'll figure out thanks [13:22] hi everybody! I have a thinkpad X1 Yoga Carbon. After the upgrade to 20.04.2 the stylus on screen do not work anymore. Actually, whilst the wacom drivers are installed, if you go into settings, it shows no wacom tables and no stylus. [13:22] xsetwacom --list devices shows the devices [13:22] xinput shows the devices [13:28] Do they show up in th4e gnome settings? [13:30] three: no, that is the problem [13:30] three: they show up in the CLI, but do not show up in the grnome settings and in the applications [13:31] three: lsusb shows them and so does sudo lshw [13:33] krmt: did you try creating a new user and test there, see if its user related or not? [13:33] lotuspsychje: it is a new user .... === pakxo_ is now known as pakxo [13:34] did you just upgrade to 20.04? [13:36] three: reinstalled from scratch 20.04.2 [13:37] This obviously sounds dumb but i want to make sure. Have you tried restarting it since you installed? [13:38] three: :-D yep .... also the laptop is on .... :-D [13:38] I work in IT i have to ask [13:38] three: I have google every possible combination of keywords under the moon and the sun [13:39] three: yep, I used to .... it is not a PBDK type of problem :-D [13:40] krmt It been a while since I've used gnome but isnt there an option in GDM to boot into Gnome wayland. Are you maybe in that instead X11 [13:40] You never know with ubuntu users could be talking to a noob or a pro [13:42] three: it is OK, do not worry .... what do you use now? [13:42] XFCE [13:42] or some windows manager but mainly XFCE [13:43] but yeah i'd make sure youre using X11 cause im pretty sure theres extra set up involved with Wacom on wayland I could be wrong though [13:44] three: loginctl show-session 2 -p Type returns X11 [13:46] three: so I can confirm it is X11 [13:48] three: could it be the fact that it is using the wrong driver? I am finding it difficult to udnerstand what driver it is using. [13:49] krmt: could be as .2 has new kernel, somethings wrong with your driver module, check or share your dmesg [13:56] lotuspsychje: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/SCZwbcvcMM/ [13:57] krmt: do you still have older kernels in your list? [13:57] lotuspsychje: nope, fresh install of 20.04.2 [13:58] krmt: fresh installs can have several kernel versions, after update for example [14:00] lotuspsychje: no, I don't [14:01] BluesKaj, no chnage enabling Network anamger. Since it is a desktop, I can just add the ip, dhclient work-around to a start-up script. [14:01] lotuspsychje: I wonder what went wrong [14:02] lotuspsychje: three: let me force reinstall of everything and reboot [14:02] brb [14:13] lotuspsychje: three: nothing, reinstalltion did not solve the problem [14:14] which X1 Carbon is it krmt? [14:16] three: X1 Yoga 2nd Gen (Type 20JD, 20JE, 20JF, 20JG) [14:17] three: top of the range production machine with an LTS official distribution that cannot be used .... [14:17] * krmt is crying [14:18] and you get nothing at all from using the touch screen? [14:19] cause what im reading is that the current driver should work but do not support multi touch [14:20] but your saying even gnome isnt recognixing the device [14:20] three: I get the laptop blocked and hanging and having to do a hard reboot [14:20] three: yes, but xinput, xsetwacomm, lshw and lsusb do recognise it. [14:21] three: oh! where did you see that? and why was it working fine in 20.04.1? [14:21] https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Lenovo_ThinkPad_X1_Carbon_(Gen_2)#Touchscreen [14:22] not ubuntu but its the most relevant info ive found [14:22] wait [14:23] nvm thats not the yoga [14:23] three: I see!!!! Other people are having the same issue! It is a kernel issue! [14:23] three: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1324904/ubuntu-20-04-wacom-stylus-use-causes-immediate-hang [14:23] three: after update from 44 to 45 [14:24] krmt: what kernal is running for you rn after a fresh install? [14:24] oh that post was litterally yesterday [14:25] three: exactly! [14:25] three: 45 [14:27] three: I just installed the old kernle, and rebooting in the old kernel. [14:27] three: brb [14:31] fingers crossed [14:36] * krmt is furious ... [14:37] it was a £$%£@@@@ kernel issue .... purged the new kernel, installed old kernel, it works as it should. [14:37] heyyy well at least it works === coXZist1 is now known as coXZist [14:38] I am very disappointed. We paid quite a bit of money for this laptops, with an LTS , and we just wasted a day trying to address a core issue. [14:38] three: thanks a lot for your help. [14:38] oh you got it from Lenovo with ubuntu installed? [14:39] three: we have ubuntu certified machines, and we use both Lenovo and Windows. For higher performance mostly Linux. Windows is really too poor in many areas. [14:40] i suggest file a bugereport? [14:40] I agree. the only relevant info we found was that post from yesterday [14:40] three: of course, doing this kind of .... only alienates people like us who are using it professionally, and use LTS for that reason. [14:40] oerheks: yes, of course .... but that would cost us even some more. [14:41] You'd think more testing would go into the LTS updates [14:41] krmt, https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Lenovo_ThinkPad_X1_Carbon_3rd_Gen you could compile the new kernel [14:41] at least from lenovos end i mean [14:41] but you are here for some time, a bugreport would take a minute or 2 [14:42] oerheks: anyway, out to file a report AND a bug report. I do not know what the developers have in mind, really. [14:42] thanks again three! [14:42] krmt I try my best... Glad you got it solved. [14:42] have a good day! [14:43] Hi, sometimes after I wake up my laptop, the external keyboard doesn't work. Sometimes I can fix it with "rmmod usbhid ; modprobe usbhid" but sometimes no. Syslog when I plug it in looks like this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/GNr4FbXvKN/ [14:46] Rebooting always fixes it for a few days [14:48] What kind of laptop is it? Wired or wireless keyboard? [14:49] It is a Thinkpad X1 Carbon generation like 5 or 6, and both USB and Bluetooth connections to the keyboard have the same problem [14:50] I have tried a different USB keyboard and that has the same issue [14:50] Check this out. I read it while looking into the last guys issue [14:50] https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Lenovo_ThinkPad_X1_Carbon_(Gen_6)#Suspend_issues [14:51] you probably need to enable S3 [14:54] interesting. I've read that wiki page before and my BIOS does not have the Linux option it mentions [14:55] (it says I need v > 1.30 and mine is 1.49) [15:02] (and the Bluetooth pairing works fine after suspend/resume, it's just that the keyboard won't type) === coXZist1 is now known as coXZist [15:08] krmt: can you please apport-collect 1920785 on your bug please, to collect your system info into the bug? [15:16] lotuspsychje yes, I have done so .... and also just used about 20 minutes of my working time to file a bug that should require 4 minutes to log at the worst of time .... I am very disappointed by the whole experience. [15:17] anyway, have good day everybody! [15:17] krmt: thanks for the apport-collect, you dont need to be dissapointed for bugs, they will always exist [15:18] krmt on the bright side you may have saved someone in the future lots of time troubleshooting the sam bug [15:18] Have a good day too krmt [15:21] lotuspsychje: just caught me whilst I was leaving! I am disappointed by the experience, not by the bug, really horribly managed upgrade process, and crappy bug reporting system. If it were not for this room, we would still have perfectly working machines still hanging after a day and a half, and the bug reporting system does not allow you to signal the correct packages because they are not in the list. [15:21] lotuspsychje: anyway, I am going! [15:37] Ubuntu repos for 20.4 currently have nodejs v10, which is years behind the current LTS. i understand that having tried and tested software is favourable, but versions of packages that old are so obsolete that they're not even usable. seriously. wtf ubuntu. [15:40] v10 is so high for us. just 0.x [15:40] How to install x11 on ubuntu server? Note: I do not want a full desktop environment. I only want to run startx or a browser etc [15:41] Intelo: why? [15:42] leftyfb: less system load [15:42] leftyfb: less bloating [15:42] leftyfb: less issues [15:42] Intelo: why do you need a browser on a server? [15:42] leftyfb: more cmd based [15:42] leftyfb: its not server, its my desktop [15:42] and I want to avoid deskto environments [15:42] they are buggy [15:42] :/ [15:42] Intelo: so you want a chromebook [15:42] every one of them have different problems [15:42] chromebook is not linux [15:43] leftyfb: I want to "Only install x11" so I can run firefox lets say [15:43] leftyfb: Question: how to do it? [15:43] Intelo: ChromeOS is verymuch built on linux [15:43] leftyfb: not interested [15:43] Intelo: sudo apt install firefox [15:43] leftyfb: thats all? [15:44] Intelo: that will pull in it's dependencies. You'll have to figure out starting X and running Firefox from the CLI [15:44] startx usually works? [15:45] Intelo: have you tried one of the tiling managers like Awesome? [15:46] leftyfb: I use dwm [15:48] leftyfb: how much is awesom different? [15:49] awesome uses lua for configuration, i prefer i3 [15:58] intelo I have used just an X server to run like kiosks at work but if you are trying to use something as a desktop definatly look into a window manager [15:59] awesome, i3, xmonad, DWM are all pretty solid though i3 and awesome are probably the easiest to configure [15:59] at least of those that i listed [16:04] Intelo: sudo apt-get install fluxbox === coXZist1 is now known as coXZist [16:05] three: window manager? such as? [16:06] three: oh ok [16:07] three: trench I used dwm so far. I hope awesome and i3 won't be alian to me. Or atlease the same ALT commands [16:08] Intelo: i3 has some different defaults, but luckily it is easy to change the keybindings in its config file [16:10] Intelo if you are familiar with patching DWM you shouldnt have any trouble with i3 or awesome [16:10] DWM is much more complicated [16:12] remline: three isee [16:12] trench: whats up with fluxbox? [16:15] Intelo: minimal stuff [16:15] Intelo: http://www.fluxbox.org/screenshots/ [16:15] Intelo: so you don't get a lot of bloatware [16:27] Hello [16:27] how would I find all executable files? I tried find . -exec file {} \; | grep -i elf but it also finds things with ELF in filename which is not what I want [16:27] I want to only strictly find files that are equivalent to .exe on Windows [16:27] not the .so , .o and library stuff. [16:28] which also weirdly have a .ELF magic bit [16:28] Zuroger-KUB20: you know a shell script or python file or countless other files types can be set to executable right? Not just ELF [16:29] well the executable bit finds all the .so and o stuff which is not what I want so I need to narrow the search term [16:29] including .c files [16:29] Zuroger-KUB20: what is the purpose of this exercise? [16:30] trouble finding programs. I simply cannot get used to the weird extensionless idea on linux. [16:30] I'm looking at this Dolphin Explorer or what and it's like I need 10 minutes to find where my program is [16:31] Zuroger-KUB20: why do you need to know the binary filename/location for the Dolphine Explorer application? [16:31] Doliphin* [16:31] ba [16:32] then there's folders with the same name as file so you get /home/user/programs/utility1/utility1 ... sometimes I never encountered on Windows and it feels just wrong. [16:32] three: I have ubuntu 18. A bit old. I hope just doing `apt install i3` would do all for me [16:32] something* [16:32] Zuroger-KUB20: applications are not typically installed in /home/user/programs/ [16:32] !yy.mm | Intelo [16:32] Intelo: Ubuntu version numbers are: YY.MM (YY=release year,MM=release month). Each year sees two releases, so just specifying YY is imprecise. See also https://www.ubuntu.com/about/release-cycle [16:33] Zuroger-KUB20: why do you need to know the binary filename/location for the Dolphin Explorer application? [16:33] Why couldn't programs just have .elf extension it be a hell of a lot more easier distinguishing things, sometimes there's like same names for text files without extension and it's kinda a mess IMO. [16:34] Zuroger-KUB20: do you have a support question? [16:35] Zuroger-KUB20: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/NhZzDVvPkM/ line 3 shows you the binary for the dolphin application is in /usr/bin/dolphin. You could also probably find this by typing: which dolphin [16:35] I have figured yes that the system won't care about the extension, this is only about visual issue, but it would be great if I could do something like rename all files to .elf to have this across every utility, then I don't need to mess with Dolphin or any Konsole how to view/display executable programs. [16:36] intelo im not sure what the package is in ubuntu but i believe its only one package you need [16:36] Intelo: what version of ubuntu are you running? [16:36] why do i feel like theres a second package actually [16:37] nah its just the package called i3 [16:37] I've already started renaming my manually installed programs to .elf extension, doesn't do any side-effects visually in Dolphin so that's a good start. However, I don't know the side-effects and consequences of doing this for system/user installed packages, that might be tricky to set up, hopefully not requiring kernel patch. [16:38] Zuroger-KUB20: if you rename any of the binaries installed from packages, you will break it, possibly many other aspects of the system. You should stick with presenting a valid use case and problem you are trying to solve so we can help you [16:38] Zuroger-KUB20: don't do that [16:39] intelo btw if you really want to cut down on bloat even ubuntu server has a lot of packages pre-installed. You may wanna check out arch or gentoo if you really wanna go for that minimal installation [16:41] or honestly debian if you wanna stick with debian based distros [16:41] leftyfb: I see many programs and utilities don't even use the executable bit for their main program file, because Dolphin Explorer sees it as a shared file irrespective of the extension. [16:42] So it's kind of a nonstandard circus, oh well. [16:42] three: ok [16:42] three: why you chosed i3 over awesom/ [16:43] Zuroger-KUB20: feel free to write your own linux distribution. Good luck [16:43] Including things that I downloaded, in binary, and things I compiled myself, seems like executable bit has to be set afterward manually or is optional [16:44] Zuroger-KUB20: feel free to discuss your opinions in #ubuntu-offtopic. This channel is for support questions [16:44] Intelo I'd just recommend it to people cause its easy to configure. I honestly havent really used awesome but I've heard a lot of good things about it and judging that youve used DWM id say give either a try. If you dont want a tiling WM also you can try something like openbox which is a floating WM [16:45] Theres also qtile which is configured in python [16:46] honestly just look at all these and pick what you think sounds intresting https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/window_manager [16:50] I am working with Paladin, which is said to be based on Ubuntu. I have made and can boot from a live USB. In ubuntu there is a handy install option. This is not the case with Paladin. Without an easy install button, how does one install Linux from a live USB? [16:50] Ubuntu has the install icon. if you're not using Ubuntu CuChulaind, it might be best to seek support via their support forums or channels [16:51] three: ok my nearest google (you). the ALT enter works. And ALT 1/2/3../9 works. Nothign else [16:51] CuChulaind, there is also the linux channel, perhaps they might help? [16:51] Intelo are you talking about i3? [16:51] three: ya [16:51] summonner, I have looked and I don't see anything offhand. Is there a way to clone the Live USB to the hdd? I'll check the linux channel, thank you [16:51] give me one second [16:52] https://i3wm.org/docs/refcard.html [16:53] if alt-enter gets you a terminal [16:53] take a look at the config at ~/.config/i3/config [16:54] Cuchulaind you dont want to clone the live cd to your hard drive [16:54] three, Gotcha [16:54] which distro are you trying to install cuchulanind [16:55] Paladin looks like it is a live enviorment packed with a bunch of tools [16:55] where did you get the .iso from [17:01] !ot | three [17:01] three: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! [17:01] leftyfb: my b [17:02] three, got the iso from the Paladin website, and used Rufus to create a live USB. [17:02] three, of course if I wanted to run as a VM, the host would boot the .iso. Is there a way to boot and install from an iso? [17:02] talk to me in DM's please === coXZist1 is now known as coXZist [17:26] Hi guys, can you recommend a nice GUI library to use on Ubuntu that is not QT? I am looking to achieve the look of something like the Blizzard, Epic or Asus Windows apps.. but on Linux. === coXZist1 is now known as coXZist [18:00] gnUser try asking in ##linux [18:04] three: they left after 4 minutes of asking [18:06] I didnt see a leave notification [18:06] Hello [18:07] oh sorry i have them turned off for this channel for some reason [19:07] yo [19:07] hello === coXZist1 is now known as coXZist === Anticime1 is now known as Anticimex === coXZist1 is now known as coXZist [21:51] how to change system font in lxde? [22:05] check with the lubuntu channel, you'll get a quick answer there [22:36] Anyone familiar with squid? I'd like to force client side HTTP (not as a prod deployment, but to test something we're seeing in logs). [22:36] So, all requests between client and squid would be http and then squid to the web would be https (f needed) === pakxo_ is now known as pakxo