[14:31] Any suggestions on a control surface that syncs its lights with Ardour properly? This nanoKONTROL is a nifty little surface, but it doesn't sync the lights and that's really frustrating. [14:36] The PreSonus FaderPort 8 looks really nice but that price makes my wallet cry. ;) [14:57] ugh, ardour is being weird again. :sob: [14:58] It's back to the unified block in Carla and back to the same weird behavior as when I was running 5. [14:59] It's routing audio it shouldn't. [14:59] If I split the box all the connections in Carla disappear but the audio is still being routed. [15:04] Ok, ditching Carla and using Qjackctl graph and I can get it sorted [15:04] Boo Carla! [15:14] OvenWerks: Am I going to have issues running studio controls and qjackctl at the same time? [15:15] BrianHechinger[m: You shouldn't have problems running qjackctl and studio-controls at the same time. Just don't start Jack with qjackctl and make sure the option to stop jack on qjackctl exit is unchecked. [15:15] (I do it quite a bit) [15:18] How do I get qjackctl to save the routes? because it always starts up all screwed up and raysession doesn't appear to be able to fix it [15:19] Jack Connections doesn't seem to do anything useful either. :( [15:23] Jack Connections saves the connections in the session, afaik. I don't think qjackctl saves the routes, that's beyond its scope. I think that's in the patchbay function of that app? [15:24] * Eickmeyer uses agordejo when he needs session management these days. [15:40] I looked at that and couldn't figure it out. :) [15:40] I just want carla to behave again please. :-D [16:05] BrianHechinger[m: Maybe ask falktx in #kxstudio what's going on? [16:05] I can certainly do that. It's very odd behavior. [16:45] BrianHechinger[m: Bear in mind, carla 2.3 is in RC and the only reason I haven't backported it to 20.04's backports PPA is because it's an RC an not a final version. 21.04 will have 2.3 ootb. [16:45] I can't move and get a new PC fast enough. :-P [16:49] Hmm, just downloaded and tried Carla 2.3.0 and I get the same behavior [17:25] no I didn't, nevermind. :) === Iamahuman is now known as Iamahuman4