
shumpi /quit20:01
ArsenievHi. I installed xubuntu 20.04 in tree computers. All of them have bluetooth. Two of them bootup with bluetooth off (so I can turn it on whenever I need it)21:01
ArsenievBut the third computer always boots with bluetooth on. I edited /etc/bluetooth/main.conf but it keeps booting with bluetooth on.21:03
ArsenievCould anybody help? :S21:03
diogenes_Arseniev, as a workaround you can install tlp and make a startup command: sleep 10; bluetooth off21:08
diogenes_other methods are to blacklist bt module or even from BIOS.21:09
Arsenievif I disable it from bios I can't turn it on without rebooting. I must say that the three bt adapters are identical.21:10

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