
IrcsomeBot<darkknight1608> 26823: you can use lsblk you see all parts and their mountpoint.01:59
IrcsomeBotreal_xihnik was added by: real_xihnik02:36
IrcsomeBot<real_xihnik> 150% scaling. Size of cursor not static(  … Example on screenshots: … https://ibb.co/Jrh9rtkhttps://ibb.co/0D73nT1https://ibb.co/sgbsQwDhttps://ibb.co/YRgcnkT02:44
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viktor_Hi all. I've noticed that, in Dolphin, it's not possible to assign tags to files with a Vault. Is there a solution / workaround for this?04:54
IrcsomeBot<real_xihnik> @real_xihnik, Resolved05:58
IrcsomeBotlittlemoths was added by: littlemoths06:04
IrcsomeBot<littlemoths> Hello, my laptop running Kubuntu 20.10 is unable to detect the integrated microphone. How can I fix that? Thank you!06:07
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IrcsomeBot<littlemoths> @littlemoths, The microphone is working when I run Kubuntu from a live USB.  … Maybe I accidentally remove something from my system?09:04
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BluesKajHi folks12:08
jackdrippervlc player has a bug when use the close button (x) instead of useing ctrl +q to close it vlc doesnt allow me to open media files again it just minimizes itself. running it again from console works by the previous process stays14:13
BluesKajjackdripper, I had an odd disconnect yesterday with VLC, the HDMI connection went down after closing VLC while checking a movie...needed a hard reboot to reconnect...the logs didn't show any errors. Seems there's a bug in VLC, but my version is on the kubuntu dev OS 21.04 so yours might different14:16
jackdrippersimilar problem faced by others https://forum.videolan.org/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=149762&start=2514:20
jackdripper@BluesKaj thats some crazy bug lol14:20
BluesKajseems so, maybe stopping play before exiting might work14:22
jackdripperusing ctrl+q doesnt trigger it14:22
uservj;yj gfhjkm xnj,s crfxfnm ,hfepth14:50
userможно пароль чтобы скачать браузер14:51
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jackdrippersuggest me a good music player thanks because i am unable to drag and drop song on my default music player17:10
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IrcsomeBotBasRoufs was added by: BasRoufs20:22
IrcsomeBot<BasRoufs> @join_captcha_bot, Thanks!20:28
juano-M15 years ago I was very big fan of Amarok20:34
Unit193I remember back in 2007 it was great!  ...Crap, that was a long time ago, wasn't it?20:36
juano-Myea, nostalgia20:38
juano-MI remember now Amarok with KDE 3.5  🙃20:40
user|67576is there a way to install iso without disc/usb20:52
mparilloYes, but I forget the magic search term. Try ISO Bootstrap? Basically you need to mount your ISO and then install to a partition it is not on. I have never tried it, so it sounds as if you are not careful, you will overwrite everything.21:59

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