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RikMillsdoko: I see that you have been fixing symbols due to LTO. presumably that mean these fails are not to be added to the lto-disabled list?08:30
RikMills^ moved from wrong channel08:30
dokoRikMills: yes, fixing these for main directly08:54
RikMillsdoko: and universe shoudl be fixed or excluded?08:55
RikMillsspecifically symbols08:55
RikMillse.g. https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kpmcore/20.12.3-208:56
dokoRikMills: universe packages are added in the lto-disabled list. If not, add it there, or fix it. For the main packages, I added (optional=lto) to the symbols files08:59
RikMillsdoko: well, I will probably fix this one, as I want to make sure it is in the beta. then it can be added to the list and resynced with debian sometime09:00
dokoRikMills: ok. if you're able to apply these symbol changes in Debian, please do that. https://wiki.debian.org/ToolChain/LTO09:06
dokoproblem is, that Debian doesn't yet have a dpkg with the optimize feature09:07
eoli3nHi, with automatic-ubiquity, is there a way to disable splash ?09:10
eoli3ni mean, the GUI, to just have tty logs09:10
RikMillsdoko: yeah, so I doubt I will be able to sell the qt-kde people the change at this stage of freezes09:10
RikMillsoh well. doing things ahead of them while they are in freeze is not exactly a new thing for me ;)09:12
eoli3ntsimonq2 Hi https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbiquityAutomation09:49
eoli3ni think that this needs to be improved09:49
eoli3nfor exemple, i don't get what is ubiquity/summary, nor how to use it09:50
eoli3nubiquity ubiquity/summary boolean true ? string yes ? select yes ?09:50
eoli3nwhat is "summary page"09:50
eoli3nyou should add an exemple with comments for all keys09:51
eoli3nhow to query list of all possible values ?09:51
eoli3nnothing says that preseed/late_command is ignored, and it seems to be replaced by ubiquity/success_command09:51
Odd_Blokexnox: Aha, TIL about group.master and base-passwd: I was looking in base-files for something similar.  Thanks!  (Thanks cjwatson too!)13:39
eoli3nxnox i have some questions if you have some time13:39
eoli3n- is there a way to disable installer UI and keep tty and logs ?13:47
eoli3n- shouldn't the installer get host's hostname from DHCP by default ?13:48
eoli3n- as first question, do you know a way to print output of success_command ?13:49
eoli3nwith kickstart, I used "exec < /dev/tty6 > /dev/tty6 2> /dev/tty6" then chvt 6 before running ansible13:50
eoli3nbut then with ubiquity, i get /dev/tty6 not found13:51
eoli3ni think that the chroot doesnt mount /dev13:51
xnoxeoli3n:  there is in-target helper to do more mounts i think.13:58
xnoxeoli3n:  "print output of success_command"where to? =)13:58
eoli3non the scree13:58
xnoxeoli3n:  normally syslog & journal are connected and captured.13:58
eoli3nscreen :)13:58
xnoxeoli3n:  so for example, anything in journal/logger will end up in the journal of the live system, and also copied into /var/log/installer/*13:59
eoli3ni need technicians to easily see what's going wrong13:59
eoli3ni found logs in /var/log/syslog13:59
xnoxeoli3n:  well, you booted graphically =) there is ubiquity window to see running log, but it's not expanded by default.13:59
eoli3nhow to not boot graphically then ?13:59
xnoxeoli3n:  why would not? =) i think you are more after setting more kernel cmdline options no?14:00
eoli3nthoses logs are just /var/log/installer/debug14:00
eoli3nwhy would not what ? i didn't get what you meant14:00
xnoxi.e. set systemd.journal to go to console. and like chvt to tty4 then your technicians will be staring on the console with journal things running there.14:00
xnoxeoli3n:  booting into graphical ubiquity interface is best. Because when it crashes, it gives you popups to report bugs; see tracebacks; recover the install; and one has access to open gnome-terminal / web-browser / etc.14:01
eoli3nok, but is there a way to boot "not graphically" ?14:02
xnoxnot bringing up graphical interface will make it _harder_ to debug, not easier.14:02
eoli3ni really need one to NOT access anything14:02
xnoxeoli3n: not really, cause ubiquity.service runs on a graphical tty14:02
eoli3nthat's sad but ok14:02
eoli3nthen i don't get your answer about "print output of success_command"14:03
xnoxyou can only like switch to a different tty, and keep things "hidden", but like anybody can do ctrl-alt-f2 to get back to it.14:03
xnoxeoli3n:  you say you want to print output of success_command => but you never said where to =)14:03
xnoxmy suggestion is to run success_command under logger -t => such that any output ends up in syslog/journal.14:03
eoli3ni said "on the screen"14:03
eoli3nkeyboard is disabled14:04
eoli3ni need those logs to be print on the screen14:04
xnoxnormally automatic installs are non-interactive and nobody is watching the screen....14:04
xnoxeoli3n:  so you don't like switching tty and printing journal there?14:05
xnoxand have success command log to journal, which is displayed in a different tty?14:05
xnoxeoli3n:  note that one should be able to click on the expand window to see the running installer logs.14:05
xnoxanything from journal is visible there, but requires a user click.14:05
eoli3nxnox as said, where installer is running, keyboard is disabled14:06
xnoxmaybe in automatic install, that pane should be always expanded14:06
xnoxeoli3n: i understand that keyboard is disabled, but your success command can execute a binary which changes vt _without any keyboard presses_ =)14:06
eoli3nyep that's what i tried too14:07
xnoxdidn't work?14:07
xnoxyou also need kernel parameters to mirror journal to active console.14:07
eoli3n14:51 eoli3n: but then with ubiquity, i get /dev/tty6 not found14:07
eoli3nxnox where can i find documentation about this ?14:07
eoli3nabout "kernel parameters to mirror journal to active console"14:08
eoli3nand about "in-target helper to do more mounts i think."14:08
eoli3nits really really hard to find any good documentation about all of these14:08
xnoxeoli3n:  man systemd-journald => KERNEL COMMAND LINE => systemd.journald.forward_to_console=, systemd.journald.forward_to_wall=14:08
eoli3nok thanks14:09
xnoxeoli3n:  in-target is binary shipped by d-i & ubiquity.... I don't think it is documented, but you can just read what it does.14:10
xnoxor like run-it interactively and see if you like what it did..... or not.14:10
xnoxi.e. $ sudo in-target bash14:10
eoli3noh ok thanks for that tip14:10
xnoxafter you finish the interactive install..... but did not reboot yet.14:10
eoli3ndidn't know it was a binary14:11
eoli3nlast thing is about hostname by dhcp14:12
xnoxeoli3n:  i think ubuqity derives hostname from autogenerated based on chasis name. Can you preseed it?14:14
eoli3nstatically i can't14:15
eoli3nor i don't understand what you mean14:15
xnoxi.e. in your preseed, when you do like partman/early_command => you should have dhcp hostname acquired at that point14:15
eoli3ni do something like that, but i don't understand why i need to do it manually14:15
xnoxso you would want to do soemthing like `debconf-set-selection netcfg/hostname string `hostname -fqd`14:15
eoli3nhost $(/usr/sbin/ip a show dev $(/usr/sbin/ip route show default | awk 'sub(/.*dev /,"",$0) {print $1; exit;}') | awk '/inet / {sub(/\/.*/,"",$2); print $2}') | awk 'sub(/\..*/,"",$NF) { print $NF }' > /etc/hostname14:15
eoli3ni don't know that command, lets check14:16
xnoxeoli3n:  because default is not based on the network name, but is based on chaiss/machine name. It is more userfriendly to say "Dell-XPS13-ubuntu" then "ubuntu.192.168.1" cause most networks don't give out sensible hostnames.14:16
xnoxeoli3n:  i'm not sure what i've typed is correct => this is just me going off by memory.14:17
xnoxeoli3n:  doing that ip stuff is a bit odd..... ie. in success_command you could do just: `hostname` > /target/etc/hostname should do it.14:17
eoli3nbut hostname command alone doesnt give the right hostname...14:18
eoli3nshould it ?14:18
eoli3ni get "ubuntu" as default hostname14:19
xnoxeoli3n: hmmmmm. and dhcp lease deffo had hostname from dhcp? interesting.14:19
xnoxeoli3n:  what about output from hostnamectl => does that have dynamic hostnmae from dhcp?14:19
eoli3nlets check14:19
eoli3nstrangly i also had some issues about using fqdn in url=14:20
eoli3nthen i switch to ip14:20
eoli3nfrom url=http://domain.fr/preseed.cfg to url=
dbungertLaney: I've got a SRU on my plate for update-notifier for focal - but it looks like there is some existing work of yours there that hasn't propogated.  Do you know what needs to happen next?14:22
Laneydbungert: thanks I need to verify that, forgot, will do14:22
xnoxeoli3n:  it would be interesting to know the details of the lease you got.14:23
dbungertfrom what I saw it was a bystander on a update-manager test failure, but update-manager has since propogated.  Might be as simple as a retest.14:23
eoli3nxnox https://x0.at/wj2.png14:24
xnoxeoli3n:  i.e. stuff in network-manager and/or in systemd (in like /run/systemd/netif )14:24
xnoxeoli3n:  and what's your kernel cmdline?14:24
xnoxeoli3n:  this looks odd14:24
eoli3nxnox https://x0.at/8qL.txt14:25
xnoxeoli3n:  that looks borked to me =)14:25
eoli3nwhat means borked14:25
xnoxeoli3n:  and what's in your /run/systemd/netif ? if anything?14:25
xnoxeoli3n:  borked => broken, as in i would have expected you to gain dhcp hostname.14:25
eoli3nok, /run/systemd/netif/leases/2 contains HOSTNAME=right_hostname14:27
xnoxeoli3n:  fun. cause then hostnamectl should have it too......14:28
RikMillsok. who broke the builders>14:28
xnoxand hostname.....14:28
xnoxeoli3n:  please open a bug report? live system booted with ip=dhcp has the right lease, yet hostname not set at all.14:28
eoli3nxnox i had the same issue with autoinstall with ubuntu-server14:29
xnoxeoli3n:  like ubuntu-bug systemd14:29
xnoxeoli3n:  given that it uses the same bits for networked boot, i can see why it's the same issue with server too. The networking stack is the same.14:29
eoli3nlets open the bug14:29
xnox$ ubuntu-bug systemd14:30
eoli3nxnox just saw that i already opened one without any answer14:41
eoli3nreopened this : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/systemd/+bug/192093314:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1920933 in systemd (Ubuntu) "live desktop system booted with ip=dhcp has the right lease, hostname not set at all" [Undecided,New]14:41
eoli3nat the end i linked that one : https://bugs.launchpad.net/subiquity/+bug/190593214:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1905932 in subiquity "autoinstall: dynamic hostname from DHCP for the installer" [Undecided,New]14:41
eoli3nxnox again thanks for your precious help14:52
Laneydbungert: done, now someone needs to release it14:56
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patviaforebdmurray: just a heads up: we uploaded livecd-rootfs 2.664.19 for focal-proposed yesterday and is awaiting approval. (For https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/livecd-rootfs/+bug/1920043) Any expedition is greatly appreciated.18:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1920043 in livecd-rootfs (Ubuntu) "Latest Focal Minimal disk images from livecd-rootfs do not boot" [Undecided,New]18:26
seb128who would be the right person to ping to get some trivial changes to the sponsoring report reviewed?19:01
seb128(basically moving the json to a subdir so they can be listed without knowing the names and adding to extra information to those)19:03
seb128also who is maintaining the machine hosting the report?19:03
seb128I would be interested to know what Ubuntu version is in used there and if the sponsoring code could be upgraded to python319:03
seb128I'm wanting to provide a patch, I'm just unsure which python version is available19:04
seb128pitti, hey! do you plan to release a new python-dbusmock version? I'm asking because of https://ftp.acc.umu.se/pub/GNOME/sources/gnome-bluetooth/3.34/gnome-bluetooth-3.34.5.news (the new integration test are relying on new mocks)19:07
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bdmurrayseb128: let me see if its on the server I think its on19:30
seb128bdmurray, thanks19:31
seb128bdmurray, also can you help with the trivial code reviews? ;)19:31
bdmurrayseb128: its on cranberry which is precise but python3 is available19:33
seb128bdmurray, ok, thanks19:34
bdmurrayseb128: I could do a trivial review this week19:34
seb128bdmurray, well if you find the time I would appreciate, https://code.launchpad.net/ubuntu-sponsoring/+activereviews . One is just moving the location of the .jsons and the other adding some extra info to those, I want to use those for the KPI19:35
seb128doko, thanks for the evolution-data-server fix, do you plan to send it to Debian? the package was in sync and we would like to keep it this way20:43

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