
cpaelzer#startmeeting Weekly Main Inclusion Requests status15:29
meetingologyMeeting started at 15:29:26 UTC.  The chair is cpaelzer.  Information about MeetBot at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology15:29
meetingologyAvailable commands: action, commands, idea, info, link, nick15:29
cpaelzerhi didrocks sarnold doko ddstreet jamespage15:30
cpaelzer#topic Review of previous action items15:31
cpaelzerwe had none15:31
sarnoldgood morning15:31
cpaelzer#topic current component mismatches15:31
cpaelzer#link https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/component-mismatches-proposed.svg15:31
cpaelzer#link https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/component-mismatches.svg15:31
cpaelzerThere is one interesting thinghere which is rpm->lua5.215:32
cpaelzerI happen t know that lua5.2 was demoted as the last dependency was removed15:32
cpaelzerthat was some server component and we didn't want to have multiple lua versions15:33
cpaelzerbut now we have rpm in main15:33
cpaelzerwhich - to make it worse - is listed as unsubscribed15:33
cpaelzeranyone feelig responsible for rpm ?15:33
cpaelzersounds foundation'ish ... doko ?15:33
cpaelzerdebhelper - debugedit -> librpmio9 it is15:35
cpaelzerso it would be foundations then15:35
cpaelzerdoko: once you are around consider how you want to resolve15:35
cpaelzerif you want to just promote lua5.2 please subscribe foundations to it, MIR wise it is ready (as it was in main all the time)15:36
cpaelzerI see nothing else critical/new in there15:36
cpaelzerdoes one of you have a comment to mismatches ?15:36
sarnoldnone from me15:36
cpaelzerok let us go on ...15:37
cpaelzerthis is the time when these meetings can be short :-)15:37
cpaelzer#topic New MIRs15:37
cpaelzer#link https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/?field.searchtext=&orderby=-date_last_updated&field.status%3Alist=NEW&assignee_option=none&field.assignee=&field.subscriber=ubuntu-mir15:37
cpaelzerempty list15:37
cpaelzer#topic Incomplete bugs / questions15:37
cpaelzer#link https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/?field.searchtext=&orderby=-date_last_updated&field.status%3Alist=INCOMPLETE_WITH_RESPONSE&field.status%3Alist=INCOMPLETE_WITHOUT_RESPONSE&field.subscriber=ubuntu-mir15:37
cpaelzerthe latest is octavia which was recently discussed15:37
cpaelzerbetween jamespage and sarnold15:37
cpaelzerI've marked it as incomplete to reflect the current state15:38
cpaelzeronce that is improved resolved it can entr review again15:38
cpaelzerthanks sarnold btw for the effort on checking and discussing this15:38
dokosorry for being late ...15:38
cpaelzernp doko15:38
cpaelzerlooking up - opinions on rpm/lua5.2 ?15:38
cpaelzer#topic Any other business?15:39
cpaelzerwe are generally done, let us wait a bit for doko to consume the backlog15:39
dokorpm: subscribed foundations. probably only for hirsute. debugedit got split out to it's own source and will have a first release soon15:40
cpaelzerok, I'll leave it to you then15:40
cpaelzeroverall that is it for today, as promised not much content15:41
cpaelzerI guess we can give everyone 15 minutes back or is there anything else to discuss for today?15:41
sarnoldI've got nothing15:42
dokolua5.2: got demoted this cycle. I guess we can promote it again15:42
cpaelzeryes that is what I said above, we (sever) demoted it as our last dependency has gone and at that time there was no other dependency15:43
sarnoldwill the debugedit split also let lua5.2 drop back out in itchy inchworm?15:43
cpaelzernow that it comes back all that it needs is a team that wants to own lua5.215:43
dokosarnold: yes15:43
sarnoldhooray :)15:43
cpaelzersarnold: uuuh itchy - that isn't the name for real is it ?15:43
dokotalking with debian rpm how/when to split it out15:43
sarnoldcpaelzer: I sure hope not :)15:43
cpaelzerawesoe, then we can leave that rpm->* topic under your control doko15:44
cpaelzer  +m^15:44
cpaelzerwell then, have a good day15:44
meetingologyMeeting ended at 15:44:31 UTC.  Minutes at https://new.ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2021/ubuntu-meeting.2021-03-23-15.29.moin.txt15:44
sarnoldwoot ;) thanks cpaelzer, doko, ddstreet :)15:44
rbasakWe need a third person to be nominally quorate I think?20:06
rbasakI don't see anything in the agenda that's relevant apart from action items from people who aren't here.20:07
mdeslaurshall we call it?20:07
rbasakI usually call it on the 10 minute mark.20:07
mdeslaurheh, ok :)20:07
rbasakHad to do something consistent with a previous DMB mostly being absent :-/20:08
rbasak(much better now)20:08
vorlonsorry, running late here today20:08
mdeslaurhi vorlon20:09
mdeslaurlooks like I'm backup chair20:10
meetingologyMeeting started at 20:10:16 UTC.  The chair is mdeslaur.  Information about MeetBot at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology20:10
meetingologyAvailable commands: action, commands, idea, info, link, nick20:10
mdeslaur[topic] Apologies20:10
mdeslaurdidn't see any20:10
mdeslaur[topic] Action review20:10
mdeslaurACTION: Wimpress To follow-up on-list with design review to address MATE Boutique security/consent concerns.20:10
mdeslaurpaging Wimpress...20:10
mdeslaurACTION: vorlon to circle around with store, snapcraft, et all, and revise the snap source revision policy to be more clear with regards to rebuildability and GPL compliance.20:11
vorlonall of my actions are carry-over :/20:11
mdeslaurok, skipping the next ones, and sil2100 isn't here, so skipping those too20:12
mdeslaurok, so...all carry-over20:12
mdeslaur[topic] Mailing list archive20:12
mdeslaurdoesn't look like there's anything there since the last meeting20:13
mdeslaur[topic] Community bugs20:13
mdeslaurno open bugs20:13
mdeslaur[topic] AOB20:13
mdeslaurDoes anyone have anything they would like to bring up?20:14
vorlonnot here20:14
vorlonnot me, I should say :)20:14
mdeslaurrbasak ?20:14
rbasakNothing from me thanks20:14
mdeslaur[topic] Next chair20:15
mdeslaursil2100, with cyphermox as backup20:15
mdeslaurhi sil2100!20:15
sil2100I was already chair though20:15
mdeslaurwell, sure, but I did it :)20:15
sil2100Last meeting was chaired by me, any reason why it's me again? ;)20:15
mdeslauroh, you didn't update the agenda on the wiki20:15
sil2100Anyway, sorry for being late20:15
vorlonright, that ;)20:15
sil2100I knew I uh, forgot something :(20:16
mdeslaursil2100: do you have any progress on your action items, or are they carry-over20:16
sil2100Sadly, carry-over - but the last one can be considered done I suppose20:16
sil2100Since I updated the processes20:16
mdeslaurthis one? ACTION: sil2100 to discuss with release team where to document decisions about LTS status of flavors (prior to release notes creation late in cycle)20:17
sil2100Yes o/20:17
mdeslauroh, good20:17
mdeslaurthanks, I'll remove it20:17
sil2100Thanks! ;)20:17
mdeslaurjust for the record, where is the process documented? do you have a link?20:17
mdeslaurso next chair is cyphermox with rbasak as backup20:18
sil2100https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewReleaseCycleProcess it's all part of this if anything20:19
sil2100Point 52 is basically it :)20:19
mdeslaurgreat, thanks20:20
mdeslaursil2100: do you have anything else you'd like to discuss today?20:20
mdeslauror anyone else?20:20
sil2100Nothing really! Again, sorry about being late, I got distracted!20:21
mdeslaurthat's usually what happens to me :)20:21
mdeslaurok, that's all folks20:21
meetingologyMeeting ended at 20:21:43 UTC.  Minutes at https://new.ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2021/ubuntu-meeting.2021-03-23-20.10.moin.txt20:21
mdeslaurthanks everyone20:21
sil2100Thanks! o/20:22

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