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phillipsjkNetworking started working again after restoring the machine back to it's original configuration (not sure why adding/changing a video card would mess with that). Between that and the BIOS lan cable verification utility not working: I was thinking hardware damage.01:13
MIFphillipsjk: what was your error?01:17
operationalmalwar3hun73r: maybe try using burp? super flexible if you want to view/manipulate http things01:35
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phillipsjkMIF: not error realy: the network just never came up. the LAN port was renaned (possibly due to appearing on a different bus?)02:26
MIFoh ok02:26
MIFyea the I don't know02:26
phillipsjkFound a manual work-around bringing it up with "ip" and "dhclient". Don't need it for the time-being. Still not sure if it is "dracut" related. The desktop environment seems to try to save a lot of state.02:29
phillipsjk(desktop backrgound also got messed up)02:29
CarlFKthe tool bar that launches apps, like chorme, what dir stores the settings?  like if I want to add --disable-prompt-on-repost .. where is the file I add that to?03:36
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geirhaCarlFK: /usr/share/applications and ~/.local/share/applications08:02
CarlFKgeirha: yes, that.  thank you08:02
geirhaoh and /usr/local/share/applications may also exist08:02
jellyare there any recommended manual actions to do after a do-release-upgrade?  I just found some pretty old package on my 18.0408:16
jellyRemoving acroread-bin:i386 (9.5.5-1precise1) ...08:16
jellywouldn't have noticed at all if it wasn't opening with command line "see foo.pdf"08:17
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GrayShadeHello. I have an Ubuntu 20.04 VPS on a cheap-ish cloud provider and their web console (some kind of vnc-kvm) doesn't work after GRUB (it says "booting a command list" and blinks a cursor). It has agetty running on ttyS0 and the kernel command line has console=tty1 console=ttyS0. I tried starting agettys on the other serial consoles, but no luck. Does anyone have any ideas?08:38
GrayShade(I contacted their support and they said it's a problem with their Ubuntu images and I should just use SSH)08:38
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OnkelBladeHi all09:10
OnkelBladeI've connected an external sound card to my Ubuntu 20.04 and for some reason the recorded sound is pitched down09:10
OnkelBladeI set alternate-sample-rate = 48000 in /etc/pulse/daemon.conf but it didn't help09:10
OnkelBladeAny ideas? I cannot find anything in the System Settings where I can configure anything related09:11
OnkelBlade(well, I'm on KDE)09:11
OnkelBladeor I should have set default-sample-rate? Hm09:13
makara1hi. I went and updated a whole lot of Gnome extensions, and now its turned on horizontal workspaces. I tried disabling and restarting, then removing the extension, but its still active?09:14
makara1i removed the "workspace indicator" so at least it doesn't display on the top bar09:16
makara1i see the "windows list" extension turned on at the bottom of the screen. Removed that, problem solved09:26
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tsujpdoes 18.04 LTS support Ryzen 3000 series CPUs? e.g. 3700X/10:34
lotuspsychjetsujp: ryzens on ubuntu often benefit higher kernels, so !hwe could be a good idea10:35
lotuspsychjetsujp: if those still give issues, you can also test things out with !mainline10:35
tsujpi can manually update the kernel while still on 18.04 LTS right?10:35
ubottuThe Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack10:35
ubottuThe kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds10:35
lotuspsychjetsujp: but first, id suggest you try the default kernel 18.04 will give you and see how things go10:36
tsujpgotcha will do, thanks lotuspsychje10:36
phockinghey i'm having troubles instantiating the 20.04 cis hardened aws image with a custom network interface10:40
phockingi can get into it from ssm, but it just denies all the traffic inbound - but can ping wan/lan10:41
phockingit doesn't do this when instantiating with a default network adapter, but then i can't pick the ip on the vpc10:41
phockingany thoughts?10:41
phockingjust would like to know where to start looking10:41
Kalarumethhey to day my Ubuntu20.10 failed loggin in AD realm and trying to permit --all access it doesn't work, but if i set permit for single account it work. How i can fix to permit login at all ad user?10:52
magic_ninjawhat's that damn shortcut to edit your command in a text editor?10:56
Fin3@Kalarumeth, hi man got the same issue, anyone else?10:56
ubottuThe Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack11:06
tsujpho boy no graphics drivers for my 6800xt on 18.0411:07
tsujplets hope hwe saves me11:07
lotuspsychje!nomodeset | tsujp see also11:09
ubottutsujp see also: Systems with certain graphics chipsets may not boot properly out of the box. "Temporarily Add a Kernel Boot Parameter for Testing" as discussed at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/KernelBootParameters to add the "nomodeset" parameter there.11:09
tsujpokay shall try it out brb11:12
tsujpno change, pretty sure it's just not got the drivers. radeon 6000 supported on kernel 5.4? I did HWE and the kernel I have now is 5.4, is the highest offered by it?11:15
Inteloin x11 forwarding via ssh, does the client needs to install all the apps that are in server?11:18
lotuspsychjetsujp: sudo lshw -C video to check if driver loaded11:20
tsujpany particular field from that output? It does produce output11:21
lotuspsychjetsujp: at bottom should show driver=...11:21
lotuspsychjeor if card says unclaimed, its not loaded11:22
tsujpno `driver`, it does say unclaimed11:22
tsujpim downloading this currently: https://www.amd.com/en/support/graphics/amd-radeon-6000-series/amd-radeon-6800-series/amd-radeon-rx-6800-xt11:22
tsujpfor Ubuntu 18.04.5 HWE11:23
tsujphow can I verify I'm on HWE?11:23
Intelowhat happens if I run something that is not on client but on server11:23
lotuspsychje!info linux-image-generic-hwe-18.0411:25
ubottulinux-image-generic-hwe-18.04 (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image (dummy transitional package). In component main, is optional. Version (focal), package size 1 kB, installed size 18 kB11:25
lotuspsychjetsujp: ^ current hwe kernel for 18.0411:25
sub526Hi , when I tried to uninstall the package via "sudo apt-get remove <pkg>" i'm getting the error "E: Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt-get -f install' with no packages (or specify a solution)"11:28
sub526So I ran "sudo apt-get -f install", but it fails with "E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)" -  how to solve this issue?11:29
lotuspsychjesub526: unmet dependencys usualy means you have external ppa's conflicting with apt, is that your case?11:30
sub526lotuspsychje: not sure, how to verify this?11:32
lotuspsychje!sources | sub52611:33
ubottusub526: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories.11:33
lotuspsychjewhen other sources show up other then the vanilla ubuntu ones11:33
sub526lotuspsychje: Yes, my system is configured to download the packages from other sources.. How to solve unmet dependencys in this case?11:38
lotuspsychjesub526: first get rid of your external ppa's with !ppapurge to get your sources back to the vanilla ubuntu ones11:39
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BluesKajHi folks12:08
rongx1anHas fceux been replaced by other programs?(20.10)12:11
Deano59stop BluesKaj!12:27
lotuspsychjecan we help you Deano59 ?12:27
Deano59yeah, lotuspsychje - tell BluesKaj to go to #ubuntu-offtopic... thanks.12:28
lotuspsychjenot a topic for here Deano59 ubuntu support issues only here12:28
Deano59exactly my point.12:28
BluesKajand in the meantime you're filling the chat with unwanted comments Deano59, get a life.12:30
Deano59just stop with the "hi folks" and everything will be better. like lotuspsychje said, this IS A support channel. you want to greet, use #ubuntu-offtopic.12:32
BluesKajyou have no common courtesy12:33
lotuspsychjelets discuss this in #ubuntu-discuss Deano59 not here12:33
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OnkelBladeHI all12:52
OnkelBladehow to see the available list of version for a pacakge?12:52
OnkelBladeI mean to install it with apt-get12:53
OnkelBladeI need to install one of the previous versions of a package12:53
ajshell1What exactly do you mean? Do you mean a package that has multiple versions in the repositories? Like node?12:53
OnkelBladeajshell1: no, it's hplip. The latest version is totally broken. I need to try out some old ones12:54
remlineOnkelBlade: apt show firefox -a (to see all versions)12:54
OnkelBladeunfortunately there's only one version12:55
OnkelBladethe latest. It seems like -a did nothing for me12:55
remlineOnkelBlade: I also see only one version. Which version of Ubuntu are you on?12:56
OnkelBlade20.04 remline12:56
OnkelBladetrying out now some rmadison tool12:57
remlineOnkelBlade: The package hasn't changed since 22 Jun 2020. Has it been broken for you all that time?12:58
OnkelBladeremline: yeah, it hasn't been working for months12:59
OnkelBladeI remember I installed it previously, but don't remember how I did it. Maybe I just downloaded it as deb12:59
OnkelBladebut I forgot to hold13:00
remlineOnkelBlade: Ah, 20.10 version is from 22 Jun 2020. The 20.04 version is from 01 Apr 2020. If the 20.04 package doesn't work, you may need to try a deb/ppa/etc. as you say.13:01
OnkelBladeI cannot find now where can I download those debs directory13:02
OnkelBladeE.g. hplip | 3.17.10+repack0-5               | bionic            | source, amd64, arm64, armhf, i386, ppc64el, s390x13:02
OnkelBladeI'm not sure how can I download from this page: https://packages.ubuntu.com/bionic/arm64/hplip/download13:06
OnkelBladeit seems like there should be a link, but it's missed13:06
OnkelBladefound elsewhere13:08
hakumeiHi all, I met a problem with dual-boot. I cannot access some system files (e.g. dlls, explorer.exe) of Win10 from Ubuntu. It gives "Input/output error".13:10
OnkelBladeNah, it's not gonna work. Too uncompatible - bionic and 20.04 :(13:11
OnkelBladedamn, so irresponsible...13:12
remlineOnkelBlade: Yeah, in general, there is not an easy way to mix old packages with new releases. (Unfortunately!)13:16
OnkelBladeremline: true, true... But that's expected. Because of Python version changing for example :)13:17
OnkelBladeBut I just wonder at the hplip package maintainers behaviour. Not givig a f for about a yeah that they have it totally broken? So nobody on 20.04 can print and that's fine. It's still called LTS? Sorry, shouldn't be poisonus13:18
remlineOnkelBlade: What problem are you having with printing? Perhaps hplip works for some setups, but not others?13:18
OnkelBladeremline: first, I run its configuration utility - hp-config which detects a printer. Then it itself launches the next utility in line - hp-plugin which should download an appropriate plugin for my printer13:20
OnkelBladeand here comes an infinite loop13:20
OnkelBladeit never actually downloads anything13:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1484916 in Fedora "hp-plugin infinite loop" [Undecided,Fix released]13:21
OnkelBladeor some other bug, I'm not sure. That one seems to be old13:22
OnkelBladeOh my god. I withdraw all my accusations13:28
OnkelBladeit's downloading!13:29
OnkelBladediscovered that in a verbose mode. But the download speed guys... 10-20 KBytes/sec13:29
remlineOnkelBlade: I do see that there are a lot of bugs active for hplip. https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/hplip/+bugs.13:30
OnkelBladeThe download source is: http://www.openprinting.org13:30
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OnkelBladewe should support such people. They cannot provide us enough BW...13:31
OnkelBladeremline: yes, I just need to print one page and forget about it :)13:31
foxboxPrinters are a pain in the rear end these days13:32
remlineYeah, I thought everything was supposed to use Internet Printing Protocol these days and magically work...? :)13:33
anikrasHi, I installed ubuntu 20 and I don't know how I have 2 panels (duplicate with Activities and calendar ) on top of my screen13:34
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anikrasAnyone know how can I delete one of them ?13:34
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remlineOnkelBlade: If you decide to investigate further, https://developers.hp.com/hp-linux-imaging-and-printing/gethplip may be worth a look. Evidently you can download the current HPLIP version directly from HP (although I don't know what all dependencies it installs...)13:39
bumblefuzzso, I've dual booted ubuntu and windows before13:55
bumblefuzzbut I always installed windows first13:55
bumblefuzzand ubuntu's bootloader could then give me the choice between OS's13:55
bumblefuzzright now, I have an ubuntu machine that I never intended to dual boot with13:56
bumblefuzzbut now I want to dual boot13:56
bumblefuzzis there a way to install Windows to the 2nd partition on my disk but still be able to boot from grub?13:56
bumblefuzz...so that I can choose my OS at boot?13:56
bumblefuzzI don't want to install Windows and not be able to boot back to Ubuntu13:57
staceyI don't know about how windows 10 handles it, never done it with windows 10, but with previous versions of windows you could (1) install windows and see if the bootloader picks up linux and use that or (2) install grub again after the fact13:57
leftyfbbumblefuzz: https://www.techsolveprac.com/install-windows-after-ubuntu-dual/   found after typing "install windows after ubuntu" into google13:57
stacey^ Step 3 is what I was talking about. repairing bootloader using boot disk13:59
maretHi , I am having a problem where external software stops writting to external  SSD drive connected through USB3. After longer write it stops without clear error. I am looking at syslog, but I am not sure what to search for14:04
leftyfbmaret: what is "external software"?14:05
maretleftyfb: sorry shouldb be exeternal just 3rd party software14:05
maretand it doesnt provide much of logging, so I was hoping to find extra info in syslogs14:06
leftyfbmaret: what 3rd party software exactly? Do official ubuntu applications have this same issue?14:07
leftyfbmaret: modern linux distributions log most things to journald these days. You should also look there14:08
maretleftyfb: chia , so its rather specific (they do a a LOT of writes on harddrive)14:10
Kalarumethhey repost a issue find this mornig Ubuntu20.10 failed loggin in AD realm and trying to permit --all access it doesn't work, but if i set permit for single account it work. How i can fix to permit login at all AD user?14:25
leftyfbKalarumeth: maybe try #ubuntu-server14:31
Kalarumeth@leftyfb, thanks14:32
dekroningi'm trying to enable screen sharing on Ubuntu 20.04, but when I click the enable slider, it automatically slides back, disabling it again... what am I doing wrong?14:41
maretleftyfb: so I am looking at output of journald and I am curious what I should look for possible errors related to external drive14:41
marethmm although I guess I will just try to the same thing which caused an error and check logs live14:41
leftyfbmaret: actually, I would look at dmesg for possible hardware issues14:42
leftyfbmaret: you should try sysbench to run a wrtie benchmark on the filesystem to see if you can replicate the issue. It might be specific to this 3rd party application14:42
maretwhat about using something like hdparm ? to test the drive14:44
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zaffywith the command: 'dd if=/dev/urandom bs=64k count=16K of=/path/to/drive/out.test' you can write the file out.test on the drive and see it it works fine (this ex uses 1G file size)14:58
zaffyif* it works14:59
bumblefuzzso, I uninstalled Windows, ran update-grub to remove the menu entry in the boot menu14:59
bumblefuzznow, when the PC starts, there's no boot menu14:59
bumblefuzzit just dumps me in ubuntu after a while14:59
bumblefuzzI've run sudo update-grub several times and restarted several times14:59
bumblefuzzany reason this wouldn't bring back my boot menu?15:00
bumblefuzzzit gives the error15:03
bumblefuzzzno video mode activated15:03
bumblefuzzzcan't find program 'hwmatch'15:03
bumblefuzzzbut that's all grub says durign boot before ubuntu takes over15:03
bumblefuzzzthere's no menu or countdown or anything15:03
BluesKajautologin ?15:04
bumblefuzzzwell, yeah15:06
bumblefuzzzbut grub should come up first15:07
bumblefuzzzgrub's always come first, even with autologin15:07
bumblefuzzzthe grub menu isn'15:07
bumblefuzzzisn't coming up on boot15:07
bumblefuzzzI'm just getting 2 errors15:07
bumblefuzzzno video mode activated15:07
bumblefuzzzand can't find program 'hwmatch'15:08
bumblefuzzzI can't figure out how to get my grub menu back at boot15:08
BluesKajhold left shift down after the pcmaker page15:14
bumblefuzzfor grub?15:16
bumblefuzzzit just stayed on the same screen longer15:23
bumblefuzzzthose 2 errors15:23
bumblefuzzzno video mode activated15:23
bumblefuzzzcan't find command 'hwmatch'15:23
bumblefuzzzthat's all grub is now when I boot15:24
bumblefuzzzthose 2 errors15:24
bumblefuzzzanyone have any idea how to get my grub menu back?15:27
bumblefuzzz1120 people15:32
bumblefuzzzand this place is dead15:33
pavlosbumblefuzzz: change the DEFAULT_TIMEOUT to 5, update-grub, and reboot15:34
pavlosbumblefuzzz: GRUB_TIMEOUT15:35
bumblefuzzzI already changed it to 1015:35
bumblefuzzzit doesn't do anything15:35
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pavlosbumblefuzzz: set grub_timeout_style=menu15:36
bumblefuzzzthat's one of the first things I tried15:36
bumblefuzzztimeout style... lemme check15:36
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remlineWhy does the xserver-xorg package depend on python3-apport?16:23
dekroningis it possible to login to the same desktop settings with RDP/VNC , as if you logged in via the desktop it self?16:24
oerheksremline, because :  python3-apport;  Python 3 library for Apport crash report handling16:25
oerheksdon't say you want ubuntu without python :-D16:26
remlineNo, but I do want ubuntu without apport. :)16:27
oerheksremline, good luck then16:28
leftyfbdekroning: look into x11vnc16:29
dekroningleftyfb: thanks!16:29
remlineoerheks: I just don't see the intimate connection between xserver and crash reporting?16:32
dekroningleftyfb: do you know why xrdp creates a new desktop environment?16:32
ioriaremline, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg/+bug/177308716:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1773087 in xorg (Ubuntu) "Remove python3-apport as dependency of xserver-xorg" [Wishlist,Invalid]16:32
remlineioria: Thanks, the key phrase seems to be "xserver-xorg now has an apport hook". Interesting!16:36
ioriaremline, yep, looks like it16:37
leftyfbdekroning: no, I don't use RDP. T16:40
agvantiboTest (sorry)16:43
leftyfbagvantibo: there is an unlimited amount of channels you can join or create to test IRC. This support channel isn't one of them16:45
oerhekstry #test16:45
agvantiboOerheks, thank you!16:46
dekroningleftyfb: thanks, I just installed x11vnc and it works! :-)16:53
dekroningleftyfb: now just need to find a way to reliably start it after boot :)16:53
pavlosdekroning: this may help, https://jasonschaefer.com/setup-x11vnc-server-with-systemd-auto-start-up/17:44
oerheksi miss After=network.target17:47
hggdhoerheks: are you aware that network.target does NOT mean network is available?19:12
oerhekshggdh, yes? but that example gives 'After=multi-user.target network.target19:19
oerheksAFAIK that would ensure networking is on19:20
hggdhoerheks: yes... this is a known, erm, issue. If you want network to actually be available, you should state "After=network-online.target"19:20
hggdhprolly also "Wants=netowrk-online.target"19:20
oerheksoke, thank you.19:21
hggdhoerheks: https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd/NetworkTarget/19:21
oerheksthat was my 1st thought, but found this example19:21
robertparkerxwhat version of znc is installed with 20.0419:21
oerheks!info znc bionic19:21
ubottuznc (source: znc): advanced modular IRC bouncer. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.6.6-1ubuntu0.2 (bionic), package size 1291 kB, installed size 5119 kB19:21
oerheksnot installed, available19:21
oerheksoops focal ...19:22
oerheks!info znc focal19:22
ubottuznc (source: znc): advanced modular IRC bouncer. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.7.5-4 (focal), package size 1766 kB, installed size 8457 kB19:22
dada513Im using znc right now lol19:22
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marethi, i've connected to ubuntu trhough command line and I want to get path to itnernal drive. I rush lsblk  there is no mountpoint. do I have to first mount it to /media/ ?19:55
matsamanmaret: you have to mount it _someplace_19:55
maretmatsaman: is mounting done automatically by GUI?19:56
matsamanif you want to do it manually, with 'mount' or 'ntfs-3g' or the like, my personal preference is the exceptionally traditional /mnt/foo19:56
matsamanauto-mounting may well use /media/ or /run/media/, etc.19:56
sarnoldmaret: udisks219:56
maretwhy its not automounted, btw this is Ubuntu based distro on my personal pc which I access through ssh19:56
matsamanauto-mounting by default is dumb, that's why19:56
matsamanyou can configure that if it's your preference19:57
sarnoldautomounting is not a popular choice among server operators19:57
oerhekswhy would it automount..19:57
maretso what does GUI do, to make it accessible? Are they mounting it on start ?19:57
matsaman"some" OSes automounted external media by default for a long time19:57
oerhekson the desktop you would see an icon.19:57
oerheksstill not mounted19:57
matsamanmaret: you have to have a user interaction in the GUI19:57
sarnoldmaret: no, mounting happens on events19:57
matsamanit's one action that makes it not 100% automatic, and much safer19:58
matsamanby default, anyway19:58
maretsarnold: ou I see so GUI basically run mount when I for example try to access the drive ?19:58
ELFrederichhi, I'm running Ubuntu 20.04 as my desktop.  When I run "vi ~/.whatever.cfg" I don't get any syntax highlighting, but on the Ubuntu machine I launched in AWS I do.  What package do I need to install to get this?19:58
matsamanmaret: if you had a symlink to the drive mount point? No I doubt it19:58
matsamanyou'd have to actually click on the drive name, in the list of volumes19:59
matsamanELFrederich: try using 'vim' instead19:59
maretsure so if I open the drive trhough gnome what happens? Does it mount it ?19:59
matsamanmaret: most likely yes19:59
matsamanmaret: click the drive name and if you can access it, it'll show up in 'mount'19:59
ELFrederichmatsaman, I see they're both actually using vim via symlinks.  One is vim.tiny and the other is vim.basic19:59
matsamanELFrederich: yes vim provisions a cut-down and more vi-like version20:00
ELFrederichmatsaman, what is the proper way to enable vim.basic instead of vim.tiny?20:00
matsamanELFrederich: is using 'vim' instead of 'vi' not doing that?20:01
ELFrederichI'll install vim20:01
maretwhy is mounting drives automatically bad idea? I want to use them after start (I want my script to store data there)20:01
ELFrederichupdate-alternatives: using /usr/bin/vim.basic to provide /usr/bin/vi (vi) in auto mode20:02
ELFrederichmatsaman, installing vim fixed that20:02
matsamanmaret: because what if you have your system configured to auto-run things20:02
matsamanmaret: there are thousands of possible variables to account for20:02
matsamanmaret: but if it's a drive -you- know and trust, and use regularly, go ahead and configure it20:02
matsamanmaret: it's bad for the _default_ behavior of the OS to be to automount, that's all20:03
matsamanELFrederich: good then?20:03
maretyeah its literally 2nd internal drive of my PC20:03
matsamanmaret: add it to fstab with the auto param20:04
sarnoldmaret: there are probably hundreds or thousands of bugs in kernel fileysstem drivers that can be reached by mounting a filesystem20:04
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sarnoldmaret: automounting filesystems exposes all those filesystem drivers to whoever can supply a usb stick20:04
oerheksif that drive is dirty/contains errors, then mounting could be an issue20:05
sarnoldmaret: this is one of the reasons why server admins don't want automount -- they also don't want someone walking past their machines to be able to mount new executables or device nodes etc into the filesystem, but that'd also require having some level of control over processes on the system20:05
sarnoldmaret: but mounting a filesystem with constructed maliciousness in it potentially allows attackers to execute code directly in the kernel without any interaction at all20:05
oerheksput that drive in your fstab, enough guides online howto do that20:06
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guzzlefryWhich package would have libopencv_text.so.3.3?21:09
oerheks!find libopencv_text21:11
ubottuFound: W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W: (and 11898 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=libopencv_text&searchon=names&suite=focal&section=all21:11
guzzlefryWell, that's not hopeful.21:12
flrndhave you tried: apt search libopencv :P21:12
oerheksopencv maybe?21:13
leftyfbguzzlefry: Ubuntu 18.04 has libopencv-contrib3.2 which includes libopencv_text.so.3.2. Ubuntu 20.04 has libopencv-contrib4.2 which includes libopencv_text.so.4.221:15
leftyfbguzzlefry: there are no supported versions of ubuntu that have packages containing libopencv_text.so.3.321:15
V|Ahi there21:35
V|Ahow do i go about installing an app as non root?21:35
V|Aall the howtos i see start with  "sudo ...21:35
sarnoldwhat's your goal?21:36
flrndfirst, what "app"? Is it a .deb package? a flatpack? a tar.gz with statick linked lins?21:36
V|Ait was a general question flrnd21:36
V|Abe it from repository or having the app binary local. how do i instal las non.root ?21:37
flrnddepends, I have a .local dir where I uncompress tarballs from specific pieces of software. Like android studio, android sdk, flutter sdk. etc21:37
V|Auncompressing doesnt help me21:38
flrndyou can't install non.root from repos21:38
flrndeasy as that21:38
V|Asarnold: my goal is to install applications as non-root, glad you asked! <321:38
V|Aic flrnd. so does the difference lie in execution ?21:39
sarnoldV|A: aha! then you can download or compile whatever you want and stuff it into your ~/bin directory21:43
V|Ano i cannot im new to linux, if i could i wouldnt be askign for support ._.21:43
V|Ai have hexchat running in snapd/ well its installed in this directory21:44
V|Ai was told its not smart to run as sudo and i agree but i never intended to21:44
sarnoldsure, but if you have sufficient privileges on the system and want to install an application that's been packaged for you already, using those privileges to install the package for all users on the computer can make sense21:47
sarnoldif you don't have adminstrative privileges, then you can install and run things from your home directory21:47
V|Aonly one user here21:47
V|Athink i understand the implications of runign something from amore restricted directory, im just wondereing if the implicaitons of using sudo end with instlaling?21:49
V|Acause it doesnt need to be executed as sudo .21:49
V|Abut idk21:49
sarnoldV|A: the usual pattern is to install a new application with sudo and then use it as your user21:49
V|Ai see yes makes sense tx21:49
sarnoldV|A: you can generally trust anything in the ubuntu repositories, nearly everything came from debian, and tens of millions of people use these things21:49
sarnoldV|A: but when you add ppas or other repositories to your system, you're giving those systems root control over your computer21:50
oerheksWhy would we give help with installing as non-root?21:50
V|Awhy would you oerheks ! here have a cookie <321:51
oerheksyour complaint 'i was told its not smart to run as sudo' for hexchat is right, but installing needs sudo. period.21:52
V|Aflrnd already clarified that for me21:52
V|Awhat does "snapd" do .. is snapd always root? cause thats the message i got21:53
oerheksis this about hexchat running as root - errors?21:55
V|Ano it is not. when have i mentioned hexchat FFS ?!21:55
V|Ai just love ppl making implications and assumptions21:55
sarnoldTue 23 21:44:27 < V|A> i have hexchat running in snapd/ well its installed in this directory21:55
oerheksV|A, you are already banned in other ubuntu channel(s), so behave21:56
V|Aoerheks really? hope youre fmailiar with what happend in those "other channels" im banned21:57
V|Aim trying to find out how to install/run apps as non root as it was pointed out to me that hexchat, which i have installed via snapd (or so i think) runs as root or so21:58
V|Aand i never intended to run general apps as non-rot21:58
V|Aand dont worry, i will just be one of the other allies you lost because your community is just quite hostile @ oerheks so no worries there21:59
matsamanV|A: I'd just avoid snaps TBH21:59
matsamanhexchat should be available as a regular package22:00
V|Ai dont care about hexchat at this poitn before i have looekd at the code or compile it myself22:01
fradsomebody here suggested I use mkvmerge to trim video files. Is there a command to do exactly that but with flac files? I don't want to change the size of the file or los information, so audacity is not what I need22:06
oerheksflacsplt http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/focal/en/man1/mp3splt.1.html22:10
oerheksor audacity..22:11
sarnoldI've used dd for that task before22:12
fradI take it that dd and flacsplt do exactly the same?22:28
oerheksi have no clue how dd could do that..22:28
oerhekssarnold ?22:29
sarnoldoerheks: you guess at some numbers, play your song, and if it cuts off too early, make it bigger, if it cuts off too late, make it smaller. binary search your way to the cutoff that you want. :)22:32
plufzHi! I know very little of gui linux. I’m trying to get a graphics card working (nvidia 1080 ti). I’ve used the closed source drivers and I get error messages from what it seems all apps that try to use the gpu. I get different error messages, often about missing extensions:22:33
plufzXlib:  extension "XInputExtension" missing on display ":0".22:33
plufzError: couldn't find RGB GLX visual or fbconfig.22:33
plufzAny tips of what this means would be helpful. Having trouble googling it.22:33
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fradactually I may be doing this wrong: after using audacity to trim one silent second, size if the file saved as ogg is 33% of the original size. Have I lost audio data?22:41
fradit sounds the same to me, but so does flac and 320 bit mp2 files22:41
fradof the saved file*22:41
oerheksi think you need to export it as flac? not save as22:43
fradoerheks, I dont see that option22:43
fradfound it, but now th file is 200% the original size22:44
fradcan you help me understand this syntax? mp3splt [OPTIONS] FILE1 [FILE2] ... [BEGIN_TIME] [TIME] ... [END_TIME]22:54
fradmy command: mp3splt -s '01 - Heart'.flac output.flac ... 00:01-EOF22:54
fradI dont need to add [] to each part, right?22:55
fradand what do I do with ...?22:55
sarnoldfrad: you don't type the [] cahrs22:58
frad.w cahrs22:59
fradI find it sad that the syntaxis doesn't fir the examples, which work23:02
fradin this syntax there should be [] cahrs also around FILE1, correct?23:03
sarnoldin this example, the first FILE1 is *not* optional; the other files are optional23:05
fradoh, so [] means optional files, right23:05
fradwhere would a beginner find how to understand this syntaxis?23:06
fradand it is assumed I have to name the output file...23:07
sarnoldfrad: man 1 man describes some of the conventions used in manpages23:08
fradwow, so 'vlc' is an item23:13
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