=== paride8 is now known as paride [13:32] the cloud-init SRU has hit proposed pockets [13:35] mwhudson has pointed out that subiquity uses the passwords in cloud-init-output.log, so it's possible we'll need to address that regression in this SRU. [13:36] (I'm awaiting confirmation on the impact SRU'ing it would have: subiquity pulls things from a variety of sources, so I'm not exactly sure myself.) [14:40] I've filed https://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-init/+bug/1921124 for this issue, and I've started preparing a fix locally: if we don't need it for the SRU, we can land it later, but if we do need it for the SRU then it's top priority. [14:40] Ubuntu bug 1921124 in cloud-init "Randomly-set credentials not available within the instance" [Undecided,In progress] [14:40] falcojr: If you could take a look, I'd appreciate validation of my path choice logic; we'll probably need mwhudson to confirm that it will work for subiquity too. [15:03] since it's not world readable anymore, what about cloud-init-output.log ? [15:03] * falcojr runs away and hides [15:06] But seriously...I think your arguments for /run make the most sense. I'm a little less worried about anywhere else given that the password is only good for first login [15:07] but I'm also wondering...could subiquity access the console log and use that? [15:14] falcojr: That's worth investigating: my guess is no, as it's reading directly from the filesystem in the code in question, but there may be a way of implementing that functionality differently. [19:58] hey, Odd_Bloke !! any thoughts on when you think this pr should be able to get a review and merge? https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/780 [21:53] smoser: otubo is this reasonable/correct https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/721#discussion_r600871109 I think we need to block otubo's LVM resize on this right? [23:05] Odd_Bloke: so, let me try to explain how i want ssh to work in the installer live session without talking about implementation [23:06] if no config is supplied, there should be an installer user with a random password that is known to subiquity so that it can be shown to the user [23:06] it should be reasonably straightforward to supply a pre-arranged password or ssh public key that the user can use to log in instead [23:09] is it easy to read the cloud-init config to see if the default user was given a password, i wonder [23:09] or easier to just grep /etc/shadow or whatever [23:10] (users, groups) = ug_util.normalize_users_groups(cfg, cloud.distro) [23:10] (default_user, _user_config) = ug_util.extract_default(users) [23:10] doesn't seem too bad [23:22] blackboxsw: i think you're right.