
jphilipshi gang.06:11
jphilipsWe are trying to gather quotes from noteworthy testers to highlight how they got involved and why they enjoy doing it.06:11
jphilipsplease try to gather 1 or 2 and add it to this gdoc - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-3O2HiMDrRQ0Wj7msbNQcduLD7-EvGWHCEdWvu8l2GI/edit#06:12
jphilipsvalorie, RikMills: ^^^06:13
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> I was just looking at the list of signatories on that letter11:55
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> I see some people have signed as per this style (EFF, signing in personal capacity)11:56
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> I would propose that any KC who REALLY want to sign and add a role to their signing, should use that style.11:57
IrcsomeBot<Sick_Rimmit> @ahoneybun, You must be out of your mind. I would never sign that. It's outrageous. Frankly I am quite offended that was even posted here.12:00
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> Note: I am not signing, as I feel too much time of the FOSS's precious time has been wasted on this issue already.12:01
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> Plus I have always steered always from reading much of the background with better things to do12:02
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> @Sick_Rimmit, I was seeing what people thoughts were. I signed it on my own with no title.14:09
IrcsomeBot<Sick_Rimmit> @jphilips, Done 😃20:28

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