=== jamesh_ is now known as jamesh === paride8 is now known as paride === guiverc2 is now known as guiverc [07:50] Hi [07:51] xnox another strange and annoying thing: if i use make-user false, then "ubuntu" user isn't available on the live system [07:52] i was thinking that i would be able to connect to root account with root password set in preseed file, but nop [07:53] what's the key to set keymap from kernel parameter ? [07:55] https://mentors.debian.net/package/usermanager/ to the rescue! /me needs testers [08:48] "what's the key to set keymap from kernel parameter ?" -> found [08:58] seb128: bonjour ! ça va ? [08:59] seb128: yes, I do plan to release a new dbusmock soon; I'm still waiting on the last finishing touches from Trevinho for https://github.com/martinpitt/python-dbusmock/pull/68 [08:59] I suppose that can/should happen today [09:58] jibel: fail with realloc(): invalid next size makes LP: #1920712 a duplicate of LP: #1920665 I guess. just a slightly different symptom? [09:58] Launchpad bug 1920712 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "kubuntu hirsute daily build installation fails" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1920712 [09:58] Launchpad bug 1920665 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Hirsute) "Ubiquity KDE crash on try/install and from live session with "malloc(): unaligned tcache chunk detected"" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1920665 [10:59] eoli3n_: please explain what is "make-user" and where did you find it? [11:01] eoli3n_: in the live session, the user is created dynamically by casper and is not sourced from preseed. For ubuntu desktop it is "ubuntu", for live-server it is "ubuntu-server". There is cloud-init running on live-server which one can change ssh keys/password, with the caveat that by default the "installer" account is used. [12:00] seb128: I'll do that, but likely only after Easter [12:42] doko, alright, thanks. Still it feels disruptive and late in the cycle and diverting efforts that should go on stabilizing the release, but at least if it's forwarded [12:42] pitti, hey! sorry, a bit of a busy day here. Thanks, I will nag Trevinho to get his changes ready ;-) [12:45] seb128: ça marche :) [14:05] oSoMoN: around? Got a question RE: the chromium stuff i know you work on :) [14:14] teward, what is it? [14:14] see PMs [14:15] origin of the quesiton is my boss @ FT Job [14:15] because they audit the heck out of things >.> [15:42] dbungert: your comment in bug 1821412 makes me wonder if the fix in hirsute is good [15:42] bug 1821412 in update-notifier (Ubuntu) ""System program problem" report button does nothing" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1821412 [15:45] bdmurray: at worst I think it's harmless, but I'm sceptical that it helps. [15:47] dbungert: Testing it on hirsute it seems to work but you get 2 notifications. [15:47] dbungert: and they are pretty far apart in terms of time [15:48] yes, I saw similar [16:10] Is it me, or others too.... instead of a hippo, i see lemur peaking from behind something. like a lemur from "madagascard escape 2 africa" === ijohnson is now known as ijohnson|lunch [17:15] cjwatson: the branch related to bug 1820348 is merged but the bug is not 'fix released' is that an accurate reflection of the current state of the issue? [17:15] bug 1820348 in launchpad-buildd "buildd user's lxd group membership causes some package build failures" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1820348 [17:22] bdmurray: Should be fix committed (now done), but it's indeed not yet on production [17:23] bdmurray: I've put doing a release on my todo list [17:25] cjwatson: great, thank you! === Laney is now known as Awayney [18:09] Trevinho: thanks for your updates to https://github.com/martinpitt/python-dbusmock/pull/68 ! so, ready to go? [18:09] pitti: I just pushed more tests [18:10] pitti: was commenting in the PR... I think we're good [18:11] hah, cool! [18:11] pitti: on https://github.com/martinpitt/python-dbusmock/pull/68#discussion_r600717761 I've not added an extra check, but using a set internaly I think is fine, if the user is already auto-login shouldn't be a problem setting it again no? [18:11] Trevinho: right, I was missing that these were on the mock iface [18:12] pitti: good, I had already moved from a list to a set to avoid such issue and handling better the removal though, so... will just work [18:12] Trevinho: too bad that Debian and ubuntu devel are frozen now.. but I can upload it to D exp if it helps [18:13] or, just pip install :) [18:13] Trevinho: do you mind if I squash the commits? I really like having code changes and tests together [18:13] experimental is fine [18:14] pitti: I've repushed adding a further check of duble-setting an user as autologin [18:15] pitti: btw.... squashing, as you prefer, I tend to do things atomically at times while in other cases I mix with tests so as you prefer [18:15] Trevinho: ok, no rush -- I can do the landing and release tomorrow morning if you still want to work on it [18:15] pitti: no I'm done, I had a break with it and now I go to go back to mutter and gjs.... so ok :) [18:15] Trevinho: (your last force-push was empty, btw) [18:15] if ci passess... :D [18:16] pitti: ohhh now is there [18:16] :) [18:19] pitti: on the installing accountsservice to test it, let me know if you want me to make CI to install it from git, but I think we can just wait for next release... [18:20] pitti: or we could parse on python-side `jhbuild run pkg-config --modversion accountsservice` (requires the devel pkg thogh) to see when to skip it automatically... [18:20] Trevinho: right, I think I'll enable it once it's available in some distro [18:21] Trevinho: for now this is "dead code" (not tested == broken), but I trust you on having tested it agaist master [18:22] pitti: well very similar tests (and more pass upstream) https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/accountsservice/accountsservice/-/commits/master/ :) [18:22] check the CI link for details [18:22] xnox if i set "passwd passwd/make-user boolean false" in the preseed file, i can't login with "ubuntu" user in tty2 [18:22] I'll have to resync a bit things there after this merges and is released but good enough [18:23] as strange as it seem to be [18:33] eoli3n_: I'm not 100% certain on your use case, but the preseed 'd-i passwd/' values might be what you want [18:39] Trevinho: voilà: https://pypi.org/project/python-dbusmock/ [18:39] seb128: ^ [18:40] pitti: lovely, thanks [18:40] I'll do the D exp upload tomorrow morning if you don't mind [18:48] dbungert that's the same [18:49] it seems that you can prefix with anything [18:49] whatever passwd/ works too [18:50] need to test [19:13] pitti, Trevinho, thanks! [20:08] Err:29 http://ddebs.ubuntu.com bionic Release.gpg [20:08] The following signatures were invalid: EXPKEYSIG C8CAB6595FDFF622 Ubuntu Debug Symbol Archive Automatic Signing Key (2016) [20:08] ^ known problem? === ijohnson|lunch is now known as ijohnson [20:11] Known [20:11] 👍 [20:11] * rbasak is looking for a reference [20:12] https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-keyring/2021.03.21.1 [20:12] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-keyring/+bug/1920640 [20:12] Launchpad bug 1920640 in ubuntu-keyring (Ubuntu Groovy) "EXPKEYSIG C8CAB6595FDFF622 Ubuntu Debug Symbol Archive Automatic Signing Key (2016)