
=== Laney is now known as Awayney
nzt48Hi channel19:15
nzt48I'm trying to build the bionic kernel 5.4.0 at git commit 07c96f4aff7a (Ubuntu-hwe-5.4-5.4.0-65.73_18.04.1). But the build failed.19:16
nzt48Here's the error:19:17
nzt48 19:17
nzt48II: fetching http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu//pool/restricted/n/nvidia-graphics-drivers-418-server/nvidia-kernel-source-418-server_418.181.07-0ubuntu0~
nzt48curl: (22) The requested URL returned error: 404 Not Found19:17
nzt48I can post more (or full) build log if needed. Please help, thanks in advance.19:20
nzt48The problem is that the file nvidia-kernel-source-418-server_418.181.07-0ubuntu0~ is not in http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu//pool/restricted/n/nvidia-graphics-drivers-418-server19:41
nzt48Just realized that I was not building the latest hwe-5.4. So I pulled this branch, and am now building Ubuntu-hwe-5.4-5.4.0-67.75_18.04.1 (commit c39022329294). Will update this channel later.20:10
nzt48OK, so Ubuntu-hwe-5.4-5.4.0-67.75_18.04.1 built successfully.23:03

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