[08:57] rbasak: Hi, I have packaged a variant of Yaru for Unity7. I have tested the package (https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1OmhYeRgDDtMir81E70JmBWN_RYle-eg5?usp=sharing). Here is the repository: https://gitlab.com/ubuntu-unity/yaru-unity7 [12:44] rs2009: sorry, I'm missing something. Are you expecting something from me? [12:45] :P [12:52] rbasak: Yes, I was wondering if it would be possible to get the package uploaded :) [12:55] I don't have time to look at the moment, sorry. [12:55] Assuming it's in the sponsorship queue, this is the right place to ask for help / find a sponsor [12:55] Are you familiar with https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages? [12:56] rbasak: No problem, thank you for the information. === Laney is now known as Awayney