=== paride8 is now known as paride [10:18] following up my previous concern about DHCP DNS domain with systemd-resolved.service -- yes, setting 'use-domains: route' in dhcp4/6-overrides in netplan gets the job done, and systemd-resolved no longer tries to use that DHCP domain. [10:19] ^ re: scrollback from two days back. [10:23] 'use-domains: false' rather, to make it go away! but in any case that netplan configuration is what manages this behavior. [11:07] Hi all, coming from a dell poweredge 9250 [11:07] i just hotswapped a drive i want to shred, lsblk doesnt see it, ideas ? go [11:14] need to check bios brb [16:14] hi all [19:51] i just recently did a dist upgrade on my linux from Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS to Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS and ufw refusing to load on boot but loads just fine by command [19:55] POQDavid: check the logs for the service? `cat /var/log/syslog | grep ufw` and find where it fails and what errors it provides? [20:06] teward: i get nothing from that command [20:08] ufw can be grumpy sometimes. i'm not fully online at the moment, at a datacenter doing some work on infrastructure owned by FT job [20:09] teward: one of my friends is like use firewalld what do you think [20:10] Do you think thats a good idea [20:12] I don't know enough about firewalld myself to recommend it. I prefer direct manipulation of the `iptables` rules, but soon `nftables` will be replacing that so I have to learn that now. [20:13] ah ok thanks [20:17] POQDavid: systemctl cat ufw [20:17] POQDavid: maybe look at the After= [20:18] POQDavid: it might say network.target where you might want network-online.target [20:22] oh [20:22] it does say network.target [20:22] leftyfb: that i know cause i checked that file [20:23] POQDavid: try network-online.target [20:25] leftyfb: will do also want to test firewalld [20:25] leftyfb: but here is the thing i purged ufw and then reinstalled it [20:25] systemctl cat ufw # thanks leftyfb, learned a nice trick today [20:26] desktop gives: Before=network.target [20:27] oerheks: it's really a hit or miss for me so I try all of them depending. I wish one of them would just consistently work [20:27] well ours is a dedicated server [20:28] hggdh pointed to network-online.target too, yesterday [20:29] "network-online.target is a target that actively waits until the nework is "up", where the definition of "up" is defined by the network management software" [20:29] network.target has very little meaning during start-up. It only indicates that the network management stack is up after it has been reached [20:29] from https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd/NetworkTarget/ [21:40] how to do a minimal installation for lubuntu without init-cloud and so on [21:54] metbsd: you can remove the cloud-init stuff afterwards but that's just for initial configuration. when you say 'minimal' install thoug hcan you be more specific about how 'minimal' you want the install to be? [21:54] because 'minimal' means very different things to very different people [22:04] because of my graphics card, all live iso boot into blank screen [22:04] i want to use text installer but it's not available [22:05] there is 18.04 mini iso for text [22:05] so i am planning to install 18.04 minimal install, upgrade to 20.04 lts, then install lubuntu [22:12] metbsd: the upgrade process is not suggested as you stated it [22:13] metbsd: try a different approach. Start with Ubuntu Server 20.04. Install `tasksel` afterwards and run `sudo tasksel install lubuntu-desktop`. It will install Lubuntu Desktop packages, and eventually will prompt to configure sddm. Make sure that if it prompts you for the default display manager you use sddm. Reboot. See if it drops you to the desktop. [22:14] Ubuntu Server is a TUI installer but keep in mind if you just boot into a blank screen on yoru system you have a larger problem. [22:15] tui is text ui? [22:15] correct [22:15] metbsd: what graphics card are you using / working with? [22:16] rv670 [22:16] it'll drop to a command prompt when you install Ubuntu Server 20.04, as Server has to graphical environment. If you can boot and start to that and get that installed you have the base components to start installing a GUI. [22:17] you'll need to make sure you install `xserver-xorg-video-radeon` before rebooting after installing the lubuntu-desktop stuff. [22:18] This is essentially a 'hacky' way to install Lubuntu Desktop that I'm stealing straight from Martin Wimpress's solution for how to GUI-fy the RPi Server stuff. [22:18] you think upgrade from 18 to 20 will fail? [22:18] 18.04 -> 20.04 is a paradigm shift in how LUbuntu is structured [22:18] LXDE is out, LXQt is in, and that shift we know doesn't work as expected [22:19] but also [22:19] your question for this all should be in #lubuntu [22:19] not here in #ubuntu-server [22:19] just realized this [22:19] (ERR:BRAINDEAD) [22:19] AMD RV670 [Radeon HD 3870] .. oh that explains it, openradeon wants 5xxx or more [22:19] too old hardware [22:19] oerheks: yep. but xserver-xorg-video-radeon is in Focal [22:19] and supposedly supports RV760 [22:19] 670* [22:19] at least via searches i'm finding [22:20] metbsd: you should probably upgrade the card if you ican though, because that's 13-year-old hardware there [22:20] i can't. it's a laptop [22:20] then you need to get a new system [22:20] because that card could lose support at any moment [22:20] anyway, so 20.04 lts server live iso should boot it? [22:20] metbsd: it *might* boot it [22:21] i don't know because if your graphics card is so old that nothing works with it, then the server installer won't show up either [22:21] s/won't show up/might not show up/ [22:21] i used to run archlinux and debian on it [22:21] no, https://packages.debian.org/jessie/x11/xserver-xorg-video-radeon [22:23] usually i install with text mode, and install that xorg driver from there [22:23] maybe radeon.modeset=0 works as bootoption [22:23] but ubuntu don't have text installer in live iso [22:23] oerheks: you... might need to reread that or ctrl+f the page for RV670 [22:23] because it's there. [22:27] metbsd: i think that's the old minimal iso you're talking about. Unfortunately that's going the way of the dinosaur, and the cloud-driven solutions for images, etc. seems to be the way to go. the closest you're getting to 'minimal' is Server + the tasksel package [22:27] which will do the rest of the lubuntu-desktop installation bits [22:28] (this is basically the same way we can install Lubuntu desktop on 20.04.x for an RPi easily. It's the basis of how i'm building Lubuntu RPi images, but I'm limited to the RPi400 right now, I need to provision funds from the Lubuntu coffers for the other Rpi stuff.) [22:28] (I say basically 'cause that's its own form of evil insane chaos going on as well with extra things for the Pi though) [22:52] using sudo do-release-upgrade -d [23:37] YMMV on that one metbsd [23:37] and that's an #lubuntu issue if it doesn't work ;0