
jacobvalentineComing from Win to Ubuntu here. Still learning terminal and becoming more dangerous by the moment. Just messed up my audio. Can anyone help me?01:02
jacobvalentineDon't know all what I need to provide. Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS. X11. PulseAudio. Just want to globally be able to set gate for USB condensor mic. Had it working before. Used PulseEffects. Something I did throughout the day rendered this unusable.01:07
jacobvalentineHave reinstalled both. Nothing fixed. Googling like crazy but not finding what I need. If someone has better idea how to gate and monitor USB condensor mic I'd greatly appreciate it. Reading into a lot of material but don't want to go to far.01:09
jacobvalentineMainly using microphone for phonecalls via TextNow and crappy T-mobile App called Digits. Also use it for Discord01:10
busternubelooking for help with debian. no answers in that channel yet tho.01:24
nyxynWhat kind of help?01:24
busternubenewbie i net-installed deb 10.8 yesterday01:24
busternubecant get the onboard radeon gpu drivers to work01:25
magic_ninjaIsn't there a shortcut key to open your CLI in your default text editor? I can't seem to find it01:25
busternubegot amdgpu installed01:25
nyxynbusternube, not sure about that but maybe someone here can help01:25
nyxynmagic_ninja, what text editor are you using?01:26
busternubebut xfce "display" says "default" gpu01:26
magic_ninjaI know there was a ctrl + something key to do it01:26
busternubewith only 720x and 1024x display01:26
nyxynmagic_ninja, you can try :term01:26
magic_ninjaI want to go the other way01:27
nyxynOh from terminal to text editor?01:27
busternubeinstalled it behind my KVM switch which blocked monitor modes inquiry or something01:27
magic_ninjaYea, where you quit and what you typed is your command01:27
magic_ninjaThe other day I used it and I forgot what shortcut it is.01:27
busternubebeen trying to boot with the kvm removed but it goes blank so only works with kvm and in genric 102401:28
busternubeAMD760g chipset with onboard radeon gpu01:28
nyxynmagic_ninja, so basically I write ls in vim line 1 and then some shortcut runs that command in the terminal?01:29
nyxynmagic_ninja, you can try :!!01:29
magic_ninjaNo, it is just a keyboard shortcut from bash. It opens your default text editor, you edit the command, and when you close the text editor, the command is there. You start and finish on the command line01:30
busternubenobody knows..always my luck01:30
nyxynbusternube, give people some time to respond01:30
nyxynbusternube, we are not tech support lol01:30
nyxynmagic_ninja, let me see if I can find something like that01:30
nyxynmagic_ninja, C-xC-e01:31
nyxyntry that01:31
nyxyncontrol-x control-e01:32
jacobvalentinehaha busternube at least you got any answer01:33
magic_ninjait is so stupid too01:33
magic_ninjabecause when I try to google all I get are stupid vim tutorials01:33
nyxynmagic_ninja, did that work?01:35
magic_ninjayea ctrl e worked01:35
magic_ninjaI just went through the buttons trying each one and it didn't work01:35
magic_ninjaThen I come back and try it after you asked me just now and it worked01:35
nyxynI have to press ctrl-x ctrl-e on my terminal01:36
magic_ninjaOhh, it take sboth01:37
nyxynIt's in the man page for bash under edit-and-execute-command01:37
magic_ninjaextended edit01:37
magic_ninjaohh, okay01:37
magic_ninjaso its that ctrl x, because ctrl e takes you to the line end01:38
nyxynmagic_ninja, I didn't know all those shortcuts. Thanks to you I found out where they are :D01:38
magic_ninjaThere are some really handy ones there01:38
magic_ninja!! is your last used command. So is ctrl+P01:38
magic_ninjathat is a handy one. So if you forget sudo you can do sudo !!01:39
nyxynyeah I use that one often01:39
magic_ninjaI've switched over to zsh though for my terminal emulator. It isn't my default shell, though.01:39
magic_ninjaI like zsh's autocomplete and stuff better.01:39
nyxynI use zsh as well. Glad to see that the bash shortcuts work there too01:40
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bidgethi everyone. wondering if anyone has a moment to help with an issue I'm having03:58
guivercbidget, provide your OS & release details & outline your issue & people will respond as they can (try and keep to a single line, be patient)04:04
bidgetsure. I have a server running Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS. Essentially I am unable to use the sudo command, although logging in is no problem. The problem started out of the blue this morning. I booted into recovery mode and used the root shell to change my password. This worked temporarily, but when I logged in a few hours later the problem was back. Also,04:07
bidgetif I use a different tty, sudo works fine. Not exactly sure how to fix it.04:07
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LostidentityHi, anyone available to help me with a self inflicted LVM issue? slowly going insane06:18
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TheBigK02Lostidentity: what exactly is the issue? be as detailed as possible... may be pastebin something to show the problem06:47
LostidentityTheBigK02: Okay hold please06:49
LostidentityOverview: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/DnK9bXrvt7/06:58
TheBigK02hmm.... so the only thing u did wrong woth trying to mount a vmdk as ext4?07:05
TheBigK02and then doing a reduce ?07:06
LostidentitySo the main fuck up I *think* was nuking the original VMDK which contained the /etc/, the other was running the reduce07:10
Lostidentitylemme check /etc on this host, see if I can recreate LVs07:10
LostidentityTheBigK02: Is it worth restoring from BEFORE I ran reduce? I do have that archive available according to vgcfgrestore -l07:12
TheBigK02Lostidentity: how urgent is it, that u get to ur data. cause it might be worth it to do a dd from that state of drive07:13
TheBigK02it depends how important that data is to u obviously07:13
TheBigK02data recovery is always sensible... every change u might do, might cause more trouble07:14
LostidentityTheBigK02: I have a dd image, tried to pull the specific files I need using PhotoRec, it doesnt see the end of the zip file and thinks it takes the entire partition07:14
TheBigK02what is ment with nuking... what exactly did u run07:14
Lostidentitydeleted VMDK from vSphere, rolled Ubtuntu, overwriting VMDK #1 in that diagram07:15
LostidentityVMDK #2 is intact07:15
LostidentityI've been unclear about the dd image, it is of SDB, the PV (2) that contains the LV (3) that I am trying to pull data from07:17
RumenQuestion: how can I get the HorizSync VertRefresh in Ubuntu 20.04 LTS07:28
TheBigK02Lostidentity: it doesnt make much sense to me that lv3 is gone when u just did something to lv1 and 207:28
TheBigK02Rumen: u mean adjusting the refresh rate of ur monitor be adjusting x11.conf ?07:30
RumenYep  because I generate new one and I see a lot of things wrong07:31
RumenSection "Screen" shows Monitor as "Monitor0" instead of "DVI-0-I"07:32
TheBigK02what exactly is wrong with ur xorg.conf ... usually u start by Xorg --configure and adjust from there07:32
LostidentityTheBigK02: Same, assuming vgreduce --removemissing cl_linux --force borked something?07:32
Lostidentitygonna try restoring old metadata07:32
RumenSectrion "Monitor" shows HorizSync 28.0 - 33.0 and VertRefresh 43.0 - 72.0 - Not sure that's right07:33
TheBigK02Lostidentity: good luck07:33
LostidentityTheBigK02: Thanks, I wonder if having the LV mounted under / (LV2) would be an issue...07:33
LostidentityEXT4 only from here on out hhahaaa.....07:33
TheBigK02Lostidentity: i wouldnt think that if the initrd is correctly done with a proper boot partition outside of the LVM... thats atleast how i configured LVM in the past. To be honest I did not use LVM for a long time. so i might be rusty :p07:34
Rumen3 days fight to fix the resolution because start and wake up with 1600x900 instead of 1920x108007:35
Rumenxrandr gives error07:35
LostidentityTheBigK02: So there was an LV named BOOT... uh07:35
Lostidentitythat was LV107:35
Lostidentityunsure if centos stores initrd outside of that, heading to the docs07:35
Rumenso I input the values manually07:35
TheBigK02Lostidentity: initrds are always in /boot ...07:36
TheBigK02Lostidentity: to restore a /boot partition is very easy...07:37
guiverc2language please Lostidentity07:37
TheBigK02Lostidentity: or recreate it ...07:37
Lostidentityguiverc2: sorry!07:37
LostidentityTheBigK02: could you elaborate on that please?07:37
LostidentitySay I know the exact path of where it was mounted and I dont care about OS data just what is in the mounted folder07:38
TheBigK02Lostidentity: initrds are always generated on the fly... so u just need to have the root partiton ... and say grub to reinstall and du initrd -u -a or something like that07:38
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LostidentityTheBigK02: I think I need to read up on initrds07:39
TheBigK02initramfs are no fancy science...07:39
TheBigK02its just a mini / filesystem which intializes ur LVM and then does a switchroot07:39
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TheBigK02and then it boots ur system07:39
LostidentityTheBigK02: Wait, if I recreate a PV with the UUID its looking for, put a placeholder boot partition on it and recreate folder structure/OS07:40
Lostidentitythink I can reattach/recreate?07:40
TheBigK02should be possible, yes07:40
Lostidentityi kinda wanna force meta data back onto VG first07:41
TheBigK02recreating is probably simpler than trying to recover07:41
Lostidentitybut its failing since it thinks its missing a PV07:41
Lostidentitycan i create a fake block device, assign that UUID then have it restore the archive data to the VG?07:41
TheBigK02Lostidentity: i would consult documentation about lvm about that.07:42
TheBigK02I would have to research that as well07:43
LostidentityTheBigK02: fair, will do07:43
TheBigK02Lostidentity: sorry that I cant be more of a help regarding that07:43
LostidentityTheBigK02: No sweat, youve been a huge help07:43
LostidentityThank you07:43
TheBigK02Lostidentity: what i recommend is... dont rush anything... think about what u want to do... Slow is proper and Proper is fast ;)07:44
LostidentityTheBigK02: Agreed, sending the VMDK to NAS atm. Its "only" 8TB07:45
TheBigK02Lostidentity: good idea07:46
RumenAnyone can help with xorg.conf?08:03
TheBigK02Rumen: i Understood that u want to fix resolution issues after resuming from standby08:11
TheBigK02but other than that its quite unclear what u want...08:12
TheBigK02what prevents u from fixing ur xorg.conf ...08:12
TheBigK02and i dont quite understand... is ur monitor not capable of DPMS?08:13
RumenMonitor - Philips 237EQPH (DVI-I-0), card - Nvidia Quadro 4000, card driver 390.14108:21
RumenAfter the last regular Ubuntu (20.04 LTS / 64) update the resolution became 1600x90008:22
TheBigK02i would recommend using nvidia-settings to generate a proper xorg.conf08:22
RumenI try to fix it with xrandr to make a --newmode and --addmode08:23
RumenYes I deleted the old xorg.conf and with nvidia-settings made new one08:23
Rumenbut there are no mode, resolutions, monitor etc.08:24
TheBigK02pastebin ur xorg.conf please08:25
RumenI input manually mode but no idea about the monitor08:25
RumenAlso added manually  Modeline08:26
Rumenhere it is the file https://pastebin.com/QwzqiiNn08:26
TheBigK02im confused... according to a website ur monitor has hdmi and VGA... but no dvi ?!08:27
Rumenbut not sure about:     Identifier     "Screen0",  Device  "Device0" and  Monitor  "Monitor0"08:28
RumenNo DVI - Yes only VGA and HDMI08:28
TheBigK02and u use hdmi ?08:28
Rumenno I use VGA because my video card is Quadro 4000 and no HDMI only VGA08:29
TheBigK02okay... thats quite some old tech... and it worked with 1920 and 60 hz before u upgraded to 20.04 ?08:30
TheBigK02then DPMS is no option for u... now it makes sense08:31
RumenI upgraded to 20.04 1 year ago, when I said update I mean the last autoupdate of a basic things08:31
TheBigK02and since then u have the resoltion broken or what?!08:31
Rumenfew days ago08:31
TheBigK02what did change. the nvidia driver only?08:31
Rumenno the core update08:32
Rumenthe driver is old one08:32
Rumenthere was autoupdate of "Ubuntu Basic Components" as usually .... and after that resolution decrease to 1600x90008:33
TheBigK02check ur /var/log/apt/history.log and see what did change08:33
Rumenafter fresh start 1600x900, after hybernation wake with 1600x90008:33
nmsHow do you add resolution on a display driver08:36
Rumenwith xrandr08:37
Rumenhere is the file - the problem started March 18, 2021 https://pastebin.com/zyRLSxpR08:37
RumenEvery time I have to add manually resolution, but I got also error from xrandr08:38
TheBigK02so the driver changed08:38
TheBigK02Rumen: i would consult changelogs and may be u find ur answer there ...08:39
Rumenxrandr error https://pastebin.com/vec2Af4c08:40
TheBigK02in the nvidia-settings tool... the screen shows up ? u usually can put that custom resoltion into that xorg.conf file without doing it manually.. or is that the way u did it08:40
Rumenhaven't seen driver changed - it is automatic08:41
Rumenstrange there are 2 of them08:41
Rumennvidia-settings:amd64 (460.39-0ubuntu0.20.04.1, automatic)08:41
TheBigK02thats "normal"... the nvidia-settings can be of different version08:41
Rumenand nvidia-kernel-source-390:amd64 (390.141-0ubuntu0.20.04.1)08:41
isapgswellrumen what is your xrandr command?08:41
isapgswellrumen use cvt xy refresh08:42
Rumenxrandr --newmode    and xrandr -addmode   after cvt 1920 108008:42
Rumenand add the monitor DVI-I-008:42
isapgswellrumen the error occured with addmode?08:43
Rumensometimes after newmode, sometimes after addmode08:43
Rumenone and the same error08:43
isapgswellrumen tell me your newmode sequence08:44
isapgswellrumen setence08:44
Rumenxrandr --newmode "1920x1080_60.00"  173.00  1920 2048 2248 2576  1080 1083 1088 1120 -hsync +vsync08:44
isapgswellrumen from cvt, ok correct08:46
isapgswellrumen and addmode08:47
Rumenxrandr --addmode "1920x1080_60.00" DVI-I-008:48
isapgswellrumen before you run addmode you need to verify if xrandr returns any dvi output, to you add a new mode08:48
isapgswellrumen try this: xrandr --addmode "1920x1080_60.00" DVI-I-008:49
Rumensometimes accept the  --newmode  without errors08:49
isapgswellrumen: try this xrandr --addmode 1920x1080_60.00 DVI-I-008:49
Rumenxrandr: cannot find output "1920x1080_60.00"08:50
isapgswellrumen create with newmode08:50
isapgswellrumen before08:50
isapgswellrumen run without sudo command08:52
isapgswellrumen what is your cvt setence?08:53
isapgswellrumen try  this: cvt 1920x1080 6008:55
isapgswellrumen without sudo08:56
Rumenthis give very strage result https://pastebin.com/3bEBUSEs08:57
Rumenresolution 1920x6008:57
isapgswellrumen sorry, cvt 1920 1080 6008:57
Rumenthis looks correct https://pastebin.com/Qu02FnjF08:58
isapgswellrumen yes08:59
isapgswellrumen now try newmode and addmode09:00
isapgswellrumen with that modeline09:00
ziguratHello. I have 20.10 installed. I also have virtualbox that I use with ubuntu 20.10. When I let the VM in fullscreen the host does not lock leaving it exposed :)09:01
ziguratAny tweaks I need to do?09:02
isapgswellrumen pastebin xrandr output, like: xrandr <enter>09:05
isapgswellrumen d oyou have dual gpu?09:06
Rumenat the momment it is with resolution 1920x1080, but if I restart will back to 1600x90009:07
reynirHello! I was running do-release-upgrade on a server to upgrade 18.04->20.04. I opened a shell to inspect the difference between two config files (Z option) and ran vimdiff. Inside vimdiff I hit ctrl-c and that unexpectedly killed the upgrade. Any ideas how I can recover?09:08
Rumenbut I try many many things from the morning and after restart back to lower resolutions09:08
isapgswellrumen first you have to create add and outputs, one time09:08
isapgswellrumen good09:09
EriC^reynir: are you sure the upgrade isn't still running? anything in "ps aux" ? what's the contents of 'cat /etc/issue' ?09:09
isapgswellrumen put into .xsessionrc this command each one at a time09:09
isapgswellrumen and try reboot the machine09:09
reynirEriC^: /etc/issue is, excluding blank lines: Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS \n \l09:09
reynirEriC^: there's a dpkg process running, but it's not doing anything09:10
EriC^reynir: can you pastebin it's line in ps aux?09:10
reynir/usr/bin/dpkg --force-overwrite --status-fd 56 --configure --pending09:10
reynir"not doing anything" as in it's not using any cpu time09:10
EriC^reynir: is there any screen session or so for the upgrader?09:11
reynirNo, the server has only tmux installed and no screen09:11
Rumenput into .xsessionrc this command each one at a time - which command?09:11
EriC^i think by default the upgrader is supposed to use screen somehow09:11
RumenSorry asking, but I don't use too much IRC09:12
EriC^reynir: anything from "ps aux | grep upgrade"09:12
reynir`which screen` returns nothing09:12
isapgswellrumen newmode, next line addmode, last xrandr --output09:12
isapgswellrumen as you know now how to do09:12
RumenAha OK09:13
isapgswellrumen create the file .xsessionrc into homefolder09:13
reynirEriC^: Yes! thanks. Two python scripts https://p.reyn.ir/p/+lyMFx6K+Xs09:13
isapgswellrumen and put three commands into that09:13
isapgswellrumen after reboot, tell me if works09:14
reynirEriC^: https://p.reyn.ir/p/xDU3KTHcTeQ09:15
reyniroh I see vimdiff is still running ?!09:15
reynirI closed the terminal09:15
ForzaHello everyone. I'm trying to install ubuntu server on btrfs. It seems I cannot choose any subvolume layout in the installer and if I preconfigure disk and mount in /target, the installer bails out09:16
reynirMaybe if I try killing vimdiff it'll progress09:16
EriC^reynir: https://serverfault.com/questions/387547/how-do-i-reattach-to-ubuntu-servers-do-release-upgrade-process09:16
EriC^ah i think if you dont have screen installed it wont be available09:17
EriC^reynir: it seems you might have to kill the dpkg process and see if it continues, and finally do 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' so that it configures the stuff it didnt09:18
rajivmarswhat kind of link is "https://www.pdfdrive.com/download.pdf?id=33735280&h=39e1817b05cf155433309dbb2f3289fe&u=cache&ext=pdf"? and why these kind of links are not download for wget or aria2?09:19
EriC^reynir: look at the /etc/apt/sources.list to see they're all only focal and then also do sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade09:19
EriC^reynir: sudo apt-get -f install   might also be a useful command to see the apt integrity is all good09:20
reynir/etc/apt/sources.list is all focal, but there's a /etc/apt/sources.list.distUpgrade which is all bionic09:22
EriC^reynir: aha i think it only uses .list files, but to be safe maybe remove it and back it up somewhere09:22
reynirThanks. I moved the file away and killed dpkg. I saw briefly a 'focal' process afterwards in top. Now I'm running dpkg --configure -a and it's doing something09:25
Rumenafter the reboot everything looks fine https://pastebin.com/HjYE0gDQ09:31
isapgswellrumen good!09:51
RumenThanks a lot for the help!!!09:51
isapgswellrumen you are welcome09:51
isapgswellrumen remember, after you ran these commands, you cannot create same newmode, addmode, becase it already exists09:53
isapgswellrumen exist09:53
isapgswellrumen because of that you gave some erros09:54
RumenI hope I will not need to make it again, since March 18 every day 2-3 times I should put many many commands to change the resolution09:54
isapgswellrumen unless you change modeline name ok!09:55
isapgswellrumen good, if do not work in .xsessrionrc try .xinit with these commands09:55
RumenSure thanks a lot. That was because of t he Nvidia update?09:56
reynirAlright, I finished the upgrade. Hopefully it comes back just fine after the reboot09:56
reyniroh, I should probably have used the opportunity to do some backups before... >.<09:57
isapgswellrumen maybe, you run optimus on your machine?09:57
isapgswellrumen your note is optimus capable?09:58
Rumenno, I haven't touch anything only when the auto update appear I hit OK and that's all have not chnaged the video card driver for more then  1 year when upgraded from 18.04 to 20.04 and the old driver didn't worked fine09:59
isapgswellrumen understand, i think nvidia is not the trouble10:01
isapgswellrumen but this .xsessionrc dont dissapeared after upgrades10:03
isapgswellrumen disappear10:03
RumenI see10:03
isapgswellrumen none distro i have known make modification into $HOME directory10:04
isapgswellrumen delete for example10:04
reynirEriC^: It worked! Thanks for all the help :)10:05
baobabfruitHi ! -from an old dell poweredge 9250-10:39
lotuspsychjewelcome baobabfruit11:01
baobabfruitQuestion time, im running ubuntu server 20.10, i just hot swapped a drive i want to shred but lsblk doesn't show the device11:04
baobabfruitideas ?11:04
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lotuspsychjecan try #ubuntu-server if you like baobabfruit11:07
baobabfruitwill do thanks11:07
emilspDoes systemd-resolved on Ubuntu 18.04 do some kind of connectivity checking when a user is applying DNS config? It seems weird, because the DBus RPCs for setting the config take a lot of time, sometimes even hitting the timeout- and I've not seen this behavior before.11:14
BluesKajHi folks11:30
mss0406Hi i have a question about the a prosses that runs on start up: "/usr/bin/perl -w /usr/share/debconf/frontend /usr/sbin/update-secureboot-policy --enroll-key"11:34
Maikmss0406: please don't cross post, thanks in advance11:34
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silv3r_m00nhi there12:39
silv3r_m00ni am on kubuntu 20.10 and i want to install a package from previous ubuntu version, python-wxgtk3.0  what is the best way to do this ?12:39
Maiksilv3r_m00n: there's #kubuntu if you need support with that12:56
ordosHi all. On 20.04 Desktop. Is it possible to disabled the button on my mouse on its left side (under my thumb)? I don't really use it and I occasionally click it by accident (which can be helluva frustrating when I'm browsing the web since clicking that button is the equivalent of clicking the Back button on the browser). Thanks :-)13:01
lotuspsychjeordos: check out gnome-tweaks and dconf-editor perhaps13:03
ordoslotuspsychje, thanks will take a look13:03
mss0406hi the command "/usr/bin/perl -w /usr/share/debconf/frontend /usr/sbin/update-secureboot-policy --enroll-key" keeps running on start up can i somehow provent this from happening/resolve the command13:27
epinkyHello, I've just installed an Ubuntu 10.04 Desktop in a core dos duo quad, but I cannot boot, it falls back to Netboot, can somebody help?13:31
Maikepinky: 10.04?13:32
epinkyMaik: sorry, 20.0413:32
epinkyI've searched for possible causes, they point out to UEFI issues, so I tried tweaking BIOS option with no joy13:33
mss0406epinky, what options did you tweak? Saveboot, boot order, etc?13:36
epinkymss0406: yes, UEFI enable/disable also13:37
mss0406so safeboot,bootorder and uefi enabled disabled. do you have a option to choose what boot maneger it goes into(eg: Windows boot maneger, Ubunutu, etc.) thats usualy hidden at the bottom of some boot settings?13:39
epinkyno, it's an old PC quad core as I told13:40
epinkyI'm using the whole disk13:40
epinkymss0406: no, I'm using the whole disk13:40
mss0406do you have ubuntu on a CD or USB drive? if its on a usb drive what programm did you use to put ubuntu on there epinky13:41
epinkymss0406: I have a DVD13:41
epinkymss0406: I tested moving the disk to another PC and it boots fine13:42
mss0406can you try to disable all other boot options? epinky13:44
epinkyok, right away13:44
epinkymss0406: ok, right away13:44
Maikepinky: processor speed? How much RAM?13:46
flrndhow is processor speed and ram related to boot problem? I'm curious13:47
mss0406too litle of both = no boot at all13:48
Maikepinky: is the PC 32 or 64 bit?13:48
Maikif 32 then you're out of luck13:48
epinkyMaik: 6413:49
epinkyMaik: 8GB RAM13:49
Maikhmmm... should be sufficient13:49
flrndmy god13:49
mss04068GB ram and a quad core? i havent see sutch a config in a laptop yet13:50
flrndepinky: first, laptop model?13:51
Maikflrnd: if you can provide better support be my guest, not everyone has the same knowledge about things13:52
* Maik is afk13:52
flrndExcuse my manners, I forget sometimes that "typing" can be rude too. It wasnt my intention :)13:53
epinkymss0406:  it's not a laptop, BIOS says: Intel(R) Core(TM) 2 Quad CPU Q6600 2.40GHz Intel EM64T Capable 1.6 GHz L2 Cache RAM 2x4096Kb, total memory: 4096MB13:55
Maikflrnd: all good13:55
flrndnot a laptop. Okey. You've already tried to boot from LIVE USB/CD but it drops the boot to netboot, that's correct?13:56
mss0406epinky, oh i may have missunderstud something13:56
flrndepinky: so, you see grub, start the boot process and at some point fails?13:56
epinkyflrnd: no, it does not boot at all, no error displayed, if I move the disk to another PC it boots flawlessly13:57
flrndokey, so, you 100% sure that the BIOS is settup correctly to boot from that device?13:58
epinkyflrnd: yes, indeed I disabled all the other boot options as suggested by mss0406, no joy13:58
flrndcan you take a screenshot and share it?13:59
mss0406epinky, ok can you try a usb stick with the iso on it? might be that some pc refuce to use cd as a boot drive, also if you flash the usb stick with windows use rufus otherwise it might throw an error14:01
flrndyeah, it may be few reasons,14:01
flrnd1) The way you created that usb (for example, using old mbr instead of uefi/gpt layout)14:02
epinkymss0406: the problem it's not the DVD boot, indeed it installs to hard drive flawlessly, the problem is that I cannot boot the installed version via hard drive14:03
flrndso, the problem is not the install, is after install14:04
flrndwe're close14:04
flrndepinky: so, you can see the grub menu and boot, right?14:05
epinkyflrnd: no, it does not boot at all, no grub menu14:06
cbreakuefi or bios?14:06
flrnddo you have other OS on that computer? you installed the grub on the wrong uefi partition :P14:07
leftyfbepinky: I would disable secureboot and UEFI and re-install14:07
cbreakI'd ensure that the legacy bios crap is disabled14:07
cbreakincluding CSR14:08
leftyfbcbreak: I'd ensure that legacy BIOS is enabled and the only way to boot to limit complications and what is probably causing the issue14:08
cbreakand then register the bootloader with efibootmgr14:08
cbreakthat'll avoid a whole lot of complications14:09
leftyfbcbreak: right, by disabling UEFI14:09
cbreakand you don't have to worry about things like MBR, or what ever14:09
cbreakyou can have nice, independent installed OSes, each with their own EFI partition, on their own device14:09
cbreakand boot everything via the EFI boot menu14:10
cbreak(if you set it up that way)14:10
flrndcbreak: exactly14:10
cbreakthis will obviously not work if you have systems that are set up for legacy boot14:10
flrndhis problem is that ubuntu is trying to boot from an empty uefi partition14:11
cbreakbut it should work fine with grub, systemd-boot, clover, OpenCore, refind, ...14:11
cbreakubuntu should install a boot loader. I think grub, by default14:11
cbreakwhen booted to ubuntu (live usb works too), you can configure everything via `efibootmgr`14:11
cbreakit's commandline, and quite unintuitive though14:12
flrndthing is, Ubuntu (and debian) select the first uefi partition it finds14:12
cbreakdon't know if grub supports this, but efi partition contents are just files, they can be copied over without problems normally14:13
cbreakI use that to backup my OpenCore configs, but it might also work for grub14:13
flrndI have 2 drivers in this computer, and I always need to open a terminal and re-mount the correct uefi partition to avoid the installer using the other drive one14:13
cbreakthat seems silly.14:13
cbreakthe installer should use the efi partition that is on the same drive as the partition it is installed on14:14
flrndit should, but it doesn't14:14
leftyfbepinky: if you want it simple and just want to boot and run ubuntu on this older machine, I would recommend disabling secureboot and UEFI completely. Stick with legacy BIOS mode and reinstall. You should be fine after that. If you want to continue troubleshooting for the next few hours and possibly, maybe get it sorted out, then by all means continue with what others are suggesting.14:14
cbreakonce ubuntu is installed, I think you can control this via /etc/fstab14:14
cbreakif you manage to boot from it once :)14:14
ELFrederichhi, on a fairly fresh install... I don't see underscores in HexChat... any ideas why?14:15
flrndwe need more info, like the partition layout. more drives or just one, only Ubuntu or dualboot...14:15
flrnd"my computer don't boot" is, sorry, but moot14:16
flrndI bet my ods to the system trying to boot an empty uefi partition ;P14:17
mss0406also does anyone know what the flip flap the command "/usr/bin/perl -w /usr/share/debconf/frontend /usr/sbin/update-secureboot-policy --enroll-key" does and why it keeps running on start up14:18
leftyfbELFrederich: yes, there's a bug with hexchat in how it renders monospace fonts of a certain size ...14:19
leftyfbELFrederich: the fix is not available in any version of hexchat available from the official repos. I have patched the latest version available in 20.04 and made a PPA for it if you are comfortable using that14:19
leftyfbELFrederich: https://launchpad.net/~leftyfb/+archive/ubuntu/hexchat/14:19
leftyfbmss0406: https://superuser.com/questions/1493050/update-secureboot-policy-enroll-key-running-on-every-new-startup-eating-reso14:21
mss0406ight will try ty14:21
mss0406"No DKMS modules installed." gona reboot regardless brb14:23
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mss0406leftyfb, i dont have a MOK option in the bios .........14:27
leftyfbmss0406: maybe disable secureboot then?14:28
leftyfbmss0406: you might have to reinstall though14:29
mss0406i dont want to disable secure boot becaus for somereason it idels at 20% cpu14:30
mss0406well then reinstalling it is.........14:30
leftyfbmss0406: secureboot has nothing to do with how your CPU performs14:33
mss0406with secure boot i get 5% idle without im at 20% idle i realy realy dont know why14:34
leftyfbmss0406: probably from the update-secureboot-policy trying to do it's thing but can't. If you reinstall without secureboot enabled none of that will get installed14:35
mss0406leftyfb, i kill the update secureboot thing thirst thing on start up anyway ima reinstall i have reked a lot of config files anyway so not reinstalling is just delaying the inevitable14:37
leftyfbmss0406: disable secureboot in your BIOS first14:37
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leftyfbmss0406: that will limit issues14:37
mss0406already did14:37
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Blade-Runnercan someone help me with this error: software updater, failed to download repository information click Settings and Livepatch does nothing15:30
mss0406check that your pc can reach the update servers, are you on a work network?15:31
Blade-Runneroh sorry no15:32
mss0406not on a work network?15:32
Blade-Runneron home computer15:32
Blade-Runnerthere is another error message in terminal lemme post15:33
mss0406now for the age old IT question15:33
Blade-Runnerok go15:33
mss0406have you tryed turining it off and on agin15:33
Blade-Runneri uninstalled it from snap and reinstalled, but read this:15:34
Blade-Runnercanonical-livepatch status15:34
Blade-RunnerMachine is not enabled. Please run 'sudo canonical-livepatch enable' with the15:34
Blade-Runnertoken obtained from https://ubuntu.com/livepatch15:34
mss0406did you try the sudo livepatch?15:35
Blade-Runnerlivepatch command not found15:36
Blade-Runnersudo livepatch15:36
Blade-Runner[sudo] password for dj:15:36
Blade-Runnersudo: livepatch: command not found15:36
mss0406"sudo canonical-livepatch enable"? or "sudo livepatch enable"?15:37
Blade-Runneryes i did this some months ago and gave up running into dead ends15:37
Blade-Runnergetting a new token and trying to use it said the token didnt match15:38
mss0406try "sudo canonical-livepatch enable" now plz15:38
Blade-Runner error executing enable: No key provided.15:39
mss0406well idk anymore then maybe someone else can help15:39
Blade-Runnerthats when i went to canonical and got another key and then it said it doesnt match15:39
Blade-Runneram i suppose to remove the old key?15:40
Blade-Runneror get a replacement of the key i had?15:40
Blade-Runneri cant seem to find the right info on what to do next15:41
zaffycould refresh all saved GPG keys be helpful?15:42
Blade-Runneri have no idea15:42
Blade-Runneror how15:43
zaffyI believe can't hurts15:43
zaffythis is the way15:43
zaffysudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --refresh-keys15:43
Blade-Runnerok, thanks i'll try that15:43
Blade-Runner9 keys15:44
Blade-Runnerok nothing changed it said15:45
zaffydid you try to update repos in the terminal?15:46
Blade-Runneri will if you tell me how please15:46
zaffysudo apt update15:47
Blade-Runneroh yeah that i did15:47
zaffywithout errors?15:47
Blade-Runnerhas errors15:48
zaffythat should tell you which repo has issues15:48
Blade-Runneris this whats wrong?15:48
Blade-Runnerit does15:49
Blade-Runnerso can i remove thos repos from terminal?15:49
zaffyI would try to fix it, not remove15:50
zaffyif it's there... maybe you should need it15:50
Blade-Runneri remember adding some maybe i did too much15:50
zaffyit depends on the repo. if it's a ppa or some 3rd party one15:51
Blade-Runnerok here is the first error15:51
Blade-RunnerErr:2 cdrom://Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS _Focal Fossa_ - Release amd64 (20200731) focal Release15:52
Blade-Runner  Please use apt-cdrom to make this CD-ROM recognized by APT. apt-get update cannot be used to add new CD-ROMs15:52
leftyfbBlade-Runner: please use pastebin and paste the entire thing. Are you sure this is an installation and not running from a live session from a cd or usb?15:53
Blade-Runneryes full installation several months ago15:53
Blade-Runneri know live session cd or usb it is none of those15:54
Blade-Runnerok pastebin15:54
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zaffyusing network updates/installations, the cdrom repo is useless, anyway (imho)15:55
leftyfbthe cdrom repo shouldn't exist on a normal installation15:57
Blade-Runneryeah, i've learned a few things since install, sorry nOOb15:57
ioriaBlade-Runner, you probably uncommented the first line of /etc/apt/sources.list15:58
Blade-Runnerdoesnt sound familar but ok maybe15:58
leftyfbBlade-Runner: step #1, remove the cdrom repo15:58
Blade-Runnerok how?15:59
ioriaBlade-Runner, grep cdrom  /etc/apt/sources.list    ans paste here15:59
Blade-Runner[Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS _Focal Fossa_ - Release amd64 (20200731)]/ focal main restricted16:01
Blade-Runner# (e.g. netinst, live or single CD). The matching "deb cdrom"16:01
iorianope; the line should be like this : #deb cdrom:[Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS _Focal Fossa_ - Release amd64 (20200731)]/ focal main restricted16:01
Blade-Runnerok how do i change it?16:02
ioriaBlade-Runner, cat  /etc/apt/sources.list   | nc termbin.com 999916:02
ioriaBlade-Runner, comment the first line16:03
Blade-Runnerwhere in  terminal16:04
ioriayes ... sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list16:04
leftyfbgah, that default sources.list always burns my eyes16:05
Blade-Runnerand comment you mean do what?16:05
ioriaBlade-Runner, as i show you abvove : with a '#' ^16:06
Blade-Runnerit starts deb cdrom16:06
ioria #deb cdrom:[Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS _Focal Fossa_ - Release amd64 (20200731)]/ focal main restricted16:06
ioriaBlade-Runner,  you see ? the hash '#'16:07
Blade-Runnerok looking16:07
leftyfbioria: maybe suggest them to make the entire file look like this? :)   https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/qKbW8WfFNv/16:07
ioriaprobably , yes ... :þ16:08
zaffyI removed also the deb-src lines, not even commented... =)16:09
Blade-Runnerthis is what it reads now: #deb cdrom:[Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS _Focal Fossa_ - Release amd64 (20200731)]/ focal main restricteddeb cdrom:[Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS16:09
ioriaBlade-Runner,  paste it again16:10
Blade-Runnerhere or in term?16:10
ioriathe file i mean16:11
Blade-Runner#deb cdrom:[Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS _Focal Fossa_ - Release amd64 (20200731)]/ focal main restricteddeb cdrom:[Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS _16:11
ioriaBlade-Runner, i said the file16:11
Blade-Runnerok i'm loosing you, which file?16:11
ioriaBlade-Runner, cat  /etc/apt/sources.list   | nc termbin.com 999916:12
ioriaBlade-Runner, nope, you didn't save the changes16:14
Blade-Runnerok i didnt know that was the next step lemme go back16:14
ioriaBlade-Runner, yoou know how to edit a system file  ?16:14
ioriaBlade-Runner, you can do it alnso in gui if you want16:15
Blade-Runnerthat suits me better16:15
Blade-Runnerwhat app does that?16:16
ioriaBlade-Runner, press Win key; select software & updates16:16
Blade-Runneruh, my kboard doesnt have a win key16:16
Blade-Runnerat least nothing says "win"16:17
ioriaBlade-Runner, it's the Super Key16:17
ioriaBlade-Runner, click on Activities16:17
Blade-Runnerok software updater opened16:17
ioriaBlade-Runner, lookat bottom16:17
ioriaBlade-Runner, in the ubuntu software tab16:18
Blade-Runnerthats what is missing16:18
ioriaBlade-Runner, you selected the wrong app16:18
Blade-Runnerall it says is failed to download repository information, settings, try again, ok16:19
ioriaBlade-Runner, not  'software updater'  but 'software & updates'16:19
Blade-Runnerok i see16:19
ioriaman, come on16:19
silv3r_m00n1hi there i need urgent help16:20
ioriaBlade-Runner, ubuntu software tab  -> look at bottom and unckeck 'cdrom'16:20
Blade-Runnernothing, it doesnt open16:20
silv3r_m00n1i did sudo apt-get install virtualbox and its showing this , https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/g67Mv8TMgn/16:20
silv3r_m00n1why is virtualbox trying to modify the firmware of my laptop ?16:20
leftyfbBlade-Runner: run this: curl https://pastebin.com/raw/8JN3wQCe|sudo tee /etc/apt/source  & sudo apt update16:21
Blade-Runnersoftware  & updates does not open16:22
Blade-Runnerok i ran it16:23
leftyfbBlade-Runner: ok, your updates should be good now16:23
Blade-Runnerbut does that fix the issue with livepatch not opening?16:24
Blade-Runnerthe software updater gui  failed to download and livepatch gui wont even open16:26
Blade-Runnerok, i guess another time16:29
zaffy@leftyfb, shouldn't the command be: curl https://pastebin.com/raw/8JN3wQCe|sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list & sudo apt update    ??16:30
leftyfbBlade-Runner: run this: curl https://pastebin.com/raw/8JN3wQCe|sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list  && sudo apt update16:31
Blade-Runneroops, ok16:31
Blade-Runnerall packages are up to date16:32
ioriaBlade-Runner, try to fix the livepatch issue ?16:34
Blade-Runneri've tried, it tells me i dont have a key get one when i do it says it doesnt match16:35
ioriaBlade-Runner, try the 6 steps in here : https://askubuntu.com/questions/1271580/cant-enable-canonical-livepatch-on-ubuntu-20-04-1-lts16:36
Blade-Runnerok thank you16:36
Blade-Runnerl'll let you know later how it went, maybe tomorrow, thanks for the help16:38
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jpmhI am confused when the * is expanded by bash.  If I do ./myscript * - sure enough I see the list of files as the argument, whereas if I do ./myscript 12*12 I see the 12*12 as the argument - what stops the * from being expanded?17:21
EriC^^jpmh: do you have a file called 12<something>12?17:23
jpmhEriC^^: NO17:23
EriC^^jpmh: if you want it to expand all the files you'd need to do "12 * 12"17:24
EriC^^otherwise it's just going to try to expand 1212 or 12<something>12 if they exist17:25
jpmhEriC^^: I have no files with the characters 12 - I do NOT really want to expand - I just want to understand when the bash does expand and when it does not17:26
jpmhEriC^^: as yu say, I expected it always t try and expand the * - but it is not17:26
EriC^^yeah it's trying to expand but there's no files called 12..17:27
jpmhEriC^^: yes, that's what I expected  = and so this is why I am not expecting to see the * as an argument to my script - I would have expected it to be consuemed17:28
EriC^^jpmh: yeah exactly, it will always process the expansions first and whatnot and then run the command, unless a person does ./myscript '*' for instance then it'd be passed as a literal * in the command17:29
jpmhEriC^^: this is what I am missing.  If I do ./myscript * then I do not get the star, I get the expanded list - whereas when I do 12*12 I get the actual "12*12" whay is that ot expanding and returning an empty list17:32
EriC^^jpmh: it doesn't work that way, it's more of a helper not like an if statement or something17:35
EriC^^but yeah you'd expect the "*" to disappear or something17:36
jpmhEriC^^: I'm still confused - even as a "helper" surely it EITHER is being expanded and removed or it is not.  It seems that when there is a match it is removed and expanded and when there is notne, then it is passed as is17:37
jpmhso EriC^^ are you agreeing with me, that it seems illogical17:37
EriC^^it's pretty arbitrary17:40
jpmhEriC^^: yes, but arbitary is not the same as illogical17:41
EriC^^how would you deem it's functioning logical?17:42
EriC^^doesnt find anything to expand, removes the whole string from commandline? no 12*12?17:42
EriC^^jpmh: tbh i dont know much about the subject, there might be some good reason for the way it does stuff, i'd try asking in ##bash as they know the ins and outs17:44
jpmhEriC^^: just seems that logically it should awlays ot NEVER expand and remove the *17:45
jpmhEriC^^: did not realize there was a ##bash - heading there now - TY17:45
EriC^^alright, np17:45
Smaughey all, I want to upgrade my 16.04 desktop to 18.04, NOT 20.04.  if I run `sudo do-release-upgrade` will that try to upgrade to 20 or it will upgrade to 18?17:47
EriC^^Smaug: to 18.0417:47
Kisama                BtnGuardar.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;17:48
Kisamato 18.0417:48
SmaugEriC^^, Kisama: : thanks17:48
EriC^^Smaug: no problem17:49
Kisamawait, that clear is not for here17:49
Smaugthank you for making that clear17:50
Smaugwhen I did `do-release-upgrade` it says 'Please install all available updates before upgrading'  does that just mean apt-get upgrade?  upgrade is failing because it can't find a certain deb, i need to resolve this before upgrading?17:52
EriC^^Smaug: yeah you need to17:53
SmaugEriC^^: i never had this error with upgrade before.  if I download a deb for the program manually and install with dpkg -i will that mean it is no longer managed by apt-get?17:54
EriC^^Smaug: you'll likely need to disable/purge any ppa's it's just better and makes for a smoother upgrade, then reinstall the ones that support 18.0417:54
EriC^^Smaug: no it'll still be in the apt/dpkg system17:54
EriC^^if you want pastebin the error you're getting, and apt-get policy <package>17:55
Smaugok thanks, another quick question about .debs, do I need them around after installing?  do i treat them like a temp file I can delete after installatin or I should put it somewhere it should stay?17:55
SmaugEriC^^: "invalid operation policy" when I try to do apt-get policy17:56
EriC^^Smaug: you don't need them once installed, my bad apt-cache policy17:56
javi404anyone using livepatch?18:12
oerheksjavi404, yes?18:22
SmaugEriC^^: so I upgraded the package that needed to be upgrade, but do-release-upgrade is still giving me an error.   apt-get upgrade doesn't find anything to upgrade.  15 packages are "held back" if that makes a difference, but nothing else requires upgrading according to `upgrade` but `do-release-upgrade` still gives that message18:23
EriC^^Smaug: try sudo apt-get dist-upgrade18:23
Smaugthat command ran successfully18:24
Smaugis that.....it?18:24
EriC^^should be18:25
Smaugso i am on 18 now?18:25
EriC^^try the do-release-upgrade command18:25
Smaugdo-release-upgrade still gives me that error18:25
oerheksyou are up2date now, reboot, and do-release-upgrade18:25
Smaugi will reboot18:25
Smaugsee y'all soon18:26
oerheksthat 15 packages might had a kernel or 218:26
Smaugok before i restart18:26
oerhekstip: reboot,  if the file /var/run/reboot-required exists18:27
Smaugnow there is only one package held pack: libodbc118:27
jpmhEriC^^: TY for the advice on #bash - in fact the behaviour is documented way down in the man page18:28
Smaughey all!  restarted.  still getting the error upon `do-release-upgrade`18:37
Smaug"Please install all available updates for your release before upgrading."18:37
EriC^^Smaug: what happens when you try to do sudo apt-get install libodbc118:38
raffaem2How can I hide panel in fullscreen applications (like games)?18:39
SmaugEriC^^: that seemed to address the issue, now i can seem to initiatie upgrade process!  thanks18:40
EriC^^Smaug: great, no problem18:40
javi404cbreak: so is it safe to remove intermediate kernels?18:45
javi404im on 5.x.43 and ran out of space on /boot/18:45
javi404so removed 5.x.44 and 4518:45
cbreaktried apt autoremove?18:45
javi404i have space now18:45
javi404just wondering if that is safe18:45
javi404and how to check livepatch history18:45
cbreakI'm not enough of a linux pro to remove such things myself18:45
cbreakbut I would say apt autoremove should do it18:45
cbreakand seems reasonably safe18:46
javi404apt purge i belive is what i ran but im not at that machine at the moment.18:46
javi404then just versions of headers / image / somethingelse i cant remember18:46
oerheksnexst updates would give an autoremove run18:46
oerheksno need to do that manually anymore18:46
javi404oerheks: so im on 53, 58 is there.18:47
javi404do i have to reboot to have uname -a show 58 i assume?18:47
oerheksoke, so  install, reboot, run updates, and watch the fun18:47
javi404so like am i getting the benefits of livepatch?18:47
raubStupid question: how do you find the sizes for hpbussize and hpmensize (as in https://askubuntu.com/questions/967223/running-into-pci-resource-allocation-issues-17-10-kernel-4-13-0-16-generic-64bit) I need?18:47
javi404oerheks: i mean is it worth a reboot to 58 or is livepatch enough.18:48
oerheksjavi404, if livepatch is on, you still need to reboot, but the kernel is already in use.18:48
javi404oerheks: so basically at least at a minimum, i get critical bugs etc patched with livepatch.18:48
javi404my goal is never reboot18:48
oerheksno, that is an illusion. one does not need to reboot immediatly.18:49
raffaem2how can I uninstall system GNOME extension like Appindicator and GameMode?18:58
pagioshi guys19:05
pagioswhat do you think of pop_os ?19:05
pagiosreliable for a desktop/coding ?19:05
pagiosit is based on ubuntu i gues19:08
napstarHi, I've got ubuntu on my new computer, i put it on the tv with the displayport, but the border of the screen are decaled19:08
napstarlike of 0.5milimeters19:09
sarnoldpagios: probably it's better to ask people who use it19:10
pagiosnot sure where to find them :)19:10
sarnoldI wonder if the bot knows..19:10
ubottuThe Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu and its official flavors, since other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. So please use their dedicated support venues, for example: Linux Mint (#linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org), Kali Linux (#kali-linux), and LXLE (#lxle)19:10
sarnoldhah, guess not19:10
MonoLI wanna make ogg vorbis files19:11
MonoLDo I need to install something in particular?19:12
MonoLPerhaps a lib?19:12
MonoLMaybe it's already installed?19:12
MonoLIf I were better at bash I'd know how to do a terminal search..19:13
remlineMonoL: 'audacity' is a good option to start with. It depends on libogg0.19:15
remlineType 'apt show audacity' for details.19:15
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ELFrederichHi, I just had issues connecting from a laptop in the other room as FunkyELF from Freenode in web browser, so maybe someone already answered this19:44
ELFrederichI'm booted on a 20.04 USB and trying to wipe a disk before I send it in the mail.  I have tried installing wipe and secure-delete, but I get errors19:45
MonoLremline, Thanks!19:45
MonoLremline, Ill go have a look for libogg0 first19:46
ELFrederichEven after doing an apt update and apt upgrade I am unable to install "wipe" or "secure-delete"... these install fine on my other 20.04 machines, do I need to do something special to get them installed on a live environment?19:46
oerheksdepends, ELFrederich, where those packages are located, my best guess: universe, that one is not enabled during install?19:47
oerhekssudo apt update && sudo add-apt-repository universe19:48
oerheksor the gui tool updates19:48
oerheks!info secure-delete19:49
ubottusecure-delete (source: secure-delete): tools to wipe files, free disk space, swap and memory. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.1-6ubuntu2 (focal), package size 62 kB, installed size 146 kB19:49
ELFrederichoerheks, thanks!... adding universe worked.19:49
oerhekshave fun!19:50
ELFrederichI need to get this drive wiped and sent in the mail then put my son's computer back together ;-)  His is the only computer in the house that takes a laptop hard drive.  My laptop is nvme19:50
oerhekssecure delete does this 7 times?19:50
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ELFrederichoerheks, I ended up just running shred, which is included without adding universe19:58
ELFrederichoerheks, seems to do it 3 time... and even with that, this mechanical 500G drive will take all night19:59
Smaughey all, so I am attempting to install a package, received an error "x depends on y but y is not going to be installed."  attempting to install y gave a similar error with respect to z, and so on in a chain down to unixodbc-dev which has the error " unixodbc-dev : Depends: libodbc1 (= 2.3.4-1.1ubuntu3) but 2.3.7 is to be installed "20:30
Smaugso should I try to downgrade libodbc1?20:30
Smaugthe overall package I am attempting to install at the top of this chain of dependencies is ROS melodic (ros-melodic-desktop-full) if that makes a differene20:31
oerheksno, apt update and apt dist-upgrade properly, it is most likely your system and / or lists are behind20:31
Smaugthanks oerheks. what does that mean?20:32
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Smaug(i just upgraded from 16 to 18 if that makes a difference)20:33
ioriaSmaug, there is no 2.3.7 pkg ver on ubuntu  , i suspect a ppa issue20:33
oerheksthe meta package gives older dependencies, that could be fixed with updating, further more use apt over apt-get to avoid these errors.20:34
oerheksapt is improved, superiour over apt-get20:34
oerhekserr, what ppa?20:35
leftyfboerheks: except when it comes to scripting ;)20:35
oerhekswell, there is alway work to be done20:35
oerheks'linux for human beings'20:36
pizzaiololeftyfb how so?20:37
leftyfbpizzaiolo: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/4HBKc7Rryf/20:38
Smaugoerheks: i am following the instructions http://wiki.ros.org/melodic/Installation20:39
Smaugnot sure if they are outdated or what20:39
leftyfbSmaug: https://stackoverflow.com/a/6196581120:40
realieswhat ubuntu DAWs support lv2 plugins?20:41
leftyfbSmaug: the .deb packages for ROS Melodic are not compatible with Ubuntu 20.04. You need to move to Noetic or Ubuntu 18.0420:41
Smaugleftyfb: thanks, I am indeed on ubuntu 18.04 and the list seems ok for me though20:43
Smaugleftyfb: oerheks: the error i receive is https://pastebin.com/MfKz5fcL20:44
Smaugand attemtping to install the packages manually results in the chain of errors I described earlier20:44
leftyfbSmaug: maybe try #ros . You are using a non-official repo for packages we cannot support20:45
Smauggot it thanks20:45
realiesis there any reason that audacity does not see lv2 plugins?20:50
realiesgot calf-plugins at /usr/lib/lv2/calf.lv2 and it can't find them, although /usr/lib/lv2 is one of the default folder locations20:50
realiesdoes it matter that audacity is a snap?20:50
oerheksyes, with snap plugins should go in ~/Snap/<app> folder20:52
oerheksand remain there over snap updates.20:53
realiesoh :S20:53
realiesln -s gonna work?20:53
oerheksnot sure, as snap is pretty confined..20:53
realiesthought so20:54
realiescp it is20:54
leftyfboerheks: I don't think they should go in current20:54
leftyfbcurrent is a link to the latest version. When you upgrade, that link will be changed20:54
leftyfbthere should be a common directory20:54
realiesls ~/snap/audacity/common20:55
realies'Always use PulseAudio'20:55
realieseh? :D20:55
oerheksoh, that is the only plugin folder i find20:56
leftyfbrealies: any particular reason you're running it from snap when the same version is available in the apt repos?20:57
realiesleftyfb, think it was available through the gui installer21:01
realiessounds like i want the apt verison21:01
oerheksiirc the gui gives audacity 2 times, or in softwarecenter21:10
realiesi c, maybe bad luck then21:27
metbsdhow do i install lubuntu i text mode21:32
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oerheksmetbsd, not possible from the lubuntu iso, use the mini iso for that?21:36
metbsdbut i don't see 20.04 mini iso21:36
metbsdonly 1821:36
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metbsdso i gotto do 18 and upgrade?21:37
oerheksso, question yourself why you need textmode21:37
metbsdi don't know21:38
metbsdscreen goes blank21:38
metbsdi guess graphics is not supported?21:38
VMGuy23what happening21:38
metbsdboot, and something flashed, and go blank21:38
metbsdit's 20.04 iso21:39
VMGuy23whats your system21:40
metbsdold laptop21:40
VMGuy23it might not support 64-bit... so probably that21:41
metbsdnope it's 64bit21:43
metbsdi ran 64bit linux on it before21:43
VMGuy23see if Ubuntu Mate works: https://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-mate/releases/20.10/release/ubuntu-mate-20.10-desktop-amd64.iso21:45
VMGuy23it could be gnoe doesn't work with your hardware21:45
VMGuy23but i don't know21:45
metbsdi'm gonna do a minimal installation of ubuntu server. and then install lubuntu from there i think21:46
metbsdit should work the same?21:47
VMGuy23but maybe not21:47
metbsdwill i be able to tasksel lubuntu?21:47
VMGuy23ive never used tasksel and have no idea what it is21:47
metbsdit's that command to select what desktop to use21:48
VMGuy23could be lubuntu, could be lxqt, i don't know21:48
VMGuy23im testing it now21:49
VMGuy23just testing Server 20.10 to see that tasksel works21:52
VMGuy23its just finishing installing22:00
VMGuy23cancelling update22:01
VMGuy23then ill test metbsd22:01
metbsddoes it work?22:01
metbsdim installing mini iso22:01
VMGuy23im installing server iso on a vm right now22:02
VMGuy23tasksel needs to be installed22:04
VMGuy23metbsd: you can use "sudo apt install lxqt"22:05
metbsdbu lxqt is different from lubuntu desktop22:06
VMGuy23it will install lubuntu version of it22:06
VMGuy23because it uses ubuntu packages22:06
VMGuy23and lubuntu uses LDQT22:07
VMGuy23you  might need to install LightDM or GDM though22:07
VMGuy23but yeah, gtg22:07
Toadisattvafor some reason kubuntu network manager on my new laptop completely refuses to find the SSID of my hidden network, which is odd, because I have other laptops also running kubuntu 20.04 that detect it just fine22:32
Toadisattvanot sure why this particular one wants to be troublesome22:32
oerhekssolution could be temporary disable hidden SSID22:33
oerheksnm should give access to hidden networks in the menu ? https://help.ubuntu.com/stable/ubuntu-help/net-wireless-hidden.html.en22:34
Toadisattvait's a thing with kde desktop in particular, normally I'm able to run sudo iwlist "interface" scanning essid "ssid" and it'll pick it up, it does on every other machine running this exact same os22:38
ToadisattvaI'm just really hitting a wall with the why doesn't this one act like all the others22:38
kk4ewtToadisattva, you are sure they have the same wifi card22:41
Toadisattvano they are most certainly different adapters22:42
jeremy31Toadisattva: unhide the network, connect and save it in Network Manager, then it should work if you hide the SSID again22:43
Toadisattvatried that, it drops it when I re-hide it22:44
Toadisattvaand then says it can't find it again22:44
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jeremy31Toadisattva: hiding the SSID doesn't make it more secure and it might actually make it a target for some people thinking you have something important22:48
Toadisattvayes yes I understand that and every thing I can find says just enable the ssid broadcast, but I'm looking for a different work around, it's not a security issue, it's a I don't want to broadcast this network name to the world issue22:51
Toadisattvaunfortunately I think this may be hardware level and not solvable in software, well thanks for helping me brainstorm anyway22:55
jeremy31Toadisattva: any chance that wifi router is using TKIP encryption?  I know that causes some problems22:56
Toadisattvanope it's AES22:57
jellyI'll make a cipher algo and call it CHUCK TESTA23:18
eelstreborlooks like thunderbird is messed up. must have been an upgrade that prevents me from creating e-mail the way i did a month ago23:37
sybaritenI would very much like the idea of having an ubuntu live USB where i know that a sudo-enabled user always existed, and an ssh server always running when started. What's my simplest method if i want to create something like that?23:45
Muliganhey fellas, I'm trying to p2v a 20.04 Ubuntu host w/vmWare converter, and i keep getting an error that reports to make sure you can sudo without entering a password, I've verified a ton of things, and I'm even able to log in directly to this host w/root23:45
matsamansybariten: I think maybe if you use the 'server' live image23:48
sybaritenoh really?23:48
matsamansybariten: other than that, I'd say use sysresccd, you can give it simple boot options to control such things23:49
jellyMuligan, can you not give the converter thing root and root password instead?23:49
sybaritenok. Its always good if its ubuntu though... but still23:49
jellyI haven't used it in years23:49
Muliganjelly, I've tried that as well23:59
Muligansame exact result23:59

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