
=== BuckarooBanzai5 is now known as BuckarooBanzai
=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc
mss0406Hi i have a question about the a prosses that runs on start up: "/usr/bin/perl -w /usr/share/debconf/frontend /usr/sbin/update-secureboot-policy --enroll-key"11:31
Maikjust ask11:34
mss0406what the crap is it and how can i make it go away11:35
xu-help72wI cannot upgrade from 18.04 to 20.04. Tells me certain files must be removed but I cannot identify them.16:07
diogenes_xu-help72w, any PPAs added?16:09
xu-help72wI don't know what those are?16:09
diogenes_xu-help72w, run: ls /etc/apt/sources.d | nc termbin.com 999916:12
xu-help72wGot:   cannot access '/etc/apt/sources.d': No such file or directory16:15
xu-help72wlogged back in16:20
xu-help72wNeed help upgrading from 18.04 to 20.0416:21
xu-help72wGet:   An unresolvable problem occurred while calculating the upgrade.16:25
xu-help72w This was likely caused by:16:25
xu-help72w * Unofficial software packages not provided by Ubuntu16:25
xu-help72wPlease use the tool 'ppa-purge' from the ppa-purge16:25
xu-help72wpackage to remove software from a Launchpad PPA and16:25
xu-help72wtry the upgrade again.16:25
xu-help72wWhat options should I use for ppa-purge?16:26
xu-irc47wHello, I am having trouble with finding MD5 and SHA256 sum infos for Xubuntu, where can I find them?16:54
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which a checksum is provided), see https://ubuntu.com/tutorials/how-to-verify-ubuntu16:55
xu-irc47wI am looking for reference sums for Xubuntu amd64 iso file16:55
xu-irc47wSo Xubuntu's SHA256 sums are equal to Ubuntu's ?16:59
xu-irc47wSo Xubuntu doesn't provide checksum files?17:15
diogenes_xu-irc47w, ^^^17:17
xu-irc47wThanks diogenes_ I was looking for this! Thank you very much.17:20
diogenes_you're welcome17:20
xu-irc47wI still cant find this link on the website so I'm gonna bookmark it :D  Thanks again17:21
metbsdhow to install lubuntu in text mode21:34
tomreynthis channel is called waht?21:35
metbsdhow to install xubuntu in text mode?21:36
metbsdi wanna install 20.0421:36
tomreyntypo, or did you just copy + paste from the other channels you crossposted to?21:36
tomreynso was it a typo n the other channels, too?21:37
metbsdinstalling two system21:37
metbsdactually three21:37
metbsdlubuntu ubuntu xubuntu21:38
tomreynthe answer is likely "no" to all of those, if you're referring to desktop editions21:38
tomreynubuntu server you can install in text mode21:39
metbsdbut ubuntu server will install cloud-init?21:39
Unit193I don't think the debian-installer is used anymore anywhere, and I'm *pretty* sure mini.iso doesn't either.21:39
metbsdi don't know how to disable cloud-init21:39
metbsdcan you teach me21:39
tomreyntry #ubuntu-server for ubuntu server?21:39
metbsdhey tomreyn21:41
metbsdwhy do you have to be an ass?21:41
metbsdi'm just looking for help here21:41
metbsddon't talk if you don't want to help21:42
tomreynis pointing you to the right channel abusive then?21:42
metbsdthey are all buntu what's the big deal helping another *buntu21:42
tomreynwell, you'r enot raising my motivation that way for sure21:43
gnrphm, no21:57
ubottuHi! I'm #xubuntu's favorite infobot. You can search my brain at https://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | General info and channels at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots | Make a clone of me, see !botclone22:00
gnrpwell_laid_lawn: thanks22:12
krytarikmetbsd: No insulting please.22:31
ubottuThe guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines22:31

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