
=== ramrunne1 is now known as dsp
Hybrid512I have some questions about ways to optimize the deploy process with Juju09:08
Hybrid512I mean, Juju works great but I have a huge deployment that I split in parts using overlays and when adding new apps/units, it can take a long time before a new LXD container is started even though there is no load pressure on the hosts09:10
Hybrid512sometimes I deploy maybe 2 or 3 apps at once with 3 units each but it gives me the impression that juju deploy apps one after the other waiting for the firt to come up before spinning the other and that wastes a lot of time for apps that are not always related09:11
Hybrid51227are there any options that can be tuned to make juju a little faster ?09:13
=== Hybrid51227 is now known as Hybrid512
viswaI need help on MaaS proxy - I configured MAAS with Peer Proxy enabled and see squid proxy is running; and I also see all the managed machines were up and updated; now on running apps; The app installation fails saying unable to download the image; I was able to download the image If I login to the machine and run the same command but the app fails15:11
viswaon running - juju deploy <app>15:11
viswajuju model-config is showing the right proxy configured for http, https, snap and no-proxy.15:13
viswaI need help on MaaS proxy - I configured MAAS with Peer Proxy enabled and see squid proxy is running; and I also see all the managed machines were up and updated; now on running apps; The app installation fails saying unable to download the image; I was able to download the image If I login to the machine and run the same command but the app fails16:40
viswaon running - juju deploy <app>16:40
viswajuju model-config is showing the right proxy configured for http, https, snap and no-proxy.16:40
achilleasa_viswa: can you clarify what you mean by image?16:43
viswaI am running juju deploy rabbitmq-server and I found that in the log and juju status saying trying to download the lxd image and it is failing in downloading it.If I am right that is ubuntu:focal image to bring the rabbitmq-server is failing16:44
viswaachilleasa_ I wish I answered your question16:47
achilleasa_viswa: when you configured you model, did you also provide a juju-http-proxy/juju-https-proxy value?16:49
viswayes and I could see them in juju model-config too16:49
achilleasa_note that there is both an http-proxy and a juju-http-proxy setting16:50
viswamay I know what is the command to see juju-http-proxy setting16:50
achilleasa_so basically, when you bootstrap you just need to pass '--config juju-http-proxy=X' '--config juju-https-proxy-X'16:52
achilleasa_when you run `juju model-config` you should see a value there16:53
achilleasa_also, you mentioned that if you ssh in the box you can successfully 'lxc launch' things?16:53
viswaachilleasa_ I do see this in Ubunut16:53
viswaThese Juju-specific proxy settings are incompatible with the four corresponding legacy proxy settings described in earlier sections. Data validation is enabled to prevent collisions from occurring.16:53
viswaReference - https://discourse.charmhub.io/t/offline-mode-strategies/107116:53
achilleasa_I think you bootstrapped with the 'http-proxy' setting instead of 'juju-http-proxy'16:54
viswaachilleasa_ I was able to successfully run command lxc launch on running manually16:54
achilleasa_would it be possible to bootstrap again but this time use the juju-prefixed value?16:54
achilleasa_and inside the box, if you 'env | grep proxy' do you see the URL for squid?16:55
viswaachilleasa_ Sure I will do that16:55
viswaso I don't want to have http-proxy or https-proxy during bootstrap rather I need to have juju-http-proxy and juju-https-proxy16:56
achilleasa_yes, that one supersedes the plain one AFAICT16:56
achilleasa_one sec, let me double-check that16:56
viswaCoo! I could see http_proxy and https_proxy on env16:57
viswapls let me know so that I will do bootstrap again16:57
achilleasa_yes, the juju-http(s)-proxy ones seem like the way to go16:57
achilleasa_not 100% sure if needed but you may also have to pass the proxy address as a 'juju-no-proxy' setting (you can set that post bootstrap)16:59
vultaireHi - Just wanted to ask, is there any sort of graphviz-like tool for rendering Juju bundles visually?  I've been playing with the generatesvg.go tool in jujusvg, but it depends on gui-x/gui-y annotations.  If I want to quickly visualize a bundle exported from a cloud, well, that doesn't seem to work well for that case.16:59
viswaachilleasa_ I will do that17:04
=== achilleasa_ is now known as achilleasa
achilleasaviswa: just tried it and it works for me with juju-htt(s)-proxy. I added squid's IP (which is the same as the lxd remote IP that I was testing on) as juju-no-proxy17:31
achilleasaalso, can you please double-check your squid configuration to make sure that it's ACL doesn't block requests to the lxd image repository?17:32
viswaachilleasa do we need to provision the machine after adding proxy in juju model-configu17:49
viswaor juju automatically push the proxy configuraiton to the machine by the time I run juju model-config17:49
achilleasano, the machine agent will do that for you a few moments after you change any of the proxy settings17:50
achilleasaif you juju debug-log you will spot a message where it lets you know that the proxy settings have been updated17:50
viswaachilleasa install hook failed saying proxy authenticaiton required on running debug-log17:55
=== jose_ is now known as jose
=== shann_ is now known as shann
d4rks1d3I am trying to understand how to do a juju charm, Someone can explain me what is the main difference between @hook('amqp-relation-joined') @when('endpoint.amqp.joined') ? There are some points that I am using when and when_not however with hooks is not triggering the funcion. Thanks for your help20:22

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