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callmepkgood morning02:24
dufluMorning callmepk 02:26
callmepkmorning duflu 02:26
sarnoldhey callmepk, duflu :)02:26
dufluHi sarnold 02:27
callmepkhi sarnold 02:27
oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers06:32
jibelGood morning 06:35
dufluMorning oSoMoN, jibel, seb128, ricotz 06:43
jibelHi duflu 06:47
oSoMoNsalut jibel, hey duflu 06:47
ricotzhey duflu 06:47
dufluFavourite hack of the day:  sudo cp ~/.config/monitors.xml ~gdm/.config/06:47
oSoMoNhey ricotz 06:47
ricotzgood morning desktopers06:47
jibelHi oSoMoN ricotz 06:57
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didrocksgood morning08:07
jibelSalut didrocks 08:21
didrockshello jibel 08:22
seb128lut oSoMoN, didrocks, jibel08:25
didrockssalut seb128 08:25
seb128hey ricotz, duflu08:26
seb128hey jamesh 08:26
seb128how is everyone?08:26
jibelSalut seb128 , ça va?08:26
jameshhi seb128 08:26
seb128ça va ! no being woken up in the night for once, the day still started at 6h30 but that's an improvement still over previous night ;-)08:27
Nafallosalut tout le monde :-)08:31
didrocksbonjour bonjour Nafallo :p08:33
ricotzhey oSoMoN jibel didrocks seb128 jamesh Nafallo 08:38
jibelGood morning ricotz 08:39
didrockshey ricotz 08:40
marcustomlinsonmorning callmepk duflu sarnold oSoMoN jibel ricotz didrocks seb128 jamesh08:44
marcustomlinsona full house today :)08:44
Nafallovirtual house. it will expand as necessary ;-)08:45
marcustomlinsonoh and Nafallo08:45
marcustomlinsonhi :)08:45
jibelGood morning marcustomlinson 08:45
Nafallomarcustomlinson: :-D08:45
didrockshey hey marcustomlinson :)08:53
* ricotz is looking forward to uploading libreoffice 7.1.2~rc2 soon :)08:56
marcustomlinsonricotz: 😎09:28
seb128shrug, git and me will never get really along :-/09:33
seb128I've a branch where I merged back some fixes done by the reviewer09:34
seb128it's clean status now and no pending change09:34
seb128but I do a rebase -i and validate the commit as they are, it fails on conflicts :/09:35
seb128those are currently in the repo in the same order, how can apply them in a rebase fail?09:35
dufluseb128, two ways of avoiding such conflicts (might work): 1. Make a new branch and just 'git cherry-pick` the commits you want. 2. git merge -s recursive -X theirs SOURCEBRANCH will forcefully avoid conflicts by always the taking changes from SOURCEBRANCH09:41
dufluOr if some other branch has the exact structure you want then:  git reset --hard OTHERBRANCH  will make yours the same graph09:42
dufluIf you make a mistake you can always find your previous head in 'git reflog'09:43
seb128duflu, thanks, it's my branch which Laney did a tweak to while review, but I guess that editing the history and things aren't linear anymore09:44
dufluAlso hi marcustomlinson 09:44
didrocksseb128: while you are on git mastery, do you mind pushing to the debian vcs the just uploaded GNOME Shell changes? I don’t have commit right over there. I’m happy to prepare a patch if you prepare, but that would be a single commit09:47
seb128didrocks, you have dev status on the salsa gnome-team group, are you sure you can't push to the vcs?09:49
didrocksseb128: I can try, I didn’t, one sec09:49
seb128I did add the proper right to ~ubuntu-desktop members so we can maintain the ubuntu package there09:49
didrockslet’s see09:50
KGB-2gnome-shell ubuntu/master 1264c69 Didier Roche debian/patches/ series ubuntu/configure_login_screen.patch * Make GDM background configurable with gsettings * https://deb.li/eHfc09:55
KGB-2gnome-shell ubuntu/master 247c010 Didier Roche debian/changelog * releasing package gnome-shell version 3.38.3-3ubuntu2 * https://deb.li/3Av3y09:55
didrocksindeed, that works :)09:55
seb128didrocks, \o/09:55
didrocksthanks seb128 09:55
GunnarHjGood morning all!09:56
GunnarHjIt looks like I'm a DD now. :)09:56
seb128hey GunnarHj, how are you? nice, congratulations09:56
didrockscongrats GunnarHj 09:57
GunnarHjseb128, didrocks: Thanks!09:57
Nafallodidrocks: I like that commit... :-D10:22
didrocksNafallo: I’m sure this is something your clients are asking for regularly :)10:24
Nafallonot really, but I'm sure branding will love having their background all the way ;-)10:26
marcustomlinsoncongrats GunnarHj!10:33
GunnarHjThanks marcustomlinson10:34
Nafallospeaking of git... I need to merge two different git repositories containing "hopefully" the same stuff :-P10:35
NafalloI reckon non-git diff is my best friend to even get going, right?10:35
Nafallopretty sure I'll loose history either way I do this...10:37
oSoMoNcongrats GunnarHj 10:53
GunnarHjThx oSoMoN!10:53
jphilipshi all. its yousuf from the xubuntu team.11:16
jphilipsxubuntu testers discovered that the Desktop folders, and sometimes other folders, weren't being translated11:17
jphilipsseems this issue isn't limited to just xubuntu but affects all flavors11:17
jphilipsi've left comments in this bug report https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-translations/+bug/88508611:18
ubot5Ubuntu bug 885086 in Ubuntu Translations "XDG "Desktop" item not translated on Live CD" [Medium,Triaged]11:18
oSoMoNGunnarHj, I've prepared an update to ubuntu-wallpapers with the new artwork for hirsute, but since we're past UI freeze I need an exception, and I read (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FreezeExceptionProcess#UserInterfaceFreeze_Exceptions) that I need to notify the documentation and translation teams on their respective MLs. I'm happy to follow the process, but I was wondering whether a simple IRC ping would do, as laney told me he usually does?11:38
GunnarHjoSoMoN: Let's do it here. No problem. We don't have any screenshots which would be affected anyway.11:39
oSoMoNGunnarHj, excellent, thanks11:39
hellsworthgood morning desktopers15:32
oSoMoNgood morning hellsworth 15:35
hellsworthhi oSoMoN how are you today?15:36
marcustomlinsonhey hellsworth15:38
hellsworthhi there marcustomlinson !15:43
hellsworthhope you're well too :)15:43
oSoMoNhellsworth, I'm good, thank you, how are you yourself?15:49
hellsworthoh i'm feeling a bit better today, thanks!15:49
ricotzhey hellsworth 16:21
hellsworthhey there ricotz 16:21
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xclaesseapt started to complain that http://ddebs.ubuntu.com signature is invalid. Did it change?18:03
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