
lotuspsychjegood morning02:58
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marcoagpintolotuspsychje: Hello03:31
marcoagpintomore 30 minutes and I should get some sleep03:32
marcoagpintoI have been coding03:32
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nikolamHello. Anyone thinking GNOME is actually useful DE and using it regularly? I started GNOME after spending, like, 15 years and more on Xfce, and I found default GNOME as totally uselesss DE.07:01
nikolamWhat's your experience and what am I missing that you know or recommend when using GNOME?07:02
guivercGNOME isn't my cup-of-tea either, however for some things its workflow is efficient & makes sense, I have it installed (i have multiple DEs installed) & login with GNOME when I want to use it  (it's also nice to have a change now & again.. )07:04
nikolamI were also thinking of refreshing my experience trying out, but what might be the workflow for GNOME? I don't see desktop icons, I don't see anything useful I could put in panel, I see only very large application icons I can search only if typing app names and I have file manager I can open. What's usabel with GNOME anyway?07:06
nikolamI were thinking I was bored with Xfce over the years, but I think it it were blessing..07:07
guivercsorry I'm mostly doing things.. to adjust panel beyond a few simple things you use extensions. in my experience some of the extensions are great, but come upgrade time, if the API has changed they'll just crash gnome so extensions can be a pain (each upgrade you have to check they'll work in the newer gnome)08:27
guivercif you don't like gnome apps; XFCE has been GTK3 since 19.10 so you can use xfce/mate/.. apps, I never got used to gnome's menu system  (I don't stick to gnome which I think is a huge part of it nikolam)08:28
guivercyeah XFCE is sort of boring... it just stays out of the way, lets you configure it as you want & just works... ie. usable, functional & suits me too (but I'm happy in LXQt too)08:30
nikolamYeah, I really don't find GNOME usable. Thanks for impressions.08:55
Maikeverybody has their personal preferences. You don't like Gnome or don't find it usable, then that's ok. No need to go on about it in various channels.09:01
Maiki use Unity myself but used every major dektop too including Gnome09:01
* Maik has been using Ubuntu since 200709:02
nikolamMaik, I need feedback on someone using it and maybe have some other impression, and it is not your right to say what others should talk about, really.09:33
nikolamMaik, well, feel free to share your own impressions, what is it _good_ about it at least, some bad , etc, maybe your kind of use is to hear about09:34
* nikolam on Xubuntu since 2006/7 (56K modem CD ISO download) 10:05
Maiknikolam: you were cross posting, that's why i said it and cross posting in various channels isn't allowed11:08
ubot5The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines11:09
nikolamMaik, ubuntu-discuss is for discussign ubuntu. I am dicsussing Ubuntu, so please get off my back.11:46
Maikkeep it nice will ya11:46
nikolamWell moment you keep it nice I will. I am not cross posting, you know.11:47
Maikyou posted in #ubuntu and #xubuntu thus cross posting11:47
Maikenough said11:48
nikolamMaik, so what. Please get off my back. I am on Xubuntu for Xubuntu stuff, I am on ubuntu-discuss for ubuntu stuff, regarding GNOME. You are lying that is something bad.11:48
Maikok>> troll confirmed11:49
lotuspsychjetone down please nikolam11:49
lotuspsychjediscuss and keep things nicely11:49
nikolamI am called here names11:49
nikolamlotuspsychje, plese civilize Maik11:50
lotuspsychjenikolam: maik only pointed you to crossposting, as its not allowed11:51
Maikignore it is11:51
lotuspsychjenikolam: so move on, and discuss now please11:51
nikolamlotuspsychje, what crossposting?11:51
lotuspsychjecrossposting means repeating the same lines in several ubuntu channels11:51
Maiknikolam: your nagging about Gnome in various channels as i said before11:51
nikolamNo GNOME is on Ubuntu. Isn't it. I am using Xubuntu and installed GNOME to chack it out, and ask for people on their impressions on GNOME in general.11:52
Maikposting the same stuff in various buntu channels is cross posting11:52
Maiki pointed you to the IRC guidelines, read them11:52
nikolamMaik, To what is your problem, were talkinga bout that hours ago if you have soem problem try curing it somewhere else.11:52
nikolamMaik, point it to somewhere else.11:52
Maikyou seem to have a issue, not me11:52
nikolamMaik, stop trolling11:53
lotuspsychjenikolam: also, repeating over and over gnome isnt usuable is even not a discussion but a personal statement you cant generalize11:53
Maiksee, troll behaviour11:53
nikolamlotuspsychje, only thing personal is Maik trolling.11:53
lotuspsychjeso what is this poll you wanna start really nikolam ?11:53
Maiksomeone willing to get rid of that annoying guy11:53
nikolamlotuspsychje, nothing in praticular, beside I am personally attacked by Maik.11:54
lotuspsychjeyeah you repeated that enough by now, move on to discussion now11:54
nikolamlotuspsychje, agreed11:54
Maikwell then11:55
nikolamYeah and GNOME is useless for desktop. Anyone have it's usage case and everyday behavior with GNOME as it is now in Ubuntu 20.10 etc is appreciated. Especially supporting GNOME use.11:56
nikolamWould really like to know from people using GNOME every day what is their thinking in a positive sense about it11:57
lotuspsychjei dont have issues with gnome at all11:57
lotuspsychjei do have a few personal wishlist bugs but thats another story11:57
nikolamlotuspsychje, would really like to know more about everyday use . Good and maybe some critiquie etc.11:58
nikolamI found myself pretty much lost after years of Xfce use , popping up in Gnome.11:58
Maikmaybe it's better to actually use Gnome for a month on a daily base to find out it's pro's and cons instead of asking others. :)12:03
nikolamI can't use Gnome for 5 minutes. Starting apps requires clicking in despair or typing their names.12:04
nikolamMaybe Gnome classis, it has menus12:04
lotuspsychjeclassicmenu indicator to the rescue12:05
Maikif you can't work with Gnome then stick with what you used for years: Xfce12:05
lotuspsychjeyou can tweak your environment if you like, instead of shouting its unsuable12:06
nikolamBut wonder what's th point if not using it with full-screen touchscreen with Windows8-like tabled apps12:06
Maikask the Gnome devs, maybe they can answer your questions12:14
nikolamIt's general user question not for devs per se.12:14
lotuspsychjewhat about touch screens?12:15
nikolamfull-screen big icon interface seems like it is meant to be used with tablets, not as s working desktop.12:16
Maikthen ask in #gnome on whatever server they are on12:16
nikolamI am asking on Ubuntu because ubuntu is all we are12:17
lotuspsychjechange resolution?12:18
Maikhave a nice day, i'm afk for a while12:18
nikolamlotuspsychje, what changing resolution has to do with it if DE by default uses full-screen big icons that fill the screen up. I am also thinking how that realtes to people coming from another platforms, does that bother them so they stop using it? I think I already have at least one example people stop using laptop alltogether after Ubuntu/Gnome installed12:19
lotuspsychjewhen change resolution you got a full screen with smaller icons12:20
lotuspsychjeyou dont wanna search apps in full screen?12:20
nikolamResolution is 1920X1200 for example. Maybe larger resolutions??12:20
nikolamI had a feeling apps are like lumped on the screen without any order etc.12:21
lotuspsychjegnome has a dock you can start apps on12:21
nikolamYeah I know, but beside starting apps seems not very useful12:22
lotuspsychjenikolam: so whats your ideal way to start apps exactly?12:24
nikolamI am accustomed having apps by their use case, like old-style grouping in menus. But what truly comes into mind is not starting apps at all, but using Right click>OpenWith according to document context. But the problem with using network apps is that there are no files per se, but network context , like clicking on link that opens application to handle type of data.12:26
nikolamWe are witnessing that most of data typed on web are handled by web browsers and web browser seems like is always opened and handle most of the staff we do on the network12:27
nikolamAnd unix principle of using separate apps for simple, separate tasks or managing different data types or network use is somewhat lost12:27
lotuspsychje!info classicmenu-indicator12:28
ubot5'focal' is not a valid distribution: bionic, bionic-backports, bionic-proposed, cosmic, cosmic-backports, cosmic-proposed, disco, disco-backports, disco-proposed, eoan, eoan-backports, eoan-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, stable, testing, trusty, trusty-backports, trusty-proposed, unstable, xenial, xenial-backports, xenial-proposed12:28
lotuspsychjecase solved!12:28
Maikor use MATE12:28
nikolamI haven't been using later Amiga interfaces much, but their datatypes comes into mind, where separate apps handle differnet kind of data and can interchange it12:29
nikolamAlso I think filesystem on Haiku used something similar from BeOS that have Amiga roots.12:30
nikolamMening, interface is not all that matters, it matter what it represents and does it is progressing toward something new and more useful12:30
nikolamAnd also VR interfaces comes into the mind, when nobody would bother with 2D DEs anymore.12:31
JimBuntubut, being 3D doesn't make it VR12:33
JimBuntuand let's just agree right now that VR means an immersive 3D experience that also intends to block true reality, whereas AR is the same but on top of real reality... since these terms are kind of outdated12:34
JimBuntuwithout the 'immersive' part, it's just a 2D rep of 3D instead of 'VR'12:34
* lotuspsychje likes gnome VR 3D amiga12:39
nikolamJimBuntu, you are on right track12:43
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