
jellyMuligan, does it move further if you allow sudo without a tty?00:09
jellyMuligan, visudo, comment out "Defaults        requiretty" if present00:10
fradmy favouritve media player doesn't recognize m4a files. Is there any way to redundantly convert 400 m4a's to mp3's, or do I simply need to change the file type (.m4a to .mp3)?00:33
Priceyfrad: https://askubuntu.com/questions/65331/how-to-convert-a-m4a-sound-file-to-mp300:35
Priceyfrad: Have you tried any of those?00:36
fradno Pricey , thanks00:37
fradPricey, I guess most native ubuntu media players nowadays play m4a files without problems...?00:43
redline_xim using ubuntu and trying to do a regression test with wine.  after configure, i get a list of missing files/deps and wondering if theres a quick ubuntu way to install them all?00:43
Bashing-omredline_x: ' sudo apt -f install ' will try.00:45
redline_xthanks for the suggestion but nope00:49
oerheksm4a , a.k.a. AAC, can sometimes be DRM protected00:49
raffaem2how can I have the terminal integrated in nautilus00:50
oerhekssearch for nautilus plugins00:50
Bashing-omredline_x: In that case show the channel - in a pastebin ' sudo apt update ; sudo apt upgrade ' - so we see what errors we are dealing with.00:50
oerheksnautilus-actions nautilus-extention-gnome-terminal and such00:51
raffaem2oerheks: I have installed `nautilus-extension-gnome-terminal ` but nothing changed ... do I have to activate it in some way?00:52
oerheksrestarting nautilus should do,00:53
redline_xbashing-on did you see my pastebin posted above?00:54
oerheksor maybe a logout/login is required00:54
raffaem2oerheks: logout/login didn't work out00:55
raffaem2I have Ubuntu 20.1000:55
Bashing-omredline_x: Nope - I missed the double lined entry - looking :D00:55
redline_xhow do you address a specific person like that in here? im using hexchat00:55
oerheksno clue there, open as administrator is in mine00:57
oerheksand open in terminal00:57
raffaem2oerheks: does it work for you?00:59
raffaem2(BTW I have found this https://github.com/flozz/nautilus-terminal and it is working)01:00
Bashing-omredline_x: Still, I would like to see ' sudo apt update ; sudo apt upgrade ' results.01:00
Bashing-om!tab | redline_x01:01
ubotturedline_x: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.01:01
redline_xah th01:01
redline_xBashing-om, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Jzw7tBF3R7/01:05
Bashing-omredline_x: Says "apt" is happy - is the package manager ' sudo dpkg -C ' also happy ?01:07
raffaem2oerheks: does that plugin works for you?01:08
redline_xBashing-om, yar01:08
krytarikredline_x: "sudo apt build-dep wine" - done this yet?01:09
redline_xkrytarik, yes, i get 'unable to find source package for wine'01:10
redline_xi have wine 6.4 installed from winehq01:11
redline_xim assuming i could install the missing pieces one by one but wow theres quite a few to type in.  must be a better way01:15
krytarikredline_x: That would seem to be "wine-devel" in your case then.01:18
redline_xkrytarik, i get the same unable to find source package for all of them01:20
redline_xfor all of wine, wine-devel, wine-development etc01:20
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krytarikhttps://dl.winehq.org/wine-builds/ubuntu/dists/focal/main/source/ - yeah, based on this I just figured that too..01:20
krytarikredline_x: But since there is indeed a "wine" one in there, it seems you don't have the sources enabled in the first place?01:24
redline_xkrytarik, YAY!01:26
Zuroger-W102Any idea what does "noeject" kernel command line param do, I can't find it in the official docs on kernel.org01:26
Zuroger-W102I'm not sure, perhaps preventing not ejecting USB but I don't think this explains it, it can't physicaly prevent01:27
Zuroger-W102perhaps Clonezilla uses a mix of some custom commands and other things in there, not just kernel params01:27
oerheksnoeject: Do not prompt to eject the live medium https://manpages.debian.org/jessie/live-boot-doc/live-boot.7.en.html01:28
Zuroger-W102Ah debian ... okay, thanks a lot!01:28
oerheksnot sure what use it gives, i think it is not enabled.01:29
krytarikhttps://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/focal/en/man7/live-boot.7.html  :P01:31
redline_xthanks all for your help tonite.  im still stuck at the original error, but im going to try again tomorrow01:46
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Zuroger-W102I'm trying to clone ubuntu with 4 partitions, root, home, NTFS, SWAP, from a HDD, to a new SSD, and ofcourse want to skip the large NTFS partition, any particularities or any issues I might get with Clonezilla?02:22
bancroftIs there a way to force OOM to kill the currently running process?02:28
bancrofti'm trying to handle OOMs in my webapp02:28
sarnoldbancroft: check the choom(1) tool, and the proc(5) entries on oom02:31
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bancroftsarnold: thank you! Is there a choom for debian/ubuntu? I don't see it in man or when I run as root02:47
sarnoldbancroft: it's in the util-linux package02:47
sybaritenAnyone here using cifs mount by any chance? I'm having problems mounting a share that's supposed to have no username or password02:49
sarnoldsybariten: what mount options have you tried so far? what error messages did you get from those? were there more details in dmesg? how about the logs of the remote machine?02:58
sybaritensarnold: yeah sorry my question was terrible, i tend to always come asking "is there anyone with experience of blah blah....."02:59
sarnoldsybariten: ack, half my bug reports are rubbish :) hehe02:59
sybariteni'm using something like     sudo mount -t cifs // /mnt/hoover_data/ -o username=guest,sec=ntlm     ... one of many permutations i've found by googling03:00
sarnoldif there's no username and password I wonder if -ousername="" would do the trick03:00
sybaritenIt should be noted that i dont really have a user account for this, it's supposed to be a "guest" share. Win10 can connect to it as such. But not ubuntu at the moment03:00
sybaritenlemme try03:00
sarnoldI seem to recall some problem with mount.cifs and " marks. that's a *vague* memory from ages ago though03:00
sybaritenHmmm i wonder if that was an error i got now. I should mention i've had all sorrts of error replieas actually! With my former, pasted command line i got "Password for guest@//192.168.1.....blahblah"03:01
sybaritenNow it just said      username specified with no parameter       and not really an error, i wonder if it actually worked or not. Lemme see03:02
sybaritenHmmmm no, the folder under /mnt/ is still emptyu....03:03
sarnoldyou could try fiddling with the sec= setting, too. It's been decades since I've read through the samba docs; I think I heard that it's impossible to get "no security" on windows these days, so maybe sec=none can't actually work these days, but it's worth a try :)03:04
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sybaritensarnold:aha aha ok thanks!03:10
sybariteni mean the same NAS can also do NFS shares as it seems, so ... i dont know anything about NFS though03:10
oerheks //Server/Share /mnt/sharefolder cifs guest,_netdev,x-systemd.automount 0 0  ## or cifs guest,uid=1000,iocharset=utf8,vers=1.0 0 0 ## is on my list03:10
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sybaritensarnold: solved it! sudo mount -t cifs // /mnt/hoover_data/ -o username="guest",password="",noperm,vers=1.0         and thanks oerheks also03:27
brandonkalIs there an IRC channel to discusses hosting email, or can I ask here?03:28
ubottuWant to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks!03:33
oerheksbrandonkal, most likely #ubuntu-server but setting up a secure email service and monitoring require a good planning03:35
oerheksor short, it is not worth it, pay for a premium service03:36
brandonkalYes. I've delegated that work. My question is if setting up MTA-STS is relevant for a domain if I delegate MX to another service domain that has MTA-STS?03:37
oerheksehm, certbot does that for you?03:42
oerheksdo some reading https://www.linuxbabe.com/mail-server/how-to-set-up-a-backup-email-server-postfix-ubuntu03:43
oerhekssudo certbot --apache -d mta-sts.your-domain03:47
brandonkaloerheks interesting article though it is still not clear as (a) I'm not hosting smtp myself and (b) it would appear I would need to spin up a server to serve the text file.03:55
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LostidentityTheBigK02: I DID IT04:32
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mikelissAnybody know if nmap and arp have some sort of device name cache? I'm scanning my network for a device that I know has a hostname of synology and a mac address related to synology, but nmap and arp both think it's Galaxy-S8-Lisa. We have a neighbor two doors down named Lisa, but she hasn' t been to our house in a year (COVID), and I don't imagine she was ever on our network, but I guess it's possible. I'm confused what's happeni05:31
mikelissng here. Any ideas?05:31
mikelissHere's an example: https://gist.github.com/mlissner/3cbb27b769fefe9c00c9be05c9c0214805:32
SamianI did apt-get remove on an essential package which removes even more essential packages and now I can't boot into my work laptop.  I created a live usb ubuntu os I've booted into. I need to reinstall the essential packages. Anyone know an easy way?05:44
TimothyPHi! Is there a way to prevent Ubuntu from switching default audio device automatically. Every time I walk away from the PC it switches back to another audio device (instead of my HDMI output)05:52
johfsthey, so i just upgraded 18.04->20.04 and libreoffice can't be started by my user, but does start under root. it doesn't output any kind of error message, and doesn't start a background process, just exits. i chowned my .config directory, which seems to be the standard solution, but didn't help05:57
johfsti also tried switching to the version in the libreoffice ppa, same problem05:57
johfsti've also tried starting /usr/lib/libreoffice/program/oosplash directly (avoiding the wrapper script), no dice06:02
nikolamI am wondering if some people actually use modern GNOME on Ubuntu 20.10 etc. ? I am on Xfce since 2006 and even Xfce were changing very slowly for the whole time, Xfce seems like the real desktop environment, and I don't see GNOME as even useful.06:33
nikolamHow do you survive while using GNOME and can you say it is useful desktop, I see GNOME totally pointless and useless..06:34
nikolamGNOME can't be customized at all as it seems and I don't see the point in it at all..06:36
Maik!discuss | nikolam06:39
ubottunikolam: Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks!06:39
Maikbesides that, Gnome can be customized when using extensions.06:41
nikolamMaik, but as it comes with distro it seems totally useless as DE as I see it. Maybe Ubuntu would benefit switching to Xfce by default, to have at least working DE. Ok. #ubuntu-discuss it is.06:43
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TheBigK02Samian: if u are in ur live ubuntu u just need to mount into ur original system and chroot into it.. then u can use apt to install the essential package06:54
Maikno need to keep ranting nikolam, if you don't like gnome then keep using xfce. I didn't see you show up in the discuss channel yet so i leave it at this.06:56
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pagiosHello, i am running ubuntu 20 lts, i am trying to get OWL to install in order to use opendrop, i cant find the OWL package in the repo, how cani  install ?08:07
roryIt doesn't look like there are ubuntu/debian packages available, you might have to compile it using the instructions on the github page pagios https://github.com/seemoo-lab/owl08:12
rorygit clone https://github.com/seemoo-lab/owl.git08:14
rorythen install the dependencies first: sudo apt install libpcap-dev libev-dev libnl-3-dev libnl-genl-3-dev libnl-route-3-dev08:14
Samiani'm depressed08:17
SamianI did apt-get remove on a very essential package and now I can't even boot into ubuntu08:18
SamianI tried making a live usb os to boot into and to reinstall the packages while booted in via the usb. But I can't figure it out08:18
Samiansome chroot-jail trick I thought would work08:18
Samianafter reading this https://serverfault.com/questions/857474/install-package-via-apt-from-a-live-cd-to-the-real-system08:19
overcluckerSamian: what part are you stuck on?08:38
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TheBigK02Samian is not online enough to actually help him i feel. may be he can figure it out by himself...09:26
overcluckerif he's offline, he's probably making progress09:32
TheBigK02overclucker: if u want to think positively... or its that broken that he gave up :)09:38
overcluckerTheBigK02: failure is good too, that way he knows how much he needs us, jk09:45
TheBigK02overclucker: if u reinstall to fix the problem u didnt learn much tho... but thats up to everybodies decision09:46
overcluckerYou also miss out on that smug feeling you get when you've figured out the problem09:47
TheBigK02true... :)09:48
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plufzHi! I’m trying to use a vps with blender and an nvidia gpu (propriety drivers). My google skills doesnt seem to help me. According to the nvidia tools the gpu is up and running. But all software that uses opengl just say “libGL error: No matching fbConfigs or visuals found”, what am I missing to install or configure?11:24
plufzI’ve been trying to get this working for multiple days and would be so glad for ANY helping tips at all.11:25
calielgood morning #ubuntu11:48
lotuspsychjewelcome caliel11:48
lotuspsychjewhat can we do for you?11:48
calielhello lotuspsychje11:49
BluesKajHi folks11:49
calielI am just wondering why /var/php/sessions has no right permissions on a prod server, just setfacl rwX for www-data:, is this better than a chmod 775?11:50
raubplufz: by vps you mean a vritual machine of some sort?11:50
plufzraub: yeah, a virtualized computer on a cloud server center.12:14
V|Ahi all12:25
V|Amy system keeps crashing and i have no idea whats up12:26
V|Achanged MB then all was well .. now i dont get the visual glitches anymore its just a straight freeze or crash12:27
V|Ai know where the logs r but have no app to look at them12:27
FevixTrying to install a thing, but Python keeps telling me it's missing the module pygame. I've already run [pip install pygame], and even uninstalled pygame then reinstalled it13:36
eoli3n_How to completly disable avahi daemon ?13:37
eoli3n_systemctl disable avahi-daemon.socket avahi-daemon13:38
eoli3n_reboot, still running13:38
Paddy_NIeoli3n_: https://bfy.tw/Qc4Q13:39
eoli3n_and ?13:39
makara1something changed in gnome. My empty vertical workspaces don't collapse anymore13:42
makara1dynamic workspaces are selected13:43
V|Alol im gettign the feeling this shit show might be cause wierd shit happening through cables13:44
FevixAnyone help with that module problem?13:44
V|Amaybe the audio cable to amplifier connection >.<13:44
leftyfbFevix: sudo apt install python-pygame13:44
Fevixleftyfb, still not found13:48
ledeniFevix➡ try sudo apt install python3-pygame13:49
Fevixledeni, that's what leftyfb told me to do13:50
Fevixoh yours is python313:50
Fevixno module 'tkinter'13:52
Fevixpip install tells me no module satisfies that13:52
leftyfbFevix: sudo apt install python3-tk13:54
leftyfbFevix: what are you installing?13:54
BluewolfGood day all. I'm using an on board realtek sound chip with Ubuntu 20.04 with headphones. The audio comes out low and fuzzy, but on an older computer with the same OS is crisp. Could this be a driver problem?14:12
lotuspsychjeBluewolf: sudo lshw -C sound show driver?14:12
Bluewolflotuspsychje - https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/nXW9HxBmdw/14:15
lotuspsychjeBluewolf: seems loaded14:16
lotuspsychjeBluewolf: what about sudo lshw -C video ?14:16
Bluewolflotuspsychje - https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/58S5hWsDrN/14:19
BluewolfFunny really - At first I was convinced the headphones were bad - Until I used them on my laptop xD14:20
lotuspsychjealso good, lets see your dmesg in a pastebin please Bluewolf maybe volunteers can find something there14:20
Bluewolflotuspsychje - I see some errors...14:23
lotuspsychjeBluewolf: can you try a graphics driver switch as a test please, see if this can influence your sound14:27
lotuspsychjeBluewolf: ubuntu-drivers list, to see your available drivers14:28
Muliganjelly, 'Defaults requiretty' isn't present14:31
Bluewolflotuspsychje - Graphics driver is set to 'nvidia-driver-450 (proprietary)' so trying 'nvidia-driver-456 (proprietary)'14:38
Zuroger-KUB20So umm I was told that I shouldn't worry about SSD (TRIM) compatability cloning from HDD to SSD and that it should work out automatically14:45
Zuroger-KUB20I digged a bit further and now noticed some guides say real-time trim is actually not a good idea on linux and it is fine if it runs once a week with the fstrim.service, right?14:45
Zuroger-KUB20So I don't need to do any edits in fstab?14:45
Zuroger-KUB20Well that was an article from 2013 saying that "discard" doesn't perform well14:46
jellyyeah, avoid discard mount option, use the timer unit or whatever14:50
jelly/lib/systemd/system/fstrim.timer seems to be enabled automatically for me on 18.0414:52
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loganRunanybody know what version of zfs the current version of ubuntu has?15:08
leftyfbloganRun: why?15:09
loganRunwant to use zfs with encryption but apparently a version 0.8 or greater is required15:09
loganRunlooks like my current system only has 0.7515:10
leftyfbloganRun: what OS/distro is your current version?15:10
leftyfbcurrent system*15:10
loganRunLinux Mint 19.1 tessa15:11
loganRundon't want to install ubuntu if it won't work15:19
loganRunso wanted to check the version of zfs15:19
lotuspsychjeBluewolf: any luck?15:26
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merijnkwhere do i choose the graphics card in ubuntu 20?  i wanted to blacklist the nvidia card, to pass it to a kvm windows virual machine, but it wont fall back to the onboard intel hd gaphics16:21
Bluewolflotuspsychje - I've done the graphics. Don't notice anything so far - Donno if a restart is required or new session?16:40
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Antoine-Hello, when we install libreoffice-base via apt, it misses a java dependency (hsqldb-java if I remember correctly). There must be a reason but I can't find it. Would anyone know?17:17
leftyfbAntoine-: what version of ubuntu?17:17
Antoine-leftyfb: I'm on 20.1017:18
mrtrousersDoes someon what ubuntu application has a shuriken like logo? It's like a shuriken with only 3 outward curved spikes..17:28
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leftyfbmrtrousers: huh?17:31
mrtrousersleftyfb here: https://imgur.com/5nwkskp17:36
mrtrousersWhat's the application of this logo?17:36
leftyfbmrtrousers: no idea. Why?17:36
mrtrousersI saw a webinar about snap today and that application was open during it, and reminded me of something, i must have used it at some point and cant remember what it is..17:37
leftyfbmrtrousers: rech ou to the presenter of the webinar17:37
leftyfbmrtrousers: reach out to the presenter of the webinar17:38
mrtrousersI might if no one knows..17:38
mrtrousersDoes someone know what ubuntu application is that logo from? : https://i.imgur.com/5nwkskp.png17:38
jwisbell35_mrtrousers, OBS I think.17:40
mrtrousersCool, thanks jwisbell3517:40
jwisbell35_mrtrousers, Yup..  https://obsproject.com/17:40
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VMGuy23i think software Updater is broken17:59
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DJones# 5/w 2018:01
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BluewolfEvening. Could someone at this dmesg and explain any issues? - https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Q9Vm59WtNJ/18:56
Bluewolf*take a look :D18:57
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jayjowhat's the correct way to stop pcscd on my system when it is using a socket file for activation as described here? https://ludovicrousseau.blogspot.com/2011/11/pcscd-auto-start-using-systemd.html When I use `sudo service pcscd stop` I get the message Warning: Stopping pcscd.service, but it can still be activated by: pcscd.socket and my readers are still activated19:07
sarnoldjayjo: I think also sudo systemctl disable pcscd.socket19:17
agvantiboHello. I have an upgrade problem. Here are the outputs of apt:19:31
oerheks ... discord is already the newest19:33
oerheks5 not fully installed, run sudo apt dist-upgrade19:33
oerheksthere is a huge update available, openssl..19:34
VMGuy23wait, is that... face id?19:34
agvantibooerheks, thanks. I've tried dist-upgrade and got the same thing. https://paste.gnome.org/plg4zvb4t19:35
jayjosarnold: I tried that, and it does give me 'TriggeredBy: ● pcscd.socket' in `sudo service pcscd status` but the device is still activated19:36
jayjoso maybe it is not pcscd, or maybe there is a rogue process somewhere. Is it possible to see all processes that are opening a device file?19:36
oerheksdid you try to get fresh lists too? sudo apt update19:36
agvantiboVMGuy23, this is a project called Howdy. It is very useful, you probably should try: https://github.com/boltgolt/howdy19:36
oerheks if the file /var/run/reboot-required exists, reboot first19:37
agvantibooerheks, nope, the lists are fresh, done an apt-update and apt-upgrade a minute ago19:37
agvantiboaand i've just rebooted19:37
agvantibofollishly thought that this long error will go away like a bad dream19:37
VMGuy23agvantibo: just found a tutorial and getting it, but gtg19:38
agvantiboVMGuy23, thanks for the care! I'll be online for it19:38
agvantibojayjo, the fuser command19:40
sarnoldjayjo: oh :( bummer19:43
sarnoldjayjo: lsof or fuser or opensnoop-bpfcc perhaps19:43
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VMGuy23how long does it take to install Howdy and how does it work?20:17
VMGuy23(as in, how do i use it)20:17
FurretUberHi, I'm using Xubuntu 20.04, QEMU crashed and now it's a zombie process. It's taking nearly 50% of the system memory and nothing makes the process truly end, parent is init already. Is there something that can be done without rebooting?20:20
VMGuy23have you killed as well as ending?20:21
sarnoldFurretUber: kill -9 ?20:21
FurretUberkill -9 didn't work20:21
VMGuy23you might have to reboot20:21
FurretUberdmesg  has a lot of errors like guest page write error, gpa 11abf1820 I think I'll have to reboot20:24
sarnoldyeah that's probably in reboot territory20:24
sarnold*defintely* reboot territory20:24
VMGuy23Howdy doesnt work, opencv error20:26
FurretUberOk, rebooting20:28
JohnTalentHey, after my latest Ubuntu update my firefox and terminal go into loops and take up 100% cpu. Does anyone know about this?20:40
sarnoldJohnTalent: I don't think anyone else has mentioned it in here in the last day or so20:43
sarnoldJohnTalent: if you want to try to figure out what's going on, it might be worthwhile to try to capture some perf top or something and see what it's doing. my guess is a reboot or logging out and logging in again would help if you just want to get back to work20:44
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onjenslookup meet.magazino.eu21:05
onjenssh magadmin@nma221:09
leftyfbonjen: can we help you with something?21:13
leftyfbonjen: what?21:18
onjenoh sorry21:20
onjenwhat on earth just happened, seems like my input got duplicated21:20
onjenTIL terminator terminal broadcast mode, which is enabled with Alt+a ... sorry for the spam didn't know about this feature21:25
leftyfbonjen: it's not "ALT+a" by default, you must have changed it. By default it's Super+g21:29
onjenbroadcast_all -> Alt+A21:30
leftyfbah, broadcast, though it was grouping21:31
onjenleftyfb: that way it broadcasted the input to all open windows, which is not the best idea to enable accidentaly :D21:32
leftyfbnever even knew there was a broadcast. Not sure why you'd want that over grouping. I have it disabled for mine. Don't remember even disabling it21:33
leftyfbonjen: right, grouping does the same thing21:33
leftyfbah, you can keep the groups but turn off broadcasting21:34
VMGuy23any help?21:34
VMGuy23when i try to use howdy, this shows up21:34
eater9terminator grouping hosed my whole system once when I chmodded a user directory and meanwhile it secretly issued the same command in a root / window21:36
eater9never installing it again21:36
leftyfbVMGuy23: you'll have to seek support from the Howdy project. It's not a supported Ubuntu application21:36
eater9and apparently i am also warning strangers about it21:36
leftyfbeater9: I've been using terminator for well over 10 years. Never ran into that issue. Don't hit ALT+a or super+g and you won't run into that issue. Or disable the keyboard shortcuts21:37
eater9yeah I am sure it has its fans. I didn't even know that feature existed when I was using it till it was too late, and I certainly never knowingly hit any shortcut that would have invoked it21:39
eater9it is too easy to turn on accidentally considering how powerful it is IMO (or at least that was the case 5 years ago when I got bit by it)21:39
VMGuy23im looking for how to find camera (/dev/v4l/...)21:40
leftyfbVMGuy23: ls -l /dev/v4l/by-id/21:41
=== jelly-home is now known as jelly
=== Guest37282 is now known as mozzarella
SimplarSo I have Ubuntu installed completely on my HDD, but I have like 25.8Gb unallocated space partition on my SSD and I wish to speed up the boot of Ubuntu. How do I do that correctly? Thanks!22:52
SimplarUbuntu 20.1022:53
kk4ewtSimplar, what is the size of your ssd and where is your /boot and / located22:53
Simplar256Gb SSD, Windows installed, 90Gb occupied on the SSD. Everything else, probably including Windows Boot Manager, is on the HDD.22:54
kk4ewtso for linux you really need 50G for / and 500M-1G for it22:56
SimplarI am dual booting between windows and linux22:56
kk4ewtso for linux you really need 50G for / and 500M-1G for /boot22:56
Simplarhm, so I should chop off 25 more gigs on ssd22:56
kk4ewtthats is up to you22:56
kk4ewtdo the resize in windows22:56
SimplarBut if I move /boot and / into the ssd, it will speed Ubuntu up, too?22:57
oerheksreinstall ubuntu on that ssd, and use the slower hdd for home23:00
sarnoldor better yet, use hdd only for video files and the like23:02
=== Napsterbater_ is now known as Napsterbater
redline_xsup nerd23:55

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