
=== jphilips_ is now known as jphilips
jphilipsbluesabre, pleia2, knome: tried to upload an image to the website and getting an HTTP error.06:45
Unit193bluesabre: I guess if it's not too late we might want to grab the new thunar?07:21
jphilipstesting week announcement - https://xubuntu.org/news/xubuntu-21-04-testing-week/08:48
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ATTN: Xubuntu Core 21.04 - amd64 - amd64 built.09:51
bluesabreUnit193: yeah!11:12
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pleia2jphilips: if you're still having trouble, submit a ticket with rt@ubuntu.com and ask for help in #canonical-sysadmin16:13
pleia2(alas, they maintain the install, not us)16:13
pleia2jphilips: make sure you give them the RT ticket number, they need that for their work queue16:51
pleia2(they can't just help via IRC, they need a ticket)16:51
jphilipspleia2: oh okay will do16:53
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=== acheronuk is now known as RikMills
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=== sorinello1 is now known as sorinello
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Unit193pleia2: I hate to jump on your re-join, but would I be able to assist upgrading the xubuntu-dev server?20:37
pleia2Unit193: ok, I have a work call in 20 minutes, but if all goes well I can do the upgrade after that20:40
Unit193Oh, well that was quick!  Hope the call isn't too terrible. :)20:41
Unit193jphilips: Have you done a lot of ISO tests?20:58
=== jphilips_ is now known as jphilips
jphilipsUnit193: i've done a bit and we have a few testers in the telegram group who are doing testing.21:03
Unit193Ever run across grub installation bugs, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bugs?field.searchtext=grub&orderby=-id ?21:03
Unit193My main tester for Xubuntu Core has been hit by this for some time now, it seems some others (might?) not have this issue, so it's maybe intermittent.  But I've not actually heard of a confirmed successful install.21:04
jphilipsnever had a grub installation bug before, though i think 20.04.2 did have such a bug, which is why they released
Unit193Heh, LP 1920684 even mentions specifically Xubuntu.21:18
ubot3Launchpad bug 1920684 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Grub could not be updated during install of xubuntu" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/192068421:18
jphilipsi remember hearing about this - https://www.explorelinux.com/grub-install-fatal-error-during-installing-ubuntu-20-10-to-usb-drive/21:20
jphilipsthis seems identical to that bug - https://askubuntu.com/questions/1311137/ubuntu-20-10-installer-not-seeing-existing-windows-10-installation21:29
jphilipsdoubt any grub issue would be xubuntu specific21:29
Unit193Most certainly not.  Would you like to try a current Core image to see if you also hit it?21:29
jphilipssaw a notice on irc today that the latest build of core was out, so why not21:30
jphilipswill ask the xubuntu testers to also give it a go21:34
jphilipswhen i'm using zsync to download the iso, i'm getting this error https://imgur.com/yuoWlAM.png21:41
jphilipsis `zsync https://unit193.net/xubuntu/core/pending/xubuntu-21.04-core-amd64.iso.zsync` not sufficient21:42
Unit193zsync can't handle https.21:43
Unit193Debian #45970621:43
ubot3Debian bug 459706 in zsync "zsync can not download from HTTPS" [Minor, Open] https://bugs.debian.org/45970621:43
jphilipsso how to use the .zsync file21:43
Unit193Either use http: or don't use zsync, basically.21:44
Unit193https://sourceforge.net/p/zsync/mailman/zsync-users/ dang, that's pretty dang dead..21:44
Unit193pleia2: FWIW, I pulled in the openssl update and restarted affected services.21:58

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