
xu-irc90wsomeone use xubuntu on ryzen 5 3500u laptop ?04:39
xu-irc90wit has a problem ?04:40
xu-irc90wi wanna use it04:40
nikolamSeems like xfce4 weather applet works again in panel, updating weather data over internet06:31
nikolamI'll check if it sonnected maybe with me installing GNOME to check it out a bit. (GNOME seems totally useless comparing to Xfce btw.. )06:32
Unit193That'd be entirely unrelated.06:35
nikolamUnit193, ok.06:38
Unit193xfce4-weather-plugin would use nothing from GNOME.06:39
nikolamBtw, GNOME really seems useless DE. I don't understand how it can be effectively used at all. I so take for granted Xfce panel customization ability, I didn't even see GNOME having desktop icons, active applications..06:41
nikolamIt is only me of Xfce really seems so much useful then GNOME, wonder if there are other opinions and experiences.06:41
Unit193You can install different plugins to make GNOME slightly more useful, but generally speaking it's made for you to use it as they set it up, not how you do.06:42
Unit193They're interested in 'brand recognition', so limit how you can customize it.06:43
nikolamUnit193, seems like I would stay on Xfce4 forever. I were bit bored over the years, but I see now it's more blessing using Xfce then anything else.06:44
Unit193You could try KDE, LXQt, Openbox, AwesomeWM, i3wm, sway, etc if you'd like to liven things up!06:45
nikolamSeems like brand recognition in Gnome backfires a lot on Ubuntu in general comparing to proprietary competition.06:45
Unit193It seems to work for some folks.06:46
nikolamUnit193, yeah, I have BTRFS with apt-btrfs-snapshot, so I can install , try and come back to previous system state, but I have a quite good impression I think over the years what othe Wm's ot DE's would bring. But sure, I could try them all what they bring today.06:46
Unit193Heh, snazzy!06:47
nikolamI had a neighbor I put Ubuntu on the laptop for, and I think she stopped using laptop at all, started using Android phone almost exclusively.. Maybe it's not GNOME's fault, but Mobile phone form factor convenience06:48
Unit193Huh, I don't see it in the repos.06:48
nikolamUnit193, yes and ZFS mounted /home/user folders :P06:49
nikolamUnit193, apt-btrfs-snapshot is the package name06:49
Unit193Ah, Ubuntu only.  Checked on the wrong host.06:51
nikolamOne can update ext4 to btrfs in-place. Btrfs also supports expanding boot disk to software RAID1 but need to command it to mirror both data and metadata etc.06:51
Unit193...TIL that too. 0_o06:52
Unit193Interesting as Ubuntu seems to have more of a focus on zfs, which is somewhat understandable as btrfs is still pretty young and sometimes has integrity issues from what I recall.06:53
nikolamWell, I don't think Btrf is young. ZFS is truly older and longer in production, especially well supported with OpenZFS, but I Btrfs has it's benefits, like being in-kernel, having multiple different RAID levels per-dataset.., so I use Btrfs for Linux system and ZFS for important data :P06:55
nikolamIf wanting to avoid on-boot fsck , then ZFS is better solution, yes. (Think XFS also does not require it on boot)06:56
Unit193The in-place bit is interesting, as are some btrfs features.  Though as of late ext4 even grew some features.  ZFS is avilable in the installer now, and IIRC redhat changed to XFS.06:56
nikolamStarting with snapshots, data and metadata checksums, zfs send / btrfs send for replication, transparent compression (and transparent encryption on OpenZFS), I for 10 years don't see any point in using Ext4.. and I stay away from LVM as far as possible, because those layers are included in Btrfs and ZFS06:58
nikolamI don;t think I could install on ZFS last time I have run Ubuntu installer.. Or at least it required reformatting whole drive or somehting.. not installing on existing ZFS or on partition, so I opted for Btrfs for Linux install still.07:00
Unit193Curious, do you know how much extra space apt-btrfs-snapshot requires?07:23
jehutydegressionXfce is miles better than GNOME, IMO. Xfce is easily customized, easy to use, and runs well on older and newer hardware.07:44
jehutydegressionAnd it's stable. What more can you ask for?07:44
nikolamUnit193, shapshots on zfs and btrfs do not require additional space, they are Copy-On-Write file systems.08:47
jphilipstesting week announcement - https://xubuntu.org/news/xubuntu-21-04-testing-week/08:48
nikolamIt can use more space over time, as you progress and make changes, so best is to remove oldest snapshots08:48
nikolamSnapshots are quite useful for replications and backups, faster and better then rsync08:49
nikolamIt does not exlude using rsync of course. Btrfs snapshots are by default read-write , behave as separate FS (read-only with -s option) and zfs snapshots are read-only by default (accessible under .zfs folder)08:50
nikolamjehutydegression, that is exactly true. I am just curious to see how other DEs are doing after all those years. Been using MATE (GNOME2 continuation) ono non-Linux distro for some time, too.08:51
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xu-irc53whi, I accidently removed wifi settings/options from right side of lower bar. Xubuntu, newbie. Can anybody help me, please?16:08
jphilipsxu-irc53w: hi. how did you remove it?16:20
xu-irc53wred  - Remove16:23
xu-irc53wI tried to add it again but list of items does not contain it :(16:23
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xu-irc53whi, I accidently removed wifi settings/options from right side of lower bar. Xubuntu, newbie. Can anybody help me, please?20:36
xu-irc53wI tried to add it again but list of items does not contain it :(20:36
krytarikxu-irc53w: I'd look for Indicator plugin first.20:42
piscvauHello I am running xubuntu Bionic 18.04 and I would like to upgrade to 20.04. I do not have the package do-release-updgrade and if I type in terminal apt-get install do-release-upgrade it says cannot find the package. any solution?21:16
krytarikpiscvau: 'ubuntu-release-upgrader-core' would be the package that includes it.21:22

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